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-   -   Night of the Long Knives in EK training department? (https://www.pprune.org/middle-east/505246-night-long-knives-ek-training-department.html)

Kamelchaser 14th Jan 2013 19:31

Night of the Long Knives in EK training department?
Any truth to the rumours flying around this afternoon?

GNL 14th Jan 2013 19:37

All asked to re apply for their jobs....sussed the kiwi nepotism ???

Panther 88 15th Jan 2013 08:10

True. It appears that all Training and Standards Heads were told they ALL have to reapply for their positions. No reason given. Complete surprise and no reason given.

Dropp the Pilot 15th Jan 2013 09:34

As much as I wish the drudgery could be interrupted by high drama of this nature, I think I remember that this "reapply-for-your-job" dance is applied to all departments routinely. Maybe somebody on a higher floor got a new MBA and wants to try it on.

If anybody can make it more sinister please do so.

ekwhistleblower 15th Jan 2013 13:28

Nah, when that happens a new Boss restructures. Training just delivered massive training programme so a restructure doesn't make sense. Must be another agenda?

glofish 15th Jan 2013 16:00

The Putins and Mugabes have to reapply for their positions through public and fair vote just the same ......

Sheikh Your Bootie 16th Jan 2013 06:06

Rumour has it, too many command failures is affecting the companies expansion/bottom line. Make of that what you will habibis. Probably an order to "assess" the training dept from on high, somewhere.

SyB :zzz:

fatbus 16th Jan 2013 07:46

Command pass rate both 777/330 at @ 85%.

falconeasydriver 16th Jan 2013 08:03

Command pass rate both 777/330 at @ 85%.
Which if correct is indicative of a healthy training department, a small "c" for checking and a big "T" for training.
From my personal perspective, the implementation of ATQP along with an enforced attitude change from certain individuals with reputations, some of whom I have experienced training events with, has made things feel a lot more like Im being taught something rather than being set up to fail something.
Lets hope what ever is going on, if there is anything, will only add to the positive approach I've witnessed over the past 2 years or so.

Dropp the Pilot 16th Jan 2013 09:16

Now it's getting interesting. The notice is out on the portal. Which of us are the Brownshirts? Should we be hiding under the bed? Wouldn't you just love to know what DM is thinking at this very moment?

GoreTex 16th Jan 2013 09:21

wish the guy on the A380 who got demoted 3 times wouldn't get rehired again

Payscale 16th Jan 2013 09:58

How do you get demoted 3 times..? CA to FO 3 times or CA to GR1?

GoreTex 16th Jan 2013 12:02

from TRE and then reinstated again, a few times

jack schidt 16th Jan 2013 15:18

Sounds like a round of Emiratisation coming up to me.

FlyTCI 18th Jan 2013 02:13

Originally Posted by jack schidt (Post 7636171)
Sounds like a round of Emiratisation coming up to me.

Emiratis urged to seek work in private sector - The National

Emiratis urged to seek work in private sector

DUBAI // Emiratis were urged yesterday to seek jobs in the private sector as the public sector reaches saturation point.

The federal Government employed only 1,500 new Emirati staff last year. Now it hopes the private sector can help to tackle the 20.8 per cent unemployment rate among nationals.

"The private sector is a rich sector with many opportunities which Emiratis need to take advantage of and there are many success stories for Emiratis in this sector," said Humaid bin Deemas, assistant undersecretary for labour affairs at the Ministry of Labour.

"Moreover, Emiratis need to understand that the public sector can no longer accommodate more employees."

Emiratis account for only 20,000 of the four million workers in the private sector, but a new initiative, Absher, aims to reduce unemployment by improving this figure.

"The gap in salaries and working hours between the two sectors is the main challenge which faces Emiratisation of the private sector and part of the new initiative is to reduce this gap," said Mr bin Deemas.

The initiative, which is supervised by the Ministry of Presidential Affairs and under direct supervision from the President, Sheikh Khalifa, is based on four main pillars: job creation, training the Emirati workforce, encouraging nationals to join the private sector and launching strategic partnerships with the private sector and government agencies.

