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Echo 5 22nd Aug 2003 19:44

Movers & Loadies
In deference to Muppet Leader whose "Loadies for the RSAF" has turned into a battleground I am starting this new topic so that all combatants can partake in a bit of sparring.

If you stop blowing your trumpet for a moment I will refresh your memory.
Prior to the ALM was the AQM and before that,up to the mid 1960's (as I recall) the role was carried out by NCO's from Trade Group 18 (Supply) on two or three year tours.
Running parallel to this, other members of the Supply trade were being trained as Movers.
However, whereas Loadmasters only had knowledge of one aircraft type, The Movers could work on multi type aircraft.
So you see, the Loadmasters were only average NCO's but the Movers were in fact very smart Suppliers.
It was only when the manning levels of NCO Suppliers got dangerously low that the Loadmaster trade was opened up to volunteers from Clerk Secretarial and Dog Handlers !!

Muppet Leader 22nd Aug 2003 20:50

Heard a rumour.
About 2/3 months back apparently, all ALM course members were informed that the Ministry of Defence would no longer designate them as `loadmasters` but some other generic name. The `new` name being a more generic type. The reason apparently is to allow for flexibility in allocating personnel to various aircrew functions. They are to say the least peed-off big time although they will retain Sgt rank and actually slightly higher pay as a result, they feel the badge is downgraded.

From 1st Apr 2003, RAF 'Airmen (Aircrew)' became known as 'Non-Commissioned Aircrew'. The new branch of Weapon Systems Operator (WSOp) replaced all four trades (Air Electronics Operator, Air Engineer, Air Signaller and Air Loadmaster) and new graduates will be awarded a new 'Rear Crew' brevet. Air Electronics Officers and Navigators will now be known as Weapon System Officers (WSOs).


What about the other new one, WSOb (Warming Systems Oven and Brew).

There is a difference from base movements to down route, or mobile movements.

Who plans the load?
Who builds the pallets?
Who loads the pallets?
Who loads the backbreaking 6-hour flat floor load?
Who trims the aircraft?
Who hands the completed airframe over, for someone in a growbag to say “Ooooh thank you. And by the way could you lash my suitcase down on the ramp, as I’ve got new gloves and I mustn’t get them dirty”.

And then you get down-route.

Who unloads the aircraft?
Who completes a role change from flat floor to 17c / 17f (and vice versa)
Who loads the aircraft?
And then gets the aircraft back in the air again in three hours (with a six man team –Officer, Sgt, Cpl and three airmen)?
Showing my age now, talking about BFPO666 in the early eighties.

Who manages an ERO of 42 tons of grain in Ethiopia, and gets a rubber-to-rubber time of 14 minutes?

Who wins ERO competitions for a vehicle and two trailers, in the States two years running (although gets disqualified for cheating 1st year) then competes in the assault course with the Regiment?

Now change aircraft type . . . . . . . .
Who kindly loads all the crew bags and their DFs after loading a full vent bag load in 120-degree heat? (And don’t mind too much that the cup of luke warm water offered by the Steward has got things floating in it, like dead sheep and canoeists!)(Where did the loadie get to?)

Who gets back to the hotel 7 hours after the front-end chaps, to find out that the Co left the imprest in the hotel safe 2500 miles away?
Who sorts it out by sweet-talking the local Embassy staff?

Now change aircraft type. . . . . . .

And so the story carries on.

RoboAlbert 22nd Aug 2003 23:25

Golly, I had no idea how important you are; clearly the world would stop revolving without you.

Well done.

WASALOADIE 23rd Aug 2003 01:28

Who's smart enough to get someone else to load, trim, re-role the a/c for them whilst they are eating thier inflight meal / getting thier DF's, keeping thier gloves clean? Yet they are trained to do all these jobs and supervise the muppets and get paid more for it!.

bigley 23rd Aug 2003 03:00

And one more question MP

Who gives a flying F@@k?


Have never seen a mover load a Puma - ever, but please correct me should I be wrong.

