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M33 4th Jan 2013 13:29


It's a real shame that you are having such a hard time, especially when you are the paying customer!

Flight training is certainly not cheap, and I think it is great that you are prepared to share your experience so far.

Informed choice should be available to all prospective students, and from my experience schools are very good at fudging statistics.

Mind it is a business!

mr1863 7th Jan 2013 20:19

As a cadet who shares a CP with mr1862, I would like a few notes to go on the record.


The teaching has also been disappointing. Despite the 9-5 intensive approach we were told to expect (due to finishing a 12 month course in 5 months), this has never happened. In fact, as I write this, I have been on a 2.5 hour lunch and regularly have 45min tea breaks too. This results in me having to learn extra in my own time BUT with an hour commuting to-and-from my accommodation every day, squeezing in a gym workout wherever I can, it's even more difficult.
mr1862 is being disingenuous as to the nature of these breaks, and he knows better. Overall, of the four instructors who have taken classes with the CP; cadets were (and are) very pleased with 3 instructors and less so with a 4th. Such is life.

2. The accommodation to which mr1862 refers is widely considered to be sub-standard, as result CTC have agreed to review their lease on the property.


I've never heard the word 'incompetent' used by so many to describe one 'organisation'.
You clearly don't get out very much.

4. Cadets on mr1862's CP are beginning find his persistent whinging quite tedious, and feel that he might benefit from a more positive outlook on life.

pipersam 8th Jan 2013 10:41

I think both of you should get off the internet and do some studying.

I sound like my dad.

mr1862 8th Jan 2013 10:49

Funny how Mr1863 comes with all his superfluous, nugatory comments under the guise of a highly original username created just after my post, yet doesn't have the b*lls to say it to my face in class. ;) Talk about creating tension amongst your fellow colleagues now... a highly desirable pilot quality, sir! :D

I don't know, but where I come from, we have a) a certain standard of living and b) expectation of money paid vs product received - an argument that has been fought in courts worldwide and often won by the consumer. PM me for case law examples, I have loads.

And thanks for using your personal knowledge to almost centre out exactly who I am or, at least, where I live for the purposes of the hidden CTC staff on here. You're the man! :ok:

harryc 8th Jan 2013 11:28

I appreciate that one of the main routes to a FO position realistically is with CTC and Easyjet or OAA and Ryanair but what are the intake statistics for both of the FTO’s

What do we know?
OAA placed 188 pilots in 2012
CTC I presume is standing by its 100% placement record
So what is the total intake of both schools per year – is it 12 months X 15 cadets giving 180 or is it more with many not getting placed?

turbine100 8th Jan 2013 11:34

Are CTC Cadets still getting screwed with the bad Easyjet Flexicrew deal at the end training or has that changed and improved?

Turner661 8th Jan 2013 12:01

My question is, IF I were to train as an integrated student with CTC - towards the end of the course - let's say I am 'fortunate' and Easyjet decide to take me on. On a Flexicrew basis.

Would I be able to say - thanks, but no thanks. Then apply for a RHS at an airline such as Flybe (example only). What are the chances that an airline that are not a partner of CTC would be sympathetic towards you?

All the time I guess CTC would have views on this also.....

Bealzebub 8th Jan 2013 18:40

Well, Mr 1862, so much for the idea of taking a deep breath!
I think pipersam probably has given the best advice. As I mentioned earlier the course you are on will be timetabled, and although they usually streamline into two or more groups at the flying stage, each course should broadly complete all of their stages within the programmed schedule. By its very nature, that means there are times when some people get ahead, and then have to wait for the rest of the group to catch up. The waiting can sometimes be very frustrating, but that is just part and parcel of flying generally.

Turner661, other people will be able to give you a more qualified answer, but my understanding is that you can decline an offer of placement, but that doesn't ensure another would then be offered on any sort of "seniority" basis. If you were offered a job at an airline outside of the placement scheme that would be fine. Your bond would satisfy your training course costs to date and the contract would be satisfied on both sides. In other words, I don't believe you could then go back and request a placement if things didn't work out with the employer.

As I understand it, the airline placement is the final advanced stage of the course, and the terms very much depend on the airline customers themselves. For some there are additional costs. For some there are no additional costs. Each one is very different, because the terms prevailing are based on those offered by the airline partner. There is usually no guarantee that an employment contract will dovetail from these placements, although everybody hopes that one will. The number of placements on offer will also depend on both the market and seasonal needs of each of the airline partners. The combination of these demands will always mean that any predictions are subject to change.

harryc 8th Jan 2013 19:10

Can anybody provide the intake wings cadet or oaa APPFO course totals for say Jan to Dec 2012?

pipersam 8th Jan 2013 20:07

Can anybody provide the intake wings cadet or oaa APPFO course totals for say Jan to Dec 2012?
I would suggest that these figures are requested from the associated FTO's. Information regarding actual numbers given by anyone else would probably be inaccurate.

mr1863 8th Jan 2013 20:33

Dear mr1862,

I am sincerely sorry that you have interpreted my previous post as a personal attack, particularly as there are a number of issues on which I sympathise with your position. I was merely expressing an alternative opinion, one which I had hoped you'd be big enough to allow. There are a number of reasons why I felt compelled to do so, which I will outline in the interests of greater understanding.

