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jetgo166 8th Sep 2009 01:47

Think I am kidding, watch a little of Teamster history. If anyone thinks any other way, I will be available tomorrow after five o'clock to discuss it with you. See you there.

free at last 8th Sep 2009 01:50

In Miami Springs !

AriGold 8th Sep 2009 02:03

I'll bring my brass knucles, lets BRAWL! YEAH!

FirstStep 8th Sep 2009 10:04

To ALL the Amerijet Pilots, salutations of "Solidarity". I will NEVER fly struck freight knowingly, nor cross a Picketline.

to jetgo166,

I am not one of your "boys", and if your tired of our "bs", hit the ESC button on your computer and leave the forum. Were just hashing things out and proposing points and counterpoints. Your threatening demeanor and attitude on this forum is demeaning to the Profession. Ever stop to think your anger and brovado might prevent some pilots that want to "join" you on the line. Thats all I need on my record, would to be involved in a violent confrontation. Think of the ramifications and possible loss of Flight line clearance.

I'll practice MY solidarity with a monetary contribution and letters to my Reps, but as far from your line as I can be. Good Luck.

IslamoradaFlyer 8th Sep 2009 13:28

Sleeping Freight Dog said:

"I wonder why the "Freight Forwarders" had to go all the way to Canada
to find a replacement carrier, when all they had to do was look across
the ramp at MIA, Centurion, UPS, Florida West. I'm sure they all would
have loved to have the extra business. Hell, even Cargo Air Transport
is in the same state."

Because it was made very clear that if they did, they would have been shut down as well. In the end even THEY don't want to haul for David Bassett and the amazing "KandeeG."

There's a new website up for these guys.


wallygator 8th Sep 2009 14:56

What sympathy I did have for the Amerijet pilots was lost with the threat of violence from jetgo166. We call ourselves "professionals", yet have this fringe element constantly undermining our efforts to maintain the public's perception of it. I would venture a guess and say that we'd never see doctors stooping to such lows.

The youtube video with the Capt in a ball cap, no tie, sunglasses, and crossed arms didn't help the cause either. Children holding a picket sign smacks of "photo-op".

Best of luck guys, you're going to need it.

ugwhatajob 8th Sep 2009 16:57


Holy cow. You just single handedly undid much of the support your comrades had gained during this.

Want to be treated as a professional? GROW UP and act like one.

Hopefully, you aren't truly "one of us", and your just one of those forum wannabees that live to stir the pot a bit.

Good luck again to those fighting the good cause. If this schmuck is one of your own, may I suggest ISOLATING THIS BUM and staying on task without the stupidity!

bpp 8th Sep 2009 18:16

Well said!!!!!!!!:D

AriGold 8th Sep 2009 21:54

All jokes a side, I'm on the side of the pilots striking. But gaining support is going to be through make threats and starting fights!

But lets get real for a minute, you're striking when pilots are so abundant you will for sure get a ton to cross the picket line. You can blame them in good times, but its a dog eat world. I personally wouldn't cross the line, I enjoy not having fresh poop in a bag put on my car every day.

Either you poop in the bag in the air, or poop on the ground. EITHER WAY YOU ARE ALWAYS POOPING IN A BAG AMERIJET PILOTS! Might be the wrong time to strike, don't say?

I'm in favor of a strike, but not in this economy! You're just making it difficult for everybody. The unions wont change, management has to change!

IslamoradaFlyer 9th Sep 2009 01:17

ugh, wally & bpp...

I'm not going to defend his comments, but until any of you have walked a mile in those shoes, you have nothing to say. Why should this profession have any less of a percentage of people who get wound up than any other? Again, I'm not defending it, you each need to take a step back yourselves.

Don't like pictures of kids on a picket line?? Who do you think is impacted when mom or dad doesn't get a decent paycheck? Ball caps and crossed arms? C'mon, get over yourselves. This isn't Hollywood, it's the real world.

