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Orion Man 10th Jun 2004 11:19

Once these Euro elections are over I am going to write to my MEP regarding CAP371 regulations on night frying. Its time we all dug in to stop this steady erosion of our quality of life.

JohnnyPharm 10th Jun 2004 11:20

Cadet Scheme
Hey great news, has anyone seen the cadet scheme offererd in this week's "Fry It International". click here

Its a great opportunity but no doubt will be over subscribed.

Entry requirements:

have a pulse

at least two facial piercings

any other number of body piercings

greater than two pimples per square centimetre

greasy hair

bad attitude

Any feed back on the last selection would be appreciated if you know how to use a computer.

PPRuNeUser0215 10th Jun 2004 11:44

Does anyone knows the perks, salaries and time before you get a command on the till?

Northern Highflyer : Don't knock it, at least you have a Frying job! Many of us would kill to be where you are and if it's that bad, why don't you leave?
Now I ll address a question for those who still enjoy what they do and who still remember they were once wannabe fryers...

A friend of mine is nearly 18 but he wonders if he is now too old to start? I told him to go for it because he shouldn't be 23 (or worse 33) when he realises that he has missed out on his dream career. Of course it is a big gamble for him so he is very unsure about what to do. Any input?

foghorn 10th Jun 2004 12:35

The problem is that the job just isn't what it used to be. Once upon a time all burger flippers were employed by the state via Big Burgers.

A standard shift would involve a few hours at the grill followed by days of layover in a hotel, endless parties, rogering the serving girls, then a few hours at the grill again before going home. You were given your golden burger at 44 and could look forward a cushy retirement on a civil service pension, enjoying your accrued rights of cheap burgers at any of the other outlets.

Then came the low-cost outfits like Easyburger which come with no salad or fries and only one sauce that has a distinct taste of taramasalata (for £1.50 extra), and now for fryers it's 899.9 hours at the grill a year and no layovers, no cheap burgers and fry till you drop.

The whole burger market has never the same since.

JohnnyPharm 10th Jun 2004 17:07


You are right, the big two ie British Burgers and British Midland Burgers terms and conditions have totally dropped. (Scroggs, excuse me for posting this here, if you want you can boot this post into the "Terms and Endearments" listing).

I remeber as a new recruit getting up at 4am for a 6am start, scraping the ice from my bicycle and happily riding to work knowing I had fulfilled my dream. Arriving at work I was met by the night freight boys dropping off the baps and lettuce, a good bunch of lads, but you just felt they hadn't made the grade to be where I was.

Then onto the right hand side of that flamemaster. You could not remove the grin from ear ear to ear across my face, yes and I was actually getting paid a decent wage to do this too. Women loved me, people always wanted to ask us questions and little Jimmy on his package holiday to Blackpool always enjoyed coming back to have a look at the business end of the operation.

Sadly after 9/11 little Jimmy cannot come look see anymore, we are locked in there til the last customer has left. I enjoyed showing them round explaining what all the knobs, dials, and buttons did. Its a shame now really as we cannot fire these kids' imagination and get them interested in flipping as a career or as a hobby

Frank Furillo 10th Jun 2004 19:16

Anybody know where I can get a 7fri7 or a Airburger A 1/4 Pounder type rating, I know it's cheating, after all most fATPL's wash restrooms and sweep floors for many years before getting to Fry on a regular basis, but i am prepared to do it in the hope of getting a job with the big guys.

Also anybody know anything about Eagle-Burgers 1000 burgers and 5000 Burgers and fries programs??

sullyd 10th Jun 2004 21:31

Im wondering if anybody has heard any news on the above, im trying to secure a job with a charter chipper, but my contract would be up in october, although i would have some griller in command time to help me try and secure a permenant position, whats the best grill rating, will ctc guarantee you a job with easySweat burgers, any help would be grrrrrrrrrrrreat,

id love a bowl of frosties now.

Harvester 11th Jun 2004 07:55

I admit the fast food market's pretty bad at the moment guys but you've all just got to keep your chins up and stop uising this forum as an excuse for moaning about not getting that first frying job.
I decided the best way in was to merely start off in the industry with any job - sweeping or tills, even wiping the tables is better than doing something unrelated. I'm now on the tills for a major outlet and learning every step of the way. Making new contacts in the industry is easy from this position and my company say they will try to get me rated on the deep fryer - ok it's not burgers yet but at least it's a start on the frying side of things and I only have to pay for 75% of the rating cost.
Best advice I can give is to use your fast food contacts wisely and keep hammering out cv's. Keep visiting any local outlets and hang aoround - eat as miuch as poss and put on some weight to show your interested. all though it's a slim chance now with security as it is try to sit in on some quality frying and flipping time behind the counter - they can only say no.

Hope advice helps.

Cheers - Harvester

what who me? 11th Jun 2004 22:25

Bloody foreigners!
I should know, I am one of them! To help all the Brits out there I have now resigned from McD and taken up a post as F/O with a British airline. My position as four star flipper is now available for home grown British talent. Good luck with the application!

Ps: did someone say foreigners don't understand British humour?

A few corrections on your collective grammar:

Foghorn: The whole burger market has never the same since.
...has never been the same...

sullyd: i

MJR: The're stealing our jobs type rant!

I hope you are putting a bit more effort into your cover letters. No wonder McD doesn't look at you!

JohnnyPharm 12th Jun 2004 19:47

Just a thought, but have any of you guys/girls got a back up plan in case the arse falls out the burger industry.

Airline pilot springs to mind, pay and conditions are crap but you can pick up a position pretty easy, and it can be a stop gap until the fryers are running at full throttle again.

MJR 12th Jun 2004 21:42

Thanks WWM, I'll correct it right away. Naturally it was a diliferate mistale, to see if there wur any inteligunt PPruners out there.

boeingbus2002 12th Jun 2004 23:00

BALPA (British American Lamb Patties Association) has issued a scam warning about companies pretending to be genuine food outlets. KFC (Krunchy Fried Chicken) use the guise of another successful Chicken outlet and lure potential fryers to pay for their own fryer ratings. However they fail to even provide that, leaving many hopefulls in huge debts and still no jobs.

PPRuNeUser0215 14th Jun 2004 09:18

Guys, Fryanair is recruiting!!! I hear they charge for they application, is it true?

JohnnyPharm 1st Jul 2004 00:03

Has anyone thought outside of the civilian route ie th RAF (Royal Air Friers)

Or else the lo-co friers

Easy Fry, BFryBaby, FryBE.com

IRRenewal 1st Jul 2004 06:19

Funny thing happened when FryEurope was recruiting: plenty of applications received from British wannabee fryers willing to go and work there for very little money.

Double standards? Discuss.

stellair 21st Jul 2004 02:36

I feel for you all I really do but take a leaf out of my book. Before you fork out for another grill rating, take a quarter of the cash and spend it on the salad station class rating,....ok, I know I know it's not where we wish to finish our careers but I't is good fun and you can at least still have a nibble while waiting for that grill to get hot??? :=

jsf 21st Jul 2004 13:41


The problem is that you can easily get into a situation where you have just too many salad station hours. You may enjoy that onion munching and pickle dipping now but the novelty will wear off after a couple of years.

Far more relevant to your career aspirations, the Tea class rating is the one to have, especiallty if you have differences training with milk and sugar on type.


PS there is no point getting the lemon conversion, you'll just never use it in todays marketplace.

OfficeCloset 21st Jul 2004 17:41

It seems to be a hard burger to swallow in the current climate.

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