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Dihaz 14th Mar 2008 10:17

stranded81 no you are right the scheme did go stale for a bit but has now been reinstated due to the need for more pilots by flybe.

stranded81 14th Mar 2008 10:47

Me and tango will wait for our call then!

Deano777 14th Mar 2008 10:58

Originally Posted by Mercenary Pilot
British European AKA Flybe have been screwing cadets/wanabees with these type of false promises and schemes for years through the likes of Scabair/Aft/OAT etc. :ugh:

I think you're missing the whole point of these schemes, it is up to AFT who they recommend, not Flybe.
Flybe, together with AFT put the scheme in place for students to get recommendations, thereafter AFT should be vetting the student to put forward using a set criteria given by Flybe. Again all the scheme does is bypass the application process, it's still up to the individual to pass the interview & sim assessment. If AFT aren't putting students forward who's fault is that?

stranded81 14th Mar 2008 11:05

A fair point.

I just think its slightly misleading to advertise a deal that hasn't existed for a long time.

Dihaz do you know how many people have got an interview through AFT with flybe since August 2006?

escapedATCO 14th Mar 2008 12:12

I was the 1st person to profit from the agreement worked well for me and several others and certainly the training of AFT must be good enough as we certainly have stacked up well against other f/os.;)

Tango07 14th Mar 2008 12:32


If you dig deep enough, you'll find that the last group of people put forward to flybe failed at interview bar 1. That was way back in 06 or early 07 meaning you've just joined the back of a queue of AFT ex-students which spans well over 12 months.

I, along with everyone else, hope the scheme is reinstated but the longer it takes, the less likely I feel I'll be called.

Dihaz 14th Mar 2008 12:35


I know people that have been put forward but recently, I know of two exceptionally bright students actually that were put forward (turns out they defected from oxford to aft)
1 of them got in and the other got rejected because of his preformance in the sim!

And I know of some people that got jobs through AFT at other airlines.

Mercenary Pilot 14th Mar 2008 12:41

I'm not missing any points! Flybe allow their name to be used by all these FTO's who then say that they have good relations with BE and have a good chance of gaining employment when they finish training.

In reality, it doesn't matter where you trained (as long as it was to a high standard) and wannabees should choose their FTO based on quality of instruction and CUSTOMER SERVICE, something that is sadly lacking in many of these "linked" schools.

Tango07 14th Mar 2008 12:42

I was under the impression that you'll only be put forward had you completed all your training at AFT?

EDIT: obviously subject to certin requirements.

stranded81 14th Mar 2008 13:03

So that's just TWO people that have been put forward since August 2006?

Sounds like "stale for a bit" was an understatement!

Dihaz 14th Mar 2008 13:38

no if you look back at the message it didnt say they were the only students. The ones i mentioned were some of the students put forward that i knew personally.

stranded81 14th Mar 2008 13:50

So you did your training at AFT right? And that took say... 12 months or something?

So for this twelve months you didn't happen to know any of the other people put forward to interview? Not even a quick word over a coffee? I pretty much knew everyone when I was there...

Tango07 14th Mar 2008 13:57

Hi Dihaz,

back to the thread... You've clearly not long since finished training with AFT. In your opinion, how many people have been put forward to flybe in the last year? Out of those people, how many people got places with the company?

as a side note, how many people did AFT place with other airlines and also which airlines?



Dihaz 14th Mar 2008 17:20

Stranded81, i have been with AFT for nearly 22months and i have seen it grow from a little flying training club into a large international flying training provider! I do admit that initially i used to know everyone there when it was small but now in every 6 people that would walk past me i would only know 1 person.

There are currently 30-40 Kuwaiti Airways Cadets at AFT and 2 ground school classes of about 20 people each let alone the self sponsered students. They also train Atlantic Airways cadets. Everytime i go now i see new faces. So its not that small outfit that you may have seen some time ago.

And for what you said 'a quick word over coffee', I dont seem to call a 'quick word over coffee' a friendship relationship that would lead me to ask them about their private lives and other information.

Tango007, from the little group of people that i do know now there, there has been about 8 people put forward put i could not tell you how many of them got through as i dont know.

The CEO once told me that he couldnt contemplate putting every single student or anyone that has either good or bad reputation forward, becaue if out of every 15 people he put forward only 5 got in then it would inevitablely look bad on AFT as it would appear he is not putting the standard that flybe are looking for foward. Therefore he said he must carefully select the students that would be recommended.

I was told that i will be put forward to Air Southwest. AFT has many contacts also in the Middle East so im not surprised if they could do somthing in that area.


End of Rant:)

speedrestriction 14th Mar 2008 22:50


Working for Flybe is very good as ive heared from other Flybe pilots. Its like the BA or Virgin of the low fare airliners.
It is a good place to work but I certainly wouldn't go quite so far as that! In terms of LCCs Flybe are firmly at the bottom of the pay league.


Dihaz 14th Mar 2008 23:04

speedrestriction, ah yes it may be at the bottom of the pay league for cadets but you cant say the same for its working conditions!

Mercenary Pilot 14th Mar 2008 23:19

I just noticed that PTC are advertising that they too have a Flybe link. The question must be asked, "Which FTO DONT have links to Flybe?" :}

Good luck job hunters. :ok:

OneIn60rule 15th Mar 2008 00:09

My point is, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Anyone counting on getting into Flybe through AFT or other and not looking elsewhere or developing other contacts is going to be in for one shocking surprise.

I say again, holding pool for the holding pool and who knows, there's probably another holding pool for the holding pool for the holding pool...

stranded81 15th Mar 2008 09:06

Dihaz sorry mate I didn't mean to offend you.

I just think you might be a little taken in by this whole thing. The 8 people you speak of, that have been put forward to interview I think I can account for, they were all before me and tango7. If its started again then great good luck to you, I'm sure MM is doing his best to repair the damage done by his predessesor. As for air southwest, I'll see you in plymouth!

Dihaz 15th Mar 2008 12:00

Im not taking anything personally and nor am i payed by AFT to doll it up:)
Im just saying from what i have experienced and dont worry if my experience turns bad then im sure youll be the first to know.

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