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garyogilvie 5th Feb 2006 18:04

Stage 3 on 8th Feb!
Just wondered if anyone else out there was heading down to Bournemouth for Stage 3 on 8th Feb?
I am travelling from Scotland so have to arrive on 7th. If anyone is going to be there the night before and fancies meeting up for a chat over a pint then let me know.I am staying at the Stour Villa B&B, was there for Stage 2 and very impressed.



freshveg69 5th Feb 2006 21:35

Stage 2 query

I have read the entire thread and the CTC website and still have some questions that I would be grateful if someone could answer:

- In Stage 2, do the tests consist of just numeracy and PILAPT or is there verbal reasoning, psychometric and visual reasoning parts included?

- Is there a group discussion in Stage 2? Would this be on general topics that are non-aviation related?

- Are the 2 group exercises left for Stage 3?


WilliDeHavilland 8th Feb 2006 12:48

Bristol GS

this is copied from the Bristol GS website (http://www.bristol.gs)

Quote :
Pass Rates Reach New Peaks
We are delighted to announce that our EasyJet and Thomas Cook sponsored students have set a new record for success rates at the ATPL Theory examinations. Their pass rate now exceeds 98.6% proving beyond doubt that our combination of training material and brush-up courses provides you with everything you need to excel with your theoretical training.

I thought only CTC provided sponsored students for them ?

Does anybody know more about this ?

mbcxharm 8th Feb 2006 13:05

Those are/were the CTC sponsored cadets - on the CTC Wings scheme and preselected for either Easyjet or Thomas Cook.

JediDude 8th Feb 2006 13:31

Yep, CTC use Bristol for their groundschool.

jb5000 8th Feb 2006 15:43

March 22nd
Hi everyone,

Is anyone going down to Bournemouth on the 22nd of March for Stage 3?

If so where are you going to stay? Would be nice for a bit of banter the night before to make the next day a bit more comfortable...

Looking forward to hearing from you,


freshveg69 8th Feb 2006 16:52

Hello jb5000,

Would it be possible for you to answer my questions above about stage 2 please?


jb5000 8th Feb 2006 17:30

Hey freshveg,

I'm a bit of an old timer as I originally did stage 2 almost a year ago...! Assuming the format is the same then it is just the pilapt test and the maths one at stage two. No psychometric / verbal or anything else like that. The maths is fairly straightforward if you have all the time in the world and no pressure, but the time constraints are what make the test quite tough.

There is a brief group discussion, can't remember what the topics were on offhand but it's nothing you can revise for, just be yourself!

Hope this helps,


freshveg69 8th Feb 2006 17:38

Thanks! I appreciate your help.

c_jephcott 8th Feb 2006 17:53

I was there a couple of weeks ago and successfully passed Stage 2...

First of all, is anybody going down on March 7th? I'll be sorting out accomodation ASAP.

Stage 2 basically consisted of a Maths paper. I think you have 15 questions in 15 minutes, basic stuff and multiple choice. Just revise division, multiplication, adding, subtraction... The time pressure is the part that can mess you around, but try to stay as a calm as possible and it's be ok!

And then there's the PILAPT tests. Whereas they are challenging and quite rightly so, the best thing you can do is relax. I was far too nervous for the first test (the deviation indicator!), and as a result, my first 2 attempts at it suffered. There's a few other pilapt tests there which I'm sure you're more than aware of, including trax, concentration and a finding the shapes in a pattern. The only problem I would say all those is to just make sure that you familiarise yourself with the keyboard first of all as it's a different layout. There were 2 or 3 times when I forget this and ended up cursing as I pressed the wrong button!

Aside from that, there was no sign of the supposed group discussion, but I believe this will be at the Stage 3.

Hope this helps!

pc278 8th Feb 2006 19:59

Confusion over phase three dates
I have a concern about the date of my phase three selection;

Originally I was invited to Bournemouth Crew Training Centre on the 08/03.

Then the location was moved to Dibden Manor on 08/03. I've double checked the E-mail which correlates.

Thing is I'm booked into Dale Farm House and Chris (the owner) left me a message today saying that they are getting a lot of bookings for the night of the sixth for a selection on the seventh and that it was unusual for CTC to run two selections on consecutive days.

