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South Prince 21st Nov 2012 13:54

If they are so desperate how would you explain that experienced and current on type fellows have seen the application rejected a couple of days ago?

gulfair 22nd Nov 2012 15:52

They are presently looking for 40 experienced Pilots. They have had a large number of Gulfair pilots that they will take. as Gulf air pilots are all being laid off. Im not saying they are desperate desperate but what I am saying is they have a high turnaround of pilots as its a mickey mouse operation. I know for sure i will be offered the job. They needing guys asap. I have a local licence and this is a plus factor for them.I have asked other Pilots who used to work for them and they all said, avoid the place. Once you go to airlines like this in the middle east, they have certain agreements with the larger companies not to take you.

RAKfreqflyer 23rd Nov 2012 07:03

A different Prospective.
About RAK:

RAK Airways has been through ups and downs since its start up. That’s no secret. It has a small fleet which it is looking to expand. They have on order and planned for an induction of two aircraft per year. This explains the need for highly professional, dedicated and experienced pilots.

The current CEO of RAK Airways has taken the burden of restructuring the airline from his predecessor and has successfully built a professional management team. In this short period, he has managed to raise morale and has improved the standards of the airline.

Presently the CEO and the management team are working hard to stabilize the current networks the airline flies; they have added more destinations and increased its frequencies of flights.

RAK Airways has also started its first domestic flight to AUH and gone through a successful Etihad Audit for code sharing.

Additionally, further routes and destinations are planned for the near future with the arrival of each new aircraft.

From my understanding, this is the best CEO and team which has been put together to govern RAK Airways future. :ok:

Mr Gulfair,

I literally *face palmed* :ugh: and nodded my head in disapproval at the contradictory and childish remarks you have made in this post. I’m in disbelief that someone with an attitude like yours would be considered for any position in aviation.

I’m sorry that you felt you didn’t get the five star treatment you thought you deserved on your arrival to the UAE for the interview. HOW DARE RAK AIRWAYS not give you the red carpet and a 3 day stay in a 7 start hotel, so that you felt prepared for the interview! Are you being serious? This is aviation my friend. The Airline does not need to accommodate to your individual needs.

The small minded comments you’ve made were disgraceful as they were a vile attack based on a personal opinion on the individuals whom offered you an opportunity. Haha, you my friend are an ignorant douche. And I don’t even want to begin to tell you how IRONIC and HILLARIOUS it is that someone as illiterate as you will pass judgement on someone’s English.

“you need to live in RAK as roster changes are daily”

Of course you need to live in RAK to be flying for RAK Airways. I’m sure someone with your knowledge will understand the operational advantages of this. Roster changes are inevitable with any flight disruptions in a small fleet. (Diversions, AOG, ATC, Training programmes, etc)


“you have a very large bond.”


“WILL HAPPILLY work for 6 months or even 6weeks and leave”

The large bond for a 3 year contract makes perfectly good sense to me because this is specially designed for individuals like you who want to leave the company after 6 months or a few weeks.

The salary is one of the competitive salaries you can receive worldwide. The airline will bond you for this period because they are looking for people who are LOYAL and willing to commit to the airlines future. They don’t need anyone who feels the need to leave as they please. It doesn’t work like this at all!


“Pilots are leaving weekly for better options”

Pilots leaving daily? For someone who hasn’t worked for RAK airways previously and only has had a short “in and out” interview, you sure are very opinionated. I know anyone who has any bit of education can see through that bull crap. :D


“I have a local licence and this is a plus factor for them”

I don’t believe it will be a plus for the airline based on the local licences you hold because except for your Airlaw exam and valid medical, you still have to go through the full process of operator conversion training. They will have to apply for a new licences issue for you.


“and left AA for this same rubbish and to be honest RAK is clearly not for me. Everyone i had spoken to has said to avoid the airline.”

Left AA? Really? Common you’re not fooling anyone.