Tiger_mate 23rd Aug 2003 06:29

Ive loaded a Puma, several times in fact.

But then I am Aircrew and movers are not!!

I do suspect there is an escaped Troll on PP at the moment. Good hunting you loadies!

Muppet Leader 23rd Aug 2003 06:41

I know I'm a bit long in the tooth,
But there once was a unit by the name of JHSU.
I joined at its' inception.
Only Pumas.
Oh dear, is that all.
What about the Super Puma, Gazelle, Wessex, Chinnook,
And then what about the various types of former Eastern Bloc rotaries that I handled in places like Ethiopia, South Africa, Beruit, and so forth. So many I can't remember all their designations
So you're only qualified in the one then?

Always_broken_in_wilts 23rd Aug 2003 07:17

E number,
"So you see, the Loadmasters were only average NCO's but the Movers were in fact very smart Suppliers".

OK clever dickey got any of your baldricks on 43K....................................thought not, whose smart now ok:ok:

Too many who's :yuk: Maybe you should have done better at school, but whatever sod off and do the course, if your good enough get the badge, then come back and tell us all about it.

all spelling mistakes are "df"alcohol induced

Muppet Leader 23rd Aug 2003 07:27

Only 43 Oh dear!
I admit I no longer take the Queens' shilling, but some of my ground staff take home more than that, without overtime!

Always_broken_in_wilts 23rd Aug 2003 07:45

As a civie your input is welcome,:ok: however I somewhat doubt the integrity of your last post. but rest assured I will be off to Thomas Cook on monday to see if there are any tickets left for trips to your ideal world.

Stop press ........"Bagage handlers on sh@t loads" In your dreams:yuk:

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

Ex Oggie 23rd Aug 2003 07:53

Okay, I was an oggie, but I spent the best part of 4 years of my service working as a Mover pretty much full time, including lots of MAMS tasking. I had been a civvy loadmaster prior to that.

Muppet Leaders post about the inception of JHSU reminded me of a chat with a few of my ex Sqdn colleagues who were there at the start as well. The story went that the Army and RAF decided to combine for helo ops. The RAF selected the best and fittest Movers they had. The army selected the best and fittest logistics guys they had. When they finally amalgamated together for the basic course, the RAF guys had to take time out while the 'brown jobs' had to spend much time and effort to even get close to the Movers fitness and ability.

I am sure ML will confirm or deny, but thats how I heard it. 'Nuff said about a Movers ability for me.........

Always_broken_in_wilts 23rd Aug 2003 08:53

As I recall the JHSU section at Laarparts was run by 2 MALM's, of course I have been drinking and it was almost 8 years ago:ok:

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

Follow Me Through 23rd Aug 2003 13:34


Following your layout:

So who sleeps down the back of the aircraft for 8 hours at a time?
So who claims crew pay for not working in the air - actually sleeping? Nice bit of staffing and Empire building though.
Who sends a 6 man team on 'nice trips' knowing that the team will be scratching around for jobs to do?
So who are the biggest poseurs at airshows in flying suits? Surely the Mkwhatever flying suit cannot be the best clothing to carry big boxes in?
So who lurks on Military Aircrew sites when ground sites would be more appropriate?

So who loads/trims the C130 for TS roles - believe it or not the aircraft is tactical. The aircraft has spent a large portion of its existence without a mover in sight doing para, AE, MSPs, RIB, etc,etc not to mention AAR, fighter affil, etc. Maybe its because the ALM trims the aircraft pre-flight for the sortie and also calculates the trim that will occur when the first and then the second MSP have departed without the benefit of sleeping ballast aft of the wheel -well.

I have to admit I have never seen a bunch of movers get an aircraft back in the air - unless you know differently? Did not know you could reach the throttles from aft of the paradoors!

