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ctctim 9th Nov 2008 18:48

random question........ is there sunglasses you not allowed to wear at ctc for any reasons, is their some they reccomend you to wear? just bout to buy some sweet sunglasses but then thought id check here in case you not allowed certain types etcetcetc?


dunelmitepilot 9th Nov 2008 20:54

Sunglasses for Flying
ctctim, whilst I doubt CTC actually specify any particular sunglasses you can/cannot wear, you may find this link appropriate for the answer to your question:

Guidance on using sunglasses | Medical | Safety Regulation

Incidentally, I recently bought a pair of aviators for flying. Only after though did I discover this ariticle which stated the type I'd bought were not actually recommended! I hope it aids you in your choice.


ctctim 9th Nov 2008 21:11

cool cheers bro, helps a heap, are you aware if those uk caa guidelines any or much different from the NZ ones? haha was just checking cos the ones i want aint aviators haha and they seem to be the only ones people wear from what i see, but of course i havnt seen much :}

dunelmitepilot 9th Nov 2008 21:53

I would assume that there is probably very little difference in the recommendations for sunglasses between the UK JAA and NZ. I think the reason why aviators are so popular is that, due to the lens size, they do a good job in blocking out any oblique sunlight. When I wear mine, I won't say I am trying to make a fashion statement-but I am simply protecting my eyes!

Good luck in deciding on a pair.


morbz 10th Nov 2008 21:16

"Anyways, CTC haven't released anything official about what, if anything, they're going to do about the HSBC funding problem. You never know, they might have something stashed up their sleeve and it may just be worth while waiting for that little extra month or two to see if anything is offered.
If not, it's time to start being extra nice to those parents!"

CTC have said they are in talks with other banks, but how long these talks will last is another matter. I personally think that if you get an unsecured loan to a certain degree its worse than getting a mortgage or a secured loan. Why?

Well, with the unsecured loan yes you can declare bankruptsy, but on the other hand the repayments come quick and you cant really delay them all that much, plus interest is higher and the repayment amounts per month will be too.

With a mortgage, yer you pay back loads but you can spread it over a long period, monthly repayments will be much lower and most mortgages are flexible- ie one year you can pay back very little and yet if you get a decent job the next year you can pay back as much as you want.

I personally think the bank situation with CTC isnt that much of a bummer- providing your parents are supportive etc.

Locarno 10th Nov 2008 23:04

Morbz - I disaggree. if it wasn't for the unsecured loan, I'd never be able to a pilot. I'd either have to chose a different career or join the military - I genuinely could not see any other way forward.


I was 18 years old, no way I could have any equity on a property already, and no way I could get and sustain a mortgage while I was in CTC.

True, I could have waited a few years, but I'm much happier with my current arrangement.

Also, remember the bond is with Airline placement services inc, not with HSBC, so theres nothing to say you can't re-loan, mortgage, whatever with a different bank.

On Sunglasses - Any sunglasses are fine, as long as their not polarized. Not that many people go for the old aviators anymore, simply because they're to chiche'd. I personally have some sleek Oakleys that more than do the job.

And on CTC MAY offer employment. No one thats graduated CTC has ever failed to gain employment until recently where Ezy cadets haven't been employed after the 6 month line training. Although only 2 cadets have ever been in the holding pool for longer than 6 months. - I'd say CTC is a good bet.

clear prop!!! 10th Nov 2008 23:17


If that is honestly all you guys have got to concern yourselves with in the current employment climate...perhaps its time to take the rose tinted ones off!!!

CTC... "there is none so blind as those who will not see"

Take the glasses off for a while my friends!

Bambe 10th Nov 2008 23:43

CTC... "there is none so blind as those who will not see"

Take the glasses off for a while my friends!
Brilliant :ok:

Kerosine 11th Nov 2008 00:47


If that is honestly all you guys have got to concern yourselves with in the current employment climate...perhaps its time to take the rose tinted ones off!!!
Have you nothing better to do? What's the problem with asking a question about sunglasses? Jesus. :ugh::rolleyes:

ctctim 11th Nov 2008 01:15

haha always dramas on this thread :}

Kerosine 11th Nov 2008 01:27

Sometimes the frustration with all the pettiness just overflows ;)

Don't know why I come here anymore, just serves to wind me up :bored:

mrfilbert 11th Nov 2008 02:18

Why are we here?
I think i know why you still come on here Kerosine. You come on here because you have either just started or are just about to start on the CTC Wings programme. You've found pprune hugely helpful during the selection process. You perhaps want to give something back by offering some advice to those who are following in your footsteps. You certainly want to read other peoples thoughts about the course you're embarking on, and your future prospects. In other words you want this thread to remain the useful resource it has been for the past couple of years, full of balanced opinion and helpful hints.