Ok Sure, and you’ve taken “everyone’s” advice by not applying for an interview and job at the airline! And of course, you will not accept the JOB OFFER because… I mean look at the things you’ve said and mentioned.


“(thats why i wont be going)”


“if they offer me a Job ofcourse I will take it”

…Oh. Never mind.

In conclusion I’m very disappointed in you Mr Gulfair. After reading your post and applying a bit of critical thinking to the things you have said and mentioned; you come across as someone who thinks very highly of themselves and very low of others. You back your comments and statements with no real hard evidence apart from “He or she said that” but go on to contradict everything you say with your actions.

In addition, you’re attitude stinks. I highly doubt you will be offered a job at RAK Airways.
Happy Job Hunting!! :{

wizzkid 23rd Nov 2012 08:31

It's actually your comments that are way off the mark. You clearly have no idea how this industry works or if you are a pilot perhaps you are used to gutter level treatment and standards? Gulfair provided a fairly accurate account and having confirmed from other sources, I feel provides a good picture of what one can expect of RAK interview process. Further an interview is usually prospective employees first interaction face to face with management. Thus an interview and the process is usually a fairly good indication for what's to come later.

gulfair 23rd Nov 2012 09:57

oh My dear friend, you must be part of Rak management to be making posts like this defending your company. Is this freedom of speech i hear.:D..you are talking rubbish trying to defend your company because you people know you are desperate.How come out of 5 people who were at the interview maybe only 2 people was happy to join your airline, what about the rest of us . Rak air has never known which heading it is going and managment teams like you will always ensure this. You are low cost operator and offer low cost terms to its employees. you guys make AA look good thats for sure.for this reason I wouldnt even take the job.Please do your company some help, at least have people who can speak english and employ TRE's who dont think they are God. best of luck to your airline, you will sure need it. and good luck to the few that will join the company.

hunter320 23rd Nov 2012 11:13

Mr, GulfAir

i cant believe ur comments

I went for the same process and interview and would like to shed some light for others that the DFO was very nice and professional with good english. the trng mgr was also professional in his way of dealing. as far as the rush well anyone would understand the need to get things done as efficiently as possible and finish all the guys in the short sim time booked.

i worked for gulf air and AA and i hold a local licence, left for other reasons that had nothing to do with the operation of those airlines. flying is flying and its not what it used to be anymore. so get over it.

if u do get offered the job and u agree to the terms and conditions you should respect them and do your job.

acting surprised about the bond is very sad since everyone was sent the contract and you knew about it before the interview so why come in the first place if u didn't agree to it.

you dont sound like a professional with your comments,

South Prince 23rd Nov 2012 12:30

The reason behind my previous comment is the following: applied to RAK in April, shortlisted, got screening invitation and T/C letter shortly after with requested availability date. Replied immediately but haven't heard since. TT over 13000 - a320 over 3000 cmd. Never got an answer to any of the mail sent asking for a clarification, some of the mails cancelled withouth being read.

RAKfreqflyer 24th Nov 2012 11:14

Hello Wizzkid,

I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion and I respect some of the things you’ve said. Yes, I agree to some extent that the interview process does play a part in giving you a small glimpse of what to expect within an airline. However, I will disagree that this will paint a complete and clear picture of how an airline is managed and run by simply having an 2 hours sim session/interview process.

Furthermore, I don’t understand how Gulfair’s comment can be expected to be taken as accurate at all, as you can see he has been completely contradictory and malicious in his views (please refer to my earlier post).
Also, I have no idea how my factual views relates to me having “gutter level” standards or thereof a lack of understanding of how the aviation sector works?

