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petop 4th Sep 2006 14:06

Originally Posted by ratty1 (Post 2824122)
You big girls blouse ............................................:uhoh:

You had to be there, in fact the co-pilot even looked at me and looked worried whilst this old looking Sqn Ldr flew the thing like he was driving a go-kart!

scitzo legman 4th Sep 2006 16:49

Oh yes! J SF!! It will come one day but it ain't here yet and certainly wasn't in '04. You can just here them now................oh yes, we're just like SF, only better..........and we've got a HUD don't you know!

mbga9pgf 4th Sep 2006 17:12

Originally Posted by scitzo legman (Post 2824609)
Oh yes! J SF!! It will come one day but it ain't here yet and certainly wasn't in '04. You can just here them now................oh yes, we're just like SF, only better..........and we've got a HUD don't you know!

The rate at which they are chopping up K's, I would suggest sooner rather than later! :cool:

You are right, heaven is a HUD, but I suspect the customers we fly are more interested in the fact we can actually get airbourne with more than a landrover down the back. Oh, nowhere near MOS either.

Always_broken_in_wilts 4th Sep 2006 17:31

Don't fall for Sciatica's blether, he has already revealed on another thread that he was not good enough for selection for the J and he's probably still feeling a bit miffed at that fact:p

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

microlight AV8R 4th Sep 2006 17:59

Yup, absolute woos :rolleyes:

scitzo legman 4th Sep 2006 20:50


You assume I could be employed on the J?

I find the whole J v K thing a bit dull. Having spent some time at Lyneham before the J, and then with it, there was always friendly rivalry between the two sides of the airfield. Tac v route queens. These days it appears to be just the J folk trying to justify their roles in a smaller crew and running down the nav/eng roles on the K. THIS IS BORING! Your elitist attitude towards the K is BORING. Everyone knows you have a more powerful ac. The truth of the matter is that the back end could be ALOT better. After all, that's what AT is all about isn't it? Take a look at the big american jet we lease. Why hasn't the J got a similar system? Let's hope the A400M does. The K is still doing a good and job for some very demanding customers even with 180kg more balast on the flight deck, less powerful engines and no HUD. I'm not involved in either ac but I can still see that much.

flipster 4th Sep 2006 20:59

Yep - this is an absolute yawn of a willy-waving contest!


Give it a rest and get on with doing the best you can with what you've got, of course, while asking for what you haven't got but which really need.
Don't spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder at other aircraft and their successes and/or problems!

Good hunting whatever type you fly!

Always be one step ahead of the enemy!

(adopting pacifist stance and getting my coat!)

theboywide 4th Sep 2006 21:44

Originally Posted by scitzo legman (Post 2824609)
Oh yes! J SF!! It will come one day but it ain't here yet and certainly wasn't in '04. You can just here them now................oh yes, we're just like SF, only better..........and we've got a HUD don't you know!

Scitzo - if you're so bored with it why were you slagging the J off not 3 hours ago!?!?!?

scitzo legman 4th Sep 2006 22:23

Not slagging off the J fella. Just poking fun at the folk who fly them that say they're SF when clearly they are not.

On_The_Top_Bunk 4th Sep 2006 22:32

Originally Posted by scitzo legman (Post 2825232)
Not slagging off the J fella. Just poking fun at the folk who fly them that say they're SF when clearly they are not.

It's just a shame that it's only the J that seems to be able to support this role at the moment.

As opposed to scrap heap challenge.

scitzo legman 4th Sep 2006 22:38

Just can't let it lie can you.

:zzz: Bedtime for me I think :ugh:

Always_broken_in_wilts 4th Sep 2006 22:45

Ah Scabies all becomes clear:rolleyes:

No seat on the J so why not just slag it off eh:ugh:

And just remind us where and when on here did any J guys say they were SF:rolleyes:

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

scitzo legman 4th Sep 2006 22:52

Originally Posted by petop (Post 2824109)
Apparently the pilots were SF ones,

This guy obviously just imagined it. I'm sure the crew had no part in giving him that impression.

Always_broken_in_wilts 4th Sep 2006 23:05

Deary me Scapula,

What the chap actually said was " Apparently the pilots were SF ones, well the Hereford lot used to go out with them" which sort of implies that cos the guys regularly flew the mexicans he assumed they were an SF crew:ugh: :ugh:

So just remind us where a "J" guy on here has ever said they were SF........nah did;nt think so:=

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

scitzo legman 5th Sep 2006 00:21

You must be a right laugh in the bar :D

truckiebloke 5th Sep 2006 01:54

As I seem to recall the Chinook was lifting more 'in the heat of the day' than the
'K' in Afganistan......

Scitzo, you are an a:mad: se!!

scitzo legman 5th Sep 2006 02:25

top banter truckiebloke

flipster 5th Sep 2006 07:35

That was before the JSF tantrums, the truth of which is probably best left unwritten but now................

