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thereceiver2004 5th Aug 2005 08:44

After 3 months of looking got my first airline job.... AND I TURNED IT DOWN
Finished the IR in March this year.. been looking for a job ever since... nothing then all of a sudden three interviews on the cards.

i went for an interview last week with emerald....
got the phone call offered a job on the BAE 748 flying approx 3 hours per day... 18K etc etc etc..

BUT have to pay out 10+K for the rating to enter the hold for the "next available" job...

So I said NO !!! now think maybe i am mad.. but did not want to jump into the first thing that came along especially as they are the only people to fly this lovely by antique aeroplane..

if i have made a good move or bad.. we will only see...


topcat450 5th Aug 2005 09:01

Personally I think you did the right thing, as you said, a 748 type rating isn't going to be much use after Emerald.

checks-complete 5th Aug 2005 09:21

Gutsiest move I ever saw, man ! :cool:

Freebird17 5th Aug 2005 09:21

Probably the right decision. There are people out there who paid out for their TR training with Emerald...............and waited and waited and waited. Several were offered jobs with other airlines but I think there might be one or two still waiting.

Brave decision and I hope I would do the same if I was in your shoes.

Canada Goose 5th Aug 2005 09:23

Each to his own, but it sounds like you made a sensible decision to me !! Good luck !:ok:

Wee Weasley Welshman 5th Aug 2005 10:20

Never pass a job offer.

500hrs of experience later you'll find a whole host of airline more interested in your CV than now.

Mind you it is about the crumiest deal around. Been the springboard for many a pilots later glittering career though. Only three years ago people would have been climbing over each other for the job you just turned down.

Things are looking up. Expansion in the Middle East, India, Asia and China is really starting to bite now and there are NO contract pilots out of work anywhere. Pretty soon the deals to go Expat will start to get good enough to tempt people out of the less well paying/too hard working airlines.

When that happens things will get most interesting. I'd hate to be the mug that predicts a pilot shortage but a lot of people are uttering the words under their breath again.

Experienced capable Captains have been a rare commodity for some time now. Experienced capable First Officers are finding they have more career options right now and in time they will become a more rare commodity.

All good news for the Wannabes. So maybe turning down this job will prove to be a good move. Hindisght will be a wonderful thing.

Good luck,


jamestkirk 5th Aug 2005 11:36

That must have been a tough decision. Some people on prune have said that they would do what you have just done. Not sure how many actually would have had the guts to do it.

To not sell yourself under what you think you are worth is a dignified decision.

Hopefully more will take your example and so try and improve T&C's by action (if needed).

I hope you find the job you want. That would make two of us!

superstall 5th Aug 2005 11:54

Gutsy move turning down a first job, even if it was on the 748!

Hope the other interviews work out for you

YYZ 5th Aug 2005 12:15

I would like to think I would of done the same as you, But until it happens I don't know if I would? However, I totally understand your logic, Seems sensible.

Good luck with your future, I am sure it will come together?


Bean75767 5th Aug 2005 12:46

On your head be it! This post may sound angry but it is not supposed to so I apologise now.
As WWW said earlier, 500 hours of flying about in a commercial environment will send you to the top of the tree for interviews and type ratings for next spring and autumn 2006. I hope for your sake that you are not in the same position next year. 18K with a bond is not unreasonable for the experience you will get. If you work your sums, 500 hours will put you in the frame for that currently illusive jet job on a salary of about £35k with flight pay and extras taking you to about 40ish. I don't believe that the bond would warrant not leaving and paying it off. Always take the first job you are offered or why did you apply in the first place? Once you are in it is fairly easy to move about, I hope you don't stay on the outside too long. This industry is only so big, and all the training captains and fleet managers know each other if only by association. I hope this move doesn't return to bite you on the @rse.!!

cavortingcheetah 5th Aug 2005 12:58

;) The 748 is a brilliant machine. At 21,000kgs (or thereabouts) it's heavier than an F27, and really comes close to being a Heavy Turbo Prop. (If you ever want a laugh, check out the drill for radio crate failure).(Very British).
As a stepping stone I would have thought the job a good idea.
After all, if you stuck it for a while and then moved on to jets; your increased pay would very soon allow you to make up the £10k you'd already forked out.
But the idea that you should spend a lot of money and then enter a holding pool is, in my opinion, usurious. In fact, I wonder whether such a requirement on their part is even legal?
I am sure that six months after you'd finished the rating you would be told that you were no longer current - more conditions, more moolah!
Let me refer you to the website: www. bad-aviationjobs.com, there you will find mention of Emerald under the paragraph on Eastern.
A lucky escape, I should have thought.
Good luck anyway.

