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Old 7th Dec 2001, 19:23
  #41 (permalink)  
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Dear Ham
#1:I seem to recall a strictly volunteer American effort that preceded our official intervention. I could be wrong though.
#2:We may have been late to the party, (WWII) but we all showed up didn't we? and we didn't f*ck around once we got there. Believe me, WTC happens in Gb, you won't have to turn on the TV to hear our reaction, just look up, the B-1s will be over your head. Ignore what you read in our press, that's the journalists and the pundits talking to each other. John Q Public want OBL dead now, and he wants next a**hole who attacks citizens of a foreign country like Al Qatda (sp) did to be run down and turned into dust. We may be a little late to this party (terrorism), but we are sorely pissed off.

[ 07 December 2001: Message edited by: T_richard ]
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Old 7th Dec 2001, 20:14
  #42 (permalink)  
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Perfectly familiar, thank you, with Eagle squadrons who acquited themselves admirably during Second World War. Also familiar with quiet yet thoroughly effective support given to the UK by US during Falkland Islands War.
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Old 7th Dec 2001, 23:35
  #43 (permalink)  
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As the person who precipitated the thread may I add that I certainly did not want to start a trans-Atlantic slanging match. We've discussed in a previous thread the rights and wrongs of what's been going on and I think the majority vote was in favour. What I did want to do by highlighting the rather foolish comment by one individual, was try and establish whether his opinion was echoed by others. I think it's fair to say that he is in the minority and thank God for that. However, the comments by many have raised a serious question, how far wil this crusade against terrorism go? The IRA are obviously concerned because they've started trying to look like peacemakers, let's hope the other side take the hint!

Things are always worse than they seem!
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Old 7th Dec 2001, 23:54
  #44 (permalink)  
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Hello Who As a taxpayer, and as a coworker of 5 people who died on or after 9-11, (one sweet girl suffered for six weeks in a burn unit before she died), I feel that the USA with or without the rest of the coalition, I really don't care, should run down every known terrorist group we can find. I'll pay the taxes, when my son is old enough I send him in, whatever it takes. I have never been this angry for this long in 47 years. I believe I'm not alone in my opinion. Yes we are late getting into this fight, believe me, it is a constant topic of conversation, but as I said earlier we have arrived at the party and we not leaving till its over and it isn't over till we say so. Omar wants peace, he better bury himself alive, cuz we'll use the tribunals and sentence him to death.
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Old 8th Dec 2001, 00:04
  #45 (permalink)  
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The Brits were nothing but bullies and terrorists in Empire days
- Ralf Wiggum

You may have got an F for English Ralf, but you must have got SFA for History - unless you went to Hull or N London Poly where they can only peddle a Marxist view of History. I suppose it was the tooth fairies who sorted out the warring Mogus in India; gave the Indians their laws, courts, and a first class civil service and a language in which to administer themselevs; schools and hospitals of a quality we have long since forgotten in England; roads and railways; and laid the foundations in culture and infrastructure to create the the world's greatest democracy (in terms of population).

Africa by-and-large didn't make it and has gone back into the trees. But our finest achievement was the original empire in N America. True they eventually got a bit bolshie; but remember that the founding fathers were almost exclusively British colonials, very learned in British classical and political scholarship when they drafted the US constitution.

The monkey at the top of the greasey pole presents its least attractive aspect to those beneath it and is always detested. The Brits were "top monkey" once we had wopped the Frogs in the early years of the 19th Cent. We kept the Pax Britannica for 100 years and learned to accept being loathed. The Spams are doing fine but must get real and stop expecting to loved rather than envied!
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Old 8th Dec 2001, 00:09
  #46 (permalink)  
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FV "Spams"????? and were you refering to USA when you mentioned bolshie? Is that as in bolshoviek (sp) I do however agree with your analysis of the sub continent
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Old 8th Dec 2001, 03:59
  #47 (permalink)  
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Everybody knows that US foreign policy hasn't changed one iota since they got interested in it in the 19th Century. "You have got a religion and a system of government that doesn't quite agree with ours, therefore we are going to do everything in our power to change your religion and system of government, so that it reflects ours, which is much better anyway!" Someone tell me if I'm being unfair!

