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Testingtheseatlimit 10th Mar 2006 17:09

Free Masons - Should they "come out"?
This might be an old question but I really would love to know:

Why can't we all know who the Free Masons in the RAF are?

Of course, there is the perpetual myth that Free Masons look after one another... nudge nudge wink wink! I'm sure that cannot be true, especially concerning careers in establishments such as the RAF and mutual support in that arena. I'd imagine that they are just a society of generous individuals working for the greater good of all mankind.... a bit like say, the Rotary Club or the Round Table. If that is true, whats all the secrecy about. I for one would be a lot more comfortable if a list was published showing us that it is highly unlikely that Free Masons "run the show" and in any case, in todays society, don't we have the right to know? Come on chaps, its time to reveal yourselves, divulge what it is you actually do and take the credit that you are likely to deserve. Wear that badge with pride! Put the myth to the sword. I doubt whether the senior Grand Wizard (or whatever) of RAF officers reads this type of forum, but just in case, what should you do Sir? Any thoughts Pruners?

Testing testing 1 to 3.

Testingtheseatlimit 10th Mar 2006 18:07

Oh no, am I the only non-Mason out here? Makes sense!! Or is there something I don't know, like, now I've spoken I'm a marked Testingtheseatlimit? Someone must have an opinion, especially a real Mason!! Come on chaps.

Tigs2 10th Mar 2006 18:25

Testing TSL
I think you will find that people are reluctant to say if they are a Mason or not because of all the incorrect crap that has been written about Masonry in the past. Scottish Masonry is infact very open and non secretive and the lodge tends to be the center of many small communities in Scotland, and as you rightly point out is just a group of people who do an huge amount of work for the benifit of the local community and charities. English Masonry (of which the RAF lodge is a part) is still a little more secretive. However despite this let me dispell any myths. Masons do not eat babies or worship Satan, they do a great amount of work for charity for which they never seek recognition or thanks. In all my experience i have never sought special favour or been asked for special favour by any Mason, i would not dream of it. If indeed they do look after each other it would only be the same as you looking after a really good mate from your mess.

Heard a wonderful story though from an old boy quite a few years back. He was with a scout patrol from a Scots regiment during WW1. He and three others were captured by Jerry and basically they new their number was up (prisoners needed food and security - so it wasnt worth taking them), trying anything as a last ditch effort to save their skin, one of them let it be known that he was infact a mason (secret squirrel signals etc), as it happened so was Jerry and his mates. The captured four were given food and a map and directions to get them back behind safe lines. Now that was a real benifit of being a Mason then, i think the four like Blackadder wish they had just been sent to the local convent to sit the rest of the war out!

Hope you get more replies but not sure that you will.

Pontius Navigator 10th Mar 2006 18:36

I know several masons and have visited some events in RAFShire. I know of several ex-RAF masons but none in the lodges that I have visited were regulars.

Not only that, but in keeping with other service organisations, they all seemed well on the wrong side of 55.

Maybe uniformed masons stay in their own lodges and do not join 'civilian' ones. I know a member of a lodge (name of ex-RAF unit but that is a coincidence) who only became a mason after he retired. I suspect his local lodge, that he could visit, not a stone's throw from Carterton, may well have more light blue. That might be why he is not a member of that lodge!

Testingtheseatlimit 10th Mar 2006 18:42

If indeed they do look after each other it would only be the same as you looking after a really good mate from your mess.

Just about lets the cat out of the bag. I understand the Scottish Masons are more open and they obviously don't seem to suffer as a result. If a list of RAF Masons could be released then at least there would not need to be anymore doubt. I'm really not trying to suggest that Masons are anything other than good men, but the thought that they could be a secret society that has members scratching each others backs/feathering each others nests/getting each other promoted pre-occupies me. I'm sure mates networks work too, but how far do they really stretch.... to the Board? I dont think so. However, could it be that a Mason sees another Masons OJAR, grades above all the other non-masons, and hey presto mason mate progresses. I do not really believe this happens (at least I hope it does not), but, a simple list and awareness of who the Masons amongst us are would surely dispell this once and for all. I'm not alone in this thought by the way. Many chaps I speak to, in many different walks of life, have a similar thought process. There is no room for secret societies in this country anymore! Are we not all meant to be part of one team?