These guys stood up and did something NO OTHER airline pilot group has ever been able to do. They got cross union support from labor unions everywhere!

Need proof?? Here's what came out tonight after they dug their heels in.

Good Evening All:

This e-mail correspondence will serve as notification that we have reached a tentative agreement with Amerijet International. Though this tentative agreement has been reached, we will continue to be on strike until a collective bargaining agreement is voted on over this coming weekend and is ratified by the membership.

Please note that, sometime tomorrow, we will be sending a copy of the entire document to be voted on to the e-mail addresses that we have on file and Amerijet will be posting it on CrewNet to ensure that everyone has ample time to review the collective bargaining agreement before it is voted on.

To answer any questions regarding the document, I will be available at the Union Hall on Thursday, September 10th and Friday, September 11th between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.
The vote will be held at the Union Hall at 12365 West Dixie Highway , North Miami , Florida , 33161 on Saturday, September 12, 2009 between 12:00 p.m. (Noon) and 5:00 p.m. and Sunday, September 13, 2009 between 12:00 p.m. (Noon) and 5:00 p.m.

We urge everyone to carefully review the tentatively agreed to collective bargaining agreement, ask any questions you may have and vote on Saturday or Sunday.

Once the votes are counted on Sunday, September 13, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. all will be advised as to the outcome – whether we go back to work or we continue on strike.

free at last 9th Sep 2009 01:21

We all are PROUD of YOU.!!!:)

ugwhatajob 9th Sep 2009 01:43


Bit of advice... You should learn to shut up when ahead.

I will just figure you're a bit younger by some of the rants you have going on here...

Walk a mile in their shoes? Some of us have probably worn off more tread from the loafers building up this profession just to see it sold out by the next generation than you could ever imagine. Not all, mind you, but some.

I have certainly paid enough union dues in my day to come to the conclusions I have posted here. Big labor could care less about your bottom feeder dues. It's not enough to fill their coffee fund. Do some research! Actually have paid dues to more than one big union, only to have ended my career flying in a far away place, non union. Yep, those big unions worked me and my coworkers right out of a job. Money well spent, hugh?

Research how many ex Eastern "scabs" are now dues payin' folk. Your scab lists are fantasy ploys within a few years as stated before. ALPA and the likes know money is green no matter where it comes from.

Never felt a need to place the kiddos on the picket line, especially with some of the hotheads and safety concerns involved.

Never wore a Captain's hat, until of course, there I was walking probably closer to 10 miles in their shoes years ago.

Never!, and I mean never, would have stood in front of a camera all "gangsta" like spouting my cause (which agreeably is a good one) with out at least borrowing one of my fellow picketers ties.

Never would have made myself an informal spokesman for the group such as you have just to try and undermind the thought processes of those that have actually run the whole d@mn marathon in their shoes over the years.

To be treated as professionals, BE PROFESSIONALS! And know when to just shut up.

free at last 9th Sep 2009 02:10

"Eastern" Let me tell something almost six month on the picket line, there has never been a greater work force that effected the change in our industry than the Eastern Pilots! You should tip your hat. No one has ever been on strike, that long, and I worked in the ALPA office. So for you and everybody lets stay strong and work to make our JOB the the best in the world. God Bless You .:)

400drvr 9th Sep 2009 02:48

Good Job Folks!
That's good news! You deserve to be treated like professionals.

I hope things will improve for you.


727junkie 9th Sep 2009 17:45

jetgo166 a.k.a. "Highly Paid Construction Worker" a.k.a. Michael Syrvalin a.k.a. Internet Tough Guy and last but not certainly not least a.k.a. colossal idiot. Mr. Syrvalin does play many roles these days (most of them played with a heavy dose of alcohol beforehand). Gentlemen, Mr. Syrvalin is a man on a mission. Problem is that mission is not to see our brethren get a fair contract but to see amerijet burn at all costs.

