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-   -   UAE Residence owners get visit visas.... (https://www.pprune.org/middle-east/373169-uae-residence-owners-get-visit-visas.html)

Gulfstreamaviator 8th May 2009 06:03

UAE Residence owners get visit visas....
Have I missed the point, or am I stupid.

You own a property that has a worth, (in a calculation yet to be determined), of 1m aeds, and in return you receive a 6 mth visit visa.

Not a full residence visa, which has certain rights associated with it.

For example under the new rules, (as far as I can tell), the recepient of the 6 mth visa, can not buy a car, or obtain a health card, or E card: all or any of the "benefits" of the residential visa.

Every six months you must leave your home, and go elsewhere.
Not just a visa run, but one month away, from your home.

Does the "visa" allow family to come and go as they please.

This Visa is not in your passport, but a seperate document.

This rule is so typical of the rules introduced, there is absolutly no thinking, about the actual implementation.

Under the existing visa rules, (AFAIK) a brit, for example can do a visa run every two months, or so, and stay in UAE on that basis. Is this still the case. For example, I depart the UAE every few weeks, on business, and return using my passport, then there is no problem. My family would have a problem, but I would be "legally" in UAE.


My apologies if already forumised.


Al Fakhem 8th May 2009 07:50

The visa arrangements offered in conjunction with a purchase of property in the UAE are aimed at people who ordinarily live in worse sh1thole (relatively speaking) and need a bolthole.

Demented 8th May 2009 08:36

While you are about it give the 2K every time you get a new 6 month visa:confused:

Gulfstreamaviator 8th May 2009 13:59

retire to UAE.?
how can you retire to thew UAE, if you have to leave 2 months every year...

And what is the worser sh}t hole than DXB..?


vickers vanguard 9th May 2009 21:49

pardon me...but why in the world, somebody that can afford a 1 Million $ house, would want to live in the sandpit ? why for **** sake ? I can understand somebody staying there for a few years for work, which I did....but buying a property for a that much in UAE ?????????:ugh::ugh::ugh:

OMDB-PiLoT 9th May 2009 22:31

Just because you guys were not born and brought up here, does not mean this city has no meaning for others. Many expatriates have been living here for over 30 years, have seen this city grow! From a Muslim's perspective, this is the best city to live in. It has the Islamic culture, with the mix of modern world and luxuries that no city on this planet can offer.

vickers vanguard: Pardon me, but from my point of view, why would anyone with $1 million live any where else? After living in US and Australia for many years, I can safely conclude, Dubai has all the luxuries, cultures, and religions that co-exist in peace (at least compared to US/UK).

If any of you feel this "sandpit" doesn't offer what your homeland does, then why the **** are you living here? Do what Vickers did, go back to your "sh1thole" and be happy with it.

Coming to the subject of this thread: Yes, I disagree with the whole 6 month arrangement for property owners. Initially, when Emaar started off selling properties, they promised a 3 year residence visa (with certain restrictions). I believe they are still offering that to old property owners. I know someone living here with a 3 year residence visa from Emaar. So, I am assuming the new law is only applicable to new owners.

vickers vanguard 9th May 2009 23:25

Poor piss ! from a Muslim perspective ??? islamic culture ??? my ass ! you guys are a joke. Don't talk about Islam, you guys are really not a good example. Widespread human traficking from former russian states. Women being brought into the country with false promises of a legal, decent job, and then forced into prostitution , with the locals usually being the first customers. How about the endless numbers of low wage workers that you abuse day after day, those are the ones that make it possible to build at a reasonable cost all those useless tall buildings that you think is the sign of success. How about giving those guys some rights, you don't have to give those poor souls, food away during the so called holly month of Ramadan ........after you have raped them all year long.
One of the fundamentals of Islam and any other religion for that matter, is the concept of Justice. Justice in UAE depends on the following :

1- For Locals : what family do you come from ? and how good of an ass kissers of the ruling family your family is ? the answer will determine what kind of service you will be then given.

2- For Foreigners or expatriates as you like to call them:
there's simply no justice for them when they're involved in a dispute with a local. it also depends on the nationality of the person. As a general rule, the harshest your country of origin has been to UAE in the past, the more rights you're given...if you know what I mean.

