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bri1980 11th May 2007 06:05

Thanks for that PAJ!

This is a useful insight. I was aware of the multiple capacity test: sounds like fun!:rolleyes:

greywind 11th May 2007 08:38

The cockpitweb software misses a few tests out that CTC use, such as the colour shape grid, shape within shapes task and as stated the final deviation/shapes/number test.

Also i find the flying through squares on cockpitweb really isn't very good, also when doing pilapt I found the joystick was a lot more sensitive than I first expected it to be and ended up flying everywhere at first.

However the software as far as I know is still the best practice tool you can get for the aptitude test.

RC203 12th May 2007 11:37


I just recently got through the selection process, down to come out there in early september on CP53. When do you get your feedback on the selection process? I'm quite interested to see how i did!


THRILLSEEKER 12th May 2007 20:11

I dont know how but I only had 1 miss on the final test!!!

To this day it still amazes me, I must have been that up for it my mind went into super focus mode :p

PAJ 13th May 2007 05:26

Congrats RC203! You can now consider yourself one of the very elite few!!! Feedback does take a while - I went out on CP49 on very short notice - flew out 19 days after my stage 4 so I was acble to chase up my feedback. Think I got mine about 10 days later. It can take longer though - Mary Brown is the lady who does all this so if you havent recieved anything in a couple of weeks time, try calling her. It's really useful, but there are a few things that you may disagree with quite strongly. Either way, you're in so take heed and just start looking forward to it!

BitMoreRightRudder 13th May 2007 09:04

"You can now consider yourself one of the very elite few!!!"

That's tongue in cheek, right?

PAJ 13th May 2007 09:11

Mate, you read the exclaimation marks how you want!!

BitMoreRightRudder 13th May 2007 09:14

Don't believe everything CTC tell you!

Enjoy NZed. ;)

PPL152 13th May 2007 09:24

Don't believe everything CTC tell you!
Why is that? What's so hidden?

adc3891 14th May 2007 18:25

Just after a touch of advice.
I've got my Stage 3 coming up and I'm currently writing my responses to the 4 pre-Stage 3 questions.
As someone who has a reputation of being able to write pages about nothing in particular, I was wondering how much most people have written.
I don't want to write too much, seem like a waffler and leave myself going over what the assessors have already read when it comes to the interview.
At the same time I don't want to only write 4/5 lines and appear that I haven't taken much care and attention.
So how much to people recommend? A whole essay or keep it 'short n' sweet'?
Any replies much appreciated.
P.S. See what I mean about being able to write loads about nothing in particular?! This post couldv'e been summed up in just 1 line!

MikeAlphaTangoTango 14th May 2007 20:16

When I did my written part, the forms I downloaded to fill in gave about 1/2 a side of A4 per question. Depends how big your writing is as to how much you can fit in! Don't go on forever - I think they want to see that you can be concise. Good luck!

bri1980 14th May 2007 21:47

Not specifically related to CTC, but this is what I was taught on our management communications course at work.

1. Try to write down about 5 bullet points in response to the question.

2. Decide what you want to say and say it. Make the answer make sense (rather than just a list of points) by connecting the points in a natural way, re-ordering them if need be.

3. Sum up in one sentence at the end that highlights your main point and relates it back to the question so that the reader gets the main points you are making subtly reiterated.

Hope this helps

adc3891 15th May 2007 07:56

Thanks for the advice guys, I want to make sure I'm left with 'new' things to tell them in the interview so will do as you suggest.

SA242 15th May 2007 09:39

''You can now consider yourself one of the very elite few!!! ''

LOL - i hope this was a joke.....

concordski 15th May 2007 18:34

ah the famous last words of keen NZ-bound newbies...

"...am writing this on the flight to singapore, am loving connexion by boeing..."

"...one of the very elite few..."

excitement takes a distant backseat when the hard work starts.

PAJ 15th May 2007 20:00

Blimey perhaps I should have just kept bloody quiet!! Bottom line is CTC is a damn sight harder to get into than any of the others (I know - I got a place at the others) and a fantastic training organisation. I'm really proud I got in here and I know loads of guys out here and back in the UK who feel the same! I know I'm just an inexperienced newbie but I love the getting up at 5:30 for lectures, enjoy the fact that I don't know what each day is going to offer. After working where I was before CTC, there is absolutely no comparison!!! By all means have your say tho guys and girls, that why we post here - just wanted to add a bit of balance as I know some people want to know that its not a bad deal all in! People tend to bash things much easier than compliment them. (Tho our car is making funny noises at the moment!!)

equinox_code 16th May 2007 13:53

hi there. i have my phase 2 on friday and am really keen to do well. i'd been told by someone i know that the maths would be basic multiplication. i've since found out they are wrong. i have only 2 days to revise for the numeracy test. can anyone recommend particular topics to look at as i don't have time to revise the whole gcse syllabus. i wouldn't have thought they'd include questions on quadratics and simultaneous equasions anyway, but i might be wrong

greywind 16th May 2007 14:08

Maybe brush up on general use of equations, then I would advise making sure you are familiar with long multiplication and division (e.g big numbers 95x63, 1024/50 etc) and also multiplication and division with decimal numbers.

It isn't too hard if you have a good standard of maths already and you get a pen and paper so don't have to work everything out mentally.

equinox_code 16th May 2007 15:16

cheers. long multiplication and division are just about the only thing i know right now. i'm fine with the common sense aspects of maths too.

anyone know where i can find a map for directions?

if you get to stage 3, do you book it, or do they tell you when you're coming?

do i actually have a chance of getting on this course with no experience whatsoever, very little knowledge of the aviation industry, and no way of getting a secured loan? it just seems a bit too good to be true. i've always wanted to be a pilot, but never persued anything to do with the industry as i didn't think there were any courses for people from poorer backrounds such as myself

are there any other courses that can secure funding for you?

sorry bout all the questions

MajorYaw 16th May 2007 16:09

The answers to all your questions are already available in this thread, in the old CTC thread and in other FTO threads.

For other schools, check out OAT, FTE, Cabair etc. There's plenty of places willing to take your hard earned, and a variety of funding options. Rest assured, CTC is not your only option if you are switched on and determined, as reading around on here will demonstrate.

CTC will take people with little or no prior experience provided that they demonstrate the qualities, motivation and the knowledge/prep they are looking for. They are quite open about what they want, there's no tricks involved in selection.

Turning up and saying "I don't know much about this lark, but I wanted to do it as a kid" is not going to get you very far in an hour long interview, so if you feel you are not ready, perhaps delay and spend however long it takes to become ready. The way it worked for me recently was that they get you to try and agree a phase 3 date at the end of the phase 2 tests (you find out the results before you leave phase 2), and they were as short as a week and as long as 3 weeks away.

With regard to the maths (this may sound cocky but it's my honest opinion - flame me all you want) it was comparable to GCSE standard. Applying sound exam technique helps as well.

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