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Skeleton 2nd Aug 2006 13:21

Well put Comp.

Keeps proving he is a real one though - to be fair :)

Pass-A-Frozo 2nd Aug 2006 13:41

V8 Ute flies around corner with around 10 student pilots in back..
flies around next corner (past car park)
RAAF Police come around corner.. stop in car park and get flashlight out and start looking around
Me (having a smoke on balcony of accomodation): "Looking for something mate??"
RAAF Police: "Noo.. noo mate.. I'm fine.. just looking for something"
Me to self in best Dr Evil voice "riiiiiiiiiight" :}
So who exactly thinks: "I'd like to join the military to stuff up and ruin the career's of other military members".. Good on you guys.. keep up the good work :E
Oh .. and I forgot about the time RAAF Police lied and deceived someone to get an "admission" . Funny how they forgot about the legalities of what they did when questioned later..
To quote a famous Football chant "Shame on RAAF Pol... cheating bast**d's"
and people wonder why Security police are hated... I like Security police.. compared to scratching my eyes out with a pair of scissors.
Just remember.. are you there on deployment helping what the country wants? Are you hindering it and making life hard for people who are actually doing their bit... maybe when you do something that actually contributes you might understand...
point of thread.. why don't you bunch quit.. no one likes you and no one wants you.. you should have joined the real police. Don't take it out on us. Old Bill could use your Jackness. Yes, we are all polite to your face.. but as soon as you leave we all talk about what a bunch of prats you are. I'd say something about your first children but probably should sign off now. Really glad you get the same benefits on deployment... really.. really I am.. Oh.. that's right.. just remembered.. no I'm not. You didn't earn your money.
Fire away!

The fact remains that if pilots conducted themselves and failed to the degree that many Mil Police do we'd lose our jobs is indisputable, and people would die. Instead you blokes keep your jobs and probably get a pat on the back.

I'd give details of a case I defended if OPSEC didn't preclude it, but I can't. What is more disgraceful is that the security police turned up IN THEATRE in civvies shows how out of touch they are.

Pretty amusing that an Officer with a few lecture in the Defence Force Discipline Act can destroy your work in minutes given apparently you're "professionally" trained in your field. What a joke.

If pilots failed to your degree there would be Royal Commision.

Love us, hate us......Who cares !!
Glad you find messing with peoples lives and careers amusing. Would you have the "who cares" attitude if you were on an aircraft and it hit a hill?

Maple 01 2nd Aug 2006 16:10

Ohh dear, first the dislike of RAF coppers goes Tri-service/multi discipline, then our Commonwealth chums join in, and I believe we've had some input from NATO - face it Laar, no-one likes you!

Chesty Morgan 2nd Aug 2006 16:29

Not wanting to miss out on the fun. From a civvy point of view. A lot of ex RAFP end up as airport security. No guarding Coke for them. Superiority complex or what!

Nobody likes them either. W*nkers:E

Always_broken_in_wilts 2nd Aug 2006 17:02

Despite him/her stating he/she does not not bite here is a PM from Laar which demonstrates the ease with which Plod can be seperated from his/her teddy:E

Do you really disbelieve me that much? Disbelieve that your sad thread attracts more interest from civilians who think you're a sad sack?
Contact me if so. I will prove my case. You are WAY more unpopular than you think!

And by the way.... Do a search on ARRse about Loadmasters. You're not exactly the most popular guys!! Go for it gay fella!


Now I am not sure quite what prompted this totally unsolicited PM but if you have anything to say to me Laar, then man up, be like me and say it here in public, you big girls blouse:rolleyes: :p

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

Comp Charlie 2nd Aug 2006 18:15

I'm turning blue from lack of oxygen...


Yeller_Gait 2nd Aug 2006 18:23

I remember doing a stint of guard cdr at ISK in mid-late 90's and becoming aware of a tactic that the RAFP employed.
They would watch for people leaving their Sqn/ messes after a beer call or function and watch them getting into their cars to drive home at the end of the night. Instead of stopping them at the first opportunity, or even stopping them leaving the camp, the RAFP would call the civvie police with the description and registration of the car and allow the civvies to deal with the drink/drive incident.
I am not sure if the incident I am aware of (and no it wasn't me!) was a one-off or a regular occurence, but I could not believe that the RAFP would allow someone to drive off camp suspecting they had been drinking.
Hopefully no one was ever injured or killed by any driver that the RAFP knowingly let drive off camp, but ever since that incident I have never trusted the RAFP.
On a slightly lighter note, only the RAFP could come up with a poster saying
POLICE Thieves operating in this area

And they usually were the police.

Saintsman 2nd Aug 2006 18:24

I seem to recall a big spy case in the 80s that was messed up by RAFP. The 'Mata Hari' case as it was known. Said suspect was forced into a confession by friendly SIB.