Regardless, as my title in my earlier post implies, I was simply putting across a different point of view. :ok:

Hey Gulfair,

To answer your question; No. I’m not management but I’m simply an aviator who is very disappointed at your level of professionalism and attitude.

eagleeye23 25th Nov 2012 09:34

Hiring info
Hello everyone. Is somebody here with info about the hiring and expansion plan of RAK. Many thanks in advance

tony2F 25th Nov 2012 11:37

Hey RAK, your box is full!

gulfair 30th Nov 2012 14:30

rakfreq flyer
Just got my . Dear Capt, get lost letter from Rak, yesterday. This has to be the saddest day of my life. Oh well looks like i need to stay at a real airline (Gulf air) a bit longer.

so thanks for the bad news RAK freq flyer. Hope your management position gave you a few more gold stars.:D

Hopefully Rak will one day pay attention to my observations and make better terms and conditions.


kwaiyai 3rd Dec 2012 13:02

25'000 usd bond and no proration is a clear indication of stupid HR and Management trying to handcuff Crew. Any Court will chew that up in seconds but they Never learn, HR are the useless third of a company and probably only
other option is to work at Starbuks!
Thats right Mr Rak I am talking to ya

RAKfreqflyer 4th Dec 2012 08:56

Hey Tony,
Thanks for informing me that my inbox was full. I hope the information you received was helpful to you! I’m happy to have assisted!

Hello Gulfair,

I'm scratching my head and thinking, why are you being so adamant on insisting I’m from management? And then it hit me. You have absolutely no clue on what is actually happening within the airline. Therefore, I have taken up the burden to enlighten you again!

If you were as well informed about RAK airways, you would have been aware that during these last two months there had been town hall meetings in which each and every single employee has had face time with the CEO. The meetings outlined the new business plan and it gave the employees a chance to contribute their thoughts in helping the airline move forward. ;):ok:

The knowledge I have passed on is common knowledge between each individual employee of RAK Airways as a result of these meetings. I can understand how you would confuse the information I passed on as “management only information” but I hope that has shed some new light on the matter.

I know it’s hard in this current economic climate to find work and I do wish you all the best. But please do not be surprised why you weren’t offered a job. Wishing you all the best in gulfair!

Hey Kwaiyai,

“HR are the useless third of a company and probably only other option is to work at starbucks”

I can’t believe you just threw a dig and a stab at every single HR department out there. :ooh:

I have no further comments.

gulfair 4th Dec 2012 20:51

rak freq liar
hello Mr Management

No need to lie to defend your company. And i dont need a job, thankfully im with a real airline. where we are not treated like morons. and we dont need to give a 25k bond. Where TRe's dont think they are GOD. where DFO's speak proper english and have previous experiences in their field. oh my My friend, look around what global downturn are you talking about, plenty of Jobs available maybe not in the (usa). anyway you know and i know that your terms are ridiculous and you should employ quality people. Not wannabes

oh and please tell us why you have a high turnaround of pilots.:O

good luck and thanks for your advice, meanwhile I will stay here at Gulf a real airline.
Hopefully MMA airlines when starting soon outa RAK airport will show you guys how to run an airline:D

etops777 4th Dec 2012 22:41

Gulf air

I don't quite understand your theory? If Gulf was a real airline as you claimed then why do you need to seek employment else where?

gulfair 5th Dec 2012 09:46

Thanks for your comments.
Gulf air a few months ago advised that they would be downsizing. So lots of us never had a choice but to seek further employment. I would never leave gulf air, they are an amazing company and at least one of the only airlines I have worked where they respect staff. They have experienced crew,management, instructors,examiners. a true 5 star airline.

and they dont have a 25k bond, with egoistic wannabe, TRE's and DFO's that dont speak proper english.

Gulfstreamaviator 5th Dec 2012 17:11

English level 4
I trust they speak level 4 Engish, and as such are fully understandable by everyone in and out of aviation.

Or perhaps I don't.


RAKfreqflyer 5th Dec 2012 17:58

Its been fun but goodbye gulfair.
Hey Gulfair,

It’s me again. :ok:

No need to defend the company? No need to attack a company based on fruitless and opinionated facts. I have provided you and the community with a different prospective. Mine more based on evidential views from working within the airline, where as yours based only from a two hour interview. Please refer to my earlier posts in regard to most of your concerns.

