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Alphaprot 11th May 2006 16:27

Noo I think Tartan Guy's real name is Dick

whossorrynow 11th May 2006 18:38

73 viewing and no posts since before half past eight.

Here goes. If brian is Tartan guy then the rather close knit American community led by typhoonpilot will know.

Perhaps the lack of contributions from typhoon and his familia since the very early days of this thread support the theory that they are the same person. They could hardly approve what he was allegedly doing but would not want to dob on their own.

I really hope that brian is not Tg, a sad reflection on our profession if he is.

But if he is, maybe an apology on the crew portal is in order, to include an undertaking to not apply for any training or management positions. Oh and to never talk to the press ever again.

Time to retire from this thread, let it die.

Zomp 11th May 2006 19:51

To apologize he would have first to understand what he did, but the FO's who flew with him say that he is in love with himself. I am sure he thinks hundreds of EK pilots are wrong and unfair.

I wonder what WSJ would say if they hear the truth?

uplock 11th May 2006 20:00

What a Dork
Hey Last laugh an 4HP well spotted what a Dork Tartan Guy / B.M. / ala Cpt America proved to be.....after reading a few of the Tartan Guy posts it all comes together have a look at this post from T.G

He's right! Don't you guys ever get BKK overnights? Real cheap with the Baht 55 to the dollar!!
Then check out B.M. Roster for May has a o/n in BKK ...Shikes I have been trying to get one of those overnights for the last 2 top bids an missed out, you will have to let me know how you do it B.M. ahhh second thoughts forget it.


kiwi_r4 11th May 2006 22:28

Formal Invitation
To Brian (or whoever appears on the day)

I would like you to join me in the PYSCOMETRIC thread for a while to answer some pertinent questions for an evaluation of your well being. I’m concerned that your own Emirates Psychometric Department may have omitted to ask relevant questions.

Please be prepared because we’re VERY pertinacious.



(I shake my head in disbelief at the number of idiots I’ve met, I’m sorry to say)

PS, Please don’t be afraid as I feel I know you quite well. I’ve seen pictures of your kitchen, lounge, bedroom and curtains. Did you ever find the guy who stole your dishwasher?

Pictures supplied at presentation. I'm not a stalker!

Tail Rota 12th May 2006 09:16

Hi Guys

well welll well......what do we have here then:= .....Trainer Brian is a multiple personality.....well thats just going to be great for the sim. :ugh: Now we will have no idea who we are dealing with. :cool:
........hhhhmmmmm..... orrrr wiiillll weeeee :E

Hey scarbble queen (aka Kiwi r4) what the hell does pertinacious mean. You must have the largest set of........ahhh.....dictionaries on the planet.

do us all a favour and go wright on the womans day forum. from what I have read so far I doubt you are even a kiwi........in fact after the Trainer Brian gag...........Im not sure who or what you are.....I suspect you are the reason Trainer Brian spends so much time in BKK. :D


Outta Heresoon 12th May 2006 10:18

Must have hit a nerve. Tartan Guy has pulled all of his posts. Perhaps with no anonimity his agendas and exagerations of T&C's have made him too transparent.

on a side note...since when has the Thai Bhat been at 55:1? Yet another glorious exaggeration of the Real situation. Try 25% less. Mind you that seems to be a common number in EK. Employee productivity +25%, Dubai inflation +25%...

...number of no-shows to courses 25%
...number of newly arriving aircraft to be parked 25% .....:bored:

4HolerPoler 12th May 2006 12:49

Guys, a quick straw poll - do we let the Tartan guy creep off into his hole or do I undelete his posts & maintain his hugely embarrassing exposure? 4HP

Zomp 12th May 2006 12:58

bring them back please, I want to show my friends otherwise they don't believe me.
I am sure Brian doesn't mind because he thinks he is in the right.:D

shawarma 12th May 2006 12:58

he likes to be heard, let him be heard:=

Yossarian 12th May 2006 13:02

4HP, bring them back pls. This deserves to be seen.