Yet equally, you spend large amounts of time desperately searching these forums for a glimmer of hope, for positive posts from people in the know, a hint of light at the end of the tunnel that suggests that by November 2010 airlines will be hiring again, a suggestion that you won't be waiting in a hold pool getting slowly poorer, struggling to pay off your debt, and getting less and less current. You're finding your moods influenced by the ratio of negative posts (a la WWW) to positive posts (a la Captain Spam Can). You know in your heart that no-one can predict what the situation will be in two years time, yet you can't help but feel WWW and his comrades are the realists.

Am I in the right ball-park? Cos I'm a few months behind you, and that's why I'm here.

I genuinely don't know what to believe about how long the recession will last but I'm going to hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and in the mean time I'm going to ensure I make the most of what I'm sure will prove to be two of the best years of my life. Of all the integrated FTOs, I believe that CTC work the hardest to find their cadets airline employment at the end of their training, and there's no doubt in my mind that one day, whether I have to wait a year, two years, five years or more, I will get that job that I've dreamt of all my life.

(Yes, ok ok, you can put the violins away now!)

student88 11th Nov 2008 12:05

All you can do is prepare for the worst and live each day as it comes.

Thats it. Ta daaaa! Thank you, I'm here all night. Try the Veal.

bonalste 11th Nov 2008 15:07

Due to the likes of WWW, this thread has gone from being one which assists upcoming CTC applicants find information about the different phases into a thread about the airline industry and prospects of low-hour employment. Why?

As far as I can see this thread isn't about the current recruitment climate - it is about CTC Wings. If you wish to discuss the climate you should create a separate thread and lump all of the flying schools together. Where are your posts about Oxford graduates and FTE graduates not finding employment?

The fact that you turned a simple question about what sunglasses to wear into a statement about CTCs ability to recruit (even though this statement covers the entire spectrum of flight schools and has no pace in this thread) suggests to me that you have some issues. You're broken records. if you want to discuss the current climate, start a thread about it. You have completely ruined this thread and almost all posts from the last 20 pages should be scrapped as they pose no assistance to thos applying for the scheme.

BitMoreRightRudder 11th Nov 2008 19:11

almost all posts from the last 20 pages should be scrapped as they pose no assistance to thos applying for the scheme.
There is a huge amount of information for applicants already in this thread. Granted you may have to dig to find it, but if you can't be bothered to spend a few hours researching then a professional flying course is not for you.

It is important for anyone thinking of making a huge personal and financial commitment, which is what anyone considering going to NZ is doing, to understand the reality of what is happening at places like easyjet and Monarch at the moment. You complain of too much negativity - well things are pretty dire out there right now, and I think it is worth being informed of these things if you are interested in flying as a career, wherever you choose to get your licence.

If having considered all this someone still wants to commit the money and go do the course then they have made a decision knowing all the facts and good luck to them. But I think the recent discussions on previous pages are very relevant to anyone reading this thread who is considering the CTC course.

morbz 11th Nov 2008 19:13

Couldnt agree more!

I passed my CTC Wings selection process and never once looked on these forums for information. Im not saying the information is wrong or poor, I just felt that if I did look on here it would make me think negativly about CTC and the small chance of getting through etc, not to mention the tonnes of phony or pessemistic posts.

Topics always go off topic in internet forums, PPRUNE isnt the only forum to experience this, but it is one of the most pessemistic places on the net, full of moaners, people who argue over nothing to sound clever and just generally full of people with chips on their shoulders'. Yes there are people that need to open their eyes to the real world and the harsh reality, but those that 'bite' and moan just go about getting the message across in totally the wrong way.

At the end of all this, every one or nearly everyone reading these forums shares a huge interest in aviation with perhaps the majority dreaming of flying for a living, therefore I think we should all lighten up a bit, be a little optimistic sometimes and just chill out. I dont mean don't write information that will get enthusiasts down, but dont constantly moan about everything- especially the climate, that just makes things worse in my opinion.

Back to CTC Wings, the scheme in my eyes is fantastic regardless of the credit crunch, the wings course turns dreams into reality and offers at LEAST an amazing 2 years of training. As its been said before, CTC is a great deal better than many flying schools, so it shouldnt be slated every five minutes with reference to the credit crunch and Easyjet rejecting pilots.

