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-   -   100 pilot's sick in EK A/C on ground.. LACK OF CREW!!! (https://www.pprune.org/middle-east/407570-100-pilots-sick-ek-c-ground-lack-crew.html)

flaphandlemover 3rd Mar 2010 11:18

Ek MANAGEMANT POINT OF VIEW..100 pilot's sick in EK A/C on ground.. LACK OF CREW!!!
Just flew with a TRE.

He was called out of his office to do a normal line flight.:eek::eek:

Apparently 100 Guys called in sick.

3 A/C on ground :ok: NO CREW!!!!:ok::ok::ok::ok

The SH.T hit the fan and more to come....

EK, keep saving and push up the hours...! Here is the result...!

Congratulation to the wise leadership. We saved money, no matter what it cost!:}

Chewthecrude 3rd Mar 2010 11:58

There are a little over 100 sickies (over the last few days) but is that just sick or sick fatigue which'll add quite a few?!

IXNAT 3rd Mar 2010 12:13

Good news, bad news. Good-might begin to wake up the perfumed princes. Bad-EGT might be on the line.:ok:

NEWYEAR 3rd Mar 2010 12:22


Are they on strike...?:rolleyes:


SOPS 3rd Mar 2010 12:28

no I dont think so...

flaphandlemover 3rd Mar 2010 13:33

no they aren't....

If you work 92 hours for month, you are very open to any kind of virus....


NO strike...

ManaAdaSystem 3rd Mar 2010 17:23

92 hrs = 3 ULR's = 6 days work?

You all know what this means? Sick leave certificate required from day 1, from company approved doctors.

Threadstarter better hope his TRE doesn't read PPRUNE, or if he does, that he is anti EK management.

How many Aussies in EK? About 100?

flaphandlemover 3rd Mar 2010 17:50

@ Mana...

like in previous posts...

just a bubble of hot air....:ugh::ugh:

i guess you are in our management.....

OR please apply, we need ..... like you!!!!

Not knowing what you are talking about, but with a very loud voice....:ugh::ugh::ugh:

mensaboy 3rd Mar 2010 18:03

Mana, give it up. You have been rooted out already as management (either that or...... well better not go there).

''92 hrs = 3 ULR's = 6 days work?'' -Clearly shows you don't know much, but at least you put a question mark at the end of it.

''You all know what this means? Sick leave certificate required from day 1, from company approved doctors.''
-Inference is that people are not actually sick when they call sick, which is just not the case here.

''Threadstarter better hope his TRE doesn't read PPRuNe, or if he does, that he is anti EK management.'' -Veiled threat!

''How many Aussies in EK? About 100?'' -Wow, ignorant and zenophobic. Trying some more 'divide and conquer techniques?

NEWYEAR 3rd Mar 2010 18:13

Hi Everybody:D

I dont know if 100, 98, 93 or 104 but, there are lots of people at the same time....mmmmm:=

It seems to be a false illness in order to attract attention about living conditions and employ;)

Payscale 3rd Mar 2010 18:35

New Year...are you a doctor?

ManaAdaSystem 3rd Mar 2010 18:58


I'm not threatening anybody, nor am I in a position to do so. In my opinion, the thread starter has stuck his neck far out. If you go against your company in the ME, you better not give them the opportunity to identify you. Suddenly there is one more pilot not showing up for work tomorrow, and he'll find himself very lonely with no union to go to, and his mates will not support him. Not openly, because they know what might happen if they do.
Do you guys really think you are alone in here?

As for the sick leave certificates, that will be a ME-typical reaction to the "problem".

How long have you guys been here? Arabs don't like to be bullied or pressured. They don't like ultimatums. The will let the business suffer badly before they give in or lose face. It's their nature. If they have to give, it must be seen as coming from within their own group, not due to external pressure.

Now, out of curiosity, how many ULR's can you do in a month?

InnocentBystander 3rd Mar 2010 19:51

You, Sir, are a troll. A clueless troll. Don't feed the troll.

This message is hidden because ManaAdaSystem is on your ignore list.
Ah, better now.

SIUYA 3rd Mar 2010 20:24

[Arabs] will let the business suffer badly before they give in or lose face. It's their nature.
Oh dear! :ugh:

Mana, all of us who've worked in the Middle East have at some point or another come to the realisation that to an Arab, loss of face is virtually an intolerable insult, and that when loss of face happens, it's basically 'game over' and the 'I WIN-YOU LOSE' mindset then takes over to the exclusion of any other reasonable and/or sensible course of action or compromise that the Arab can take to resolve the problem.

So exactly what point are you trying to make?

How many Aussies in EK? About 100?
Cheap shot Mana, but probably as good as we can expect from you. :yuk:

ManaAdaSystem 3rd Mar 2010 22:01

My point?

If you start to "go" sick in an organized way (and advertise it here!) to change things at EK, it will be a loss of face to give you what you want.

southflyer 4th Mar 2010 00:26

Ha ha ha ha ha ....:D

If this is really true......

What the hell took you pussies so long!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SIUYA 4th Mar 2010 01:50

Mana, your clumsy attempt at inferring that the alleged 100 crew calling sick represents crew going sick '...in an organised way' is a logical fallacy.

And frankly mana, if the 'I WIN-YOU LOSE' local mindset takes over to the exclusion of any other reasonable and/or sensible course of action or compromise that can be taken by EK management to resolve the problem, as you seem to be suggesting that it will, then won't that just be another one of those irrational 'speedbump' Insha'Allah events that seem to form part of everyday life in the Middle East? :ugh:

Sky Dancer 4th Mar 2010 03:13

I think what Mana Ada..was implying was that if you want productivity , you need to look beyond Australia.And I quite agree with him.The usual Australian crew mindset is that they try to sell the safety angle ..about how safe their crew are..and thats how they gain a foothold anywhere..well EK have already scraped 2 A 340s...so much for safety...my advice to the EK management , look around , there are a lot of willing and capable pilots around the world willing to work for then...:ok:.

cost neutral 4th Mar 2010 03:33

Sky Dancer
lets get a grip here.
What does the "apparent" safety centred mindset of Australian crews have to do with the scraping of two A340 tails. Are you implying EK should look for less safe "cheaper pilots" from somewhere else.
Also what does any of this have to do with pilots sick days.

MTOW 4th Mar 2010 04:20

How many Aussies in EK? About 100?
That cryptic comment needs to be de-coded.

user name would lead anyone with even a passing knowledge of Bahasa Malay to come to the conclusion that he might be Malaysian. (The name, which i'll leave him to explain lest I offend if I did, is a play on the national airline's initials.)

If that's the case, he may be one of the many Malaysian's who took a little too enthusiastically to the views of the ex Prime Minister of that country, the good Dr M, who often and repeatedly blamed Australians for every woe and misfortune that befell his lovely country.

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