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DesertHawk 27th Feb 2007 16:43

Always makes me laugh..... how many times have we heard about Capt America and how they all can go home and such. Not that i agree whole heartedly with what birdcage said cause trust me mate not all of us wish we were americans.. but everytime a yank stands up for himself we cry racism when cerbus what you said is just ask moronic as anyone.. my two cents

lovdates 28th Feb 2007 09:35

wise words....100pc right
By the way europeans and canadians will do the same(or should!!!!)
ironb.:Apologize...no way mate:rolleyes:


CAYNINE 28th Feb 2007 15:55

Having been in your company socially Iron Butt, you are more the rare example of a dude that is intergrated into the social and sociatal arena which is emirates. You my friend have evolved to the current, some of the newbys still take that attitude of USA is the leading light in the world. Pain in the arse Captains personafied.

cerbus 28th Feb 2007 18:31

Wee one what we are saying is that while we got hired at good first rate airlines and decided to leave you got hired at "2nd level" airlines got your commnads quickier than us now come to Dubai and jump us on the list. Is that fair? Hardly, but a fact of life we must deal with but count on one thing we will not enjoy it one bit and you will hear about it from us so you must deal with it as well.

777birdcage 28th Feb 2007 23:10

There seems to be a lot of people at EK that resent Americans because "You guys only came to Emirates after all the jobs in the US dried up"...

My answer to that is "YOU ARE CORRECT!"...

I don't remember growing up telling my friends that I want to go to college, flight instruct, fly crap cargo for nothing so eventually I could move to the Middle East and work... Just the way it worked.. We are all here for a reason.. For most (all)Americans it's got something to do with the situation that happened a few years back when a couple of our buildings got knocked over... When the situation fixes it's self, we will probably work our way back home.. In the mean time, meeting some great people, and seeing some great places...

If you come from a place that makes Dubai attractive, don't blame us..

Mumbai, I need to get back to my Mc chicken nuggets.. They are good with this new Mc Curry dipping sauce! (you ass)


airbus757 1st Mar 2007 01:21


I'm not sure if you are just trying to stir the pot but here goes. I have to say that your last statement is a load of ****e. To say that a guy who quits a "first rate airline" somehow qualifies him to more than the guy who gained more experience at the "2nd level" airline is ludacris. I don't know who you are but I am sure I have flown with people who share your thoughts. They are the ones who sit in the right seat, mope and complain that they are not in the left seat, when in fact they can not even do their own jobs competently.

Also there seems to be a sentiment on this forum that the only good pilots in this world come from the so called first world, this to is a load of ****e. I personally experience the opposite as being true. To be more accurate it is more about the individual and his attitude.


ratpoison 1st Mar 2007 01:24

Mumbai, I need to get back to my Mc chicken nuggets.. They are good with this new Mc Curry dipping sauce! (you ass)
Just poetry my good man.

In the mean time, meeting some great people,
You can say that again. Even though it is one of the sh**hole's of the world to live, there's a lot of great "units" here that make it somewhat tolerable.

Kamelf Hucker 1st Mar 2007 07:48

Well said, BC777.

The old line about "you only came here because you lost your job" would be funny if it weren't so ironic.

The sad thing is, some people here actually think that way.

ironbutt57 1st Mar 2007 10:34

Why did all the Aussies come to the gulf...'89 perhaps?? why did Ansett MKII folks come to the gulf??? lost jobs??? same could be said for most expat nationalities i reckon...but hey...as it turns out I like it here!! people from all sorts of places do as well..the others come and go..keep your anti-american sentiments inside where they belong..if you want to complain about pompous jackasses from the USA..believe you me, I've run into them from all over the globe...Canada being the rare exception..we are all in the same boat...or desert whowever you choose to phrase it..

Ghostflyer 1st Mar 2007 11:04


Americans it's got something to do with the situation that happened a few years back when a couple of our buildings got knocked over...
I have no problem with any nationality being here but the buildings toppling over had less to do with US Airline problems than:

1. 'Strangling the golden goose until it has laid its last egg' - can't remember which negotiator said that.

2. Crap service and the airlines slitting each others throats all the time.

Bottom line is that with the retirements over the last few years, the US industry should be flourishing but it isn't because of factors other than just 911.


Ghostflyer 1st Mar 2007 11:09

Also there seems to be a sentiment on this forum that the only good pilots in this world come from the so called first world, this to is a load of ****e. I personally experience the opposite as being true. To be more accurate it is more about the individual and his attitude.
And that's the right attitude?!?:ouch:

ironbutt57 1st Mar 2007 11:14

The buildings getting knocked over was a convenient way to mask years of corporate mismanagement and theft...the straw that broke the camel's back, and a way to get US gubmint money out of pity...

TangoUniform 1st Mar 2007 19:09

9/11 actually started the process. Service and management were crap prior to that, but money was being made. After that day, the legacies lost a ton of money and it gave the LCCs a chance, finally, to really do some real damage and to get a solid foothold. Meanwhile, the legacies lost billions in their pension funds that had to be replaced with any operating profits (federal law). LCCs continued their strength (no defined pensions to be funded), pensions funds underfunded by the legacies, and fuel prices skyrocketing. (1 cent increase in a gallon of gas costs approx $20 million to the bottom line of an airline with 400 aircraft). Bankruptcy allowed them to dump pensions, not pay bills, and match fares with the LCCs. 9/11 unmasked the vunerabilites that could be hidden with money rolling in.

Same thing is happening to some degree in Europe. Look at the old traditional carriers, except for Air France and Lufthansa, it appears that the rest are getting b*tch slapped by Ryan and Easy. Defined pensions are killing all "old" companies worldwide, no matter what the industry.

How is Qantas doing in this same arena with the likes of VB and some of the others coming in? Air India against JetAirways?

gimmesumvalium 1st Mar 2007 19:26

you are wasting your effort on this thread. Clowns come from all over the world and you aint gonna convince 'em.

vbrules 2nd Mar 2007 02:36

Canadians an exception?
Ironbutt you make some good points but have excluded Canadians from the list of 'clowns you have met'. There are good and less good amongst all of us however I have found Canadians to be just as loud, just as opinionated and just as annoying as Americans with just as much to offer; which happens to be very, very, very and not much. Like I said; there are exceptions.

Muttley Crew 2nd Mar 2007 05:04

I think all the americans, north and south and the europeans are "opinionated and annoying" arseholes. As well as the asians. And especially the kiwis.

Pretty much everybody except the Australians.

vbrules 2nd Mar 2007 06:04

Yeah I met a good Aussie once. Now when was that?...1994? No I think it was 1989 (then again he was probably an immigrant).

Mysalami 9th Mar 2007 08:44

From a very recent EK road show in Australia, it was confirmed that EK are on the lookout for another 25 B777 Decs this year. After that, no more until Feb 08.

robert3791 9th Mar 2007 10:08

lets calm down
Dear friends , after ready the polemics between cerbus and captAA and others , I would like to point that we are all pilots trying to make a living ,which is not easy nowadays.
I have ,as a european pilot a lot of friends amongst a vast array of nationalities and we all have our "sensibilities", and I must say the political situation in this world doesn't help.

But if we respect each other , anything should go; I worked for 35 years for an Arab company ( not UAE) and for the last 15 years only two expats left ; and I honestly have to say that i came close to paradise , friendship , respect and of course a lot of pleasure.

So all of you guys must be good people , let's help each other as pilots and forget the rest.

best regards to all of you

Youks 9th Mar 2007 10:16

Well said Robert!!!!!!!!!:D

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