This man does not have amerijet's pilots best interests in mind. The sole reason he is involved in this ordeal is to "get back" at amerijet for perceived injustices at the hands of the company during his employment with them.

This is not a man you want making decisions for you. He will place his selfish need for vengeance over anyone or anything.

IslamoradaFlyer 9th Sep 2009 21:43

I'm confident that his bretheren will address the issue with him. It's sad to see anyone bent on destruction that will harm others as well.

As to my age and background, nope, not Amerijet and thanks for implying I'm "young." These 50 year old bones appreciate that.

"One Day Longer"

anothercargopilot 10th Sep 2009 02:22


Thank you for the updates. :D Any word on if the T/A has any substantial improvements in working conditions or pay? I know they certainly need both.


reenig 10th Sep 2009 04:35

As i have already said the youtube video was done impromtu after over 12hours in the Florida sun, and the 'baseball cap' is a teamsters cap who over whelmingly supported us.We will vote on a contract this weekend, so i guess the folded arms, the sunglasses and no tie didn't do too much damage.

reenig 10th Sep 2009 04:53

I have already told you the circumstances of the video, and also we will vote on a contract this weekend.

IslamoradaFlyer 10th Sep 2009 14:57


I have been told the details and it does, to an outsider, seem better. (How could it get worse?) First contracts are never great, they tend to be either work rules or pay based, but they do get rules in place and set a framework for the future. They also allow the union to continue a dialog with management to hopefully inprove conditions during the term of the deal and if necessary, file grievances over areas of conflict.

That said, since I'm not an Amerijet pilot but a proud supporter of them, I think it would be inappropriate of me to discuss the terms. I'm sure some of their guys will do so when they can.

Until then...KEEP THE LINE STRONG!!!:ok:

jetgo166 10th Sep 2009 21:45

Man on a mission?
Good to know that you scabs and scab supporters are reading pprune. I will pass it along to M.S. about your comments, you will probably see him when you vote for your union given contract. Funny, a guy does pro-bono work for you for five years in a very hostile work environment, and you got nothing good to say. Shame on you, what have you done to make this industry any better? Take your overage for scab work, vote in your contract, and use your new toilet. You weren't the guy that almost physically tossed out of the union hall, were you?

IslamoradaFlyer 10th Sep 2009 22:50


Lord knows, I've been willing and have urged others to cut you some slack for your posts. It's pretty clear from your most recent one that you haven't got the brains that God gave a box of animal crackers; you don't know when to close it off.

Every person here who supports those pilots has been turned off by your crap. I can guarantee you have no idea what my experience is or that of anyone here. To call me or anyone here a scab without first hand knowledge only proves you have no idea what you're talking about.

Thankfully for all of us assembled; and the Amerijet pilots, you've proven that point for all of us.

jetgo166 11th Sep 2009 02:09

sorry islamorada flyer
Sorry brother, thanks for the help. The person who threw those barbs is an AJT pilot. I got a call from a guy on the picket line, we realized that the person who said "highly paid construction worker" got that line from internal union communications. We know who this agitator is, he is a two time scab. We gave him every chance to change his ways. The guys who have sat for the last two weeks on the picket line have lost half a months salary, and were really damaged by twelve scabs (four crews and a compliant Canadian company). When is every pilot on this forum going to recognize that they are professional pilots, and deserve to be paid a living wage. These strike-breakers steal bread from rank and file workers. They deserve nothing. You want change? Do for yourselves. That is what these brave men and women did. Why do you disrespect them?
Islamorada flyer, I have just had it with these people that pontificate their views, but never show their face when it gets tough. Thanks for backing me and my bitter views towards this vile management. They deserve nothing less than the unemployment line, where they belong. Maybe ten years from now, we will be respected again as a group.

411A 11th Sep 2009 02:48

Maybe ten years from now, we will be respected again as a group.
Why, one might ask...have the company passed around bigger bags...or what?
Specifically, what were the 'union' demands, and what were the companies counterpoints...and the final settlement?

