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Mooney12 30th Oct 2004 22:12

skyman/superman/ all the other names he posts under- all the same psychotic loser - ignore him and his stupid threads.

Speedbird744 31st Oct 2004 11:00

What a waste of time reading posts this guy writes. I've never heard such negativity in my life.

With your attitude, you won't ever find a job. But at least do us a favour and stop the trash talk on Pprune!

ChocksAwayUK 31st Oct 2004 12:21

skyman/superman/ all the other names he posts under- all the same psychotic loser - ignore him and his stupid threads.
Their posts are very different grammatically. Really don't think he's bonkers enough to get someone to reword his messages... ya never know though :}

jamestkirk 31st Oct 2004 13:32

superman 32

You did say you gave 10 years of your life to it and airline jobs suck.

Where did you say that you were currently out of work.

With that attitude, maybe it's better your not on a flight deck with someone. You would certainly would make a sane person want to walk into a moving prop.

I bet the nights just fly by with you.

Try putting something on pprune that might give some positive advice to others.

skyman68 31st Oct 2004 18:31

his advise to you is not to start a training like I did if you are not ready to fork a fortune considering no money return for the next 10 years.( after spending for a CPL, IR/JAA training+MCC+FI+type rating+500/1500h),

actually the market is full of extra qualified pilots and I personally do not think that a wanabee pilot can do the step in a cockpit for the next 6-7 years.

I can not really tell you what to do, I am $%%# too!.

Willie Everlearn 1st Nov 2004 16:08


Judging by the reactions to your observations regarding the job of airline pilot, you must have hit the nail on the head!

That's usually when one tends to go "Ouch!"

M.85 2nd Nov 2004 10:06

guys guys guys....

Dont you get it??Dont you see that some people filled with anger and despair may need the only resource they have to take out their inner frustration??
PPrune does also that..it allows people to give their views, sometimes aimed to be shared sometimes not.
If Superman posts make him feel somehow better aterwards..well be it..let him.
One day you too may be in need of a way to shout out loud what you have inside..he uses Pprune..dont answer if you think its not worth your attention.

I DONT think you can judge someone through anonymous posts.


cessna l plate 2nd Nov 2004 19:00

Why don't you all count your blessings, especially Superman. This is not a dig but, I would kill to be in the position you are in right now.

I have wanted to be an airline pilot since I was 6. A couple of years ago I found myself in the position to be able to afford some flying lessons.
I argued that an airline like say Brittania have a sponsorship scheme that requires the applicants to have A levels. Although not a dunce, at 18 years of age I was an impetuous youth who had had enough of education and legged it out of school as fast as I could.

So, I argued that I might stand a chance on a sponsorship scheme if I had a PPL, as opposed to A levels as I am already part trained. Make sense??

Then the neighbour from hell struck, torched my motor outside my house. The wife is too scarred to live there any more, so we have to move. Bigger house means bigger bills. I have ammased 4 hours since I took my first solo in January this year.

Looking through the finances this week, it is easy for me to see that we are struggling to even eat at the moment. I have today decided that any ambition I have of being an airline pilot is gone, as are the chances of giving my daughter a private education and being able to afford it, and all the other reasons for why I wanted to be a pilot.

As for having a PPL, 12 months ago it was well and truly on the horizon. Now it is not even a pipe dream. Rarther than have any chance of an exciting job, which you DO have superman, all I have to look forward to is driving a lorry for the next 30 years.
My life at the moment is all work, and not an ounce of play. I have to DJ at weekends to make ends meet, to feed my family. (Maybee this should be in the agony aunt forum) I work in excess of 80 hours each and every week.

But all that aside, there are two things that make me emotional.
1. People who have the chance and think that the world owes them something, these make me angry, because they have a part of what I want.

2. The fact that I will never set foot in the cockpit of an aircraft for at least the next 10 years. That just makes me cry. (Like now)

So superman, stop whining, you are not hard done to, and no doubt there are people out there worse off than me. Get your head down, study hard, and all good things will come your way, and enjoy your chosen profession. As for national express, I earn my living on the road, forget it. Much easier in the air!!

superman_32 2nd Nov 2004 19:30


All the posts posted here are true. Thanks to all those nice guys who responded kindly to my dilemma. As I am sure most people in my situation are feeling the same, not bitterness, but sadness for the time lost of our lives trying to persue a career in the airlines as airline pilots, I am working at the moment and happy with my flying job, not with an airline though, but closely afilliated to an airline which are taking on cadets who dont know their left from their right, yet they still take em!!!...and there is me who have worked so hard to get my hours on both twins and singles, who got an ATPL and have done a LOFT course, which ofcourse after spending 2000 pounds on it, JAR now says sorry mate not valid, you need to do MCC!!!!!!!! which is now I believe costs 4000 pounds or so.

Now isn't this a rip of and day-light robbery!!!!!.

I came to realise that unless someone is sponsored by an airline, it is quite meaningless to even pay to become a commercial pilot.