I think someone mentioned earlier in the thread that they were going to a selection on the 7th March but no one has mentioned the 8th.

So is anyone else going for a phase 3 selection on the 8th March?

I'm going to double check the date with Daphne anyway but thought I'd ask the question.

c_jephcott 8th Feb 2006 22:01

I'm down for the 7th... Just had to check my diary notes though to make sure of that.

Would surprise me if there was something on the 8th too?

super_starmix 9th Feb 2006 01:40


When I went down for my stage 3 selection there was a guy there who had been given the wrong date and had fortunately turned up the previous day rather than the following day so he just came back in on the correct day. Errors do occur, ring up CTC and just confirm the date if you haven't already.

Good luck!!

el dorado 9th Feb 2006 05:38


I don't know anything about CTC etc. because I never had anything to do with it but I have met many pilots from all sorts of training backgrounds and I can tell you that not every one that comes out of big training schools and goes straight to the right seat is necessarily better than those who don't. Many have almost non-existent flying skills because they don't go out and cut their teeth by doing a few years of stick and rudder after obtaining their licence. Also worrying is the rumour, probably well founded, that there will soon be a Multi-Crew Pilot's Licence whereby pilots are put straight into a MC environment and essentially never develop the ability to act for themselves. This is a not pleasant thought.

Air_Jamaica 9th Feb 2006 11:58

Dreadlock dilema!
Hey peeps!! So who of you is accompanying me on the stage 2 assesment day on Feb 24th?

I've read throught the thread and got loads info so thanx to everyone who posted it! What goes around comes around!!!

I've Got a dilema that maybe you all can help me with. At the mo Im sporting a very fashionable 'Dreadlock Rasta' hairstyle! How do u think the ol' chaps at CTC will like that??

So Im deliberating...Do I cut my hair and conform to the system? Conform to the stereotypical image of how airline pilots should look?

Or do I break the mould, set a new precedent. Make the statement that a pilot should not be chosen by the length of his locks, or the shine of his shampoo, but from his ability in the cockpit!! Cause you see, I have a dream. A dream that one day pilots of all hairstyles: Long, short, curtains, bald head, Mohican and corn-roll, will fly the most prestigeous planes the airlines have to offer!

I tell you what, lets make it interesting! The response from this post will decide my hairstyle on Feb 24th. Enough yes' and i'll keep the dreads, too many no's and they're gone!

el dorado 9th Feb 2006 13:23

I rest my case.

BitMoreRightRudder 9th Feb 2006 14:38

Air Jamaica

Keep the dreads man.

El dorado

How did you find out we are all rubbish? It was meant to be a secret. Please don't tell the airlines. Please.

pc278 9th Feb 2006 19:38

For anyone who read my post yesterday they are running a phase three assessment on both the 7th and 8th March, so stop worrying about turning up on the wrong day!!:cool:

pc278 9th Feb 2006 19:46

Air Jamaica

You could consider keeping the dreads for stage two and then maybe losing them for stage three if you get through.

From what I could see stage two is just another pre-interview screening exercise whereby if you meet the required criteria on the maths and pilapt tests you go through.

Unless we were being monitored covertly during the day I don't think any account was taken of out appearance or behaviour.

It's up to you though.

FatboyTim 10th Feb 2006 01:46

El Dorado

Bit negative arent we?? Are you implying that everyone who gets through CTC will almost certainly have none of the skills necessary to fly a plane??

I think the MPL idea is intended to aim the cadet's training into the Airline environment from day 1, not skimp on the flying fundamentals! I could be wrong, I dont know too much about it.

What I do know is that if you are hinting towards or indeed implying that getting into / reaching the end of the CTC training is a "no brainer" method of stumbling onto a flight deck, and "only idiots need apply" my god YOU ARE DELUDED MY FRIEND! Sounds like the all to familiar talk of someone who got rejected during selection, although in saying that, you mentioned you know nothing about CTC...

My God in heaven, I'm amazed.

It shows.

(PS. Taking a cheap "dig" at Air_Jamaica for asking a fairly valid question regarding appearance at interviews, prompting potentially interesting conversation is uncalled for)


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