One of its core targets is to create 20,000 jobs for Emiratis in the next five years. Sixteen government entities have pledged support to the initiative, in addition to a number of semi-government entities such as Etihad Airways and Abu Dhabi National Insurance Company, and a number of private companies.

Absher also includes a privilege programme supervised by the Ministry of Labour for Emiratis working in the private sector. So far, 600 Emiratis have enrolled.

Under the programme Emiratis in the private sector are granted priority in the marriage and housing funds and qualify for other incentives including a Dh500 monthly petrol allowance from Enoc, extra baggage allowance at selected airlines and discounts at car showrooms and insurance companies.

Eisa Al Mulla, executive director of the Emirates Nationals Development programme, said Absher would complement all previous efforts to Emiratise the private sector.

"It has come to systemise the scattered Emiratisation efforts across the Emirates," he said. "What makes this initiative distinctive are two things, first that it is a lively approach as it will have a lively interaction with the labour markets and its demands, but more importantly that it is under direct supervision of his highness Sheikh Khalifa."

The launch of the initiative, Absher, came a week after Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, the Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, announced that 2013 would be the year of Emiratisation.

"The year 2013 will be a year of creating jobs for UAE nationals, that will be a national priority for which all efforts must unite," he said.

The creation of 5,000 jobs was promised last week as part of a Dh330 billion injection into the Abu Dhabi economy over five years.

Abu Dhabi's labour force was 1.4 million in 2011. Emiratis account for a little under 10 per cent of this - 132,000. The Emirate's main employment sectors are public administration, defence and social security, which accounted for almost a quarter of the total labour force in 2011 and provide jobs for six out of every 10 employed Emiratis.

Dropp the Pilot 18th Jan 2013 07:57

Post #11
If you refer to your company email, we in fact now know what DM was thinking at that very moment.

May you live in interesting times.

Payscale 18th Jan 2013 12:13

WHAT are you rambling about now??

ruserious 18th Jan 2013 12:36

WHAT are you rambling about now??
I would guess a certain individual who's surname is the same as the secret society of funny handshakes that once use to be pretty handy at stonework.

BYMONEK 18th Jan 2013 14:13

Well, I mulled it over si. What I concluded was that DM has a damn sight more integrity and intelligence than another 'nutty' of a trainer who's amongst our midst. The same dispicable individual that probably passed on the email to AAR. The same individual who's name everyone knows and hates. The same individual that if ever crashed an EK plane, we'd all be saying 'I'm not surprised'!

Problem is, nobody has the guts to report him and when they have, little has been done. I think it's called wasta.

You have an axe to grind because of where DM comes from, no?

Dropp the Pilot 18th Jan 2013 14:53

email to AAR? Give us more please - this is better than the Bold and the Beautiful.

slowjet 19th Jan 2013 08:44

Agreed. But B&B was pure fantasy wasn't it? Now, Eastenders is real life but this stuff is even better than that. While you guys shake up the Training Dept. Someone have a go at Security please ( glance at the Cockpit visit thread ! ).All good sitcom though !

Capt Groper 20th Jan 2013 03:31

Stormy Seas ahead
Rig for fowl weather, stormy seas ahead.
Hatches and harnesses secure, all water tight doors locked.

Keith Discovering 20th Jan 2013 10:56

i think there are more revelations to come.... :E

MASTEMA 21st Jan 2013 04:11

I see that the contracted A330 Sim trainers have been sent packing also.

Off to Fiji I believe.

Payscale 21st Jan 2013 04:16

A380 Park instructors off to the A330. Fact or not?

Wizofoz 21st Jan 2013 17:29

No, Sit, it is only Management that is being restructured.

Recently, three new positions were "Created" in training- each fleet got an "Assistant Chief Instructor", a position the did not exist previously.

Each of these new roles was filled by a UAE national.

The recent reshuffle will see each fleet with only one deputy Chief Instructor, with one or two previous deputies "Demoted" to "Senior Training Captains"

The newly created "Assistant" positions are of equivalent rank with the Deputies, above the new "Senior" positions.