The DFO who you claim doesn’t speak Engilsh “proper” does indeed speak English fluently. I will go on further by supporting my OPINION with evidence, something which you’ve been lacking in all your posts. The DFO is from a different ethnic origin; however he is a British citizen, holds a British passport and has spent the good half of his life in the UK. Not only this, he has written all our flight ops. manuals which underwent a rigorous inspection and was later approved by the GCAA. I guess they don’t speak English either?

“Our egotistical TRE who thinks he’s god”? I assure you, he is neither god nor egotistical. However, he is strict, well-informed, and knowledgeable. He has enforced company standards and has achieved this goal by taking time out of his schedule, arranging SIM sessions for all flight deck crew and personally spending one on one time with them. God? No. Egotistical? No. Hard working guy? Yes.

I can whole heartedly without a shadow of a doubt say you don’t speak English “PROPERLY” (fluently) and you’re the one with an egocentric attitude. This is clearly conveyed by all your posts and comments on this thread.

And yes, Gulf Air is a world renowned airline. But I wouldn’t blame you for seeking work elsewhere due to there recent downsizing plans. I guess we both know who will be the first to go. ;)

Keep looking and happy hunting.

P.S. I’m done addressing your posts. It’s becoming pathetic and childish.

Gulfstreamaviator 6th Feb 2013 08:50

The music has stopped AGAIN
New CEO....... now lets think what else to add to the post..
O yes, he is the CEO.(?) of Dana Jets too.....

Saves on shoe leather......

Lets see, change fleet to Beach 200's or perhaps increase existing fleet to 3 aircraft.... to compete against Air Arabia...

Input please....


wastafarian 6th Feb 2013 18:03

john brayford is out??? whats the storie behind that?

MDT06 27th Feb 2013 15:11

Any updates? Fleet expansion plans? AC orders?



Hansol 31st Mar 2013 11:46

RAK Airways
How are things in RAK Airways?

Gulfstreamaviator 31st Mar 2013 14:34

same day same ......
no great changes...... word on the street, is no great progress..... but what do i know...


A 320 pilot 11th Apr 2013 23:09

I heard they fired one of the best F / O. And five co-pilots selected for CPT upgrade have failed all .

dkz 15th Apr 2013 11:21

UAE flight making emergency landing in Saudi due to engine fire alert returns today - Emirates 24/7

Interesting news ... heard a rumour it was just a beacon reflection from the clouds and not a fire ECAM, anybody care to comment ?

dkz 15th Apr 2013 11:30

This is strange, threads missing, posts moved ... another Et...d ?

prince1505 4th May 2013 18:04

rak airways
rak airways, will send 3 captains home ,as they said for unpaid leave with 3 first officer.
and no one know when the 3rd A/C coming

A 320 pilot 23rd May 2013 20:25

PTU. ----OFF
Please I'm looking for some one to tell me that rumor I heard about the new TRI in RAKAIRWAYS it is not true

taz.devil 24th May 2013 05:13

If you don't dísclose the rumor, how can you expect anyone to confirm or deny it?:}

A 320 pilot 24th May 2013 13:57

'Dedicated To You’ change in 'Delaying for You'
I heard that most of RAKAIRWAYS delays are do to pilots fault , because they don't know how the systems in their aircraft are working , that BREND NEW !!! TRI !!! it is in TOP with delaying the flights , the BEST ONE it is when he return in stand righting in technical LOG that the PTU it is not working with the PARKING BRAKE ON and the aircraft was grounded for few hours until STBY crew came and did the VOCL flight , this !!! TRI !!! had a bad day ,


jalal 25th May 2013 13:21

It is not a rumor it is REALITY
A 320 PILOT you are 100 % right , unfortunately this TRI it is still working with rakairways the reason is , he is supported by the director of TRG , So no body can touch him , even if the looses caused by them are HUGE $$$$$$$$$$:ok:

A 320 pilot 26th May 2013 13:45

in this case it is no wonder why the number of passengers dropped to more than half............
by the way what is the price to be TRI in RAKAIRWAYS ?????

