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c_jephcott 24th Mar 2006 08:27

I am now waiting for the results of yesterdays stage 4.

Talk about nerve wracking... I don't think I have any finger nails left at all.

It was a challenge and I could have done much better... but we will have to wait and see what happens...

But this is worse than the wait for the Interview at stage 3!!!



Superpilot 24th Mar 2006 10:04

I thought you guys had the results there and then? :confused:

c_jephcott 24th Mar 2006 10:05

not this time!

Some people in the last couple of weeks got the phone calls after a couple of hours. The others had to wait for a few hours into the next day. Which is very nervewracking! I'd have loved to have had the results straight off!

FatboyTim 24th Mar 2006 10:29


let me know how your phase 4 resit goes mate

good luck

(with any luck you will get to do it in the 737 sim - awesome little toy!!!)

captain_murray 24th Mar 2006 13:57

Phase 3 prep!
ok guys well done to everyone who has made it to and passed phase 3!

Instead of asking questions on what they are looking for etc whic is some youe ither are or arent I thought i'd see what we can do on bits you can work on. YOUR INDUSTRY KNOWLEDGE!

So i've got phase 3 on the 18th or april and i've been trying to swot up on my knowledge. heres what i've been looking;

the obvious http://www.boeing.co.uk/ and http://www.airbus.com/en/

just to get us started, so if anyone whos is either preparing for or done pase wants to put up what they've been doing i'm sure alot of people would appreciate it. Random facts would be appreciated to for example;

'Overall, the entire 737 family is the best-selling commercial jet in history, winning orders for more than 6,000 737s.

thanks alot people anyone want to get in touch your more than welcome particularlly if you are going to Dibden on the 18th


captain_murray 24th Mar 2006 14:00

poor posting
hey, just read over that post i made and noticed how badly its typed! Just though i'd apologize been workign on my thesis for liek 4 hours straight!

c_jephcott 24th Mar 2006 16:36


I failed stage 4. With no chance of a resit. That is the most gutting experience of my life. I can't even begin to describe it.

Yesterday was just generally the biggest disaster of my life.

At 9:15 I got a phone call from CTC asking me where I was. The email I had recieved had said 11:30 for a 12:00 start.

Then as I had got dressed in an absolute hurry, I drove to the airport at Bournemouth and then couldn't get across the bridge as two cars were pointed nose to nose in some bizarre road rage incident. Making me another 30 minutes late.

Then driving home on the motorway that night, I had to utilise my first aid skills on an accident on the M1 as a car infront of me flipped over pretty much.

And then finally, to top it all off, I got dumped when I got back home.

Well... I guess that's just one of those days. I'm not overly surprised I failed the assessment. To be told not to reapply though is the most horribly horrible gutting feeling that I could ever imagine.


Superpilot 24th Mar 2006 19:11

Hi mate, really feel for you. So close yet so far! :\ The events that took place on that day (as you've described) clearly show that luck is also a required to get into these schemes. Only the extremely big-headed ones here think they get onto these schemes due to their own hardwork! But, hey that's life. I'm sure you'll find another way. :cool:

c_jephcott 24th Mar 2006 23:04

Yeah. I'm off to Oxford instead. :cool:

Well, if they don't want me, I'm sure I'm going to make a damn fine pilot somewhere else.

It is all about luck. Luck of the assessor, luck of the day, luck of the sim. It just didn't go for me on Thursday. Am I upset? Yes. Totally. Surprised? Not really. It's just one of those things. I know that on my day, I could pass Stage 4... it just wasn't my day this time.

Above all else, good luck to those who get this far. It hurts to get kicked back at this stage. If anybody wants to PM me with their experiences of it, please do!

raviolis 25th Mar 2006 11:36


sorry mate, sounds like a truly awful experience.
I got kicked out at stage 3 and, although it hurts, like all rejections, everything happens for a reason.

CTC told me I have the aptitude (I passed stage 2) and I like to think I would have passed stage 4 (I am only training but I can fly an airplane quite well and learning very fast as my instructors say) so that means the bit I fluffed is the multi-crew environment and team work exercises (quite funny since I have years of corporate work experience with very positive achievements on my CV) which doesn't really mean you can't become a professional pilot.
The fact that the interviews were not in my native language didn't help either, I guess (are there many non-British cadets on the scheme ?).
Last but not least I wouldn't really worry about the so-called "technical" questions of the stage 3 interview. Any plane-spotters can tell a 737 from an A320 so why couldn't a wannabe pilot ?
I don't understand why they ask you in the interview what kind of planes do easyJet fly (I was tempted to answer "they're big, white and orange") whilst there could be many more questions that could really separate the men from the boys at the interviews.
What really annoyed me is the fact they invited me not to reapply, but, to be cynical, why would they want me back when there's thousands more applying new and fresh (and bringing in a 164 quid golden hello ?)