;) Sorry to butt in again.

I have just read Bean75767. If you were actually offered a flight job then I must agree absolutely with him. I was under the impression that you paid your 10k and entered a pool.
If a decent heavy turbine job is available; go for it with both hands. You will indeed then be Cock Robin after the magic 500 ours.:)

Meeb 5th Aug 2005 14:03

Why do people not read properly...:rolleyes:

Bean, old bean, the guy has been asked to pay 10 grand up front, a very big gamble knowing how this company operates with regards actually getting a start with them. If it was a bond, then yes take it, but pay up front is a different matter.

thereceiver2004, who are the other interviews with?

Bean75767 5th Aug 2005 15:23

Just Re-read it. The bit that stood out was "got a call & offered Job". A bit of research on Emerald would show fairly high turn over of staff so holding time not likely to be that long. However nothing to stop one accepting offer and carrying on search with at least 'something in the bag'. If thinking of spending that kind of money on a type rating then try other t-prop operators too. You never know who might need a self sponsoring F/O at this time of year. Good Luck

Pin Head 5th Aug 2005 17:36

Bad move mate, lets say there was a terrorist attcak on a BA jumbo tommorrow or a 9/11 event. You would be stuffed for 5 years. What is wrong with people nowadays, a licence is not a right to a job. Yes the market is good but unless your high houred you cannot be so fussy.

Good luck.

Leo8 5th Aug 2005 19:36

I dont think it was a bad move really. I think you might be better off funding something like an ATR rating. It wont cost much more and there are loads of ATR operators worldwide.

salapilot 5th Aug 2005 20:23

Sorry Bean and WWW, but there was no "job offer" just another rip off scheme ! If there was a concrete offer of a job, then you could argue your point. I personally think receiver made the right choice and should be commended for it !

Well done mate !

Germstone 5th Aug 2005 20:56

if emerald want crews they will have to pay for the TR and bond

emerald as a company is on rocky ground at the moment so it could be 10K of your hard earned being wasted if they do go under.

I say plucky move and if there is any and i mean any other job take it

i would steer clear of emerald at all costs take it from someone whos been there

as mentioned in other threads

great crews/engineers /support staff BUT crap management with no management skills between them and a tyrant CEO

Mobster lover 5th Aug 2005 21:54

Good decision. None of the naysayers have ever worked for this shower....


SKY's4ME 5th Aug 2005 22:05

Personally I would have said yes as at least it is a secured start on the long ladder and it is a better place to start than other possibilities!
However you have taken a brave step and now other options are available such as mentioned before the ATR/Dash are becoming highly sought after recently and a great place to start from ratings starting at around £16000-£18000 (a bit more than 10k though?)

GASH ! 6th Aug 2005 00:13

Well done for turning this down. How anyone can call paying £10,000 to put an obsolete type on their licence a ' secured start' is beyond me.

Mercenary Pilot 6th Aug 2005 00:46

I know of at least 3 people who got nothing out of an earlier scheme having paid for thier own TR. However, one of my mates attended a recent interview for Emerald and they told him things are on the up there and they need pilots. I told him to proceed with caution but I think the prospect of getting into a large aircraft will sway him into taking it. Personally, I think turning it down is the right choice but I would be interested to find out whos paid and who is actually flying the line.

Good luck to everyone involved whatever they decide.

P.S. Ive also heard that Atlantic are probably going to take over Emerald? Rumour or truth? Is that a good thing for the new pilots or not? :confused: Anyone know?

Wee Weasley Welshman 6th Aug 2005 09:10

If the £10k doesn't buy you the job plus type rating with no bond then that's different.

Perhaps on reflection there are better ways of spending £10k if there is any real risk of Emerald never giving you a job or going bust. One of the problems at Emerald is the lack of flying hours.

You might well be able to fly another small operator willing to take you and your £10k type rating donation on. Who will then give you a lot more hours.

Or there are options such as flying instruction - there's a real shortage developing and terms and conditions are improving as a result.

Good luck,


Germstone 6th Aug 2005 15:38

one of my mates attended a recent interview for Emerald and they told him things are on the up there and they need pilots

there hardly going to turn round and say there on there arse are they ?

after all if they did would you want to take a job with them

YYZ_Instructor 6th Aug 2005 17:11

Don't worry about it at all!