Apologies for being inflammatory but as much as I actually agree with the Spam's stance on Afghanistan in general, you guys could do with taking a reality check on your own self-importance once in a while!
Things are always worse than they seem!

[ 08 December 2001: Message edited by: whowhenwhy ]
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Old 8th Dec 2001, 05:27
  #48 (permalink)  
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"I feel that the USA with or without the rest of the coalition, I really don't care, should run down every known terrorist group we can find."
PS Except those connected with a North-East European location with which we all so loosely claim to have ancestral connections.

Will you people please WAKE UP?!
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Old 8th Dec 2001, 06:53
  #49 (permalink)  
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Talking This north - east connection ? please forgive my ignorance; are you talking about the IRA? If so please understand that outside of Southie in Boston, Hells Kitchen in NYC, the IRA has about as much standing in US politics/society as the Mafia. Most non Irish/British don't understand it anymore than Europeans may understand our black/white relationships. We know there is a serious problem, we just don't know who's right/wrong. As a Irish/English American Catholic I do not claim to understand all the issues. My suspicion is that The IRA evolved from a political driveb terrorist group into a crimminal force years ago. In any case, I'd love to use a little Old West justice to clean up NI. I think the Brits and the Irish would take offense at US interference.

PS please don't talk about the Kennedys, I'll scream
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Old 8th Dec 2001, 11:15
  #50 (permalink)  
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Nil nos
I am tugged in both directions on the issue of the timing of the United States entry in to WWI/II. In my opinion we should have emerged from our isolationist policies earlier and joined in the effort. But the fact is that we did join in and many fine Americans died on European battle fields far from their home. If hitler couldn't gap the channel, the mainland US was safe, so its arguable that the US was subject to a direct threat from Germany.
You surmise that if Bin Laden had struck the UK that the US would be ambivalent. Lets not forget that Sept 11 was not the first time Bin Laden has struck US assets. Where were you (the UK) when the Cole was almost sunk, the embassy bombings, etc? Didn't see any grass roots efforts in the UK to track the bad guys down.
The US has been quick to help out at your time of need. Remember when the Malvines, sorry Falklands were occupied by the Argies? After it was obvious that diplomacy was ineffective the US sided with the UK, provided access to bases, redeployed our assets to free up yours for the war effort.
BTW, whats unlucky about the initials WC? Too close to WTC?

We both have our Biases about NI, your from having been there, mine from growing up with grandparents who lived through the war of independance, you guys got alot of those, the Irish one to be specific, and parents who grew up during the occupation of the northern six. My great uncle died in the GPO on O'Connell street at the hands of the British army, My dad grew up with an absolute and primal hatred of all things British. Despite these inputs I maintain an even keel and recognize the military arm of the IRA for what it is, a bunch of thugs and terrorists that need to be eliminated. I am ashamed of Americans that provide assistance to them under some romantic ideal. I can tell you as a participant in the activities of the large Irish population in southern California that the support is non existant, either in deeds, actions or words. I also see the UDF for what they are, the same thugs and terrorists that the IRA are, I also recognize that the British army and the police had been less than enthusiastic about reining them in.


Don't believe everything you read in the paper or see at the movies. Rest assured the James Bond is your great equalizer, hell, we Americans pay good money to watch a Brit save us and the rest of the world.
I find it amusing that many of you blokes think we yanks need to tone down our movies, society, etc while you actually have a
government program(Cool Britannia) to mold your image internally from a dour curmudgeonly society to a more hip one.

May I suggest you avoid absolutes in your arguement? "Everyone knows US foreign policy hasn't changed on iota" I couldn't get 10 people to agree its dark outside. It will add creedance to your arguements. If you do that I will promise to get spell check, or at least a dictionary to clean up my posts.

Good post, we do have work to do on this side of the pond as it applies to our interaction with other nations.
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Old 8th Dec 2001, 19:33
  #51 (permalink)  
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WC the term 'WC' is olde worlde English for Water Closet - The bathroom to you and the Sh*t House for the rest of us. It has nothing to do with the WTC. Even British humour is sensitive to current feelings.