Learning from that mistake, they repeated it shortly after, only with eight suspects. They were also found not guilty for exactly the same reason.

That trial went on for months in the Old Bailey. Must have cost a fortune.

BTW, I notice that nobody's started a thread saying 'Why we all love the RAFP'.....

nutmeg 2nd Aug 2006 18:39

I am a Loadie now, but was a Copper, guess I'm the least liked person around!!!:ok:

Pontius Navigator 2nd Aug 2006 18:56

Came across RAAFP a few years ago.. Helpful guys posted photographs of all the out of bounds brothels. Just up the road the hospital issued free freds.

Then, one night, our piper was playing downtown. He was surrounded by about a dozen sqn mates with a few Aussie ones further out. The whole was then surrounded by a load of locals. In all about 30-50 as a large gathering enjoying (if that is possible) the bag pipes.

Enter the boys with the white hats. They pick the oldest one present "You, whatsyername?"

"Wg Cdr (name of first peeler) (name of leatherworker), what's yours?"

Exit coppers. Brave lads, everyone.

Shjustme 2nd Aug 2006 20:13

You are quite incorrect in your account of the Cyprus case. Strongly suggest you thoroughly read The Calcutt Report to learn the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Because the case was so serious RAF Legal Services were not allowed to take it to Courts Martial, the law required that it go to Civil Court.
Therefore the evidence in Cyprus was reviewed by Met Police SB as a matter of routine, and NO problems were found in the manner in which the investigation was conducted or the evidence gathered.
Certain members of the jury in the court case were not the sort of characters you or the Chief of Air Staff would employ.
So, get your facts correct.
Footnote: In spite of the outcome of the court case, why did the RAF discharge the airmen concerned? (I know why!;) )
Quiz: What relation was one of the airmen to an Army SIB Capt who relatively recently was convicted by CM for indecent behaviour, and kicked out of the service? They shared the same surname and went to the same school. (I know!;) )

Maple 01 2nd Aug 2006 20:33

Actually ABIW I got a similar PM, are we the chosen few? Are we special?

Footnote: In spite of the outcome of the court case, why did the RAF discharge the airmen concerned? (I know why! )
Splash party wasn't it? Guilty of something you don't get kicked out for now IIRC, mind-you, unlike the skuffers I'm prepared to admit I could be wrong. Funny they can remember all the details of a RAFP 'victory' from the eighties but are a little hazy about their spectacular failures against the Stazi during the same period – I suspect one has entered RAFP volk-law while the other has been quietly burried.

So good against Comcen, poor against HISS

BEagle 2nd Aug 2006 20:38

Surely it's time to close this thread?

What started out as a bit of banter has turned into little more than puerile abuse.

Bad show.

Maple 01 2nd Aug 2006 20:42

Oh come on BEags just jump in, you must have some classic RAFP stories tucked away

Point0Five 2nd Aug 2006 21:02

I'd give details of a case I defended if OPSEC didn't preclude it, but I can't.
There's nothing OPSEC about pornography...

Saintsman 2nd Aug 2006 21:37

Originally Posted by Shjustme
You are quite incorrect in your account of the Cyprus case.

Both cases?

Toxteth O'Grady 2nd Aug 2006 21:47

:bored: zzzzzzzzzzzz :bored:



wg13_dummy 2nd Aug 2006 23:03

Originally Posted by BEagle
Surely it's time to close this thread?
What started out as a bit of banter has turned into little more than puerile abuse.
Bad show.

C'mon Beags, relax. You just know if this thread gets shut down, another 20 will pop up.

I would suggest if you find it distasteful, don't read it.

Skeleton 3rd Aug 2006 01:53

Lets steer very clear of Cyprus and the spies and murder **** up shall we. I was in the same block as the first accused, and, regardless of the outcome the SIB did little to endear themselves to anyone that was in that block and treated to the fun and games provided by the SIB in relation to there enquiries. Yes i am talking dark rooms and lamps.

What happened after was an aside, he was guilty as sin, we all knew that at the time, the actions of the SIB on the island though ensured they took the blame, certainly amongst those involved, when it went pear shaped.

I won't even start on what happened outside the Pen Club, as I said best left unsaid.

Laar don't even bother old chap - go look up the records - it happened.

Comp Charlie 3rd Aug 2006 08:38

Originally Posted by Skeleton
Laar don't even bother old chap - go look up the records - it happened.

I think Laar must have gone AWOL from pprune. Seems he couldn't bear the thought of being caught red-handed being factually incorrect and being legitimately asked for an apology!

(I'm not usually this pedantic but when it comes to getting one over on a copper in a public arena then I'm like a dog with a bone ;) )


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