4HolerPoler 12th May 2006 13:15

Sure thing; your wish is my command. If someone could check the portal & send me a PM with his next sign-on I'll do so, just around about the time the blue Volvo is pulling up outside his place.


picu 12th May 2006 13:56

Jeez 4HP, you need updating! We haven't used blue Volvos in years! It's silver Audis now. (expect lime green Padminins at the next change, costcutting and all that:)

Alphaprot 12th May 2006 14:25

4HP, nice job :ok:

Tail Rota 12th May 2006 15:35

4hp too good to be true....:E ...bring it all back


4HolerPoler 13th May 2006 06:00

Guys, I'm sorry but it seems as if Brian's found a friend or at least a little sympathy with one my fellow mods - the Tartan Guy no longer exists on this site - his user name has been expunged from the system, like it never existed. I saw it coming & copied the whole thread onto an admin forum but even on that thread his posts are history.

Only way he could have done this is with Supermod assistance. I smell a rat because my fellow mod's are aware of my intentions & no-one has called to say - "Hey I did Brian a favor & killed his ID." I know that he made this request by email to our Admin server but I wasn't aware that we were arbitrarily into assisting scumbags dig themselves out of the ****e.

Such is life; I'm sure he has huge regrets & it's probably a good thing he's climbed up his own hole.


A330guy 13th May 2006 06:24

Am I the only one that feels that no matter who posts what, they should remain anonymous. People can surely speculate among themselves if someone is being "unscrupulous" but I don't think the moderators should give away a persons identity. I was under the impression that we were relatively safe on these forums. Obviously that is not the case!

"Remember the warning at the bottom of the page - As these are anonymous forums the origins of the contributions may be opposite to what may be apparent. In fact the press may use it, or the unscrupulous , to elicit certain reactions"

Please moderators let us know where we stand.

ekwhistleblower 13th May 2006 06:55


I don't think the moderator gave away his identity, his vociferous use of his own personal facts gave him away. Also by searching his posts there were all sorts of links to the articles in the press prior to its publication. He raised his head above the parapet and then everyone else shot it off.

As to being anonymous, I would never post something that is either deceitful or that would be deeply embarassing to me if I were discovered. As soon as personal information is in the public domain (without illegal acquisition) it is fair game and can be used against you. (Remember the Guvnor?)

Just to show you how crazy you have to be to release personal information on the web, I downloaded the site, prior to a flight, to read down route. All the deleting in the world cannot get rid of everything, just ask Gary Glitter, this is what Tartan Guy said that so inflammed the other users:

It seems the common theme on this thread is from people who have become disgruntled with their employer and can't stand someone being happy when they are not.

I have known Brian Murray for nearly 20 years and he was the main reason I came to EK and I'm not a DEC. I know that his parents divorced when he was 11 and he went to work. He put himself through college on a military scholarship, was selected for flight school, flew home during Officer Candidate School to marry his financee who was diagnosed with cancer. He took care of her for the next 6 years before she died at age 29. His youngest son has been battling Leukemia for the past 11 years and has limited use of his hands from a bone-marrow transplant. He loves his family and has found the secret to life. You see everyone is responsible for their own happiness, and not a job, a spouse, a car, or money can provide happiness....it comes from within.

When USAirways began it's slide toward it's second bankrupcy, Brian looked around the world for the best way to support his family in his chosen profession and came upon the best corporation he could find to insure stability and opprotunity and safety for his family. Probably not unlike most of you. The difference between Brian and the unhappy people on this site is he is proud of his choice....it seems most of you are not.

How do I know all of this about Brian Murray? How do I know that he worked at USAirways for 23 years and flew Captain for 20 and over 4 as a check-airman? How do I know that he worked right up until the last two days before he came to Emirates and left behind over 700 hours of sick leave on the books when he left? How do I know that he would trade his Captain's seat with any First Officer right now for his son to have use of his hands again? I was his last student that he gave line-training to. He never wanted anything for free.....he just wants a fair days wage for a fair day's work. Thanks to him I'm now enjoying my dream of flying good equipment, to great places and loving every minute.