Ref the UDF et al, The Brit Forces side with no one. In fact, since you are so well informed, you will know that the British Forces were sent in to NI in the 60s to protect the Catholics. No prejudices!!! Sounds like the IRA propaganda is still getting over the pond if you really believe what you have written about the UDF. Our duties have changed little. We are there to protect anyone, no matter which side of the divide, in NI who needs such protection. Even members of Sinn Fein, the political arm of the IRA, were offered personal protection from the British Government when the NI Assembly were voted in.
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Old 9th Dec 2001, 08:54
  #52 (permalink)  
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Didn't quite mean it to come out the way it did. Sorry. Packing my bucket and spade as I speak to go build sandcastles in Afghanistan before it all turns to glass. TAXI!

OOOOOOOOH! What pretty rays of sunshine!!!

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Old 9th Dec 2001, 19:55
  #53 (permalink)  
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WC (seriously unlucky initials)

I not only surmise that the USA would not have joined a Brit led coalition to deal with terrorism, I know it wouldn't.

When IRA murderers, convicted under a perfectly legal system, escaped from the Maze prison some fled to the USA. It would be very nice if you had let us have the bu**ers back! It was not helpful for the IRA to have sympathisers in NY campaigning quite publicly against our extradition applications. If we catch Osama bin Laden and treat him in the same way that you lot treat the IRA you will never get him back because we'll give him a home and a job and the equivalent of a green card and call him freedom fighter and treat his mates as statesmen.

To be honest, it would be great if we did catch bin Laden. If I was HM's Government I'd do a swap - bin Laden for the IRA terrorists living in the USA. Can't say fairer than that - we give you OBL, you give us one(?) two(?) dozens(?) hundreds(?) of IRA hangers on.

I'm sorry, but I get upset about the IRA and US support. In NI I saw some int photos of a human body. The man was partially skinned, may have been castrated and had several burn marks. This was 'punishment' by the IRA - no court of law, no one to plead a case, no appeal, just a supposition that the man may have been an 'informer'. If you read 'Contact' you will also know that the IRA crucify 'informers' by pop-riveting them to the road and castrating them. Kneecapping, for the benefit of the Spams, involves drilling through the patella with a slow turning drill bit. Photos are not nice. Sophistication now means that victims have knees, wrists, ankles and/or elbows shot through. The best knee surgeons in the world are in Belfast. Kneecapping still takes place in IRA controlled areas.

I've also seen a photo of a policeman who was subsequently killed by having a slow drill bored through the top of his skull.

All this done with the full knowledge of the US Government's who hosted Adams etc.

Suddenly the US suffers a terrorist attack and the goal posts move. On September 10th 2001 it was still possible for the IRA to hold fund raising parties in NY and Boston. That is only 90 days ago!

I've got my medal for fighting terrorism - it's called the General Service Medal with Northern Ireland clasp.

War on terrorism - been there, seen it, done it......
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Old 9th Dec 2001, 21:25
  #54 (permalink)  

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Flatus have you been to India ever, let alone lately? I have been to 5 or 6 places in India over the last 10 months, it's a beurocratic(sp?) nightmare $hithole! Bangladesh is worse, Pakistan a little better. As far as I'm concerned you could only improve the world if you applied the 'Very Bright Flash' to the place


Ps Only half joking about the VBF
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Old 9th Dec 2001, 23:27
  #55 (permalink)  
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Nil mos
I will contemplate changing the initials.
I have had my fangs out for awhile on the issue of NI, let me soften abit. I have no doubt you have seen your share of killing in NI, more than your share. I spent seven months patolling the streets of Mogidishu Somalia years and pounds ago when I was a Marine. I saw how inhumane people act simply because someone from a differant clan from across the street ventures through their area. I saw alot of parallels to NI when I was there. I have become much more of a pacifist since. I abhor the taking of lives no matter whos name or whos cause it is. I say again that the military wing of the IRA are terrorists. American support for them is an embarrassment to me. Out of hand I cannot comment on th cases you mention. I also say again that some of the atrocities were visited upon the Catholics by the UDF and splinter groups with at times some knowledge of the authorities, McGurks pub is a shining example. A web search will bring up plenty of info on it. There is plenty of blame to go around.
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Old 10th Dec 2001, 22:27
  #56 (permalink)  
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Yes,no. But I don't want to cavil with you over the state of the sub-continent. It just gets right up my nose when people villify our imperial record - usually because of the PC pap they have had dished up to them at school by "teachers" who got diplomas from various Marxist or Trot hot-houses.

