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ChrisEmpey 10th Jan 2003 18:29

Its all to do with the date you said you could start training emma. What did you put?

tonyblair 10th Jan 2003 22:49

Who is it?
I hear that they have selected the first bunch. Does anyone know who's got through? They must know now as they are starting in New Zealand in Feb.

BBD, you seem to have got a long way through. Do you know if anyone from your selection was successful?

emmaGG 11th Jan 2003 13:31


I put April as my earliet start date. Others put before that and didn't get through to stage 2 or still haven't even heard yet!. I don't think the start date is as important as some are making out.
I think the fact that I'm female did it, sorry lads, but that's just the way it is.
(As for the girl a few messges back who didn't get invited, I think she had too many flying hours....???)



carb 11th Jan 2003 14:40

No, as with the dates, the selection criteria surely isn't that simple, because I had over 100hrs but got invited to stage 2 within 48 hours. They probably add up all your data and score it relative to the ideal profile they are seeking, thus, any one factor alone wouldn't be crucial. I also don't think there's enough evidence to conclude that females are discriminated either way.

Anyway, anyone at any stage wishing to know more (eg aptitude test results), can write in with a 'Subject Access Request' (1998 Data Protection Act), asking for a copy of all documents and an explanation of how any automated decisions work. That may not prove to be of much interest, but it is a right that we have, and the organisation is only allowed to charge £10 and must comply within 40 days at most.

Brings back fond memories of my student union days :D

P T Flea 11th Jan 2003 20:15

FunnyOnion you have my sympathies.

Looking at your profile there seems to be no reason why you should be rejected at such an early stage in the selection process. I understand how demoralising it can be when one is rejected, this is made worse when there is seemingly no reason for it. Some people speculate that it could be related to the amount of flying hours you have. This seems the only logical conclusion at the moment.

There is are a lot of profiles in these forums and there, as yet, does not seem to be any pattern as to who is being selected/rejected and who is having their front door broken down and being dragged off for Stage 2 whilst other wait to hear from the registration process.


G-LOST 12th Jan 2003 02:17

Looking Good in NZ
For those candidates who are lucky enough to get through, you might be interested to know that I've just been out to Simuflight at Ardmore this morning and the facilities are looking great. Pristine new lecture theatres, new audio visual kit, all the mod cons. The staff are all geared up and rearing to go when the first batch of students arrive in Feb. There are a number of recently retired airline pilots arranging the program for you - a wealth of experience. Also, had a flight in one of the DA20's - what a great little machine. Start getting excited!!

Back to instructing in the UK winter for me.:(

Wing_Bound_Vortex 12th Jan 2003 16:56

Hi all,

do you think ctc will care then, that although i haven't finished my degree yet, i will have by this summer? And then would be available immediately after that to commence training ( assuming i passed the selection process of course) ?

It's just that i'm about to fill out stage one of the application...

Anyhow hope they don't hold it against me!

ps. one of my good friends from uni has passed all stages and is on the feb course, also has the jmc interview tomorrow! Good luck mate !!


randombloke 12th Jan 2003 21:44

Does anyone know if CTC now require you to send a medical and opthalmic form with your application if you don't have a JAA Class 1?

It states they don't require these for the initial selection dates due to the timescale involved - im unsure whether applying now is regarded as applying for the initial selection dates or they now expect you to send them


Impressive_Wingspan 12th Jan 2003 21:47

What happened to the easyJet type rating sponsorship?
Just thought i'd ask the question. Seemed to cause a ripple when it was first announced in the November newsletter, but not much has been said since.

Did anyone attend a selection day, or has anyone had any feed back of interest from either of the December roadshows?

aerfungus 13th Jan 2003 02:46

Wing Bound Vortex.
Hard to know about the degree situation, but there is never any harm in applying anyway.
Has your friend finished his degree and has he got many flying hours? Just curious because its hard to know what they are looking for and knowing what he has may shed some new light on the subject!

