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-   -   What is the best “GIZZIT” you have personally liberated, for the crew room wall? (https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/114584-what-best-gizzit-you-have-personally-liberated-crew-room-wall.html)

c130airman 13th Jan 2004 03:18

Got stuck for transport on a mission once so we just nicked a Movers Landrover and flow it back to our base an hour away. I wished i could of seen his face! He was seeing in an Air Lingus flight full of 2 para! Might have given the game away now!!:suspect:

Talking Radalt 13th Jan 2004 04:52

"OOD hits roof and dummy is returned to French ship without being caught. All personnel came home for tea and medals"

You returned the OOD to a French ship? What on Earth for? :confused:

Borrowed HMS Ark Royal once...... :O
Oh alright a big Airfix kit of one. 15' long. :*

Returned upon intervention of RAFP and notification said model was valued at £25,000.
Almost as much then, as the real thing.

FJJP 13th Jan 2004 05:42

T R - that wouldn't have been at RIAT Cottesmore recently would it?

RRAAMJET 14th Jan 2004 11:41

I heard a story from a Cloggie here in AA that the boys of 316 Sqn RNAF once drove down to France in a minivan and bullsh1tted their way out to their rival Sqn's (314??) aircraft parked at a French field on a visit. Said cloggies got the F-5's fired up and b*ggered-off back to Holland with them, leaving the minivan and a note for their fellow long-haired aviators to drive home with. The ultimate gizzit - the entire Sqn....

Apparently 314 got their own back by fiddling with 316's baggage pods going on det, such that they came apart in flight, showering Denmark in shreddies.

Not exactly a gizzit, but: we once had a TQF task to Woodvale; beaucoups de security, as usual. On arrival at Heathrow we find a MASUAS zap on the main gear door of the 146 - the paint came off with it. C-TQF decidedly not amused. Apparently, as we departed (purple), some brave lad had run past the super-alert ploddies, under the running motors and up to the jet as we moved off. Nice one, mate. :D

Oggin Aviator 14th Jan 2004 11:49

I believe that was a LUAS zap, as I clearly remember standing and chatting to the royal personage whilst my erstwhile friend did the deed. Believe the ac was grounded for a full security check:confused:?

Upon arrival said royal personage (ex Jungly pilot and minehunter CO) steps out of aircraft, looks to his left to see a row of dignitaries (Southport's finest) standing tall and proud awaiting their chance to practice sycophancy, looks to his right to see a bunch of UAS pukes (as has been described in another thread) lounging around. Which way to turn? Obviously to the right to speak to the rabble. Respect :ok:

airhead10 14th Jan 2004 14:34

S.A.S. Squadron shield from the wall of their bar.

To be accurate, training Camp for the Sultan of Oman's Special Forces down in Salalah, all instructors ex-SAS lads. Great bar, great party, admired SAS shield on wall - duly "acquired", now hangs proudly from my father's office wall, who considers the lads "owe" him for the air cover he provided during a slight tiff with Yemini insurgents!

Gainesy 14th Jan 2004 17:37

I "think" that Tirpitz bulkhead in the museum is a fake.:suspect: :)

Flytest 16th Jan 2004 16:35

Whilst on detatchment to RAF Conningsby with 849 Naval Air Squadron, myself and A.N. Other pulled up at No5 Squadron, and No 29 Squadron consecutively in broad daylight, and in a white Mercedes Hired van, and using tools from our aircraft tool box, calmly removed the squadron murals from their wall mountings, as many officers bimbled past and bid us good day as we carried out the theft.


And for the record.. wasn't involved, but I know who took the Grizzly Bear from HMS Sultan Chiefs mess, and also who is responsible for the "MASU Black Cat" Logos which appear in some outrageous locations on RAF and Army helicopter hangars...

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