Blakey875 23rd Aug 2003 15:00


Nice to see you're getting excited! Why is there a bunk bed on the flight deck and are you saying it's never used? The ground eng's also claim the crew pay and don't work in the air. On nice trips it is Group policy to task a MAMS team just in case the aircraft gets re-tasked as happened a couple of years ago for the Montserrat Volcano and Hurricane relief. A nice swan turned into a month of shuttles between the islands. The movers very rarely wear the Mk14 Nomex Loading Suit these days as a previous OC thought he would save the RAF some money and make them dress as pongos instead! Shame the GEs, Aeromed. ATSy etc didn't follow suit. Doing TS trims is not black magic - remember they used the same procedure for the PLR Airbridge tasks Ascension to the Falklands for years..... they can even work out the tipping index on the reverse of the trim, aren't they clever.


Bit ill informed re-Laarbruch! The i/c JHSU was an Army Captain and the 2i/c was a real RAF WO. Methinks you're confusing the Motleys (MAOTs) with the real management. True they haven't got one back in the air yet although I manage quite well on my Microsoft version. However in civvie street apart from all the boys Loadmastering (Their job title is not under threat) others have gone on to fly the things for Virgin, British Airways, TNT/Air Foyle, British Midland and United. Until he recently moved to Spain the Chief Glider Pilot at Lasham was also an ex-muppet. Not to worry though as I still like you - you make a brill cup of tea.

Grob Driver 23rd Aug 2003 15:13

Muppet Leader,

Gosh, you are my hero Sir.
I don't know anyone as important as you are! Well done.
How will the RAF continue without you?


Always_broken_in_wilts 23rd Aug 2003 16:37

You are correct, as my recolection of Laarparts was somewhat clouded by some very nice ice cold "df" liquid. But I do take umbridge with the following:-

"However in civvie street apart from all the boys Loadmastering (Their job title is not under threat) others have gone on to fly the things for Virgin, British Airways, TNT/Air Foyle, British Midland and United"

Just a thought but if it's that great out there why the fu@k are you still in:ok:

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

TAC Queen 23rd Aug 2003 17:25

This is the first time I have posted on PP but I felt I had to
As a Ex Mover and a current ALM I feel I can justify my post.

1. ALM's do not just do catering. In fact there are some that dont do any. If catering is the reason people are not applying for aircrew, then can can they stop posting on this AIRCREW FORUM.
If you feel you can do it better then apply and prove it if not shut up. I did it so its not that hard.

2, Some movers like to talk about how they can do the job better. But talk about in depth regulations, Tech and Gen and emergancy proceedures and CATERING :{ they go all quiet.

3. Movers dont always plan, build and load the aircraft with a completed trim. Infact I can't remember the last time I was given a trim down route.

4, ML, Its not hard to load a PUMA so please dont tell us how hard it is. It is a lot harder to rig a underslung load though. Is that what you are talking about???

5, ALM's dont know every thing, not this one anyway. They are not the font of all knowledge. I am definitely not; but I do not ever, ever, ever blame the other shift.

7, Yes aircrew do whine like a servicable J engine

All spelling mistakes are because I can't spell.

Echo 5 23rd Aug 2003 17:36


There you go again - on about alcohol. Really sad.I hope your boss doesn't suss out who you are else you'll be into the drying out clinic minus brevet.


Yes I remember well having to complete the remaining sorties due to the Loadmaster being injured.I think the story may be worth telling.
A 3 ton truck was being loaded onto the aircraft when it snagged the paratroop jump step which was stowed in the top of the fuselage and secured with lashing tape.
The Loadmaster was actually present while the graft was going on and he asked one of the other (flying) crew members to go up and cut the tape.
Now, nobody knew what was going through the Loadie's mind but any child will tell you that when an object is released from any height it will drop.
As the Movers watched on somewhat bemused the tape was cut, the inevitable happened,and the result was the Loadie received a severly gashed and fractured leg,a bruised ego, and an in depth
introduction to Terminal Velocity. On the positive side I got back to base several hours before the rest of the team.

ABIW (again).

I am SO sorry but when you said 43K I thought you meant KNOTS but you really meant MONEY.
Well yes - I am lucky enough to earn that type of salary,and I have a paid up house in UK, and I have an apartment in Cyprus.
And you know what, when I'm lying on my sun bed at Curium Bay and I see Albert fly over I think to myself " I bet he's carrying at least 200 pounds of excess baggage.

