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Flintstone 12th Mar 2006 19:40

Originally Posted by A320rider
More miserable stuff

It must be really, really gloomy in your part of the world A320rider. I KNOW how hard it is but seriously mate I can't help but think that half your trouble is your own state of mind.
Do yourself a favour and get laid.
Then give me her phone number:E

Andy_20 12th Mar 2006 20:06

Where to find jobs?
Hey im currently doing some research to find jobs and the ease of finding companies to employ new pilots probably non type... Anyone know any good websites or places? ive been looking but not come up with very much

Cheers :ok:

Batfink58 12th Mar 2006 20:20

Has anyone else tried the "training and work at the same time" approach. How long did it take you?

Jumbo744 13th Mar 2006 01:55

I think this website can be helpful:


SBAB 13th Mar 2006 06:01

check out www.ppjn.com for various airline info and jobs, good luck

A320rider 13th Mar 2006 06:49

try flightinternational.com, it has changed name but you will be linked to the correct site.
apply even if they ask you the impossible.
this situation is simply ridiculous!

Thrusthold 13th Mar 2006 08:09


Hi. I took the modular approach working during the week and studying (distance learning) at nights and weekends. I struggled for approx 6 months trying to juggle all commitments.

It didn't work for me but I do know several who have successfully achieved both but in double the time. It all depends on how much free time you can spare without ruining your relationship/job/life etc...In the end I came to the conclusion that if I was serious about becoming an airline pilot I had to give it all my attention. It took me 2 yrs from 0-ATPL(F) and i'm sure it saved me time in the long run.

Plus to be honest all the interviews and discussions I have had with airline recruiters, they seem to prefer candidates to have been "full-time" i.e Integrated of full time modular....

Best advice I could give is:
  1. Try for Airline sponsorship with a garenteed job at the end (Like golddust but low risk for you)
  2. Take unpaid leave if possible for 16-18 months. Get all the training done and return to work.
  3. Go to a flying school with a good reputation (it shouldn't make a differece but sadly it does!)
  4. After training get a job in the industry and NETWORK you Azz off!!!
If you can return to a job in the industry this would give you a considerable advantage over others. Unfortunately networking and contacts are key in the aviation industry. I left my comfortable job to become "Cabin Crew". I put up with that for over 18 months.......But it has just lead to a job and i'm sure it will make me a better pilot.

Best of luck to ALL

ToneTheWone 13th Mar 2006 08:21

working while training
Yes - well sort of.

Ran my own business at the same time as going from zero to CPL I/R. To me it was the right decision as the business was very viable during that period of my life.

The down side however was considerable. It took longer then I antisipated - all of 5 years.

However the real down side was that it was much more difficult to completly switch off from business and just concentrate on the flying. Also due to one particular business upset I had to leave my I/R course after one week, only going back one year later to finish it off. The overall result was that I took more hours to gain my CPL than I would have done otherwise. It was also much more of a strain and I think I would have enjoyed the whole experience more if I'd just have concentrated on the flying.

At the end of the day, eveybody's situation is different and you have to do what you think is best for you. But whatever you decide there will be pros and cons.

Batfink58 13th Mar 2006 08:52

Thanks very much for your most valuable advise and for sharing your experience with me.

You really have been a great help.:ok:

I've got some serious thinking to do now:confused:

Deano777 13th Mar 2006 13:34


I am currently undertaking the ATPLs whilst holding a full time job although we have just been given redundancy notice (great), and also during the studying we had a 6 month old baby whilst my wife was pregnant with our youngest who is now 8 months old (do NOT go there :) ). You could say that the time I chose to undertake the ATPLs was totally and utterly wrong, well, as has already been stated you need an understanding wife, and you need committment, but it can be done, you can't get much more hectic than my life with 2 babies under the age of 1 coupled with the job and study, I got the majority of Mod1 with BGS out the way within a few months, and now the same with Mod2, the impending brush-up course is in 7 weeks.
Good luck with whatever you decide to do, but it can be done, if you need any encouragement etc feel free to PM me etc



p.s. Get off Send Clown's back all, I can see what he is saying and he is being genuine, everything he said is right :ok:

Heliseka 13th Mar 2006 18:54

Read an article last week in the Irish times that Ryan air,just had interviews with Pilots from S.A.S Airlines and need 1000 pilots at all levels over the next year to cover new routes.Sorry don't want to start up the Ryan air debate again just letting you no the story,Also heard of lots of lads getting jobs with 250hrs,:cool:

blueb0y79 14th Mar 2006 10:05

try aviationrecruitment.co.uk....not many pilot jobs but all in UK


Nicolas DG 15th Mar 2006 00:02

Hello, my name is Nicolas Del Giudice and I wonder if someone know about some web-page in which I can find some information about jobs in companys that use cessnas or some small aircraft. Ok, thanks, and have good flights!!!:ok:

Thrusthold 15th Mar 2006 07:33

Hi Nicolas,

I'm not sure where you are looking for a job, but if it's for the UK try www.ppjn.com and click on small operators (uk).

Best place is www.flightglobal.com/jobs but also try www.aviationjobsearch.com, www.pilot4rent.com and the company websites...

Best of luck


A320rider 18th Mar 2006 21:39

Jobs - offers and PFOs! (merged and title changed))
I have received jobs propositions from Africa.(3 in 1 year)
when you look at the e-mail, it comes from reputable companies.(except for the email adress)
They ask you to come to africa with the $ for your type rating,and promess you a job.they will meet you at the airport!and I suggest you to have the $!!!! or...?

watch out! it is a bullet in your head you are buying.

I love aviation:{

G-IBBO 18th Mar 2006 21:43

Why don't you go?

Check Mags On 18th Mar 2006 22:30

Another Planet
A320 did you ever know Eric Cantona in a previous life.

Your posts are getting more and more like his infamous seaguls and trawler monologue. Seriously though, do you actually set out to make them amusing.


In another thread you said A320 was posting from Belgium, I always thought that, that was on this planet. ????????

Flintstone 19th Mar 2006 07:18

My theory on A320Rider is that he's a persona invented by PPRuNe admin to keep people entertained.

I mean, c'mon. Nobody could be this pathetic in real life.;)

Dannyc 19th Mar 2006 08:54

Just in case A320rider actually has any qualifications!!:}

TNT based Belgium looking to recruit JAA FATPL pilots (250 hrs minimum) to fly freight on BAE146 from Liege I believe, need 100 pilots this year and will offer type ratings subject to bonding agreement.

Have a look at that, all details can be found on www.futureairlinepilot.com, several other jobs going too for people without type ratings!

Do something productive A320rider and get yourself a job... on another note don't stop posting on pprune... the nonsense is hilarious. :}



A320rider 19th Mar 2006 12:54

thanks for the link danny,

keep coming with your childish answers! I make 1$ for each answer, with this I will buy myself a type rating!

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