Due to the amount that have applied and the limited time Ctc have they are leaving the medical forms until the final stage.All they ask is if you already have a Class 1 medical,to bring that with you!

poorstudent22 13th Jan 2003 17:50

By what means did they contact you about your stage 2 dates? I am one of those who has been waiting since well before christmas and have not heard anything. That said, i am not available till july which is perhaps why, as some others have suggested.
Good luck:)

Wing Bound Vortex,
I am in the same position as you. Due to graduate in july and so far it hasn't caused a problem. I passed stage 1 and am now awaiting a reply re. stage 2. Hope this helps you to make your decision.

emmaGG 13th Jan 2003 23:29


They e-mailed me within about 3 days of me faxing everything with a date for stage 2 on the 24th Jan. I e-mailed them straight back asking for an alternate date and they came back the next day with the 1st Feb.
Have you still not heard yet?



poorstudent22 14th Jan 2003 11:31

Still waiting and its now nearly a month since i faxed them! I guess i will just have to keep fingers crossed and be patient. At least there are others out there in the same boat. Well done getting through so quick, hope all goes well.:confused:

Brycie 14th Jan 2003 14:38

Hey Guys,

Just thought I'd add my tuppence (two pence) worth here. I faxed my second part of the application form early December and hadn't heard anything back by early January. Since this was about a months wait I was in two minds whether to phone them or not as I realise that they are busy and all. Anyway I decided to phone and make sure that there weren't any complications with the form and that I had sent everything that was needed. I was told that a decision hadn't been made yet and I would know within a couple of days. That was last week (I'm not complaining just stating) and I still haven't heard.

I said I was available as soon as possible and I can only come to the conclusion that its taking so long as I don't have alot of flight time so I can only think that they are selecting those with more experience of flying first (pure conjecture on my part).

Anyway good luck to everyone who is applying and those that are unsuccessful you better go and have a good drink cos I know I will if I don't get through - but its not the complete end of the world (sorry I tried to end on a happy note without sounding too cheesey and failed LOL)


Master Yoda 14th Jan 2003 15:49

Maths and that
For all you geezas who've been to the test already, can you use a calculator? Is it allowed? I gotta know just in case I gotta brush up on me mental arithmetic!!

P T Flea 14th Jan 2003 17:25

No. You can't use a calculator. Brush up on your mental arithmetic.

Everyone here is speculating as to why and why not they are not hearing back from the intial selection stage. If you read this thread alone you will see that there are people with plenty of flying time that have been selected and people with plenty who were rejected. I know there were people at my selection with next to no flying time. I know it's fustrating not hearing but I really don't think you can put it down to one attribute of your profile.


Red Ice 15th Jan 2003 07:41


I have been waiting like alot of you for an invite to stage 2. I put my start date from July. I'm am now available whenever and fancy getting the ball rolling in terms of selection or rejection.

Has anyone got their phone number so i can change my prefered start date


Red Ice

FREDA 15th Jan 2003 10:53

just faxed off my application for the second stage. good old prontaprint couldnt work the fax machine first time round..failed again on the second attempt then got lucky on the third attempt when the machine didnt eat 2 pages at once, then they charged me £16 for the privelege! enough of a rant, just wondering if ctc-mcalpine always contact you via email? If its by fax then ive got a problem! Also, could anyone enlighten us on the interview side of the next stage, lots of useful info here about the testing, but how are the interviews?

oh i forgot to add that i attached my initial class TWO medical which was issued in september instead of a class 1 of the "testing forms" they mentioned. do you reckon this could be a problem?

P T Flea 15th Jan 2003 11:20

No they never contact you by fax. As far as I am aware they will not acknowledge the receipt of your fax with an email. The next email you get from them should be the one either inviting you to stage 2 or telling you to sling your hook.


Master Yoda 15th Jan 2003 14:10

Thanks Mr Flea, and likewise RedIce I was invited for December testing, couldn't make it, I wanna change my dates too, the email I got was an auto response which cannot be replied to, any PROPER email contact within CTC?? Cannot find one.

Red Ice 15th Jan 2003 20:57

Could anyone tell me about the CTC site in New Zealand. Whats it like etc and why CTC chose to train pilots there?

Red ICe

emmaGG 16th Jan 2003 14:14

Hi guys,

As for changing available starting date you can update your application form at any time by logging in again using your reference number.

Prior to receving a stage 2 selection date (or a thanks but no thanks) there is no e-mail or telephone contact. This can only suggest that they do not want applicants pestering for responces, even to the extent of not confirming a received fax.

I think the answer is patience. (and check your fax machine works!!)

I ask again, is anyone going to stage 2 on the 1st Feb???



Kempus 16th Jan 2003 19:44

CTC, oh well!
Hey folks,

just got e-mail to say they wont be taking my application any further.