Having said this, the AJT management seems to be...well...malcontent in their actions.
The general path to larger profits for the company begins by treating pilots...right, seems to me anyway.

zerozero 11th Sep 2009 12:44

Originally Posted by 411A
The general path to larger profits for the company begins by treating pilots...right, seems to me anyway.


Flight crews who are engaged in *positive* ways can make a hugely profitable operation.

But flight crews who are bitter and alienated can and WILL cost the operation thousands and thousands of dollars--especially if the aircraft is equipped with a fuel jettison mechanism.

Managers who regard their crews as something more than just another "cost unit" have learned this lesson and reap the rewards.

The rest, well, they usually hop like fleas from one mangy carcass to the other--parasites that they are.


727junkie 11th Sep 2009 21:15

To The Enforcer
Nice try, Mike. I don't fly there, so your scab title is lost on me. People pass around info, in case you hadn't noticed.

Like everyone else, I agree that things need to change, but your ranting BS is not support. If you stopped threatening people for a few minutes, it might dawn on you that you're screwing your own team. The teamsters have spent years trying to move away from the exact image you conjure up.

If you want respect, stop acting like a pent-up wannabe bully. I bet you were paid just about what your "help" was worth. :}

jetgo166 13th Sep 2009 01:03

Life would be a lot better without these trashbag airlines abusing everyone. You want to discuss this, call the union. They pay no one any wages for organizing pilots. Pilots do this pro bono. Better than being a suck for a terrible company that you support. No matter, you are well known in the biz. We won this fight. We will move on to make sure your ilk never will be employed in the USA. Mike does say hello, however, and hopes to meet you in the future.

jdflyer51 13th Sep 2009 14:50

I am an ABX pilot who has seen all of this since the beginning. It is hard for me to read posts that are negative of the striking workers for Amerijet. Most of us would not work under the conditions that they have endured. They have not asked for much of anything. Proudly, I have witnessed great assistance from various unions across the board. This outpouring of support has made me proud. I wish that all of our union leaders such as Hoffa had capitalized on the astounding support given to this group. As far as naming names. I have actual names directly from the manifest to go along with pictures of some Cargojet pilots. Congress should look at the actions of Cargojet in future discussions of cabotage. It got to the point where we named POS scabville due to the fact that so many were housed there. I will never know why another group elects to go on strike. However, I do know the meaning of a picket line. There is a lot of stuff that could have been done better, but that is always true. Unfortunately, we do not all have the expertise of a Bob Miller to lead us. The results are meaningful however. My thanks to all of the Amerijet strikers.

IslamoradaFlyer 13th Sep 2009 23:41

Contact Ratified!
The Amerijet pilots ratified their first contract today by a large margin. Congrats to a great group who stood up to the likes of David Bassett and never gave in to his threats and :mad:

Hat's off to you! You showed the rest of airline labor how it's done.

411A 14th Sep 2009 00:21

And, the exact terms are...what???:}

WhatsaLizad? 14th Sep 2009 00:51


If you get a chance, could you ask Daisy of IBT if a few Publix gift cards
she received went to some deserving guys on the picket line.


TowerDog 14th Sep 2009 01:48

It sure will be interesting to see details on the TA.

Heard the toilets will be re-installed and made operational..?

Hopefully pay and workrules will be improved and moved closer to industry standards, but not holding my breath.

I was invited to apply for a job with Amerijet back in October 2004 when they were part of a job-fair at Aeroservices in Miami but I declined for obvious reasons.

Hat off to guys that worked under those conditons then stood up and risked everything to get a better deal.

What is going to happen to the scabs now...?

reenig 15th Sep 2009 11:53

I will ask her and get back to you, thanks for your support.

GlueBall 15th Sep 2009 13:56

Congratulations and good luck to all of you Teamsters for sticking together.

What drew world attention to your cause was the toilet issue. A most bizarre and heretofore unheard of phenomena in large transport category jets.