TAC Queen,

Were you really an ex Mover? I thought TAC Queen would have been more appropriate for someone on the Cabin Crew Forum.
I bet your SAMO gave you a glowing report when you went skipping off to aircrew selection. I suppose you must have found 95 % of the training pretty easy what with your Movements background. Coming up with something a bit more adventurous than NATO Standard tea or coffee was probably a bit more difficult eh.
Anyway back to your post. Check out Para1 particularly the last sentence. OWN GOAL or what!!
While you are at it go back to the menu and read what it says under the heading "Military Aircrew". Yes that's right, the forum isn't just for those in grow bags is it?

Grimweasel 23rd Aug 2003 22:17

Gentlemen, please. This site shouldn't descend into a LYN slagging match. Every one in the RAF/Army is an integral part of the system that helps to get the equipment from A to B. This squabble shows the viewing civil populus that we are nothing more than a bunch of up-tight pompus tw@ts who can't get on with each other. I work daily with both ALM's and Movers. Each and every one to their own is what I say. If Movers are so narked by the whole aircrew thang then why not shut up whinging and go for Aircrew selection? Both Loadie's and movers work very hard and when they are not busy they can play hard to.
There are too many people in the forces that are fazed by rank and seem to have an infieriority complex. You know that when you join the forces there will always be people above you and to give you orders. You accept it. It this starts to bother you then maybe you are now too long in the tooth and would be better served by getting out and being a Civie. FAR too many 'Blue-jobs' get above their station all the time, believing themselves to be the person in complte charge. Too much empire building. Not enough team work!!
The movers have always wanted our job (B2 Hanger) but as long as we keep doing the job with half the manpower and twice the productivity and 1/8th of the moaning, we shall prevail.
Personally I believe the biggest waste of RAF cash to be the PJI's who swan around the world just to shout "go!....go!.......go!...." and look good(well so they think!!). Next time you are down route and unoading the kite, have a good look for the PJI. You will find him making excuses not to help and getting others to offload their baggage for them. Wasters....rant over.

Rude C'man 24th Aug 2003 03:46

Well Movers and ALM, this forum just shows what important lifes you all lead: you must be rushed off your feet !
Slagging each other off never won any war , work with each other and compliment one anothers abilities. Take a look at JHSU and the rotary world , an excelent team working together towards a common goal.

Get a life will you !
Any spelling errors are cos i cant be arsed

Muppet Leader 24th Aug 2003 04:53

No the world wouldn’t stop if movers did not exist.
It would just seem like it for everyone else.

I’m not “in” anymore.
Got my chance, (with a little help from an inheritance), and took it .
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining – far from it.

After all, who could grumble after spending weeks on end in old Vegas during Red Flag, with one aircraft a week re-supply at Nellis, with some hydraulic fluid and a new pair of gloves for Nigel.
A quick swap of the hire van for three Corvettes and a tour of the West Coast each week, until the next flight.
Then do it all again in Calgary for Med Man.

Ghurkha rotation from the Far East.
Weeks and weeks flogging round all these places that you had never heard of

NATO conferences with golf at St Andrews, with the Secret Service bods from over the water.
Even commandeered SACEURs’ car once, with him still in it. Lovely chap, shame I can’t remember his name.

And the worst are those Navy lads and their warm water trials on their nasty torpedoes, in the Bahamas!
Eight weeks in a condo on Coco Beach – Its’ rough.

This list just goes on and on.

But it taught me about life.

You make your own chances. You just have to know which ones to take.

Just trying to make a point earlier that not all those rough tatty movers that you meet are all the same.
We are all human, and as such we will all make mistakes at some point in our lives.
Some just make more than others.

Ps; Yes I’ve had the operation to get my knuckles just off the floor

RoboAlbert 24th Aug 2003 05:45


The sad thing is that I think you probably believe that.


c130 alm 24th Aug 2003 06:01

Muppet Leader are you saying that all movers could be Loadmasters?