Anyway I look at my CTC failure in a positive way, they proved me I can do it. It actually motivated me to get training seriously and at my expenses. It's gonna cost a lot, but it's well worth it. It's just a matter of priorities !


cparker 25th Mar 2006 12:21

Originally Posted by raviolis
What really annoyed me is the fact they invited me not to reapply, but, to be cynical, why would they want me back when there's thousands more applying new and fresh (and bringing in a 164 quid golden hello ?)

Good point. But, the £164 covers the cost to selecting the thousands of people that apply.

Originally Posted by raviolis

It's gonna cost a lot, but it's well worth it. It's just a matter of priorities !


You have priorities...so do CTC hence my first point.

All the best for the future.

Pha02ajw 25th Mar 2006 12:50


We talk alot about ctc here but has anyone been down to the skills assessment at OXford and can shed some light on the whole experiece??

I've been down to ctc, failed phase 3 but expecting to go beck down in next few weeks.

Please post your question on a thread relevant to OAT. Do not take this thread off-topic.


raviolis 25th Mar 2006 13:26

Originally Posted by cparker
Good point. But, the £164 covers the cost to selecting the thousands of people that apply.

hey there's no bitterness in my words, only saying why retargeting someone when there's no shortage of fresh meat. The money thing is part of the game, we all have to make a living.

You have priorities...so do CTC hence my first point.

All the best for the future.

Thank you. I am sure they do have priorities and I didn't match theirs.
One of my instructors is a former BA Captain and for the time he's been knowing me (much longer than the interview time) he doesn't see me as a potential training risk for a FTO.
Everyone is entitled to have their opinion (the CTC panel for stage 3 is made of former cabin crew members and former flight deck crew, no former BA pilots from what I can recall from the presentations) but I am just saying that been knocked off at the selection stages shouldn't put anyone off the idea of succeeding. It actually did quite the opposite with me.

Charlie Parker was told by his teachers he would never become a good musician ! :-)


cparker 26th Mar 2006 00:18

Sorry to take this of subject....but funny you should mention the music thing. I was told at school that I was not good enough to play the sax. Seriously though, I wasn't - i was awful!
Your right about the selection process. They do make it clear that just because you dont pass the CTC selection it does not mean that your not suitable to be a pilot. Thats the main thing to bare in mind.
Best of luck with whatever you do in the future.

newbie008 26th Mar 2006 13:51

having failed the ctc selection process what are the options available? they make it quite clear how hard it is to get a job just having a fatpl. its a real knock back and im not sure what to do or even if im good enough now to be a pilot? any help much appreciated

c_jephcott 26th Mar 2006 15:04

Newbie, just don't give up hope. That's the worst thing that you can do.

If you are serious about still wanting to go for it, go to Cranfield and sit their initial pilot inspection/assessment. That way you'll be able to see your weak spots and be able to advise what you can do to improve.

And yes, it is difficult to get a job with an (f)ATPL, but keep optimistic. Sometimes it is worth the gamble just to see what happens. :) And that's what I'm doing...



A38lephant 26th Mar 2006 17:00

Originally Posted by raviolis
Everyone is entitled to have their opinion (the CTC panel for stage 3 is made of former cabin crew members and former flight deck crew, no former BA pilots from what I can recall from the presentations)

Had stage 3 two weeks ago and the two Pilot assessors were retired BA747-400 captains who had been through the BA sponsorship scheme. :ok:

A38lephant 30th Mar 2006 10:35

Quite interesting overview

Taken on 16th March '06.

sicky 30th Mar 2006 13:37

i was at stage 2 on 3rd march aswell as a few others i notice, did'nt get through but got invited to reapply in 6months. to be honest i think i'll be looking at other options and if i have nothing sorted in 6months time i'll reapply

SMOOTHFLIER 30th Mar 2006 18:00

stage 4
hey guys was there any body out there at stage 4 today? if there was could you pm me please, would like a chat just,

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