Firstly, you have attempted to cast doubt over the professionalism of a particular instructor. The instructor in question is self-evidently a skilled and experienced teacher who is highly committed the work of getting CTC cadets through their exams with top marks. You have done so primarily because you are unhappy with other aspects of CTC. I think that is wrong.

Secondly, persistent suggestions of legal action will ultimately engender a negative impression of our CP with the management of CTC. A impression that says we are unable to compromise, lack motivation and are generally here to cause trouble. I know that that could not be farther from the truth.

Lastly, I would hope that prospective cadets reading this thread would come away with a balanced and realistic image of CTC (after all that was us only months ago). While I respect your opinion, its not the whole story, and its important to redress that.

As I have already said, I have absolutely no desire to attack you personally. In that spirit, I will refrain from making remarks about your people skills or speculating as to how many balls you have.

mr 1863
(consider my name a tribute, rather than a rip off)

Every time someone posts something negative about CTC on Pprune CTC kill a puppy.
Its a guinea pig actually.

PitchPitch 9th Jan 2013 23:49

CTC is a pilot sausage factory, one I and many others before have had the 'pleasure' of being processed through. They make money by getting as many people on courses as possible. They, i.e. CTC/ARL/OAA/Parc/eJ/any other cost critical business don't CARE about you at all. It's about making as much profit for as little cost as possible. Wake up to reality.

At the end of the day, they can screw you because there are loads of people who want that coveted jet job and will pay endless amounts to get there. Expect this to continue even into 'employment' if FlexiCrew is here to say.

Don't get me wrong. I love my chosen career and wouldn't change it for the world. I do however hate the terms on which I am employed and would not recommend it to anyone, nor would I recommend CTC to anybody hence why I do not help out at any of their roadshows or careers days. I would much rather be on the BALPA stand telling people the reality of the industry than helping CTC exploit even more young aspiring pilots with Mum and Dad's cash.

You cannot just walk in to CTC, get your licence then expect a lucrative flying job. I emplore anyone reading this in this position to have a back up plan otherwise risk being disappointed.

Oh btw, were you expecting luxury treatment when you signed up?? :ugh:

sareltjie 16th Jan 2013 00:08

could anyone in the know please advise how the £40,000 bond protection works? does that cover failure at any point of the course, or just the course in its entirety? in other words, say a student fails the ground school, will they be refunded their first bond payment as part of the bond protection? thank you!

giggitygiggity 16th Jan 2013 20:02

Re: Bond protection
I think the bond protection has increased since I did it and it is likely the terms and conditions have changed so someone else may have to update this.

As I understand, the bond protection will not cover the first £10,000 (eg groundschool phase) and you are liable for this if you fail. If you fail later on in the training, you are eligible to get your bond returned to you up to a maximum of £40,000. This may not be exactly correct even when I did it (I am not reading from the contract but it should give you a rough idea). Best thing to do would be to contact CTC directly about it.

If you put in the effort you will complete the ground school so I wouldn't attempt the course if you don't feel up to the challenge.

sareltjie 21st Jan 2013 08:25

Thanks so much. :)

Also, are any current CTC FlexiCrew pilots on here? Would appreciate 1 or 2 quick answers via PM. Nothing hectic.

mr1864 24th Jan 2013 21:38

PitchPitch, you appear to have no idea what you are talking about. CTC makes a majority of their money from sending cadets to Partner Airlines, and it does so very well.

I doubt very much you can even spell CTC, let alone have attended their exemplary school.

Please be more convincing next time you lie on these forums.

Matt7504 24th Jan 2013 21:45

The bond protection does cover the first £10,000, if you drop out at the ground school phase, you can get a percentage of your costs back.

mr1865 8th Feb 2013 01:18

So what's the verdict chaps?
Do the aspiring airline pilots of the future go through CTC or not? What other realistic options have they got?

G-CFMX 8th Feb 2013 02:30

Hey guys anyone been to a recent selection day or are attending selection with ctc on 20th feb?



SissySkinner 8th Feb 2013 21:50

Hey G-CFMX. Im attending the selection with CTC on the 20th Feb. I've got to say im pretty excited but a bit nervous at the same time.

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