Not sure where it all went wrong, bad habbit of making it to final board interviews and failing there for full sponsorships but when i'm paying for it myself i cant even get past the application form! That includes HSBC!!!!!!!

Just wondering how many of you guys applied with zero flying hours like me but got through? Was this a big part of my rejection?

Anyhow, best of luck to VTOL and the others! All i can say is lucky bas and i am soooooo jealous! Nuff said!

Stu :confused:

FunnyOnion 17th Jan 2003 11:30


Sure i applied to aerlingus / was halfway through when 9/11 happened and well you know the rest yourself......

Please keep posting your progress, sounds like you had similar profile (in some aspects) although no, i wouldn't have hairy legs, but i don't think thats a requirement!!!

And to the others: Purple Haze, Chris Empey, Master Yoda
either "good luck and keep going" or "sorry but bad judgement to ctc - you should have been put through!!"

Nothing was ever specified that they wanted people with/or without flying hours so I can't see why those sprouting on about "Oh she has too many" can possibly come to that conclusion - As the facts state people are through with 100+ , people are also through with 0 , I was more interested in knowing over and above their minimum criteria what else they had going for them (not every airline is just interested in what your bit of paper says you studied for !!!!)

AS it was, sure i have the brains to have gone to Uni, but i made the decision to get out to work and start putting towards my PPL , and doing what I wanted todo so don't just assume becasue i don't have a degree to my name that, that makes you any better!!!!!

El Thermidor 17th Jan 2003 13:52

PFO'd after stage 3.:( Never mind, was dead chuffed to have gotten through the aptitude testing, so at least the £165 wasn't all in vain.

For those who are looking into hours, about half the people on my stage 2 had significant hours (ie more than a couple of trial lessons), but who got through to stage 3 was not governed by this. We had 5(out of 14), of which one had PPL and about 120 hours TT, one had about 40 hours TT, and the others had about ten hours between them. I'm one of the latter, with not a single (logged) hour to my name, so don't let that put you off. One point though - if you haven't got any hours and you do make it to stage 3, make sure you've got a good excuse...

We were all either graduates or undergraduates, by the way. It didn't seem to matter whether you were just starting, almost finished or a couple of years post-graduate.

As for why NZ - cos it's cheap to live and train there. PPL will be NZ, converted during the CPL training.

Medical forms are no issue - I had no medical certificate. Some had their PPL certificate, I think a couple had a class 1 already. Like most things, if you've got it, great - if you don't, not a problem.

Computer based mathematics is harder than the paper-based stuff, make sure you can remember how to do long multiplication and division. You get notepaper, and a countdown timer on-screen. I had 24 questions.

Hand/eye/foot coordination - didn't find particularly sensitive. Slip-ball/ILS test and "racetrack" tests, using standard computer pedals & joystick. "Racetrack" test made harder because of springing on joystick - you have to be very smooth with movements. Try using two hands - worked for me.

Inputting data to the "autopilot" - well, I've never used a real one, so I have no idea on the realism question. However, it's not meant to be easy. That test uses scrolling, so you don't need to type the numbers - nor does it rely on your memory. You need to cancel warning lights which come on in one of two postage-stanp-sized black boxes, and use the numerical keypad to cancel the light depending on where in the box it is shown - ie, red light in top left of black box, use number 7; red light in middle of black box, use number 5, and so on.

As for anyone who wants to know how to get past stage 1b, all I can suggest is put some effort into it. Demonstrate some knowledge of what you're getting yourself into, and (for the sake of repeating previous posts) type it out, edit, when you're happy, write it on a draft, edit typed work, repeat. When you're happy it'll fit and sounds good, write out very neatly, using pencilled in lines. After all, why should they be bothered to train you if you can't be bothered to fill out a form?

Lastly, remember - we can tell you all about it, but it won't help you - these are aptitude tests, and harder to cheat than IQ tests.

PS: Good luck to all those who have yet to get to stage 2, comiserations to all those who flunked it, and a pox on anyone who gets through.:p :rolleyes:

soloboy 20th Jan 2003 12:35

Do I dare....
Hi all

I faxed off my answers mid-Dec when the whole CTC thing first kicked off. Got the email on a Wed requesting the fax to be sent in by Thursday! Needless to say it was a rush job and looking back on it I didn't do myself justice. Anywho, got a PFO about a week later. So I guess the first thing I will say is take your time, read over and over your answers, change them...make sure your happy with them...we're talking Pulitzer prize stuff!!
...actually they must have really disliked me because I got a second PFO yesterday!!

