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brickhistory 18th Jul 2006 21:18

Originally Posted by 7gcbc
and you assume the scared youth is non-Israeli ? such is your agility of thought.

When your post said "scared, ill trained, poorly disiplined and terrified youth." yes, I made the assumption that you were referring to the Hezb./Hamas side.
Scared? The Israeli trooper might be, probably would be (I would). Ill-trained, poorly disciplined, don't think that would describe the IDF very well. So, I have no problem with standing by my post regarding your scenario.

"Agility of thought" is not a term to describe me, more B-52-ish than F-16-ish, but :ok: for the drive-by cheap shot......well done for missing "pendant" for "pennant," however!

bad livin' 18th Jul 2006 21:58

Horrifying. The phrase world war three was just coined on the BBC. Whether in the context of a worst imaginable outcome or not, hearing those words is a dreadful thing.

SASless 18th Jul 2006 22:23

I would argue WWIII is upon us....it started with the onset of Islamic Fundamentalist attacks on Western Society. War is sometimes described as the attack upon another nation with the intent to take land and resources or to subjugate another nation's citizens.

Is that exactly what we are confronted with currently? Islamofascists intent upon destroying us and replacing our concepts of freedom and democracy with their own form of government and beliefs?

The question to me is when are we going to mobilize and form an alliance to defeat this meanace?

Almost_done 18th Jul 2006 22:23

Now my geography and biblical knowledge may be a bit off, been a while since bible, geography and history classes.

The valley plain called Megiddo or Armageddon as it is described in Relevations is quite close to the area of concern at the moment?

Maybe St John got it right after all?

Also I believe there was some significant action there during the WW1 General Allenby I think.

movadinkampa747 18th Jul 2006 22:37

Originally Posted by SASless
The question to me is when are we going to mobilize and form an alliance to defeat this meanace?

I thought that is what Bush and Blair did. What about Iraq and Afghanistan?

Pontious 18th Jul 2006 22:39

SASLess- you're spot on. The Western (mainly European) Demo 'crass' ies have grown weak and hide under the blanket of appeasement. The only saving grace is that it won't continue... Inshallah!;)

God protect those servicemen of all uniforms who assist in the speedy evac. of the innocents in this debarcle.

With the lack of international support for Hezbollah, no UN or G8 call for an un-conditional ceasefire & an unusually silent Arab League, methinks the end of Hezbollah is nigh... for now.


SASless 18th Jul 2006 22:49


I am talking a real alliance....all of Europe, the Moderate Arab countries, China, Asian countries...all of us. If we put on a uniform front, the extremists would quickly find themselves isolated.

The goal is to break out the Coca Cola bottles one day and have a sing song...."I would like to teach the world to sing in Harmony" kind of thing.

Well it's thought anyway!:(

movadinkampa747 18th Jul 2006 22:52

Originally Posted by SASless
I am talking a real alliance....all of Europe, the Moderate Arab countries, China, Asian countries...all of us. If we put on a uniform front, the extremists would quickly find themselves isolated.
The goal is to break out the Coca Cola bottles one day and have a sing song...."I would like to teach the world to sing in Harmony" kind of thing.
Well it's thought anyway!:(

That will be a tall order considering some of the European countries response to GW2. I bet Coca Cola would be happy with its sales figures though.

CSilvera 19th Jul 2006 04:37

Originally Posted by Roadster280

I don't have any Israeli stamps, (on account of the Arabic ones), though I've been there many times. Israel is a ****hole. Just my observation, having seen all sides of the fences around that area. The odd lighthouse of civilisation (read Marriott or similar hotel) in a sea of trouble. I stayed in the Intercontinental, one of the best hotels I have ever been in, absolutely fantastic. Right across the road from the scene of a nightclub bombing.

I'm neither for or against Lebanon, Israel, Arabs or Jews. I'm just sick to the back teeth of losing people over a ****hole. Let's get "our" people out of there, and leave those that wish to fight to get on with it. May the best man win. Bollox to a UN "peacekeeping" force. It has not been managed for the last 50 years, so why would a few blue hats and white trucks make a difference now? Been there, got that beret, painted the trucks green again at the end of it.


I guess slightly OT, but I've traveled throughout Israel (as well as some in Jordan, Egypt, Mexico, much of Europe) and I would hardly describe it as a "****hole." What neighborhoods did you visit?

MReyn24050 19th Jul 2006 06:56

Originally Posted by CSilvera
I guess slightly OT, but I've traveled throughout Israel (as well as some in Jordan, Egypt, Mexico, much of Europe) and I would hardly describe it as a "****hole." What neighborhoods did you visit?

I totally agree, I also have had the good fortune to travel the world and seen some real "****holes". Roadster280 must not have visited the Isreal I have had the pleasure to visit.

LFFC 19th Jul 2006 11:21

Deplorable dilatoriness ?
Deplorable dilatoriness over Beirut evacuation

The Ministry of Defence expressed concern about the vulnerability of its ships to attack, and the risk that the proximity of an aircraft carrier to the Lebanese coast could be seen as an aggressive posture.

If, nearly six years after the American destroyer Cole was holed in the confines of Aden harbour, a British carrier group on the open sea is inhibited from carrying out urgent business by the possibility of suicide attacks, then one wonders what purpose the Royal Navy serves.

Shields up Scotty!!

vecvechookattack 19th Jul 2006 11:26

one wonders what purpose the Royal Navy serves

Diplomacy young man, Diplomacy.

Its all very well the press bleating that France and Greece got their people off earlier......

France and Greece are 1000 nms closer. (give or take a fathom or 2)

PompeySailor 19th Jul 2006 11:29

Originally Posted by LFFC

Crap Telegraph story, journo too lazy to even do some simple knots/distance/time maths (or realised that it made his story look a little stupid, so he ignored it!).

Anyway, the US should be a little nervous - they only need to look back 40 years to the USS Liberty incident to realise that perhaps you shouldn't turn your back on someone you think is an ally - and to accept that the pro-Israeli power in the government may be stronger than they think.

SASless 19th Jul 2006 11:47

Visit Jordan....lovely place full of history and more than a few Palestinian Refugee camps. You can spot them by the shine off the tin roofs of the huts.

New York Times reports Israeli ship hit by the improved Silkworm missile did not have its anti-missile defence system operating when hit. The report notes the presence of such weapons in Lebanon were a surprise to the Israeli's.


lukeylad 19th Jul 2006 11:53

H.M.S York is just docking in beruit.

PompeySailor 19th Jul 2006 11:57

Originally Posted by lukeylad
H.M.S York is just docking in beruit.

Next bunch of media fodder to be embarked then. Wonder when the first politician will blag its way to Cyprus to meet them - will it coincide with the CVS, perchance?!

Hopefully they will concentrate away from the whiners (who all seem to have middle-eastern names but a British passport) and concentrate on the people who are doing another job which tests the overstretch and lean manning concepts.

lukeylad 19th Jul 2006 12:32

So are The two destroyers just going to shuttle people back and forth to cyprus??

ORAC 19th Jul 2006 12:35

No, I believe the idea is just to take them one way... :cool:

lukeylad 19th Jul 2006 12:44

Originally Posted by ORAC
No, I believe the idea is just to take them one way... :cool:

haha what i meant is are the destroyers just going to be doing that till the carrier arrives?

PompeySailor 19th Jul 2006 13:08

Originally Posted by lukeylad
haha what i meant is are the destroyers just going to be doing that till the carrier arrives?

Yes. And hoping that Israel doesn't pull a USS Liberty episode again.

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