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DOVES 22nd Jun 2014 16:36

Old 9th Jan 2014, 02:05


Join Date: Nov 2013

Location: United States

Posts: 178

Alexander de Meerkat... Your response to bob777 was warranted and spot on.

But this is a troll. This is his second such post in two months. Your response contained more words than his entire contribution to this forum to date. The first post was in Italian and of similar nonsense. Best to ignore him. This is probably not even an actual pilot.

I find this to be an interesting development in the UK and as quickly as the Government is able to pass regulation opportunists will discover ways to exploit it. The end result is always based on the true motivations of the politicians rather than the words they speak. Time will surely tell.

Fly Safely


bob777 22nd Jun 2014 16:57

Io saro forse un troll ma tu sei di sicuro tronfio caro Doves, e pedantemente presupponente.

DOVES 22nd Jun 2014 17:00

Certo che se avessi un provider di tale vaglia m’impiperei di ‘CENTRI DI GRAVITA’ PERMANENTE’, di ‘HIC MANEBIMUS OPTIME’.
Saprei io cosa chiedergli.
Se ci disvelassi il tuo “spingitore” potremmo farci dare i numeri della prossima cinquina in uscita sulla ruota di Napoli, e chissą quant’altro ancora.

E "su questo argomento basti"
chiosava Plutarco




Io saro (l'accento?) forse un troll ma tu sei di sicuro tronfio caro Doves, e pedantemente presupponente.
Non a me, ma a lifeafteraviation e Alexander de Meerkat dovresti rivolgerti (in un inglese comprensibile).

guidavide 22nd Jun 2014 19:53


Plutarco ormai e' inflazionato, forse e' ora di andare di nuovo su Wikipedia e cercare un'altra citazione ad effetto! :E

Saluti ironici,

bob777 22nd Jun 2014 21:24

My dear Soapbar ..if when I had the stupid idea to get involved in this business I had a clue of how many idiots I was to encounter I would have changed plans. What could be an excellent and rewarding profession is ruined by the incredible number of yes men, ass licking expert and pricks like you. The problem is that you find them often in top or managerial position.It would appears they tend to propagate and attract each other forming real mobs. This jobs seems to attract weerdos like **** attracts flies and in the specific case of Italy take into account the terrible influence that recommended idiots play: a real pest. The national aviation industry is on is knee thanks to short sighed individuals like you that just looked to fill their small pockets by milking the tax payer without any ethic or decency and few dirty money recycling expert with their technical accomplices Go , enjoy your sailboat, just shut up.
My English is Level 6 and I type on an English keyboard that has no "o" with an accent...just for your record. As per you Latin citations ... quo usque tandem, Soapbar, abutere patentia nostra ?

flydive1 22nd Jun 2014 21:48

Ciao Stexup ;)

bob777 23rd Jun 2014 04:24

Come volevasi dimostrare.....chi?

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