Gica Popescu 3rd Jun 2013 13:45

Rumanian power
I have a good friend there,and he told me that the best they have in that Company are the 5 rumanians ,they brought from TAROM a very high standard
and they are supporting daily First officers and Captains to improve day by day.
They show how to operated an Airbus in the ATR way.....
Congratulations guys you are in good hands...

Scanwing 4th Jun 2013 05:47

Wow, that sounds great !(not)
The A320 is supposed to be operated and flown according to Airbus FCOM procedures, not in the ATR way.

Just my 2 cents.....

IXUXU 13th Jun 2013 14:48

Buna Gica,

May I ask how´s that about operate an Airbus in the ATR way....:hmm:

Gica Popescu 20th Jun 2013 11:30

Rumanian Power
We have never been taught,is something that if you are not born in Rumania you are not able to do it...i'm so sorry...:=
Those guys are moving to Airarabia caused just a litle short person understand them, the Lord...but they are tired fighting against the Canadian and the Spanish Mafia...that spanish TRI that somebody mentioned in a couple of posts before...(an astronauta in the midle of the desert).
I hope they join Airabia very soon and the Lord don't ban them making a phone call to Flight Ops.
Good luck guys!!!!:D:D::D

RETARD_RETARD_RETARD 30th Jun 2013 19:22

TAROM High Standard?(!)..!!!..
TAROM and high standard?..


Did you folks recently have a pilot who was pissed drunk and about to get into the aircraft to fly the return with alcohol being 10 ("TEN") times over the standard limit 0.0008 limit?.

I bumped to a TAROM pilot was layovering Dubai sometime back in March and apparently this the drunk pilot is not just off the hook, he's in SIM Sessions and will be back online soon(!)

Whilst no offence to ROmania and the people of Romania, wherever they are Romanians, its bad news because you know there's some scam going on.

PS | What exactly did you mean by "Spanish-Mafia"?.....i think that would be termed as 'offensive'.

Would you care to explain that to me?

RETARD_RETARD_RETARD 30th Jun 2013 19:39

Fly an Airbus the ATR way...(!)
Strangely enough, i think i know where Gica comes from.

TAROM like a few airlines with mixed fleet we "KNOW", have ATR's, Boeing's and Airbus and with that, the logical step up (this may seem weird) is to shove the ATR guys to Airbus because Boeing's the largest fleet for the airline(!)..

So boeing guys remain stable, whilst ATR lads gets bumped up to Airbus. And eventually, suffer because they cant more up to the core fleet.

REminds you of any other airline we know?...!(!)...a cargo airline perhaps?

Gica Popescu 20th Jul 2013 15:38

The Rumanians have THE POWER
At last the CEO understood that the Rumanians have to take over the control of the Company...the litle short Lord unfortunately didn't expect our betrayal....with him another 6 years losing money wouldn't be the best options for the new investors even having the incondicional suport of the Sheik.
Right know every body will see how is the way to manage a Company and they will get rid of some undiserable people.
Congrats guys and at last the litle big mouth friend will have his position in manegement and another nice colleague will recover his Captain position very soon.:ok::ok::ok:

MulaOmar 20th Jul 2013 20:17

Thank's God!!!!
After several years the worst VP in the Midle East has been terminated.Focus in his personal battle with the Head of training he didn't take care about their loyal friends (Rumanian Power:yuk::yuk::yuk::yuk:).If Theses guys are going to rule this Company i can say that by the end of the year Rakairways is going to be History.....:{:{:{:{
Unfortunately the Rumanians have the same poor background like the man who rule this company from 2007....What a shame!!!!

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