So, some just introduced to managment people will outrank some people who have been there for quite a while.

Might that shed some light on the situation?

glofish 22nd Jan 2013 04:34

Thanks for the enlightenment Wiz.

So it's Animal Farm all over again.
When will "they" get a stick?

Sheikhthedripsoff 25th Jan 2013 02:06

It would be somewhat naive to think this re-organisation is anything other than forced Emiratization.

Firstly, there is plenty of scope for removing weak trainers if they don't perform. It happens all the time (unless you have the appropriate "wasta"). There is no need to go through the scam of a management re-org to achieve that.

Much of the work to achieve a viable training department has been completed over the past few years (in particular the change to ATQP)...generally by a bunch of hard working and dedicated chaps. Putting aside personalities, these guys have achieved a hell of a lot. And now that work has been done, it's plainly obvious that others now want to step in and bask in the achievements. Whether the new management team will put in anywhere near the same effort remains to be seen.

No doubt there will be some figure-heads, with the deputies left to do all the work.

Perhaps this time was chosen as there is finally a reasonable level of establishment of trainers, and the powers that be figure if they lose a bunch through resignations, then it can be managed. Had this happened six or 12 months ago, the department would have ground to a halt.

So the next few months will be very interesting.

fliion 29th Jan 2013 20:58

Feb training letter upon us soon.

Popcorn & beer ready....the spin on this should be entertaining.


Wizofoz 30th Jan 2013 03:22



One post so far, and that one is spot on.

Dropp the Pilot 13th Feb 2013 09:35

Two weeks of quiet. That can't be good.

helen-damnation 15th Feb 2013 04:45

The Feb training letter is there, politically correct!

The thinning out of trainers/examiners has allegedly started.

Emiratisation will continue, hardly unexpected for those who have been here a while.

Fly safe,

Dropp the Pilot 15th Feb 2013 08:46

"The thinning out of trainers/examiners has allegedly started."

"Thinning" as in simply reducing the total number or "thinning" as in pruning the known problem-children? I hadn't heard of any examples of either.

Payscale 15th Feb 2013 13:56

In your fantasy buddy, but a good wind up. I ll give you that

helen-damnation 16th Feb 2013 02:21

Thinning as in pruning.

crewmeal 16th Feb 2013 05:33

Sounds like the same old problem when the appropriate locals have been trained up then the expats will be dispensed with. This happened in Gulf Air many moons ago when Cabin Services had a shake up. Judge for yourselves how that went and what happened. Looks good on paper and makes the bean counters a lot happier. How that will affect the quality of course is something to debate in the future.

thelostsoldier 15th Mar 2013 13:14

hate to say it, but welcome to ME! They give us a $ in one pocket and then suck it out the other. They have no idea what they are doing but have the $ to pay for their mistakes. In the mean time we are the once paying the price because of their stupidity. The other airline below Dubai has same issues....., if you are of certain nationality, the senoirty list means nothing. You get what you want, the rest can stand in line with their ticket and wait.


Sheikh Your Bootie 31st Mar 2013 06:21

Restructure is out Habibis. discuss....

Not totally surprised that many have been reappointed, most were doing a great job! But one appointment sticks out like a sore thumb, the most Non standard pilot in EK. Teflon coated..

SyB :zzz:

harry the cod 31st Mar 2013 06:32

Sheikh Your Bootie

I agree 100%, this individual is a joke. He's infamous throughout the fleet, completely non standard, is a bully, can't train to save his life and now becomes a manager. Where's the credibility? The only good I see from his appointment is that he'll be spending far less time near a real airplane!

Maybe this is a discussion best saved for our own forum though.


fliion 31st Mar 2013 17:04

Absolutely disgraceful decision to appoint this man a manager.

Notorious reputation, widely held in contempt...

Knowledgeable? Yes, .

...but a real trainer imparts knowledge for the benefit of the pilot...

He displays knowledge for the benefit of himself... at the expense of the pilot.

. One step fwd, two steps back.

Another hole in the block of cheese.

Tut, tut, tut.


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