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kingoftheslipstream 7th Jun 2008 17:42

"The Good, The Bad and The Smugly" :p

... reckon that could be tha name of this thread! :hmm:

Well AC, give yerself another few months - it takes about 2 years for an expat to adjust to a new place in my experience. You may find reason to change your mind.

I am a Canuck, and I sure didn't get any hurt feelin's from anything you said in your post. Some nationalities are sure thin skinned... and they sure get on the offensive and off topic when they start playin' that card... sigh.

I hear what you're saying. It's unfortunate for ya personally that ya don't feel things are good fer you here at this time. It is a fact that expat life is not for all folks. It just doesn't sit well with some. You CAN talk frankly to your chief pilot and fleet mangler and see about what kind of consideration you could get if you really have to leave. It's been done before. They aren't completely inhuman.

I agree with most of what you say - some have disagreed with you here but, well, you have the right to your opinion. Most of the defenders of your post are the more articulate bloggers on this site - that says something I reckon.

I reckon what you say is good food for thought fer the newcomers and wannabees to the big sandbox. That's a healthy antidote to the slick advertising, recruitment, and dearth of conventional information about this carrier. Sadly, your painful honesty about not havin' done your homework and learnin' up about the pitfalls of DXB has permitted some posters to instruct you to 'man - up'. I reckon it takes a man to admit his mistake and so good for you.

I do object to the statement, (can't remember who made it), about the dead bodies on the road thing... hell, there's lots worse on television and some kids's video games than what you see in real life here.

It's a fact that some folks are trapped here by things that are a lot more dangerous than what you've said in your sensitive post. Ego, vanity, failure to update on the basis of new information and psychic traps of all sorts... there's all kinds of self deceptions here, just like at home and these all contribute at times to the stuckness that some folks have.

You have the ability to comprehend your surroundings and your situation and see that it's not for you. That's the first step to gettin' yerself out.:)

Good luck and fly safely.

cadidalhopper 8th Jun 2008 02:32


Small correction, you do pay taxes. Anything over 85,000 a year is taxable. This includes all income. Housing is income. School allowance is income. Furniture package/ furniture allowance is income. Anything you recieve from the company is income.

Honor system granted, but with over 150 American pilots and growing at Emirates you can rest assured that there have been a few meetings regarding this topic at your local IRS office. With an average of 1 in 97 Americans being audited... it only takes one to launch a large investigation.

GMDS 8th Jun 2008 03:00


Please don't join the silly ranks ......:ugh:

School or education allowance is NOT income. It is a contribution to cost that would have been prohibitive for a lot of us joining. It's like EK paying a part of our all taxes, for taxes pay free education in modern societies. Children and education by the way are also a contribution to modern societies, this is for those who have a hard time adjusting to modern human civilisation.

As you point out rightly, everything you receive from the company is income. Well, we DO NOT receive education allowance. It goes to the school directly along with my mandatory and not so small contribution.
Income to me is when I receive money that i can decide what to spend it on. Housing allowance for example can be spent on a golf course villa, adding thousands of dirty-hams yourself, or on a small houseboat and taking out a big lump for savings.
We CAN'T do that with EA.

cmspp 8th Jun 2008 19:37

I'm new at this forum, and say hello to everyone.

I'm planning to sign for EK.
Can some one give me a copy of a couple of your flight schedules?. I'm little bit worried about all things you are saying.


Trader 9th Jun 2008 03:10

GMDS - I think his point was that housing and schooling is condidered income by the IRS and is therefore considered part of the income equation. You will pay tax on it.

Get divorced - they consider it income as well. Ask some of the guys who are in that situation and they don't have much 'cash' left over.

GMDS 9th Jun 2008 07:01


I got the point, sorry.

I am of the vast majority looking at the Middle Eastern thread named "For THOSE (not only Americans!) who consider Emirates" and don't really care what the IRS thinks or does. The USA to us is just another part of the big world and by far not its center.

For us education allowance still is NOT income, because it does not come in. If you argue that this applies to housing, if you're in EK acco, then at least here you would have the choice of opting out to get the full amount and do with it whatever you want. Not possible with EA.

Just a question from a ignorant non-US viewer:
Is the assumption true that because you have to list EA to the IRS, that a married US-expat with 3 children (and therefore a nice EA) has to pay MORE tax back home than a single childless collegue?
(it would be mind boggling to me)


555orange 9th Jun 2008 12:43

Just read your post Algonquin Crusader. Great post...great subjective insight into Emirates. Thank you!

The rest of you are missing the point. AC was letting people like me who are considering coming there, the inside details that are very difficult to find out except from someone who as been there. There are other options out there, and other companies do offer more in terms of lifestyle/pay package balance. Stop snivelling and browbeating the ones who are trying to help the ones who need this info. Thanks AC...you have provided me the information I was looking for!!

The rest of you deserve the conditions you have. Take your 2 weeks vacation and then work the other 2 weeks at 80 hours. I bet you complain about it at the time don't you! Unable to take vacation when you want, working half a planet from your home, missing your family. And you don't deserve a better pension unless you band together with AC and speak with him. You are the ones who are reducing our profession to a lower level. We are highly trained professionals. We deserve respect and to be treated as such.

Honestly, do you all want poor conditions for everyone all over the world in our profession? Stop browbeating the people who are critical of the issues at your company. AC was hardly militant about it!! It says volumes about yourselves.

troff 9th Jun 2008 12:56

A! I like it 'ere.
A! I like it 'ere, eh?
No shovelling da snow off da roof, no snow tire, no freakin' -35C in Feb, 'an, you can ski, swim or sail 365 day a year.
All dat and 32 cents a liter for da gaz. Also, 'dere is only full serve gaz.