Most of my forebears were either colonial administrators or soldiers in the "old" Indian (ie, British) Army. Dad was an Indian Civil Servant, and I met many of his contemporaries out in Burma when I was a boy. They were the finest type of public servant, highly educated (they top-sliced the Oxbridge output, above the Home Civil and the diplomatic)and dedicated to the country. They suffered long periods of family separation and retired on modest pensions. The soldiers were those who wanted to do real soldiering among the Pathans, rather than be wuperts at the London season.

To denigrate these men as "bullies and terrorists" is a ludicrous travesty. The main loser from the Imperial experience was the UK, which sacrificed too much of its potential leadership for too long. We still feel the effects of that today. Rant over!
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Old 11th Dec 2001, 13:10
  #57 (permalink)  
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BEagle - don't forget that the "Native Americans" were in fact friendly towards the settlers until they moved west, pushing them out of their ancestoral lands, destroying their food supply (buffalo) and generally persecuting them into near extinction.

The first settlers would have all perished if the Indians hadn't kept them alive that first couple of years - major cock-up or what!
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Old 11th Dec 2001, 15:51
  #58 (permalink)  
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No-one would pretend that the British Empire was the Commonwealth of its day, though it was more benign than the Colonial rule of any other power - including the USA (which had its own overseas 'empire' albeit a small one, and albeit never called an empire.

We exploited the resources and people of our colonies, and imposed European cultural values, Westminster-based government, a British-type civil service, and arrogantly assumed that these (and the other 'benefeits' of colonialisation) were superior to what had gone before.

In some ways, they probably were, while in other ways we undeniably did damage and harm. But the Colonial administrators and military men were not terrorists, thugs or murderers, but were generally highly motivated, Christian philanthropists - who today might have chosen careers with Oxfam, or the UN, and who genuinely (and perhaps arrogantly) believed that the 'White Man's Burden' was to bring God, Education, Good Government etc. to their Colonial subjects, who were seen as being prepared for eventual independent self-government as part of what would become the Commonwealth.

It's fashionable to decry Imperialism and Colonialism in all its forms, and to draw no distinction between how the French (say) or the Portugese and the British ran their Empires. Britain may have made some mistakes, but the Colonial experience was often beneficial - and in some places is remembered with affection. At the last Farnborough air show, I was astonished when an Indian friend suggested that the best thing for India would be to get Britain back in to run it - paying Britain a fee for doing so as an equal partner, rather than as master/servant!

Any American intending to take exception to this post would be well advised to look back over the histories of the Philippines and Cuba, and to consider the impact of post-War 'Coca Cola Imperi
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Old 11th Dec 2001, 15:58
  #59 (permalink)  
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No-one would pretend that the British Empire was the Commonwealth of its day, though it was more benign than the Colonial rule of any other power - including the USA (which had its own overseas 'empire' albeit a small one, and albeit never called an empire.

We exploited the resources and people of our colonies, and imposed European cultural values, Westminster-based government, a British-type civil service, and arrogantly assumed that these (and the other 'benefeits' of colonialisation) were superior to what had gone before.

In some ways, they probably were, while in other ways we undeniably did damage and harm. But the Colonial administrators and military men were not terrorists, thugs or murderers, but were generally highly motivated, Christian philanthropists - who today might have chosen careers with Oxfam, or the UN, and who genuinely (and perhaps arrogantly) believed that the 'White Man's Burden' was to bring God, Education, Good Government etc. to their Colonial subjects, who were seen as being prepared for eventual independent self-government as part of what would become the Commonwealth.

It's fashionable to decry Imperialism and Colonialism in all its forms, and to draw no distinction between how the French (say) or the Portugese and the British ran their Empires. Britain may have made some mistakes, but the Colonial experience was often beneficial - and in some places is remembered with affection. At the last Farnborough air show, I was astonished when an Indian friend suggested that the best thing for India would be to get Britain back in to run it - paying Britain a fee for doing so as an equal partner, rather than as master/servant!

Any American intending to take exception to this post would be well advised to look back over the histories of the Philippines and Cuba, and to consider the impact of post-War 'Coca Cola Imperi
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Old 11th Dec 2001, 18:44
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Jackonicko -- heard you the first time!
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