Anything illegal for the expatriates is legall for the locals behind the curtains.

We, the expatriates as you call them, were in your country to provide a service and bring some expertise that the locals were not and are still not capable of providing.

Tell you what : God will never bless a society where there's no justice...no matter what you worship.
You fix the above...and then maybe we can talk about the UAE being a model in this world...until then..

.................sincerely, from guy that was born a muslim, and still a devout muslim.

411A 10th May 2009 01:36

......................sincerely, from guy that was born a muslim, and still a devout muslim.
Quite possibly, that is your problem, Vickers Vanguard.
I would suggest that you not travel to, work, nor live in another country, and then try to tell the local folks how to run it.

IE: it ain't your country.

A quite simple concept to understand.:rolleyes:

Old King Coal 10th May 2009 03:27

Gulfstreamaviator - What happens wrt house owners visas in the UAE would seem to be exactly the same position as that of a foreign national buying a house in. say, Europe, Australia, NZ, USA, UK.
I.e. Just because you might own a house in a foreign land does NOT instantly earn one the right of residence that foreign land.

mensaboy 10th May 2009 08:12

You are out of line 411A and you missed the point of V's post.

Anyhow, it makes no sense to NOT offer a residence visa after purchasing a place in Dubai. This will do as much to crush what's left of the property market, as the economic crisis has already done. It is just a plain stupid policy, with no thought put into it. (It would likely merit a Najm award at EK though.)

OMDB-PiLoT 10th May 2009 08:15

vickers vanguard: Looks like you're one of those guys who got booted from this city recently. What an injustice at the hand of locals! Sad .. I can understand your emotions.

So, how about we talk about the lovely country you reside in currently? Are you telling me there are no flaws in Canada? How does it feel to be a victim of a random racist attack? How does it feel living in a country where drugs and prostitutes are available in public? I'm sure you are enjoying all the perks! A 'devout' Muslim as you call yourself, are you one of those looking for a mosque every Friday at your local gym? Give me a break! There are flaws everywhere! Not everyone's boning a Russian and not all the construction companies are treating laborers badly. In fact, in today's GN article, there's a new law in place where all construction companies will have to provide better accommodation facilities to their workers (LINK). As far as Russian hookers are concerned, they are everywhere, not just Dubai! At least, we are living in a peaceful city with all the luxuries one can ask for! I can walk to a local mosque 5 times a day and not expect to get mobbed the moment I step out.

I've been to Canada and I know how much the life sucks there, and am sure you know it very well too (the list is way too long!). Enjoy whatever you have there before you get kicked out again. :ok:

GBB 10th May 2009 08:39

I think we are going a bit off the topic here... something like: "the dark side of Dubai"


not all the construction companies are treating laborers badly
Who told you that? :confused:

Anyway... I still dont understand how people can even try to compare civilized world to 3rd world country with shiny buildings... :ugh:

OMDB-PiLoT 10th May 2009 10:01

GBB: I have worked in a construction company here in Dubai!

You are right, we can't compare Dubai with 3rd world countries. ;)

jethrotull 10th May 2009 10:29


What makes you think you are living in your own country, you might be the 10th generation of European invaders of North america.......... end of the day it ain't your LAND.


Those relatively BETTER SH1Ł HOŁE$ pay for the shinny metals of EK. Is it surprising that most of the DXB RE projects targeted at expats were launched immediately after the large orders of EK betn 2001-2003. LAND for AIRCRAFTS.

Short Approach? 10th May 2009 10:35

Referring to GN as some kind of credible source. Pretending not to see the drugs and the prostitutes. Calling a country where a guy gets assassinated in my parking basement safe. Walking with blinkers... You're not alone DXB-Pilot and that's the scary part. :mad:

Rule3 10th May 2009 11:08

Correct me if I am incorrect.
Gulfstreamnavigator posted about the conditions attached to property puchase in the UAE. It had nothing to do with any other countries good or bad points. I am surprised it took OMDB - PiLoT so long to respond, and most of it off TOPIC. I await the positive SPIN from S.F.L.Y, TAYER and Jet II. to IMHO, a poorly thoughtout way of selling some of the THOUSANDS of unoccupied properties in DUBAI.;)