Tigs2 10th Mar 2006 18:54


The bit youve quoted me on has been taken a bit out of context. I am not aware that anyone has pushed people through on promotion etc because the parties concerned were both Masons. I just dont think it happens, there is no feathering of nests or back scratching.

BEagle 10th Mar 2006 18:59

I'm not a freemason. Neither do I know how to give the 'tubelcain brotherly grip' or whatever that handshake thing is.

However, I accept that they do far more charitable work than most. If they choose to have a secret society, so what. Does it really matter?

JessTheDog 10th Mar 2006 19:25

There are enough arcane rituals of bonding and examples of favouritism outwith the square-and-compass fraternity!

Hang on, isn't there a secret box on the 7500? Maybe that was the reason my career reached an early and inauspicious peak!

L Peacock 10th Mar 2006 19:51

If there is something to hide then a secret society is required. If there is nothing to hide then an open society would suffice.

John Eacott 10th Mar 2006 20:04

We're taught that we're a society with secrets, not a secret society. If a mason wants you to know, he will.

Otherwise it's just as much his right to privacy as it is yours to keep to yourself your religion, marital status, or choice of beer :)

Impiger 10th Mar 2006 21:01

Sometime back in 1999 I had to do a bit of research into Masonry and the Armed Forces. Seem to recall that because of the fundamental secrecy about membership of the Freemasons that this was deemed incompatible with the Services and there is something in QRs and other regulations forbidding membership. Things may have changed and perhaps some helpful admin type could quote chapter and verse.....

no step 10th Mar 2006 21:18

I seem to remember reading a book 'The Brootherhood', suggesting that the old cold war spies, kgb or whoever, would head straight for joining the masons as it was the place to be for intelligence gathering and other dodgy purposes.

Widger 10th Mar 2006 22:17


I am not an adminer but, I do believe you are correct which, to answer the question, if probably why they do NOT come out.

threepointonefour 10th Mar 2006 22:34

I think I've just realised what held me back all these years .... ....

The only lodge I've ever been in in recent times is the one half way between Mt Pleasant and Stanley!

southside 10th Mar 2006 22:36

At last. A subject I know a little about. There is nothing secret about freemasonry. No hidden agenda, no sacrificial lambs, no vestal virgins and no politics. Freemasonry is simply concerned with showing tolerance and respect. Freemasons are charitable and work for the community.

If you are interested in joining why not pop down to your local lodge. You will be warmly received.


Jackonicko 10th Mar 2006 23:15

I might have guessed you'd be one, Southy

Ray Dahvectac 10th Mar 2006 23:41

Originally Posted by southside
At last. A subject I know a little about.

Suggesting that all your previous posts were on subjects about which you knew nothing? :hmm:

diginagain 11th Mar 2006 00:38

As I'm sure southside will verify, since to use membership to further one's own agenda is against one of the prime tenets of Freemasonry, to do so would be so obvious to other members as to be self-defeating.

From what I've been able to learn about the Freemasons, and as much as it pains me to agree with him, their aims are entirely charitable, and their social activities are not that far removed from your average golf club.

But with unusual togs.

boswell bear 11th Mar 2006 05:40

Originally Posted by diginagain
and their social activities are not that far removed from your average golf club.
But with unusual togs.

Rupert trousers, pringle sweaters and plus fours aren't unusual togs????

Tigs2 11th Mar 2006 09:56

The book the brotherhood was complete and utter s***e. It was written for the express purpose of selling books and it did. It is because of books like that , that Masons keep themselves to themselves because after reading such crap everone thinks that Masons are Baby Eating Bishops from Barton Wells.