Keep those classic trimotors rolling. :D

IslamoradaFlyer 16th Sep 2009 01:04

Back to Work Agreement
Good Afternoon All:

Your negotiating committee just concluded its conference call with Derry Huff, Isis Suria and Jim Walters (company attorney). We were able to satisfactorily address the open items of the CBA and the return to work issue.

The contract will be effective on October 1st however, those who are interested in flying prior to that date can do so by contacting crew scheduling via telephone or CrewNet (should be up and running later today) to bid open times as per the rules and regulations at Amerijet today. Per Derry you can bid the days that you want to fly and fly what you want per your seniority however, rest, etc. must be taken into account.

It has been clarified that, though the CBA is not effective until October 1, 2009, there will be no retribution of any of the strikers for we do have a “No Retribution LOA” and the company will not violate RLA and retaliate against its employees for union activity.

I do ask that those of you who need recurrent training contact scheduling as soon as possible to get scheduled for training prior to October 1, 2009, the new bid period.

The CBA will be signed shortly and all will receive it in booklet form for easy access. I am attaching a grievance form for your records in case you need one in the future. Please make sure to keep copies on hand at all times.

We shall be in touch soon. Please feel free to contact me should anything come up prior to my contacting you all.

In Solidarity,

Daisy Q. Gonzalez
Business Representative
Teamsters Local Union No. 769

reenig 16th Sep 2009 14:17

I did speak to Daisy and she received some Publix gift card for distribution amongst some of the strikers, thanks again for your support, it is much appreciated.

413X3 17th Sep 2009 21:09

Congrats AJT pilots, hope the new agreement is a lot better and management treats you all with the respect you deserve.

cessnapuppy 18th Sep 2009 03:19

You can't make this s*t up!
2009 and a man has to do without pay (and all the food,water and shelter that means) for 2 weeks to get a f*king toilet??

Glad there seems to be some kind of happy ending -as much as you can have a happy ending to a bedtime story that starts with;

Once upon a time, Captain Couldbeyou took out and opened his sh*tbag. It was a sunny day, and the morning rays warmed his back as he....

Wunwing 27th Sep 2009 00:25

I've been holding off commenting on this subject until it was resolved.And thankfully at least some good results appear to have come out of the struggle.

However we in the rest of the world are getting very tired of US pilots carrying on about scabs when they have industrial problems and then charging in in similar situations when they have an opportunity for themselves.Reading through these posts the US attitude seems to be to ignore the comments and explanations on what is known in Australia as secondary boycotts.That is a situation where company A is on strike and company B is contracted to do company A's work. Here at least and apparently in Canada, a secondary boycott is illegal and company B's employees and their union have no choice. Secondly just because something is legal or illegal in the US has no bearing on citizens of other countries and that includes blacklists

Next ,some US pilots don't practice what you preach. Right now in Australia, Australian pilots jobs are at risk because an Australian major has wet leased a US based B767 freighter which has displaced an Australian aircraft.Why are you here US pilots? Your here because you and your company can make money and you don't give a damn about your actions on our pilots.Or maybe just like the Canadians you don't have a choice.Or maybe you do have a choice and you are here because its a pretty cruisy gig.

And as has been mentioned earlier on this thread what about 1989.Not only did US Airlines and pilots flock to this country to strikebreak. You then got residency and tried to tell us how to run our country, because that episode wasn't just a strike it was a political battle on wage setting. A few of you were very noisy politically, even heading up your own new pilots union.

Finally I'm very glad that the situation was resolved to some satisfaction of the Amerijet pilots.But be carefull who you accuse of being scabs.In my experience the largest source of pilots who will turn up on your doorstep at the first whiff of a strike or a contract that will undercut hard fought conditions comes from the good old USA.



four engine jock 29th Sep 2009 14:46

I totally agree with you Wunwing. But then this Aviation Business we are in is cat and dog.

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