Always_broken_in_wilts 24th Aug 2003 06:11

E numbers,
A couple of thoughts here,

"And you know what, when I'm lying on my sun bed at Curium Bay and I see Albert fly over I think to myself " I bet he's carrying at least 200 pounds of excess baggage".

I know it really juvenile but how do you know, when looking up that we are carrying "muppets"

"Well yes - I am lucky enough to earn that type of salary,and I have a paid up house in UK, and I have an apartment in Cyprus"............bet you also think you have a big willy:rolleyes:

A muppet on that much money.................Can anyone else smell bullsh@t?

Don't slag off TAC Queen....he succeded where, based on your vitriol here, you so obviously failed.

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

Muppet Leader 24th Aug 2003 07:01


Not even if Hell froze over.

FM Thru
Just a thought, but I didn’t know anyone did a trim down route.
Just stick to the good old “load it all down the front ‘till the crew door hits the floor, then load it all down the back ‘till the crew door comes to the top of my flying boot, and we’ll be somewhere near”.

Can’t go far wrong with that

Krystal n chips 24th Aug 2003 08:28

Gosh ! What a revelation this thread has become. And there was I suffering from the delusion over the years as to the true role of the Loadie. You see, I had always assumed ( yes, I know "never assume-check" ) that, being at the leading edge of innovation, the Air Farce had simply developed the role of Loadie in those pre in flight vid. days as it's very own version of I.F.E. :confused: . I make a couple of exceptions here however. Notably the helo guys, who always seemed to be more down to earth, and a certain Texas ANG LoadMistress--aaaagh;) heaven on legs !!. As for the rest, well, there were some real "drama queens" ( both genders ! ) whom I came into contact with over the years as pax. Not sure which was / is the best example to give though. The hero who gave us a pious lecture about " MY cabin" ( wasn't aware he owned the four engined relic at the time ! ) and who, after about the sixth / seventh impact with the Oxfordshire earth--recyled his breakfast, dinner and tea----all over "HIS" Cabin :ok:
Or the star who felt that throwing the lunch boxes at the pax en route from Colt to RAFG on an Albert was "good fun"----and retreated upstairs for the rest of the flight when they were thrown back at him. Or the civilian version ( ex RAF note ) who flooded the E/E bay on a 737----cos he couldn't find the Very Large Stop Cock--in front of his eyes in the galley.! However, now that I have read these missives from various Loadies, I realise how wrong I am to make these assumtions about this special breed -----but not the hours of endless entertainment they provide :D

EESDL 24th Aug 2003 08:34

Typical, Movers on a Mil Aircrew forum...... line them up against a wall (next to the coppers) and shoot them.
Saw a mover try to pass herself off as 'aircrew, (Bangor Maine - 01) she was very embarrassed when the chap she was lying too handed her a doughnut in the morning, as his role as 'Captain' the next morning.
Movers - get a life.
Although, I must confess, I may have met sopme useful memebers of the RAF who happened to be Movers.

PC7anyone? 24th Aug 2003 14:40

lost luggage
9 pax and 9 bags to go from Lynham to Greece. Checked in 2.5 hrs ahead of take off. Other freight a Landie & Trailer. Get to Greece......only 8 bags. Nice one movers. Luckily OC Movements on the aircraft doing a quick visit. Movers got a rocket, I got my bag the next day! And the stories go on.

Simple really, if you don't like what you do then change role and cash in with the aircrew!

Blakey875 24th Aug 2003 17:08

Some interesting comments since my last visit, both sensible and spiteful. ABIW thanks - up till your comment I thought Tac Queen was female! We all know that all movers would not make Loadies but please remember that some don't want to be, enjoy what they're doing and in spite of the minority of moaners get on with the job with what sometimes limited resources they have. On recent Ops were it not for their fraternising and horse trading with other nations to borrow their equipment nothing would roll.

