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thebeast 21st Mar 2006 11:04

Talk about giving the wrong impression - of course you won't get anywhere otherwise.

ReHeat ovbiously I have been far more economical with the truth when looking for non aviation jobs and come up with some decent BS.

Although that is not really the problem, it is more of an age thing as 29 now and want to get flying asap. The problems with instructing is that it will cost about another Ģ6,000 which is not really an affordable in terms with my current commitments. I don not mind the pay being crap but it has to be enough to live on.

Anyway moan over dont want to be the next A320 Rider (not on pprune at any road)

Superpilot 21st Mar 2006 11:06

Ditto Re-Heat's advice. This is how I have gotten myself into a job that pays more than your average FO's salary. I've worked my way up through the ranks now and literally get 2-3 hours of free time a day. Time I can put to use for researching flying training/jobs and ATPL study. Mustn't take the piss though so back to work before someone checks my internet usage.......doh! that's me! :E

voador 21st Mar 2006 20:45

Hi, The Beast you donīt know what is really bad luck !!!
Fisrt of all Iīm sorry for some mistakes that could appear ( english is not my mother language ):D .

Iīm 32 years old...
With 19 years old I begun my PPL and 4 months later was finish.( I was the second in my classroom the first one is my friend (also with 32 years old) and he is already A 320 Captain in the major airline (Captain since 2004).

During 1995 and 1996 I was building time for the CPL, I went to the USA and I made Multi IFR there than I come back and, I begun CPL still in 1996
( It was supposed to take 9 months, but it toke almost 2 years because my stupid wife decide to divorce at end of 1996 causing me to much problems and expences )

Then finally in 1998 I finish the CPL ( let me tell you all my classroom colleagues they were 7 are already A 320 Captains in the major airline, and one of them with 29 years old )

In 1999 I start to send Cvīs to all airlines.Just came negative answers oh guy I had so luck!!!!!:\

But in 2000 a private jet executive company told me " do your Cessna Citation type rating than we give you a job ":)

two weeks later....

USA here I go again after 3 weeks I had the C500/C550 type Rating.
Coming back to that private company they told " next week you will do your base training " nice I thouth....
One week later I went to do the base training guess what ?
I was informed by the company " sorry the manager decide and sold the Cessna Citation we donīt operate that airplane anymore " :\

( of course without experience on type noboby would gave me a job )
Once more nice 8000$ Us dollars to the garbage. :yuk:

Well I donīt give up so easily.

Still in 2000 I went back to the flight school to do ATPL modular ( once more we were 12 and at the moment 10 are working as pilot )

Almost passed 2 years and several interviews in the major airline I didnīt had the 3 most important requirements ( 1 - Experince in line 2 - Be airforce pilot 3 - Be son of a captain ):yuk:

One more year and nothing. is now 2004...

I have to do it, so let do it...
I went to a TRTO and 2 months later I had A 320 type rating (but more problems were on the way) six months waiting for base training ( this is luck ).
In October 2004, one day I went to my mail box a letter from a airline
:ooh: .
An interview.
2 weeks later I was in a Operator Conversion Course wich I ended sucefully.
Guess what? We were 10 pilots in the classroom 5 went to line training (and they already lef to airline) and the rest including me are now on rack.:\
Everything I wrote above is complitly true, after 12 years I still donīt have a job as pilot.
Until today I spend more than 80.000€ in PPL CPL ATPL A 320 because of course I can pay (Iīm not rich).
Also since 1994 I keep my job working as loading supervisor in the Hanling services at international airport, Iīm married (again) and in October I will father for the first time.;)
I still keep me alive with my dream of be airline pilot and I will faith for this. The aviation today is a war, we just have to FAITH for what we want!!!:D


Best Regards for Everybody
The guy with luck.......;)

rduarte 22nd Mar 2006 10:26

Originally Posted by voador

Almost passed 2 years and several interviews in the major airline I didnīt had the 3 most important requirements ( 1 - Experince in line 2 - Be airforce pilot 3 - Be son of a captain ):yuk:

3 most important requirements : 1- Be son of a captain
2- Be Air Force pilot
3- Experince in line

zooloflyer 23rd Mar 2006 06:33

Voadar & others, keep the faith man!

