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Lezam 31st Mar 2006 18:11

Pilot scheduling
Hello everyone, I have a question about becoming a pilot.

I am looking into becoming a commercial pilot for a living. The problem is the schedule is random. I am an observant jew and I can not fly on friday or saturday, the question is will I be able to get hired by an airline. Does anyone know if an airline would hire me, with the condition that I will never fly on friday and saturday? Thanks in advance.


Send Clowns 31st Mar 2006 18:21

Not sure about the airlines, but you might get on in some specialist areas, like the ad-hoc charter world. I'm sure someone wants a pilot who will work every Sunday without complaint! The problem is that you are restricting your options in what is already a difficult career to get a start in, and charter demands different experience too. I would certainly say you should look into it in detail, and take PPRuNe enquiries as just part of your information.

Is it all day Friday you cannot work? Forgive me my atheist's ignorance, but I was aware that the Sabath included Friday evening but not that it precluded work the whole day. It could be important if you could work earlier (it adds a whole new overnight option, and in my business Friday evening and Saturday tend to be quiet anyway).

Good luck if you do choose to fly!

P.S. Do El Al have any especially considerate conditions?

Lezam 31st Mar 2006 18:22

Yeah, well... I have to be home by friday afternoon to prevent any messup or delay, so I guess I can work friday mornings

scroggs 1st Apr 2006 09:04

I think that, unless you find an operator run by and for observant Jews (possibly a charity operation in Israel?), the answer will be no. Airlines are 24/7/365 operations, and are generally unable to accommodate employees who set rigid conditions. A few corporate operators may be able to accommodate your wishes, if you look hard enough, but you may have to go a long way from home to get what you want.

I would have thought that a more profitable line of enquiry would be through your religious contacts. While none of your direct contacts may have any useful knowledge, it seems to me that such a specialist request is likely to be most easily answered through the community that shares your lifestyle - someone will have been there before you! Is there a similar worldwide bulletin board for your branch of your religion? That may be a good place to ask.


south coast 1st Apr 2006 09:48

i wonder if any other 'normal' job would allow you not to have to work on a friday afternoon?

i would like not to have to work certain days, so why does just because it is a religious belief give this request any credibilty?

what difference is it to me saying, i dont want to work fridays or saturdays, because i believe friday night to be the best night for going out and saturday for chilling and recovering from a good friday night?

i just think people should stop 'pussy footing ' around such issues and say how it really is...and in my opinion that is if you want a job in a highly competetive market, which doesnt differentiate between weekdays and weekends, christians, muslims or jews, then one must be available to work a non-standard week, ie. saturday and sundays as if they were normal days of the week...that just how it is.

finally, if you are unable to fit the EMPLOYERS requirements and needs, then it would seem you are unlikely to be employed by them...not rocket science?

smith 1st Apr 2006 13:43

Maybe you should write to EL AL HR dept and find out their policy. If you recieve no joy there are there any career's that would afford you this concession. I used to work beside some muslims who demanded time off during the day to prey and would not drive substantial distances during ramadan, it did cause quite lot of inconvenience to the staff scheduling.

Good luck.

Lezam 1st Apr 2006 23:46

By my religion I am not allowed to do it, I would love to but I am devoted. Maybe a charter operation would be more inclined then a major airline?

Dan Winterland 2nd Apr 2006 03:08

El Al have no sevices on Saturdays. They and other Israli operators seem your only hope.

south coast 2nd Apr 2006 08:16

lezam, can we be quite clear here...it is not your religion that doesnt allow it, it is you who choose to follow your religion and not do it....

i am not religious, but i think someone can be a good christian, muslim or jew just by following a decent and good life....

but, each to their own...

rmcdonal 2nd Apr 2006 08:45

Come join a GA operation, all the days well blur into 1 and then you wont have to worry about it :ok: :}

Lezam 2nd Apr 2006 13:12

Whats a GA operation?

rmcdonal 2nd Apr 2006 14:09

General Aviation = GA
Single engine, pistons, light twins ranging up to the lower end of the corporate world with small turbine aircraft such as Caravans, Metros, Conquests.
Usually small operator/owner business based out of small towns (they are in Larger cities as well but jobs there are harder to come by due to high hr requirements) offering charter and flight training to the area they service (note: I once worked for a company who serviced an area the same size as France). Most would be happy to substitute your Friday if they could get you to work a Sunday instead. The pay is generally less then airline (unless you’re in a really good outfit) but you should be able to spend most nights at home.
Just 1 Question however, if you got into a company and your aircraft broke down in a different airport on a Thursday, would you fly the plane home on the Friday for your employer or would they have to wait until Sunday? Because most of the operators I know would be a bit upset if you where that fundamental that it effected there profits.

herta 2nd Apr 2006 15:09

How is it possible in the modern world to avoid working on friday particularly as a plane pilot ?!!!!! Almost sounds like a joke !

