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Canada Goose 8th May 2007 14:32

Ehh ! Come again !!?


Jinkster 8th May 2007 15:24

Claycomm, sorry - I have no idea :rolleyes:

CamelhAir 8th May 2007 15:46

so after say 6 months as an FO does the salary ever make it to the advertised 70k stg?
Never. Not even remotely near. Skippers are lucky to make that much now. It's blatantly false advertising. If MOL is boasting about having captains on €50k, how does anyone think an FO will get paid 70k sterling?

Unless this job you already have that pays the same as ryr, your point is meaningless. You have to compare like with like.
Let me ask you this:
Does your current same pay job involve any responsibility for nearly 200 lives?
Is your job on the line 4-5 times a year (ie 1-2 medicals, 2 sims, 1 linecheck)?
Are you on shift work?
Do you already work 12 hour days with no breaks and no food?
Did you have to pay upwards of €100k to qualify for your current job?

I suspect the answer to the no to all the above. Yet you still think same pay is acceptable? Please explain logically, without resorting to cloud-bunny emotion.

dartagnan 8th May 2007 16:09

just a question:

when do you eat, and where?
do you leave the cockpit, and have time for a break in the terminal.
do you take your sandwiches?
do you buy food on board(in this case, how much money left at the end of the month).

YYZ 8th May 2007 18:03


1. Whenever & wherever you can.
2. No way, would be nice though.
3. Indeed.
4. Never bought anything on board, always take my own food.

Sounds bad I guess, but it's ok, people always complain saying they should provide food, you know they don't though, so there is no problem?


CamelhAir 8th May 2007 19:38

Outstanding Earnings Potential
Considering management have admitted that the new pay "deal" is a pay reduction, the potential is only there for an ongoing reduction in the pay.
Ironically the only hope of this statement actually becoming true is unionisation.

Ryanair pilots are recognised as the best paid short haul pilots in Europe
This is pure utter and unadulterated $hite. Replace "best" with "worst" and it would be a truthful statement.
Thankfully the Labour court will soon here facts with regard to this statement.
There is no way anyone who joined in the last few years is on the figures quoted. It's not possible. Particularly as it says that it takes 3-5 years to reach the amounts and some of my misguided colleagues recently voted in favour of a 4 deal that will reduce pay each year.

Sorry claycomm, but you don't get well-paid in ryr. That's why so many leave to go elsewhere and the only joiners are those for whom ryr is the last resort. If it was as good as they say it is, why the huge turnover?

dartagnan 8th May 2007 20:57

so guys, you eat sandwiches all day long in your 737 cockpit!!that 's not very healthy!

and you are paid 1000 euro for 4 legs a day/12 hours duty and you have to sleep in your car for 3 years, buy your badge, uniform, and even your water. damn, your boss, treat you like rats!
do your boss think he has all the rights, because he paid you the type rating?
do you really enjoy this job?

they say"you can expect to reach 80'000",read EXPECT and REACH....doesn't mean you will get it! this company should be called farceair!

SinBin 8th May 2007 23:30

Starting salary with my new company, yes I'm a low houred fella moving onto the bus, is well over £40K a year, that's before a TR which I don't pay for. How can a newbie spending upwards of £20K of his/her own money for a TR and then not paid at all to start with be well paid or the 'best paid in Europe'.

It no makedy no sense!!

Guys/gals who have been in a while might make lots of money, but people won't put up with this rubbish for long and it seems FR is not a company to stick with long term. It's all a big giant Ryanair carrot guys and I and others luckily saw sense and didn't buy into it!! There's better deals out there where you make the money. I refer earlier to my Clapham Common reference. Oh yes and this isn't a moan! At least I don't think it is!???

Fastest 9th May 2007 12:43

ryanair assessment
total joke!

a money making set up staged by Laurel & Hardy who claimed to know everything, a long wait and £250 pounds (excluding my hotel and travel) and a Sorry, call back next year..


What a bunch of crooks..

SinBin 9th May 2007 13:17

This needs to all go out in the national press, any volunteers, Dispatches would love this, question is does this compromise safety?!

dartagnan 9th May 2007 13:19

and you have even paid your own type rating, to be treated like that at the end???!!! do you love tortures???

why ,guys, don't you go to Asia/India/Africa, where they are probably looking for B737 pilots.

you are not forced to stay with Ryanair?

Canada Goose 9th May 2007 16:36

Fastest .......... are you saying that you didn't even get an interview after coughing up £250 and attending the assessment day ?

Thats absoutely diabolical if true !!! :eek:

chlong 9th May 2007 18:36

A guy sitting at a bar at Heathrow Terminal 3 noticed a really beautiful woman sitting next to him.

He thought to himself: "Wow, she's so gorgeous she must be an off duty flight attendant. But which airline does she work for?"

Hoping to pick her up, he leaned towards her and uttered the Delta slogan: "Love to fly and it shows?"

She gave him a blank, confused stare and he immediately thought to himself: "Damn, she doesn't work for Delta."

A moment later, another slogan popped into his head. He leaned towards her again, "Something special in the air?"

She gave him the same confused look. He mentally kicked himself, and scratched Singapore Airlines off the list.

Next he tried the Thai Airways slogan: "Smooth as Silk."

This time the woman turned on him, "What the f*** do you want?"

The man smiled, then slumped back in his chair, and said "Ahhhhh, Ryanair!!!
this came from a chap in bristol gs

Jinkster 15th May 2007 15:56

I have just finished line training with the airline - now have 160 hours on type and have been offered a brookfield contract.



YYZ 15th May 2007 18:38

Is Brookfield that bad? (Don’t know a great deal about it, so genuine question).
You're self-employed therefore you get more tax benefits?
However, I assume you are worried about the stability factor?


Night-flyer 17th May 2007 10:57

I'm sorry, it might sound a bit stupid question but i'm not an english native .. what is the Brookfield contract? :confused:

CamelhAir 19th May 2007 00:58

Only weeks ago you were extolling the virtues of ryr. I'm sorry reality bit so quickly, but if you had listened to the advice on pprune, you wouldn't be in this situation. I recommend joining BALPA asap.
BTW, I respect your balls in speaking the truth so early in your career.
To other wannabes, note how quickly the ryr dream turns sour.

theWings 19th May 2007 01:10

Ryanair sounds a truely shocking place to work. Why are so many applying to join? No really, why?

Canada Goose 19th May 2007 08:59

Ryanair sounds a truely shocking place to work. Why are so many applying to join? No really, why?
I think it's something along the lines of "Sh*t or Bust"
Nightflyer; if you scroll back through all the threads I believe Brookfield is discussed.

Night-flyer 19th May 2007 14:23

hey Canada Goose,

thanks for the tip, I've been scrolling back in the threads and I've discovered what is the BK contract :{

Well the pilots contract is getting really in the deep shxt :(...

sky's the limits... the used to say :ugh:

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