I'm also in the game since 1995 - TIME FLIES! :}

Although I have to admit that I left the scene from 2002 till end of 2005. Apparently not such a bad decision as I spoke a lot to guys lately who are complaining that they are waiting for 2 years now...2 years; what a laugh! Off course some slip through the net but let's say 3 out of 4 had not such luck in the last couple of years.

What amazes me most is that I speak to people or hear stories of people who were in it for 100hrs + ATPL and just quit because there was no job waiting for them... You can't do that these days...frozen ATPL expires etc. Imagine man - just be proud that you're still in the running!!

I'm sure you'll get back what you deserved:ok:

What comes around, goes around - it's 100% pure science!

Good luck.

The Mixmaster 6th Oct 2006 23:15

I found this site useful for London Office's:


AIRWAY 8th Oct 2006 18:53


Way early...

First, concentrate on your studies. :ok:

If you wan't then you can start doing some light aviation reading that will prepare/help you when you start your flight training, once qualified then you can start sending your CV out.

Anything drop me a PM.

All the best.

emmma 9th Oct 2006 11:59

aviation job websites
Hi all,

Just an advice, I am looking for a website were to log in in order to receive info about pilots job in Europe or around the globe, I know aviationcareer or Pilot jobs, if you have any suggestion I would appreciate it,
so far I hold 740 h , I saw the parc aviation site or other similar, but all jobs are adressed to pilot with over 1500 h ecc ecc.

Any help will be well appreciated,

PM are appreciated,

thank you to everyone,


razzele 9th Oct 2006 12:09

I found this thread useful yesterday,


There are a few others as well, good luck in your search.


Aerofoil 9th Oct 2006 17:05

BMI Baby contact
Hi all

I just wondered if anyone has a contact telephone number for Pete Durnford of BMI Baby? Ifso could you please PM it to me as this would be much appreciated.

Many thanks


usedtofly 1st Dec 2006 12:32

List of potential employers?
Hi everyone, I'm not sure which forum to place this in so here goes.......

Does anyone have any advice on how to get a definitive list of who is employing/who to send CV's to etc?

I have tried searching but without success.

Many thanks


unimuts 1st Dec 2006 12:53

Okay i'll try to be gentle,

there are a few options, but firstly try ppjn.com good list always growing and updated no and again. I think it is best place to start for you. Others include using the google search or buy the flight international directory of world airlines, think it comes out in March/ April time very very good list.

But best of luck and wish you well.


Callsign Kilo 1st Dec 2006 14:20


However it suprises me that someone who wants a job, needs to ask how to go about getting it. Not a dig but internet search engines are a wonderful tool!


PAPI-74 1st Dec 2006 18:40


This has the most detailed, but you have to be a member. The free sites are ok but a bit out of date.

bermudapilot 1st Dec 2006 21:11

Papi 74 thanks that was very helpful!

bluepeely 2nd Dec 2006 10:57

No airlines employ anyone unless you have 100000+ hours,a signed letter off the queen and a type rating for everything that has ever flown including kites and daddylonglegs.
I'm not bitter:ugh:

usedtofly 2nd Dec 2006 11:37

Thanks guys

I did try Google etc but search throws up so much rubbish.

In my defence I am not asking 'how to get a job', just simply using all resources available to increase my chances of getting accurate and updated information. This of course includes PPRUNE.



PAPI-74 2nd Dec 2006 17:21

I hope you have better luck than I did.
I spent 4 months constantly applying, cold calling, bumping into pilots etc.....
Gave up and have gone instructing for a year.
Great fun.
As was mentioned before, you will need buckets of hours, vaults of cash, and a bag of Jordans panties, if you want a job within 6 months.

I'm not bitter either.

Anotherflapoperator 2nd Dec 2006 19:32

Guys, even with 5,700hrs of which 3,600 are on the BAe146, I am finding it difficult to get work now. The SSTR schemes are the devil incarnate, and firms like CTC are predisposed to chop those who have too many hours for it if they can in favour of inexperienced but cash rich options.

Go figure the motive....

Sooner or later I'll simply have to give in and pay for a rating, either that or give in and let Flybe shaft me completely!

H.V. 4th Dec 2006 11:56

Information wanted from the UK pilotjob market.
Can anyone tell me how the jobsituation looks in the uk for low experienced pilots.

With approx 500 total flying hours (no jet or multicrew experience), I think it should be possible to find a job in the UK. I am looking for a multi crew (2p)job. Any aircraft/place is of interest.

Can any of you flying guys give me ideers/information?

Thanks a lot :-)

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