As has been said it is not a secret society but a society with secrets some of which are of a historical nature. Some of it is fascinating stuff, as Southy said, go and join. You wont find a bad bone in the lodge.

JessTheDog 11th Mar 2006 10:00

Is the beer cheaper than the Legion? ;)

Bruiser Loose 11th Mar 2006 11:01

Rather than publish a list of serving members, why not give them an individual Squawk?

Cheap beer? Now you're talking; where do I sign?


BEagle 11th Mar 2006 12:09

That's 'Bath and Wells', actually, Tigs2.....

So mote it be...

Onan the Clumsy 11th Mar 2006 12:23

If indeed they do look after each other it would only be the same as you looking after a really good mate from your mess.
I don't see it that way. If you had a mate, it would be because you spent time with him and knew him to be a decent bloke, if his behaviour started to change, so might the terms of your friendship. A 'bloke in the same club as wot you are' is very different and to like him and help him regardless of whether he is derserving or responsible is a very different thing.

Not of course that I'm saying that's what masons do, because I don't know. All I know is my dad was invited to join, declined and his career stopped advancing. Coincidence? maybe.

Southside Maybe you are like the fishermen on the KGB trawlers, provided as cover and oblivious of what goes on in the forward hold :E

(and all the fresh fish you can eat) :ok:

Runaway Gun 11th Mar 2006 12:28

Next you'll be insisting that Ppruners 'come out'.

Much to the Senior Officers' delight :p

Bruiser Loose 11th Mar 2006 12:36

Runaway, do you mean "come out," 'come out,' or 'come out,' 'come out?'

nudge, nudge, ;), ;), :oh: :ooh: :yuk:

Tigs2 11th Mar 2006 13:25

Thanks BEags i new it was something like that, i need to rewatch that particular episode.

Navaleye 11th Mar 2006 13:39

Free Masonary is rife in the police force and it would be naive to think that membership and promotion are un-connected. I have no reason to think that the armed forces would be any different.

BEagle 11th Mar 2006 14:16

Tigs2 - Part 2 episode 4!

"....the Bishop of Bath and Wells, who drowns babies at their christening and eats them in the vestry afterwards."

Jorge Newberry 11th Mar 2006 14:22

I speak from a position of ignorance so feel free to correct me but...

doesn´t joining the Masons involve swearing some kind of oath. And does there not therefore appear to exist at least a potential possible conflict between that oath and the one that one swears on joining the armed forces?

Note cautious phrasing....

Navaleye 11th Mar 2006 14:25


By the horns of Beelzebub, how did you get me into that position?

Anton Meyer 11th Mar 2006 14:46

The problem is, we do actually do quite a lot for charidy, but we cannot talk about it and it certainly doesn't get mentioned on our OJAR....

Oaths? ..they are unrelated but I do have a marital oath and 2 professional oaths that are all equally important to me, let alone those that I make in Open Lodge.

Yellow Sun 11th Mar 2006 15:07

I am not a Mason and have politely declined a couple of inquiries as to whether I might be interested in "The Craft". Why?, because I view them as largely irrelevant. I doubt that they have ever had any significant influence within the RAF, although this may not have been the case in the RN.

Those of a historical bent may wish to read Andrew Gordon's "The Rules of the Game - Jutland and British Naval Command", isbn 0-7195-5542 6.


BEagle 11th Mar 2006 16:35

Just for you, Navaleye:

"Who could you have got to have performed such deeds, to have gone lower than man has ever gone, to have plunged the depths of degradation just in order to save your filthy life?!!!"

"Ah, Percy, may I introduce His Grace, the Bishop of Bath and Wells. Your Grace, Lord Percy Percy, Heir to the Duchy of Northumberland."

"Hello. It was lovely working with you....."

Blackadder as a freemason. Now there's scope for imagination....