Lighten up, chill out and enjoy a balanced discussion without the need to be pedantic and depressing. Everyone has a freedom to say what they like, but I jsut think people should go about the way they say things in a better way for the sake of everyone- especially the newbees with ambitions who read these forums!


Is anyone else waiting to leave for New Zealand?

SA242 11th Nov 2008 20:31

Its always easy to be over excited and overconfident before going out to NZ. Its when you finish the training that the reality of the situation becomes clear. I agree with BitMoreRightRudder. The information is in the past 20 pages is not rubbish and is certainly relevant. You are not paying 60K plus living expenses for a flying holiday. You will need to pay that debt back. That is not negativity nor is it pessimistic. It is reality. Easy for someone who has not even been into CTC as of yet or done any training at all to just brush off the warnings here but they are not incorrect warnings. Its not getting into or through the CTC course that is the problem. Its managing the bottom line at the end. Paying back the loan.

Now that's not to say that it should put you off the course. I enjoyed the entire training I received from CTC and it was well structured and the standards were very high. As with any flight school they have their problems and in the current climate CTC have their work cut out as do all airlines and aviation sectors. The point being made by people in the know is not 'Dont do the course'. It is to rethink doing the course right now. When the industry is on an up CTC is a very effective company at training large amounts of well trained pilots and placing them with big airlines. In the present climate with no recruitment the numbers back up and that can have effects on placement not only now but for a year or two down the line. CTC are doing a hell of a lot to get us work but its just the nature of the game. Something WELL worth considering before saying sod it I'll just throw 60K at this because it sounds fun and I quite like the idea of buzzing around NZ. But what the hell do people who have been through it or people who are already flying in airlines know...?!!

EvelcyclopS 11th Nov 2008 20:59

Its not getting into or through the CTC course that is the problem.
speak for yourself :\

bonalste 11th Nov 2008 22:08

My point isn't that the financial situation isn't relevant to CTC applicants but that it is relevant to ALL FTO applicants. The fact that the place on this board that this is covered in more than enough depth, several times and with a huge degree of copy/paste, or so it would seem, is on this thread. To me, this biases negative thoughts towards CTC more than to other FTOs. The fact of the matter is that if you have concerns about the financial and recruitment climate these should be expressed in a thread of it's own right. By all means mention it in this thread but you've mentioned it, beaten it, chopped it up and eaten it in a stew. This is no longer the thread for it and it is certainly not the thread for 20 pages of it.

CTC is an excellent FTO. Unfortunately the impression that people will get from this thread isn't to not train, it's to not train with CTC because they can't place their cadets. I find this inappropriate and much of what has been stated is fundamentally based on heresay or opinion, such as people suggesting that CTC would not be returning the easy cadets to the pool earlier in the thread. The last 20 pages may be relevant to a potential cadet but that's 20 pages saying exactly the same thing. The thread is only useful for the first 110 pages, the rest would need substantial effort to pull anything worthwhile from.

What I am saying is, people know about the credit issues, it has been stated, mostly on this thread (which I dislike for aforementioned reasons), plenty of times. it doesn't need to be brought up like the grease megamix at every opportunity. It is not helping anybody. If people wish to invest their money in the scheme after having already read 20 pages of this, I would put money that an extra post re-stating the same droll again will not provide meaningful assistance.

Madhouserjd 11th Nov 2008 22:19

Veering away from all negative posts, could I pose a question?

I will shortly be coming up on the end of my 6 months and will be able to re-apply for stage 3 of the scheme. I have relitively little money and no assets to speak of so getting a secured loan is impossible. Getting money from parents or any other source is also out.

Im toying with the idea of reapplying despite having no funds and ask CTC to put me on thier records (should I pass) until such time as I can provide the full amount or some of it or until the loan again becomes available.

Firstly does anybody know if CTC has a position on defered entry if an applicant completes selection but is unable to attain finance?

My second option would be not to reapply and defer my re-application indefinately and apply to NATS as an ATCO, and wait a year or two until finance and the economy settle. This would provide me with valuable income and a well paid job to fall back on at the other end of the CTC course should I find myself swimming in that o so icy water.

My main issue with this is that I want to push my advantage having completed stage 2 first time and not be ticked off as a person who will not reapply and when I do reapply have to start from the beginning again.

Does CTC ask you to re-apply from the very beginning if you leave your re-application for two or more years? or do you continue from where you left off, or are you struck from the list?

Any words of wisdom appreciated!

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