I find it ironic that before the AQM branch was introduced in 1964 that you had to be a SNCO Mover or Supplier to carry out flying duties whereas post 1964 you are made a SNCO before you can prove you are fit for flying duties. I know most of the wind-ups amongst the ground trades is the Aircrew Instant Sgt where everyone else have had to slog and work for years to gain that same status. The Canadians have coped for years with Cpl Aircrew and even the Army Air Corps have Cpl Pilots....

Yes I agree that not all Movers are Angels but the same applies to the other half. I've got many examples but refuse to lower the tone any further as long as those standing on the left behave.

I was once asked "What's the difference between a Terrorist and a Loadmaster?" ......... "Well, you can negotiate with a Terrorist!"

Keep the good comments coming boys but please don't lower the tone.

TAC Queen 24th Aug 2003 18:24

Echo 5

Yes I really was a mover and no my SAMO did not give me a glowing report. I left the trade with a selection of knifes in my back for daring to improve my lot. I really did enjoy being a mover and still have many friends in the trade. Even after my farewell presents. Still have never had to buy a knife since.
No I did not find 95% of the training easy as I was never instructed on Electrics, Hydraulics, MET, Combat survival, and a host of other fields and lets not forget catering at RAFMS. Yes my mover background did and still helps me. But the point I suppose I am badly trying to but across is that being a mover does not help all that much through ALM training.
There are some very good movers out there who will go to hell and back to get the job done properly. Unfortunately there are those who don’t give a dam and when it all goes wrong they blame every one but themselves. I always find this funny when a mover starts but BS me with things a ALM would not understand (ALP SACS FDCS) and then I inform them of my background and watch the panic sweep across their face.
Every one makes mistakes; lets just own up to them, learn from them and try not to repeat them.

All spelling mistakes are because I can’t spell

ENG 24th Aug 2003 20:51

Having spent most of my flying career with a Loadie or Mover down the back I find both a real pleasure to fly with. The helpful atitude and professionalism of both these trades has made me look forward to my next posting. Nimrods or Sentry.

Now a 'J' Bloke!! 24th Aug 2003 22:20

Thanks ENG;

Could you put another log on the fire...there's a good chap!! Oh sorry, I can do that all by myself now!!

This thread has been hilarious reading...and a little sad too. I'm a loadie, ex ground trade but not mover and I can vouch that there are ggreat blokes (& blokettes) in both branches...with a liberal smattering of important people too. I like to think that I get on with movers generally and can spot the hard workers v the bullsh**ers fairly easily.

And as a loadie....I can decipher the ALP (even tho I don't use them now), can understand the SACS but admit I'm lost about FDCS.

Anyone for a cup of tea.....you know where the galley is.

Regards to Most
J Bloke...

TAC Queen 24th Aug 2003 23:07

J Bloke
SORRY, Did not mean to sound patronising,
Ill get me coat

Question, is this new version of the J v K but now using trades against each other??

PS don’t do catering on TAC,

All spelling mistakes are because I can’t spell

Huron Topp 24th Aug 2003 23:31

As 875 stated, us Canucks have gotten along quite well with corporal aircrew. Stripes come with talent, not with the job. By the way, us backward colonials have the problem solved, ALL loadies are movers.

M134 25th Aug 2003 01:26

NCA ‘earn’ their stripes the same way a commission is earned in the RAF; through hard work and the ability to pass through the filters to the operational side of training. Ground trades also need to pass the same filters to get to SNCO however the holes START pretty big in their mesh and pretty much anyone with the right attitude can walk through them. As the screw tightens along the way the good guys pass through the ever-tighter scrutiny becoming SNCO’s as the less able falls away.

c130 alm 25th Aug 2003 01:50

I find all this very sad. How anyone can say that Movers are better than Loadies or vice versa is beyond me. There are good and bad in both trades. And I know plenty of good and plenty of bad from both trades.

There is a system in place to recruit NCA and love it or hate it its here to stay. If Movers want to become Loadies then they can all apply just like the DE`s can. Being a good Loadie is not just about knowing how to lash a load in correctly (although important) but there is so much more to the job. I am all for as many people as possible applying for Loadie, regardless of past situation, as all it can do is improve the calibre of the trade.