ACW599 11th Mar 2006 19:47

I can't remember the Monty Python sketch in its entirety, but isn't there an architect who comes out with:

"I want to be a Freemason. Masonry opens doors. I've got a second-hand apron. I nearly got in at Hendon".

threepointonefour 11th Mar 2006 19:52

Originally Posted by southside
No hidden agenda, no sacrificial lambs, no vestal virgins and no politics.

What's the point in that then? If I was joining a "society with secrets", I'd damn sure want one of the secrets to be 'vestal virgins' !!! ;)

BEagle 11th Mar 2006 20:04

"Yes, well, that's the sort of blinkered, philistine pig ignorance I've come to expect from you non-creative garbage. You sit there on your loathsome, spotty behinds squeezing blackheads, not caring a tinker's cuss for the struggling artist. You excrement! You whining, hypocritical toadies, with your colour TV sets and your Tony Jacklin golf clubs and your bleeding Masonic secret handshakes! You wouldn't let me join, would you, you blackballing bastards! Well, I wouldn't become a freemason now if you went down on your lousy, stinking knees and begged me...."

"......if one of you could put in a word for me, I'd love to be a freemason. Freemasonry opens doors. I mean, um, I-- I was a bit on edge just now, but-- but if I was a mason, I'd just sit at the back and not get in anyone's way."

"I've got a second-hand apron."

"I nearly got in at Hendon."

From Monty Python's Flying Circus The Architects' Sketch

ACW599 11th Mar 2006 21:20

>"Yes, well, that's the sort of blinkered, philistine pig ignorance I've come to expect from you non-creative garbage. You sit there on your loathsome, spotty behinds squeezing blackheads, not caring a tinker's cuss for the struggling artist. You excrement! You whining, hypocritical toadies, with your colour TV sets and your Tony Jacklin golf clubs and your bleeding Masonic secret handshakes! You wouldn't let me join, would you, you blackballing bastards! Well, I wouldn't become a freemason now if you went down on your lousy, stinking knees and begged me...."<

Wonderful. Ideal sentiments to express at an OASC interview . . . along with "I don't want to be a pilot. I want to be a LUMBERJACK".

Many thanks to BEagle for the reminder.

BEagle 11th Mar 2006 21:32

"I didn't want to be a pilot anyway. I wanted to be... a lumberjack!

Leaping from tree to tree as they float down the mighty rivers of British Columbia! The Fir! The Larch! The Redwood! The mighty Scots Pine!

The plucky little Aspen! The great limping rude tree of Nigeria!
The smell of fresh-cut timber! The crash of mighty trees!

With my best gal by my side, we'd sing, SING...

Oh, I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay!
I sleep all night and I work all day"

He's a lumberjack, and he's okay!
He sleeps all night and he works all day.

"I cut down trees, I eat my lunch,
I go to the lavatory.
On Wednesdays I go shoppin'
and have buttered scones for tea."

He cuts down trees, he eats his lunch,
he goes to the lavatory.
On Wednesdays he goes shoppin'
and has buttered scones for tea.

He's a lumberjack, and he's okay.
He sleeps all night and he works all day!

"I cut down trees, I skip and jump,
I like to press wild flowers.
I put on women's clothing
and hang around in bars!"

He cuts down trees, he skips and jumps,
he likes to press wild flowers.
He puts on women's clothing
and hangs around in bars?!

...He's a lumberjack, and he's okay!
He sleeps all night and he works all day!

"I cut down trees, I wear high heels,
suspenders and a bra!
I wish I'd been a girlie,
just like my dear papa!"

He cuts down trees, he wears... high heels?
Suspenders... and a bra?!

Two's in 11th Mar 2006 22:01

Needless to say, in the land of the free, being a Mason is not only public knowledge, it is widely advertised. Lodges have massive signs up outside, you can get masonic bumper stickers, and a bloke I interviewed just last week had a masonic ring on that would have made the Archbishop of Canterbury blush, it was so big (I've always admired the Archbishop's ring). Much is made of the charity aspect, no real emphasis at all on the goatskin apron and anal intruder aspects.

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