Schibulsky 10th May 2009 11:21

...but why in the world, somebody that can afford a 1 Million $ house, would want to live in the sandpit ?
Just ask the russian mobster who owns the 7 villas right of you...or the south american drug lord who has some villas to the left...may be the european white collar criminal across the road can give you some more info :ooh:

I have found a simple indicator for being in a 3rd world country:
They ask you at every shop, restaurant etc. "do you have change?"
Works 100% :cool:

btw: 5 month and some days till I am outta here!!!:ok::p

OMDB-PiLoT 10th May 2009 11:37

Jethrotull: That's one of my favorite bands :)

Short Approach?: What is a credible news source for you? I never said drugs or prostitutes were not in this country, they are everywhere! In Australia, licensed brothels are at every corner, and in Canada you can grow marijuana at home. I don't see any of that happening here. Don't include isolated incidents and then call this city unsafe. I don't even want to bring the crime rate all over the globe for comparison. The murder, rape, hate crime, violence that happens EVERYDAY in your so called "civilized" nations can never be compared to this country. Stop living in your dream world and learn to see the reality. Dubai has grown from nothing to one of the best cities in the world in such a short span of time. The achievements are praise worthy and if you are blind enough to not see them then you are better off in your own "sh1thole" you came from.

Rule3: Start reading all the posts and you will learn why this thread went off-topic. No need to whine about it. I was merely trying to defend the city I love! BTW, your message was off-topic as well! :p

Miles Gustaph 10th May 2009 17:18

OMDB-PiLoT, I appreciate your passion for Dubai, I enjoyed my time there and will not pass an opinion on the subject.

I would suggest though that you are very very careful about your descriptions of other peoples countries...I understand your desire to defend Dubai but I think it's very clear if this doesn't stop now your in for a serious amount of highly off thread topic abuse...

I say this not in a malicious way but because the descriptions you are casually throwing around about the UK, Australia and Canada are prehaps a little exaggerated in you desire to give as good as you get...

but remember there are going to be some unhappy people with your stories about their home lands, as you are about theirs... prehaps now would be a good time to stop?

FlyingCroc 10th May 2009 20:04

No defense
for a place like Dubai or the rest of the GCC, they have a very long way to go. Just check out UAE Torture | THIS WEBSITE HAS APPARENTLY BEEN BANNED IN THE UAE BY THE ROYAL FAMILY. to have an idea about the rule of law in the sandpit. :yuk: As far as crime goes, a lot will not be reported and most has to do with the hypocrisy, I mean Dubai is the brothel of the GCC and everyone pretends it does not exist. It is the constant double standard, the abuse of laborers, maids etc which does not happen like this in Europe or in Canada or the US.
In Europe you have lots of brothels and it is the oldest trade in the World, and yes people do grow marihuana in their yard, should they be jailed or stoned for that?
Back to the subject: If someone pays for a property he should at least have the right to reside in the country, again human rights. :yuk:

Jet II 10th May 2009 20:56

Originally Posted by FlyingCroc (Post 4918257)
Back to the subject: If someone pays for a property he should at least have the right to reside in the country, again human rights. :yuk:

Buying property does not give you any right of residence in the US or Europe and they (apparently) have 'human rights'.

I feel that the UAE has made a major mistake in not allowing a longer time frame - 6 months is not really adequate. Also clarity over this 1 Million Dhms limit is needed fast. I would hope that they revise those points soon as they have already done with the requirement to spend 1 month out of the country.

ferris 10th May 2009 21:10

I can't agree that merely the ability to purchase a property should afford the right of residency. They are completely separate issues (and rightly so). I would venture that a major plank of the property development industry in Dubai has been the offer of residency with purchase; removal of which will have a further negative effect.
I have said this before: IMHO, it has been a policy mistake by the UAE to treat all non-nationals as temporary- temporary workers, temporary residents etc. Temporary residents have a different attitude to their surroundings. Until the UAE matures to the point that it truly welcomes immigration, fundamental problems (and it's apparent "identity crisis") will continue.