I did the same thing with Emerald....You are better off not flying with them. I fly to Liverpool almost everyday and the operation is horrible. If you type rate yourself on any of those planes, the next time you will ever see one after is in a museum. Since I know a lot about the Euromanx deal, I can tell you that Emerald won't be lasting long on the Isle of Man either.....so those ATP's won't be flying.

Smart move to walk away from that... I did and there are probably a few others out there that have as well!

Good luck with real work....


Say again s l o w l y 7th Aug 2005 20:05

Have a look at the thread in the Freight Dogs section about the Emerald Sheds.

Then pass comment.


thereceiver2004 7th Aug 2005 22:35

Part of the reason i turned it down was the fact I can not get the cash quickly for such a risky outlay.

also a friend of mine has told me there are plans from Air Contractors to base an ATR at Bournemouth to do mail runs to the channel islands.... i was thinking surely there is not that mail to warrant two companies doing the runs...

Anyway good move or bad.. i will have to wait and see and continue my search.. to all of you looking good luck


silverknapper 8th Aug 2005 14:09

Would say you have done right. I heard recently of two guys who forked out and still haven't started a course. Not sure if they'll go bust - people have been saying it for years and they always sem to keep going. If I were spending £10k I agree with above. Get an ATR, dash 8 or even jetstream 32/41. You should then be able to get a job no problem.

Wee Weasley Welshman 8th Aug 2005 15:47

But the I've been hearing that Emeralds about to go bust since I became a Wannabe in 1997 and it ain't ever happened.

There's no right answer on this one.



Say again s l o w l y 8th Aug 2005 15:53

To be fair, the mantra "Emerald is on the way out" was an old and tired one. Emerald never had any debt and owned all their own a/c. They may have looked crap, but the company was pretty rosy (financially).

Life has changed hugely since the ATP's were bought and Streamline was purchased. All of a sudden the company had a mountain of debt and not enough know-how to actually get these new purchases up and running properly.

Fast forward a couple of years............. They are now in the do-do.

This might be personal opinion, but thereciever has made a good call in my book.

Mercenary Pilot 8th Aug 2005 17:29

there hardly going to turn round and say there on there arse are they ?
You dont say, thanks for that :rolleyes:

Actually my mate says they were quite up front about alot of things, like the fact that most of the pilots hired are just there to build up hours and they accept that. Still I think hes going to make a bad choice...

I noticed Atlantic are advertising for ATP captains, correct me if im wrong but AA dont have ATP's....yet!;)

moku 8th Aug 2005 19:25

It was the right thing to do!!

Well done mate! If I was offered that last year I doubt I'd have the balls to have done the same.

Best move though.


Officer Dibbles 9th Aug 2005 06:46

agreed, good move. If you have any doubt about anything that involves paying out then it is best to hang on to your cash.;)

angelorange 9th Aug 2005 15:17

a brave move

since sept 11 lots of operators have either left their entry salary's low, introduced a B or C scale or expect you to fork out for a type rating - even if no other firm operates the type!

Be careful what you sign...

timzsta 9th Aug 2005 15:20

How many hours do you have? I spoke to Emerald a few months ago and they told me they don't accept applications from people with less then 1000hrs.

Have their requirements changed? Or was it the fact you were willing to pay for your TR that got them interested in you?

Different things can interest different airlines. I had an assessment with a jet operator recently (sadly didn't make the grade) but they told me they were interested in me because my notice period with my (non-aviation related) employer is just 2 weeks.

Mercenary Pilot 9th Aug 2005 20:09

They had an open day recently and as far as I know there was no minimum requirements (other than fATPL). My pal definitly hasnt got 1000hrs.

The Red Max 9th Aug 2005 20:28

requirement was min 1000 hrs OR to live near a base

Germstone 9th Aug 2005 21:13

requirement was min 1000 hrs OR to live near a base
mmm yeah i can see there logic :confused:

because being a mile from a base is as good as having a 1000hrs!!

Fretwanger 9th Aug 2005 21:57

Turned it down!!!
Bravo, you have big balls, your a better man than me, amongst many...

Mr R Sole 9th Aug 2005 22:35

You made the best move. At least you won't have to get a pair of flying goggles and a silk flying scarf!:D

Ice Magna 18th Aug 2005 10:11

Invited to the open day
Hi All

I have been invited to the open day coming very soon. Going through the posts I am getting very unsure of the prospects at emerald.

Can anybody offer an advice on whether its better to go through CTC or get a job with Emerald as i have been invited to Stage two of CTC as well.

Replies very much appreciated



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