<forgive all my grammitical mistakes and spellings> but I am typing straight what is going through my mind.

For those who want to persue this line I would advise you to learn from us who walked through the lane and make sure you get sponsored by an airline...DO NOT PUT ANY PENNY IN AVIATION.

I am 32 yr old and since I graduated from flying school 12 yrs ago I only had one interview which I did so well, however my hours at the time was low.(200 hrs) . Talking about getting dressed properly, I bought a 450 quid suite (I was unemployed and on the dough) for the interview and I read so much about the company that I could have been the CEO for that outfit.Yet my hours let me down. I came out feeling as if my license which I payed so much for and worked my #%^& off for day and night meant NOTHING.

Clem737 3rd Nov 2004 11:58


I feel pretty much the same, however like cessna l plate say's it could be worse. With the debts im in, I cant even afford to take an F/O position at the moment with the salary's and type rating deductions, but....... they cant take my license away. So I'll do it in reverse. Going to work my butt off now for a couple of years, pay off debts, then do a refresher course and come back into the industry hopefully at a better time raring to go.
Im still proud of my ATPL and 200 hrs and that is the only qualification you need really, the rest is determination and hard work.

Remmember if its easy to do, its not worth doing.

see you at 30,000.

oh and M.85, Keep up the good work. Your sound advice and enthusiasm is what keeps me going, thank you.

SpectreLover 4th Nov 2004 08:52

Guys, give Superman a break.

Actually he is NOT that far off reality - and he is not the only one that feel this industry is glamourized and bogus. Personally, I feel, that this business is far overestimated generally. I could write books about my understanding of the situation, and sometimes I think of doing so - at least to worn newcomers before they waste their finances and best years of their life.

The truth is, that many find themselves married to an aircraft and not a woman at their best age of 30-40. The ideals are strapped to their license and issues such as a fast car, a triband phone, an unlimited passport and a range of creditcards and a willingness and abillity to relocate on short notice is strong values needed to survive in the business. A very social hostile setup here.

There is no need to go rating about it here, other than to simply look at the facts. At least we need to look at facts. Thats not rating. I know that "facts" are different from person to person, so if anyone replies to my post here, maybe they want to argue why I think its sooo bad, and that they dont see it this way. Thats why I wont go into this, but simply give you my opinion.

Many lies are connected to the business.

The most important ones are:

- The education is exiting and you get pilot licences

- The job is pretigeous and you get to see new places

- The salary is better than for most other jobs

- The resposability is high

- You wear a nice uniform and work with beautiful women

These values are invented by the business it self, simply because its needed to get young men to invest time and money on their pilot training. Its shown in glamouris pictures in ads, its told on pilot seminars and also between people in the business. Its a kind of a public lie that circulates around. The truth is, that its only true for SOME pilots - but the storys are never about all the devorced loosers of the industry. In this industry there is a great chance that if you win jobwise, you have probably lost familywise.

Sometimes, people that have commited themselves to the business, maybe lost everything else, will live by these values and argue why its a good move to join the business. Little mature and childish remarks such as: You have a nice uniform, you fly a shiny new jet, the cabin crew is so beautiful, you get to see nice places, the salary is far better than for most other jobs etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. have just become too much for me to listen to. I just know that this is a grown up "child" talking. A single guy thinking about girls all the time. I just know, that the person that says so is either younger than 30 or he has not develloped his personality according to his age - during being a dependable person in a relationship with taking care of one or more kids etc. (as many in the business does not have, since its not possible).

On the contrary, I could state the following:

- IF you are CRAZY about flying, you will find the education exiting. You will get pilot licences, but in the long run they will reduce you to a kind of a dependant drug addict constantly looking for who can supply your next SIM check and flight hours, so that you stay current. If not, you are OUT of business.

- You will be an airborn busdriver, IF you get employment. If you fly regional or medium haul you will see boring places for about 30 mins. on ground, and only IF you get a job on longhaul you will get to see exiting places.

- The salary will be nonexisting or very low the first many years, then it can MAYBE rise IF you get a job with one of the FEW good airlines, UNLESS you are lucky to enter a good airline directly. Remember to deduct hidden expenses from your salary, like pendling, tickets, renting a room if this is needed etc. etc. Then recalculate and see if your salary is still higher than others.

- IF you become a captain, you will have responsability. As a FO you will have little responsability and be supervised in everything you do.

- With the image of being a pilot, and wearing a uniform on work, you will be interesting among SOME girls you meet, and you even get to fly with many girls daily. However, they will not adore you because, since they the almost the same occupation and know the business, they will in most cases NEVER consider a binding relationship with a pilot because building a family on this is almost impossible and very insecure. All in all, being a pilot is almost the perfect job for a single guy.

The truth is the even though many pilots make it to the top and enjoy nice conditions in OK airlines - MANY dont. I know many guys in aviation and although some have managed to get a good flying position, they are away all the time and many now coming close to 40 without a wife and a family (they are not gays) ;-)
No one is considering buying a house, because you never know when the contract ends and you have to relacate, and things such as not being present on christmas eve with your family, not attending important happenings and missing out on birthdays and holidays is a must - its just nothing you think about anymore.