Friday evenings are the busiest days for passenger operations. People go on week end or start their hollidays !

Lezam 2nd Apr 2006 18:05

Originally Posted by rmcdonal
General Aviation = GA
Single engine, pistons, light twins ranging up to the lower end of the corporate world with small turbine aircraft such as Caravans, Metros, Conquests.
Usually small operator/owner business based out of small towns (they are in Larger cities as well but jobs there are harder to come by due to high hr requirements) offering charter and flight training to the area they service (note: I once worked for a company who serviced an area the same size as France). Most would be happy to substitute your Friday if they could get you to work a Sunday instead. The pay is generally less then airline (unless you’re in a really good outfit) but you should be able to spend most nights at home.
Just 1 Question however, if you got into a company and your aircraft broke down in a different airport on a Thursday, would you fly the plane home on the Friday for your employer or would they have to wait until Sunday? Because most of the operators I know would be a bit upset if you where that fundamental that it effected there profits.

I would be able to fly it back friday morning. Usually the sabbath starts about 4 o clock, so I should be able to do that. Also, do you know the pay scale for those?

rmcdonal 3rd Apr 2006 00:31

Sorry, not to sure what the pay is like over in the States for those jobs. Your best bet would be to visit a flying school in the area and ask.
Good luck:}

guimaraes 4th Apr 2006 09:27

Originally Posted by Lezam
I would be able to fly it back friday morning. Usually the sabbath starts about 4 o clock, so I should be able to do that. Also, do you know the pay scale for those?

What if the flight is about to be delayed,you're gonna stop flying at 4 o'clock?

south coast 4th Apr 2006 09:31

put it this way, you will only cancel a flight once because you cannot fly on the sabbath...

Lezam 4th Apr 2006 22:53

I will have to stop flying :(

south coast 5th Apr 2006 08:13

and there's the parady...religion is supposed to bring happiness and meaning to life and it goes and stops you doing the job you probably would love doing, the job that would make you happy....

i wonder what you god would say if you asked him...

'do you mind if i have saturdays off because i have found that something which i love doing, it is able to provide a good life for me and my family which allows us to be good jews...'

Superpilot 5th Apr 2006 09:01

And I thought Muslims were religious...

I've jumpseated with an Asian crew (a 3 man 747 Classic crew) and they all took time out (one at a time) to perform their Friday prayers in the cockpit, in their seats! Logic was working isn't just about bringing wealth and getting rich but is a means to an end.

Are you sure there isn't a directive excluding you from the Sabbath if you are travelling? Because that is essentially what flying is. Not like your average job where you can stop and resume at will.

Lezam 5th Apr 2006 11:22

I will keep asking about that, but so far no one has said that traveling is ok..

Lightheart 7th Apr 2006 17:15

The Kingdom of Heaven is within YOU

Judging by your comments it would appear that you are enslaved by your religion. It seems that you are following rules just to conform, yet your soul tells you otherwise.

Follow your soul, for that will lead you to the Kingdom of Heaven and to your true destiny. Listen to your internal voice and do not be afraid to break away from these man-made rules that were only written with the signle purpose to control.

Ask yourself how much longer you wish to give your power away. Take responsability for your own life and live it how YOU really wish to live it. If you don't have joy in your life then live it the way YOU want to. That is the only way you will find freedom.

WGW 11th Apr 2006 10:45

Even Rabbis work on Saturdays.

Just as vicars work on Sundays....

scroggs 11th Apr 2006 12:00

Lezam I think you have enough information here. You can talk to El Al, you can talk to your (or maybe preferably another) Rabbi, you can talk to anyone you like, but ultimately it's your decision, no-one else's. The only one responsible for your life is you yourself. To deny yourself the opportunity to be a pilot because of some intransigent rules of your sect that seem not to affect the vast majority of Jews seems to me to be perverse, but it's up to you. I advise you to open your eyes and have a deep think about what is important to you and why, and contemplate the amount of influence religion has on your life and whether or not that is right for you. Remember that almost every one of the major religions claims to worship the same deity, yet each argues - frequently to the point of war - about the rules of that worship and which 'club' is right. It's all rather pathetic, in my opinion. Make up your own mind; don't be dictated to.

And now, to avoid this becoming a debate about religion rather than jobs, I shall close the subject.


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