FlyingCroc 10th May 2009 22:03

Buying property in the UAE
is expensive, despite the unwelcome attitudes of the locals, the hot weather and dusty sandstorms. Many expats bought property to escape the ridiculous rents and as an investment since they have no pension plans. After investing and not having at least the right to stay there is not fair.
If you buy property in the US you will get a visa to reside there but not to work. It is however possible to work out a permanent residence.

Jet II 10th May 2009 22:23

Originally Posted by FlyingCroc (Post 4918467)
If you buy property in the US you will get a visa to reside there but not to work. It is however possible to work out a permanent residence.

Sorry but you are mistaken - purchase of property does not entitle you to any residence visa in the US

shortfuel 10th May 2009 22:56

Ferris provided us with a sharp analysis.

There are hundreds of Emiratis owning villas in Germany, Switzerland, France...and they still have to apply for Schengen visas each year before travelling. True that visa formalities are made easier for them, but that's all. AND visas are limited to 90 days not 6 months.

The UAE Administration clearly doesn't want a sedentary foreigners population on its soil. Sad, pathetic and short-term (lack of?) "vision".
Dubai will never be Miami :rolleyes:

vickers vanguard 11th May 2009 01:36

just so you know, I left that ****hole back in 99...no regrets at all..as for the rest of your post...well, whatever fill your boots.....

411A 11th May 2009 03:10

purchase of property does not entitle you to any residence visa in the US

Or...Thailand/Singapore/Malaysia...the list goes on and on.:rolleyes:

145qrh 11th May 2009 05:11

I think one of the major differences is that some of Dubai's "major" property developers sold their projects while advertising that the sale came with a residence visa.

You buy in the States,UK,Aus etc you can check local rules before you purchase.

Here they make it up as they go along.:ugh:

Gulfstreamaviator 11th May 2009 06:27

the boom started when foreigners were allowed
to buy property, and I for one looked at a new concept, a tower block with views of the sea, and the marina.

That was, what 8 years ago.? The ability of foreigners to own property caused in my opinion the start of the boom, fuel provied by these incomers, and thier money.

The second incentive was as previously stated the ability to obtain residence visas, withe the property, which suggested to most that the UAE was encouraging us to set up homes in the UAE.

I am not refering to Investors, but an investment in the life stly, culture and general ambiaonce that the UAE was able to offer a few years ago.

We all agree that this has gone well over the top, and can see now, is a mis balance beteween the needs of the UAE, and the desire of foreigners (A/B) to populate the UAE.

If the proposed regulations are eventually enforced as originally published there will be several million holiday homes in the UAE, and no "residents".

By the way, the traffic is getting so good now on the 311, I only allow 2 hours to get to work.

Please do not misundersand my complaint: Purchase of property or an investment does not automatically get residence in many countries, and this is fully understood. The term "residence" as far as residence visa is defined in the UAE gives almost nno citizenship rights, it only permits one to remain in the country, not work, not obtain social benfits, medical benefits etc, etc.


Gulfstreamaviator 11th May 2009 12:41

UAE Freeport / offshore company
Yes it is an economic route. 1) You need full annual accounts etc, etc, but it works.

Also is the route 2) of buying the house in the name of an offshore company, this is a vehicle to purchase the property, in the name of two or more directors who can be: spouse, couples, friends etc, etc. The main purpose is to limit the liability in regard of Sharia laws view on domestic property settlement.

So there are alternates, item 1) solves the residency visa, as the directors of the company get Business / Investors visas, and can sponsor family members. Item 2) solves the other major problem of propert ownership in UAE.

I am not answering my own question, jus trying to point out that there is half the solution already in the regulations.


Miles Gustaph 11th May 2009 16:45

Vercingetorix, sorry chap, but I do have to take issue with your statement that "it is surprisingly cheap to set up a business" having had the miserable experience of doing so I would love to know how you come to this conclusion?

If you set up in a freezone, it's well expensive, although the admin is ever-so-well taken care of, if you get a "local sponsor" well you'll be lucky to make any money! Then there's the fun with the banks and a business with the rules on who can sign what today and tomorrow well... it depends on which member of staff is in, is available or will talk to you... then you have to employee a percentage of locals at many many times what you would pay an ex-pat... where's the cheep in any of this?

sorry but I cannot see what your basing your statement on.

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