Honestly, there is FAR better ways to earn a living - even though the salary is less.

superman_32 4th Nov 2004 09:08

The thing is, we have invested a large proportion of the cost towards making ourselves employable to the airlines. The majority of the money has gone into getting a license from an approved college, which then should reflect the hard work and dedication that someone had to put in to make himself employable, the least the airlines can do or consider is to take people like us who are clearly determined and willing to work to a high standard and proffesionally and to benifit the company. If say they take on sponsored cadets, okay they might have done so well in the selection process, but when up in the air it is completely a different story!! (from experience instructing airline cadets) some are clever in both ground and in the air, some are clever in the ground and rubbinsh in the air, some are rubbish both in ground and in the air, AND some just throw the towel in althogether, which costs the airline huge losses. So we have cut it short and invested I would say 3/4 of the cost and thus all the airlines can do is to offer the type-rating, since most airlines when they buy fleet say from Airbus, the Airbus company offers them free sim training!!!! yes!!! FREE SIM TRAINING for a certain number of people obviously, as a promotion to sell aircrafts.

Groundloop 4th Nov 2004 10:06

Dear Superman,

If you have only had one interview in 12 years I think that says an awful lot more about the state of your own CV than anything about the state of the employment market!

I know quite a few people who have graduated with ATPLs in the last 18 months and are now flying for a wide variety of airlines and executive jet operators. Jobs are out there but generally you have to work very hard at getting them.

superman_32 5th Nov 2004 12:28

Ideally the CV should fill a single page and ensure that it is not 'overcrowded' otherwise key points will be lost.
Check for errors, omissions, spelling mistakes, layout and presentation. Then get a colleague to do an independent check.
Ensure that there are no gaps between the dates.
Be honest; there is a difference between omitting detail and lying! You will be found out at interview!
A CV is subjective but the general rule is avoid making it flashy or gimmicky.
A CV is personal, so you may wish it to reflect your personality.
If you choose to use colour be conservative: This is a professional business.
Think twice before including a photograph unless one has been requested.
Ensure that the CV and covering letter relate to the position for which you are applying, i.e. it should not be a 'round robin', but rather specific to the airline concerned.
Pay as much attention to the covering letter as to the CV.
If you are going to include the address of two referees, speak to them first.
Look at the Internet, you may pick up some useful advice. Don't forget to research the airline
Keep details of: to whom CV sent, date sent, details of the advert to which you replied, copy of CV and covering letter, etc.
Consider including a Profile (this is a personal choice). Ensure that it fits the advert requirements if you are answering an advert.
Use good quality paper and post the CV and covering letter unfolded in an >A4' envelope. Never send a photocopy.
A good CV will get you to an interview - a bad one will not.
You cannot recover from a poor first impression!

skyman68 5th Nov 2004 18:03

I got 2 interviews in 5-6 years.
I have been laid off before 9/11.
Since 9/11, I got 0 interview.

total 2 interviews in 9 years or so.
so I am not surprised by what say Superman32.

one of my friends got 2-3 interview in 5 years,he job on a very small plane and very far from Europe.

...":YES, there are plenty of opportunities for pilots. Pilot shortage is here, and airlines are desperated for pilots.. if you want fly a jet, contact a school.they will train you to be a professional".

AH AH, they will train you to give them your money and be a loser...

How long this SCAM is going to exist????
why the BALPA, and the CAA does nothing?
Why schools continue to lie to us and make fun of us?

DIRRIK 5th Nov 2004 18:25

Hi there,

I started my integrated training after 9/11. (day after!!!). trained during two years in Spain via Dutch agency.

After my training (08/03) I managed to start flying for an air taxi company in Belgium and also to do first flights and joyflights for a Dutch company.

Three months after I finished training I had my first interview with Thomas Cook. Three months later I had my second interview for another airline.
Again three months later I had another interview for a Dutch airline. I passed the interview as well as psychotechnical tests and I am now flying as a first officer....

During my typerating I was phoned for a (fourth) interview with Austrian Arrows.....

So Skyman68, you see that it is not impossible at all.

Anyway, good luck to everybody, there is hope !!!!!!!!



skyman68 6th Nov 2004 16:41

Dirrick, ....in your DREAMS!!!

Frank Furillo 6th Nov 2004 18:33

Sorry to be a pain but...... Skyman 68 and Superman_32 are the same person folks!!!
In fact on page one of this very interesting rant, Luke Sky Toddler lets us know some other great names you can see this same sour, sad, angry man/woman by, they are....superman/ronchonner/skyman/seigneur/unculee/trouduc.

Good reading and enjoy.

The Greaser 6th Nov 2004 19:07

When you read some of these idiots on Prune can you really wonder why so many guys never get jobs as airline pilots!

BoraBora007 7th Nov 2004 00:35

I suspect you could add SpectreLover to that list of used names:suspect:

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