Trader 9th Jun 2008 14:29

Hey GMDS.....now worries. I am not American but my understanding is, yes, the school fees would be included in your taxable income. They are a material benefit and so are taxable.

I flew with one poor fellow who is divorced and the judge uses ALL income - which includes the value of the housing allowance, retirmement fund etc in teh calculation of total monthly income. He then pays the allocated percentage to his ex-wife based on that total sum.

White Knight 9th Jun 2008 15:38

LR3 - I'll second that...

Keep the blue side up.

Lord Flashhart 9th Jun 2008 15:52


Are you from England?

If so, there are some pretty bad things there that involve death. Why just recently in broad daylight some poor security man got stabbed to death outside the Virgin store in London. Not to mention the high crime rate, gang fights etc.

For those considering Emirates- come and enjoy. It is not a prison sentence, and you can always leave, (or you can stay and whinge continually like many of the losers on this forum).

Kennytheking 9th Jun 2008 16:02


The rest of you are missing the point. AC was letting people like me who are considering coming there, the inside details that are very difficult to find out except from someone who as been there. There are other options out there, and other companies do offer more in terms of lifestyle/pay package balance. Stop snivelling and browbeating the ones who are trying to help the ones who need this info. Thanks AC...you have provided me the information I was looking for!!
I don't post often but I can't let an inflammatory post like this go unnoticed.

I am glad that you have seen it this way. Thank goodness you won't be coming here......apparently we have enough idiots in this place.

AC's post was one sided and, frankly, was factually incorrect. Just by way of example, we have a very good bidding system which he says is no good. I have often come across people that think like this and with a bit of probing I find that they do not understand how the system works or have unrealistic expectations. In short I think he is too stupid or too lazy to learn how it works.

He mentions that we do not get the credit when we call in sick......maybe factually correct, but how often does he call in sick that this is a factor in his life?

And you don't deserve a better pension unless you band together with AC and speak with him.
The pension here is fine.......this guy does not understand the difference between a defined contribution fund and a defined benefit fund. This is basic financial literacy. Why on earth would I want to consult with him on it when he is so clearly uninformed?

And don't get me started on the training bond issue. I signed my bond the same time as I signed my employment contract. Its is a simple clear contract and if he felt so strongly about training bonds why did he sign it in the first place. To whine about it afterwards shows a lack of integrity as far as I am concerned.

I can feel for the chap when he said he made a mistake. There are plenty of reasons not to like it here but to come across as a poor victim being knobbed by this big company is simply ridiculous.

Saltaire 10th Jun 2008 02:45

Mr. Orange,

You obviously are not in a very good situation and are hoping to improve it. But are you trying to convince others or convince yourself because of the conditions of your current contract....

Best of luck

Lord Flashhart 10th Jun 2008 07:47


Fair enough - Good post. I agree with your last post 100%.

Have a great day,


cerbus 11th Jun 2008 20:18

Kenny the Prince you have not worked at a real airline if you think your retirement fund at EK is good. How much money do you have in your account? Let me guess, not much! You render your crediablity useless when you say the retirement program is good here.
The bidding system is rigged and is not a real bidding system either. You should know better.
After being here for over 7 years I do not believe that there are any factually incorrect items in AC posts. Ek is not a top tier airline as has been metioned before and everyone should be beware before signing, especially if you come from a top tier airline.

IXNAT 12th Jun 2008 00:30

Cerbus, Are you nuts? 17% (5 of yours 12 of the company's) of your basic salary going into a retirment fund that you direct is bad? Find me one-just one, retirment fund at any US MAJOR airline that is better than that. My friends there who have lost all of their retirments from major US carriers are doing very well with their fund. Maybe it's not what some unionized EU carrier is getting, but 17% ain't real world back in the US.

And the bidding system is great according to my buds. They seem to be happy knowing in advance when they are on reserve (not 5 years solid at some US carriers) and at times they are at the top of the bidding system.

It's difficult to broad brush Emirates (as an airline) when it seems that many there come from situations where conditions are not as good as Emirates. But to say that the bidding system and the retirment system is no good or lacking is just wrong when comparing it with most (if not all) airlines in the US. See what kind of money you would have after 25 years at Emirates at a conservative 5% compounded.

cerbus 12th Jun 2008 02:21

Delta is getting 13% of the very high salary. Northwest even with their pension frozen is getting more that EK and that is just from their A plan. Their B plan tops ours hands down. Continental is very good and puts EK to shame. And then there is AA whose pilots only retire with $3 million of the company's money. They can also put in 5% or more of their own money just like EK and probably go over $4 million.
If EK is such a great deal why do so many pilots have so little money after so many years? After 7 years I don't even have $75,000! Can you believe that? And it is not just me ask countless other pilots and they will tell you tales of the same.
The bidding system is full of manual interventions and you know it. Yes they would have a proper bidding system if they left it alone but you and I both know they can't leave well enough alone.
Yes I am nuts becasue I am an EK pilot. Because of my many late night flights I don't think clearly anymore. I guess I don't need a pension since I am going to be dead at an early age. Keep Recovering

twieke 12th Jun 2008 03:54

The PF is something a lot of people complain about, however a lot of them have never done anything with it, and just let it sit in cash. Only one third of those enjoying the PF have ever registered with the company that is payed by EK to give advise on the investment choices.
Ofcourse, pilots know the financial world a lot better than financial advisers and they don't need the advice....

No complaints about my PF.


cerbus 12th Jun 2008 04:04

How long have you been at EK and how much is your account? If you have no complaints than something is seriousily wrong. Just look around and see how much and see how much ours is lacking.

twieke 12th Jun 2008 05:10

Over 5 years, up more than 20% on average.
Fair enough, it's not 50% or 80% like some made in real estate, but hey, I can live with that. Good for those who did take the risk and had some money for downpayments.

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