...anyway, my question: Do I dare apply again? I'm sure they have a database they check applicants against, but I haven't seen anything on the relevant websites that says you can't re-apply.....anyone know?



El Thermidor 20th Jan 2003 13:31

No, unfortunately you can't reapply.:(

That said, they might, just might change their minds. I can't believe they'll be able to keep their books full at the rate they're getting through wannabees at the moment. They're looking at about 70 per year - and about one in ten of the people who attend stage 2 actually get through. That's seven hundred new wannabees every year at stage 2 - maybe double that for those who fill in the stage 1 forms. Which, I think you'll agree, is a lot of wannabees.

Ah, well. Here's hopin'.:)

harry26 20th Jan 2003 17:46

Do you have to have a Class 1 med to apply? (PANIC!!!!)

FREDA 20th Jan 2003 20:09

harry26: i got a phone call from mary today about the class 1 issue, she said that we dont need one at this stage, although in my application i enclosed my class 2, but if we progress to further stages then we will need to get one, i didnt ask who would pay for this, but i can only assume it will be us.

randombloke 21st Jan 2003 21:35

Just been invited to stage 2 selection on the 1st Feb - anyone else going?

Also, anyone from Scotland going and if so how you getting there? I live near Glasgow and its in the region of £500 im going to have to spend for the weekend!!:eek:

I think i'll be very poor before I become a pilot.

carb 21st Jan 2003 23:30

£500? The gov't would spent that much. You can do it for much less. £300 max, incl assessment payment. For example: train to Southampton - £65 with railcard, or £100-ish without; 2 overnights - £45 (1 night @ CTC, £30, and 1 night someplace cheaper on your return route, £15).

From Southampton train station, walk or take the free shuttle bus to the Hythe ferry pier, hop on the ferry (<£5), and get a taxi up to Dibden manor (<£5). Into the bargain you get to ride on some sort of wooden train along the pier at the Hythe end to save a 10 min walk, which I thought was pretty cool.

EGPFlyer 22nd Jan 2003 03:25


A quicker option to the train is to fly with easyjet from Edinburgh to Gatwick the night before and then get the train down to Southampton from there. Return on the train is about 20 quid and there are direct services every hour everyday except sundays when you will have to change at Clapham Junction. You can check out the train times here .

Crepello 22nd Jan 2003 11:14

Sheesh, it used to be much easier to spend 60 grand!

Re the maths, an old teacher said the only way to improve mental arithmetic is practice. Learn your times tables, know the handy milestones (7 x 8 = 56 etc.), take up darts, gamble, etc.

I'd recommend www.mathsisfun.com for anyone else who needs a long division refresher - very clear explanation. Unfortunately, it can't prove that 29 < 26 so I'm outta here!

Hope it goes well for you folks.

Mooney12 22nd Jan 2003 11:42

I got a reply from Mary Brown at last. Im through to stage 2 but since I cant start for a while they are delaying calling me down for selection.

Has anyone got any tips for what I should do in preparation. Does SDT come up a lot? What did the successful people do in order to pass the aptitude? I want on this course and Im not going to mess this chance up.

ChrisEmpey 22nd Jan 2003 13:40

were did funny onion get the idea I didnt get through? I did.

Master Yoda 22nd Jan 2003 15:02

Chris mate,
funnyonion didn't presume u didn't get thru, she said either goodluck or keep trying. i guess goodluck is what she directed at u.

thanks funnyonion

and very interesting site crepello!!

tonyblair 22nd Jan 2003 21:02

Wow they are cracking through wannabes!

Autofly 23rd Jan 2003 13:19

The Application
A quick question; what did people put down on the application form when asked the earliest date which they would be able to being the training.

As I have a full time job, i'd have to give a months notice although I cannot input this onto the form (which is a little daft). What have others put down. Do you put down a date in 3 months time, 6 months time, etc. etc. :confused:


El Thermidor 24th Jan 2003 09:19


So you'd quit tomorrow, if you got the gig?

As far as I'm aware, they're in the process of filling the March and April courses. This would give you ample time to give the old job the finger, get your visa, class 1 etc. So if you put April, you'd be fine.

Hope that helps.

Autofly 24th Jan 2003 16:46

El Thermidor,

Cheers for the info.

Sure i'd jack if I got a place but lets not get ahead of ourselves here ;). Best get on with the application.


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