Still feeling sorry for yourself or your lot in life? Take a look at the following conditions from some web boards in the states:

Of course as professionals we want to minimize fuel usage and do our best but then I think this company will have me get out of bed at 3am to do one leg with a dh home all to make about 100 bucks for the day. I graduated college 23 years ago this spring yet my services under this circumstance is worth 100 dollars for a days time. Lets see after taxes, something for retirement, something for Mr. Woerths 540,000 salary , something for the disability insurance premium that the AWA pilots dont pay etc. etc. etc. that 100 bucks is maybe 40 dollars. Yup, a tank of gas for getting up in the middle of the night. Im really glad my salesman neighbors who are on average 5 years younger than me with a fraction of my training dont know this fact as it sure would be good laughing material at the summer barbecue. I
guess my counterpart at AWA is worth more or does a better job or something (even though hes 15 years younger) as I feel at this point it is us that is paying for Mr. parkers 5.6 million dollar comp. package. Its time to say "no". No B scale, no rediculous reserve abuse bucket crap etc. No to trashing our longevity for travel purposes. Personally Ive done my B scale stint, sat sideways for a total of ten years and do NOT wish to be Mr. Happy FO for 36 year old Captain X from AWA either. Our age and longevity will be respected.

Let's see, this guy has to drive himself to work and use his own gas at $3.00 per gal.!! Can you believe it? And this guy only gets 50% credit for Dead Head...oh my gosh. And this guy has to pay Union Dues....can't believe it! And this guys is an F/O with 20 years seniority......is it EK? And this guy has to pay for his own health care and only gets 21 days leave......and he's a pilot??? Or how about this one.......

Should we have to choose one more time, as for me goes, I’ll choose to battle and risk the popsicle stand than to give an inch to Glass et tal. We are as we speak operating within the worst psychological conditions as a group who have been wounded and don’t the light of the day when all of this BS will stop.
Or this.......

Paul no one is pleased about the changes in the compensation for our profession, but companies will try to do what they have to survive and gain the financial investment necessary to do so many find it difficult to adjust until they are on the brink of economic collapse. There are always weak companies and market forces frequently offer seats at below cost to gain market share frequently stronger companies purposely take loses in markets to gain market share and this is what I was speaking about last summer. I believe the industry should have a regulated minimum fare based upon the average cost per seat mile times the distance and adding in the taxes, the lower cost carriers would profit more and grow more thus driving down the costs but the huge losses due to these predatory pricing attacks which are made up with bankruptcy, lowered compensation, and increased productivity would come to a stop.

The guys on this site are not happy, but unlike PPRUNE, they are civil and correspond with repect. What would life be without personal attacks, googled newpaper articles, and blatent lies about a persons qualifications.......you will probably never know.

Well, I've made a promise to myself that this will be the last time I will visit or post on this site. I will leave all the "Glass is half-full" guys to drown in their misery and sorrows. To attack each other on a regular basis and only feel good inside when someone else is made to feel bad. For all you unhappy F/O's, if you can fix Brian's son's hands so he can play golf again, call him and I know he'll give you his seat. But until then, I like Brian choose to be happy.....not because of a job, a seat position, the size of my bank account, but just because it makes life so much more fun!


uplock 13th May 2006 07:18

We can still see you Tartan Guy
Don't worry T.G. still exists in Cyber Space doesn't matter how many emails he sends to the Super Mod.
Even when web pages are deleted or removed you can use this function to search old deleted and removed web pages.

Just one of the many methods in web world and the big wide either...

Fugazi 13th May 2006 07:24

B.M...You are an absolute disgrace, & have brought shame on yourself. A formal apology is the least you could offer to make some kind of amends. Silence will only heap more scorn on you.
That's it from me on PPrune for a while. Maybe a touch too sensitive, but Tartan's post, or rather B.M's post, which ekwhistleblower has re-posted, is just too stomach churning for words. :yuk:
Right off for some retail therapy to cheer myself up!!! :)

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