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BEagle 27th Jan 2005 07:35

I suspect that it won't be quite that simple...... Doubtless a discrete eye will be kept on them for quite some time.

hyd3failure 27th Jan 2005 07:43

True, True. Mind you. Big Brother keeps a wary eye on all of us.

Navaleye 27th Jan 2005 11:50

The Americans say that all four of these worms attended terrorist training camps and we are letting them roam free? Its too late to sling them out of a plane, but not too late to put them im Belmarsh.

ukatco_535 27th Jan 2005 12:29


So do you believe everything the americans say? Watch channel four tonight (farenheit 9/11). Although M Moore may be over the top, it is scary to see some of the things on it. I for one do not believe everything Moore says in his 'documentary' but there is a hell of a lot of evidence showing the ineptitude of the security forces in America - one instance alone talks about allowing the Bin Laden family to leave the country despite flights being grounded.
As the ex FBI (i think, i cannot remember rightly) agent says on film, if you are hunting a murder suspect, the very least you do is interview his family to try to establish whereabouts. This is just one of many glaring errors.

As for 'these worms' attending terrorist training camps, where is the evidence?? Show it, then if they are guilty, execute them.

Weapons of mass invisibility aside, Bush and his sycophantic puppy Blair invaded Iraq to 'rid the country of a dictator'who killed, tortured or incarcerated innocent people. So what are the CIA doing differently in Egypt or Gitmo?

We are allowing bombastic power happy politicians to drag our allegedly democratic countries into the gutter. We now wonder why over a 1000 yanks have died in iraq. The US forces do not understand hearts and minds as we do (or at least used to), but in this day and age of worldwide media coverage, hearts and minds campaigns do not just stop in the country of operation, they have to be seen to be operating all over.

hyd3failure 27th Jan 2005 12:35

The americans believe our boys were terrorists? And they base their suspicions on the fact that the Prisoners were repeatedly punched, kicked, slapped, forcibly injected with drugs, deprived of sleep, hooded, photographed naked and subjected to body cavity searches and sexual and religious humiliations.

Big Unit Specialist 27th Jan 2005 13:26

Talking of winning hearts and minds did anyone see Sky News this am when one of its reporters travelled with some Americans in Baghdad. They were driving along playing very loud Heavy Metal music - to get the traffic to move out of the way - might work but how many people are they going to p!$$ off as they proceed? This was, according to the report, an official tactic
- bo!!ock$ - it might have worked to get Noriega to surrender but all you're going to in Baghdad is attract the wrong kind of attention!

Well at least when the insurgents are targetting the Americans they aren't targeting the Brits who go about their business quietly and with due consideration.

Purr Harder 27th Jan 2005 14:39


They might be 'your boys', but they certainly are not mine .:*

hyd3failure 27th Jan 2005 14:54

why not.. There British eh? So whats the difference between them and Joe Bloggs?

brakedwell 27th Jan 2005 14:57

A very nice sun tan?

hyd3failure 27th Jan 2005 15:09

yep, I thought that was the case. Well, if the reason you feel that they are terrorists is because they have

a very nice sun tan
then its time I left this thread. Sorry guys but I'm not prepared to discuss matters like this with people like that when the only bones of their argument is the colour of peoples skin.

I leave in disgust

Navaleye 27th Jan 2005 15:18

To quote Mr Spock freely

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one, or the few
I think we've beaten this one to death now, so I'm off, thanks for an interesting debate everyone (even you Pr00ne).

teeteringhead 27th Jan 2005 15:36

What I'm against is keeping people detained without trial and without legal representation for extended periods, and with no evidence
.. presumably Jacko, that would include being put under house arrest at the whim of a politician with no recourse to a judge.....

As has been said, if only the weather was better we could be a Third World country....

Flatus Veteranus 27th Jan 2005 17:30

To those who note similarities between events in UK and USA today and those in Germany in the 1930s, I would reply that the similarities are hugely outweighed by a fundamental difference. Blair and Bush and their advisers are accountable periodically to their electorates - Blair quite soon. I do not recall that Adolf Hitler was ever elected by the general public (although he might well have been!)

skydriller 27th Jan 2005 17:36

I thought that Adolf Hitler WAS elected?

SASless 27th Jan 2005 18:01

Elected or not....he did have a bit of support from within and from outside his government....and as I recall....at least one group that felt he needed to go, cared enough to put a bomb in his map room....and paid a horrible price for failure.

I see we brought home a 19 year old soldier from a foxhole grave....after 60 years....only 78,000 more remain missing from that war. American missing that is....eqivalent to about six full infantry divisions. But...that is a topic for another thread.

hyd3failure 28th Jan 2005 09:05

"A bit of support"? he was one of the greatest leaders of this century.

Training Risky 28th Jan 2005 09:27

Are you stirring for a reaction to that?

You lame Lynx Lefty

hyd3failure 28th Jan 2005 10:12

OK... Here we have a guy with no formal qualifications, he had become an aimless drifter and failed artist before joining the army on the outbreak of war in August 1914. There he was not considered worthy of promotion because of 'a lack of leadership qualities', although his award of the Iron Cross First Class showed that he did not lack courage.

Yet during the next 26 years he succeeded in gaining and exercising supreme power in Germany and, in the process, arguably had more impact on the history of the world in the 20th century than any other political figure. So, that is why he was a great leader. He succesfully led the entire German people to follow him into war.

anyway, why are we discussing this tyrant when the thread is about British citizens being released by the USA?

PileUp Officer 28th Jan 2005 11:37

SASLess in particular-

Do you honestly think that bombing innocent people (it doesn’t matter to their family whether it was accidental or ‘collateral damage’), detaining people without trial and enacting draconian laws which limit freedoms will actually make you any safer??