All this discussion is doing is causing harmful ill feeling between the 2 trades. As someone has already said, we should be trying to improve co-operation and help bring the 2 trades together seeing as they work so close already.

Now how about giving it a rest??!!

dc8loadie 25th Aug 2003 04:09

Movers v Loadies
MY my, it seems that things do not change on transport ops, movers still hate aircrew (not just loadies) and vice versa.
i recently left the movements trade after 25 years and can say i thoroughly enjoyed working with loadies in my time on mobile and in base load control, i worked very closely alongside some excellent aircrew on my last tour with an army unit which had a herc and chinook crews attached.
so i find all this so called "banter" horrifying, we are supposed to be moving forward in these days of dwindling funds and equipment and surely the easiest way is for you all to work together.
c130 alm and now a 'J' bloke thank you for your intelligent and adult approach to this discussion.
tac queen get a life, i was on the oggies and am now a civvie loadmaster with out the chip that you seem to have grown.

globefan 25th Aug 2003 06:24

Having not been on this site for some time I thought this particular thread might prove interesting. Ultimately, however, I find it all very sad and a great shame that nothing seems to change however hard some of us try.

I applaud c130alm and dc8loadie for their balanced approach. Some sensible comment amongst all the dross.

I must say that it is from us elder 'statesmen' that the new boys and girls (in both trade groups) get some if not all of their opinions and reading some of the diatribe on here it is no wonder that things will always be difficult.

And before anyone asks I have done this job for 16+ yrs both Lyn and Brize, both on a very old prop and a very new jet. A good part of my time now is spent building and maintaining bridges between ALMs and Movs - and this could not be done without the express assistance of some top blokes within the Movs empire.

Each and everyone of us could tell numerous stories slagging each other off - but lets face it there are more important things in life. Unless of course - there is no life....

TAC Queen 25th Aug 2003 06:34

To all
The point I was trying to put across but obviously failed was that if you want to do the job then apply.
I’m just sick of people saying I can do your job but never getting off their B-hinds and applying.
I know lots of movers who would make excellent ALM's. But being a mover does not make you a ALM. The same as being a NAV does not mean you are a pilot.
I’m still shocked that I got through selection (as are most of my Sqn). But I did and know I am here.
Be proud of what you are. I was proud of being a mover and still am. I only left because I felt I needed a change and more of a challenge (plus a extra 16K helped). I did not think I was a ALM. I was a mover with different qualifications and job specs.

I did not mean to cause anyone offence with my posts and apologise if I did.

But can we all get on with our own jobs and stop trying to do other peoples. As I have already said if you think you can do it then do it.
There is a reason for movers and a reason for ALM's. The system works, ALM's are the last check not the last word.

All spelling mistakes are because I can't spell

6nandneutral 25th Aug 2003 20:26

I suppose that it was me who started this off with my reply to ML. What annoys me is the assumption that being a mover automatically makes you a candidate to become an ALM. As has been mentioned before there is good and bad in both, but as aircrew if we f***k up we put our hands up, we don't blame the other shift. Which reminds me that the best way forward would be to sack the 'other shift'. I do however thing that it is worthwhile to give the good movers some praise. There have been many occasions when they have sorted out many handling problems on the ground and provided the crews with excellent DF supplies when we normally wouldn't have had the opportunity to do so. What I'm trying to say is that a good mover can be very useful and they are very much appreciated. Where they let themselves down sometimes is with the lack of supervision. On many occasions down route the movers team leader will get too involved in the loading operation and the supervisory element is lost until the ALM checks it. If the team leader was less hands on then they would surely spot any errors earlier. I do realise that this is not always possible due to high workloads and manpower shortages. In these days of many ops we should stick to what we know and work more as a team. So maybe it is time to close this thread, initially I thought that it would be a good source of banter but it has only become a slagging match to the detriment of both trades.
ML checked out your profile and yes it does make good reading, but as TQ pointed out the loading is not all there is to being an ALM.
TQ do you still pratice your C & D drill in a gentlemans club - (private joke).

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