Fly safe

Controversial Tim 5th Sep 2006 07:44

But don't tac forget tac that the K is better tac because we tac can talk about tac all the tac'in time because the J can't do it and when it can it will clearly need a third person on the flight deck. Oh, hang on, they can do that now, and they're pretty accurate on the old air drop thing as well. And HOW MUCH can they carry off a strip :eek:

But SF they're SF not doing SF SF yet are SF they?

Give it a feckin' rest. The old aircraft is like an old Mk3 escort with lots of bling bolted onto it, and it's about as reliable as an old Mk 3 escort as well.

At least the K has a job as lead squadron in Afg. :rolleyes: Mind you, the K guys aren't really all that good at mission planning for us either. Got to let them have a go though, after all it must be awful to be stuck an a dying fleet.

randomname 5th Sep 2006 10:19

Why don't you do your own mission planning then?

petop 5th Sep 2006 12:54

Originally Posted by Always_broken_in_wilts (Post 2825294)
Deary me Scapula,

What the chap actually said was " Apparently the pilots were SF ones, well the Hereford lot used to go out with them" which sort of implies that cos the guys regularly flew the mexicans he assumed they were an SF crew:ugh: :ugh:

So just remind us where a "J" guy on here has ever said they were SF........nah did;nt think so:=

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

Thanks for correctly quoting me there. As i said im a squaddie looking after the fuel that you guys fly on. It was told to me that the single herc out there, at the time, was the "SF flight". And majority of the time it was carrying the long-haired blokes around in it. I occasionally witnessed the aforementioned J flying over the BFI, at night, at about 30 fecking feet so i assumed they must of been SF pilots. But anyway they impressed me, being an outsider. The only time i have come across a K SF herc was in Bosnia 2004 (after my Afghan tour) and it was definitly SF.

flipster 5th Sep 2006 17:26

Are you trying to get people into trouble on purpose?:(

Always_broken_in_wilts 5th Sep 2006 18:15


What the guys are saying is watch what you say as BIG BROTHER is often watching and you could drop folks in the poo with that height call, although I suspect you were exagerating:=

Scabies.............do I hear an apology or are you gonna keep whining about the fact you no longer have a seat in the BIG GAME:p

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

boyassassin 5th Sep 2006 18:54

Originally Posted by Always_broken_in_wilts (Post 2825294)
Deary me Scapula,
What the chap actually said was " Apparently the pilots were SF ones, well the Hereford lot used to go out with them" which sort of implies that cos the guys regularly flew the mexicans he assumed they were an SF crew:ugh: :ugh:
So just remind us where a "J" guy on here has ever said they were SF........nah did;nt think so:=
all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

Happy to agree with your statement ABIW, however, have you had a look at how certain people refer to themselves on Stars?

Standing By for incoming!:O

Hydraulic Palm Tree 5th Sep 2006 18:58


Some of what you have said on here is a bit too close to the mark and don't think that because its anonymous the boys from Cheltenham can't find out who you are and prosecute under the OSA.

Please watch what you are saying - careless words do cost lives!


Always_broken_in_wilts 5th Sep 2006 19:03


As someone who has his fingers on stars most days of the week can you please enlighten me as to what you allude to:confused:

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

boyassassin 5th Sep 2006 19:08

Have a look for yourself tomorrow if you're not too busy. I only wish I had more time, secondary duties get in the way, bugger.

scitzo legman 5th Sep 2006 21:45

Ok here goes. I just know that the nasty man ABIW will shout at me again and demonstrate his literary genius by playing games with my name.

I think the boy may have been referring to the T2 folk on stars. Have'nt looked myself for quite some time but I'm guessing there's some reference to them being..........................dare I say it. SF. Just a guess. I could be wrong. Don't get lairy if I am. It's not a personal insult.

No ABIW. No appology from me. I know the T2 folk have called themselves SF. I have heard it numerous times. FACT. Just because there are no direct references to it on here doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Again, that's not an insult to you and your peers.

As for the height reference. We all know that the herc (no matter what variant) looks enormous when it's over yo at 250' so I'm sure our man was mistaken :ok:

Standing by for barrage of insults from numerous J peeps. Hoping in vain for some witty banter.

TheInquisitor 6th Sep 2006 02:39

The old aircraft is like an old Mk3 escort with lots of bling bolted onto it, and it's about as reliable as an old Mk 3 escort as well.
The K is a damn sight more hardy and reliable than the J out in the desert, what with your plastic props and all. So over the course of a week or two, we shift as much freight as the plastic pig, if not more.

lots of bling bolted onto it
You're just jealous of our spinning chrome wheel trims and flourescent underbelly tubes really, aren't you? :}

Permanent Sand 6th Sep 2006 06:32

From a different angle
Fact - New big lumps were working with the Mexicans before 04.
Fact - Both can do a very good job in the right hands.
Fact - New lumps are smiled at by the Mexicans.
Fact - Old lumps are getting old, but are put up with by the Mexicans.
Fact - We do appreciate all your work.

Fiction - I spend more time in the mainland than in the sand/dirt.
Fiction - I will get more than 8hrs sleep in the next 3days.

I know it's banter guys, but keep it real. You're all in the big picture.