Wake up!!

Try looking at international news sources rather than American ones.

Trumpet_trousers 28th Jan 2005 12:54


Here we have a guy with no formal qualifications, he had become an aimless drifter and failed artist before joining the army on the outbreak of war in August 1914. There he was not considered worthy of promotion because of 'a lack of leadership qualities', although his award of the Iron Cross First Class showed that he did not lack courage.
...and all this from the man that allegedly raped his niece, gave her an STD, and then had her murdered to keep her quiet.....
...yeah, a great man indeed :mad:

hyd3failure 28th Jan 2005 12:58

I know.. A complete and utter tyrant...No denying that.

But no denying that he was a brilliant leader and a skilful politician and organizer.

WE Branch Fanatic 28th Jan 2005 13:07

No doubt he would have been impressed with the EU and its new constitution. An unelected body that has no accountbility able to issue arrest warrants EU wide for crimes such as political dissent.......

Did Blair ask YOU before he signed?

Pilgrim101 28th Jan 2005 13:14

Hitler ? Off track a bit now ? Anyway, the four scroats are going to coin it when the dust settles despite admissions that one or more of them met their hero Osama and no doubt kissed his ass royally when they did so. Anyone else see the injustice in all of this, in terms of the likely pathetic compensation to our war injured, to preserve the illusion of a politically correct, intellectually (?) elitist society who thrive under this bunch of Blairite w:mad: s

I do hope they rejoin the fray and next time when they hold their passports up as some kind of escape card, my erstwhile colleagues in Afghanistan and/or Iraq finish the job without the due process which is in short supply on the battlefield (most certainly there is no quarter expected for prisoners/hostages of our side held by the 'Islamists').

Where is the clamour from the legal profession and civil rights industry whenever a westerner is cruelly, mentally tortured for weeks before the ritual exhibition killing which is the recognised trademark of our adversaries ?

I work in Iraq now for a private concern and it grips my s:mad: t to see the legal aid and human rights lawyers queuing up to skim whatever they can out of these former terrorist supporters/sympathisers or whatever guise they present to the liberals who'll fight to death to defend their human rights and totally ignore those of the victims of terrorist atrocities - no cash or pc kudos in it you see :hmm:


Yeah, he made the trains run on time..................................., to Belsen, Auschwitz, Babi Yar etc etc etc :hmm:

TurbineTooHot 28th Jan 2005 13:21

Enough of Hitler,

Did anyone see the Current Bun this morning.

Apparently one of our little darlings has admitted his attendance at a training camp with Osama Bin Lid.


Also while your there have a look at the Top less Gun story.

Sweet Work 1(F). You should arrange a visit for em!

Back to the thread.

So, where does this leave us? What should we do with him?

Cup of tea and a medal?

I suppose you apologists will put that admission down to torture....

If the story was sold, then proceeds should pay for the trial that the little sod should be getting, but I suppose we'll all have to stump up for that in Legal Aid.....:yuk:

Oh well,


Pilgrim: Couldn't agree more.

crossbow 28th Jan 2005 13:25

Does meeting Osama Bin Laden make you a terrorist...? Opps... well I met Idi Amin a few years ago...does that mean Im a nasty as well?

Did he admit to attending a Terrorist training camp whilst he was under the influence of somehting horrid administered by a syringe by the nice American prison wardens?

BEagle 28th Jan 2005 14:41

Can't help wondering whether Adolf H wished he'd stopped after coming up with autobahns and Volkswagen.....

Dictators don't 'lead' people - they force them.

TurbineTooHot 28th Jan 2005 14:48

Does meeting Osama Bin Laden make you a terrorist...? Opps... well I met Idi Amin a few years ago...does that mean Im a nasty as well?
Did Idi Amin and his lot train you in the use of weapons and tactics to be employed against "your" country? That'll make you a nasty mate.

Oh and they'll be selling their stories according to one of their fathers.

Then we will obviously hear the truth from these "victims" of the greatest dictatorships in the world.

Did he admit to attending a Terrorist training camp whilst he was under the influence of somehting horrid administered by a syringe by the nice American prison wardens?
I knew you were going to say that!

crossbow 28th Jan 2005 15:32

Did Idi Amin train us...? don't be daft. They were the students.... We were the Instructors.

Oh and they'll be selling their stories according to one of their fathers.
Good. Nice to hear something positive will come of this and hopefully they will get their day in court when the sue Uncle Sam.

Very true Beagle

Navaleye 18th May 2005 16:15

And the last bunch (wrongly) released from Gitmo weren't the only Muslim traitors with UK connections out there. See this from Sky news.

SASless 19th May 2005 00:57


I completely agree with you....a double tap to the noggin simplifies things greatly. To those that find that offensive....if you do not wish to be a victim of a drive by shooting...stay off the street corners where the gang members hang out....and call the police when you see the perps committing crimes. The old fashioned team police concept incorporating a Neighborhood Watch organization. Be on the side of law and order....or be on the side of the criminals perpertrating evil.

Funny how those that wish to destroy our freedom and human rights....throw up their hands and beseech those very same protections from the very system they seek to destroy. If one opts out of the system....it should be a permanent decision. In or out....no fence straddling.:mad:

Check 6 19th May 2005 10:26

You are singing to the choir SASless. They are either part of the solution, or part of the problem.

As Mr. John Walsh of America's Most Wanted television program said recently in referring to pedophiles (works for terrorists also), "give them the needle and they can come back as a dolphin."

Works for me.

Check 6


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