Keep the faith,


Ken Scott 6th Sep 2006 08:17

[QUOTE=TheInquisitor;2827894]The K is a damn sight more hardy and reliable than the J out in the desert, what with your plastic props and all. So over the course of a week or two, we shift as much freight as the plastic pig, if not more.

I'm afraid I don't agree with you there - having flown tours on both aircraft( I premuse you can't say the same & are therefore only talking from hearsay & ignorance) I've found the J to be far more reliable - I used to break down all the time in the K, 'sadly' the J has proved far more reliable! That is my personal experience of course.

Specifically in the desert, I've been impressed how the J has kept going despite all the hard use, although the paint finish has suffered, the 'plastic props' have not given any bother to my knowledge, & I understand that in long term use they are no more susceptible to damage than the old metal ones, another case of 'anti-J mythology' I'm afraid.

Let's be honest here, the sun has long since set on a fine aeroplane which can no longer keep up in the 21st Century, but it has a worthy successor - The K is dead, long live the J'!

Always_broken_in_wilts 6th Sep 2006 11:15


Whilst I rather sadly think you are correct I really do hope you are wrong as we need the K back online ASAP and with it every "Charlie Dimmock" the southside has back into work helping the J with it's current det regime.

Just my humble thought.

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

Controversial Tim 6th Sep 2006 11:36


Well spotted. Although I'm not really bothered about the underbelly fluorescent tubes I do envy the chrome wheels a little - but it's your spanking paint job that turns me green ;)

And I agree, over the course of a week or two the K does shift as much freight as the 'plastic pig' manages to shift in a single lift :p

Always_broken_in_wilts 6th Sep 2006 11:38

"And I agree, over the course of a week or two the K does shift as much freight as the 'plastic pig' manages to shift in a single lift
Today 12:15"

Tim I think you forgot to insert "or chinook" before the word manages:p

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

theboywide 6th Sep 2006 12:25

I believe the last stats that I heard were that on three years on det in a sandy place the J has only missed 4 requested tasks due to unservicability. Very unreliable? I think not!

On_The_Top_Bunk 6th Sep 2006 12:28

Originally Posted by TheInquisitor
So over the course of a week or two, we shift as much freight as the plastic pig, if not more.

You may need to remove your head from the dark orifice it resides and have a look at the real world.

petop 6th Sep 2006 12:55

Lads, im sure we all have stories about certain long haired people. What i have said in my previous posts i dont think warranted OPSEC warnings. I saw a lot more than low flying over the BFI that would warrant a warning but im not saying a thing. As the BFI was situated next to the civilian side of Kabul Airport then it was hardly a secret the height of these planes. More so the fact when a J took out part of the civilian departure building.
The base in Uzbekistan is no secret, in fact the reason i was sent there was to confirm the fuel was up to spec for its use in C17's on stop over prior to coming into Afghan. It was reported in the Times about a year ago the Uzbek Government wanted the Americans out.
But if you want ill offically say i make up stories to suit my audience!!!:ok: ;)

TheInquisitor 6th Sep 2006 13:14

I believe the last stats that I heard were that on three years on det in a sandy place the J has only missed 4 requested tasks due to unservicability. Very unreliable? I think not!
Not so. Only my personal experience here, but on my most recent desert sojourn, one of the J's was laid up for several days with prop issues, undercarriage issues, and other mishaps. The other one lost sorties to anti-skid problems due to the harsh conditions of going in and out of Bastion strip.

Both the Ks, however, managed to soldier on nicely - one with a badly crazed window, no GTC and a myriad of other faults, and the other with some significant airframe damage that had been temporarily repaired. They built them tougher in them days, you see. The Js 'superior reliability' is the real myth - just 'cos it's newer and fancier, doesn't mean it works better. I'm sure alot of that is due to the fact we are flying the arses off them, but the fact remains that the K can carry alot more snags and keep going - which is just as well, given that they're falling apart!

Ken Scott 6th Sep 2006 14:26


What do you mean, 'they built them (the K) tougher in them days'? 'They', otherwise known as Lockheed-Martin, are the same company (albeit merged) that built the J. The airframe is the same in both types, it's what goes in them that's different. Or maybe LM use thinner metal nowadays, or only one spar where 2 used to do? Even if the K was 'built tougher', the 40 years of FI used on the K would surely even things up?

Granted, rather like an old banger of a car, the K might soldier on with a couple of crocodile clips & a bit of wire 'fixing' some systems, but if 'significant airframe damage' can be speed taped over & the K flown, why couldn't the same repair be done to an identical airframe? And are you suggesting that a K with 'prop & undercarriage issues' would have kept flying where a J couldn't? Methinks you are extrapolating one specific case too far.

Once again my personal experience here, of flying both types, is that the J beats the K handsdown for reliability, & so even given that your premise of the K being able to soldier on with more faults were true, it would have to, to be able to fly as often!

petop 6th Sep 2006 16:24

No, it was dropping some dignatory off apparently at the civvy bit (civvy terminal at one end, mil other side of the fire station) and as it taxied away, it "clipped" part of the infrastructure.

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