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Capitano08 18th Aug 2011 14:49

sure am glad mack and you finally left/who got left on the original band of brothers? I told you so 3 eons ago /:ok:

2Bad2Sad 19th Aug 2011 02:10

To be accurate the real deal info on this airline has been reported prior to these post for a long time now by many pilots.
Those in the Airline industry know operations at Midex is just standing next to the cliff waiting on the final word to jump over the edge.
Severe management changes have to be in order for this one to survive.
More than likely this one wont last or be in operation by years end.
The assistant DFO should hope that Midex last forever as his name is Bold Print worldwide and will turn the lights off for them.
Next Job Burger King perhaps for him as he has more than shown his true intentions.
Good on you Mac and others for leaving.

3pointlanding 7th Sep 2011 19:41

With all the carriers hiriing in the states I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would want to stay with out outfit like Midex

chickenhunter 8th Sep 2011 03:31

Exactly and well stated.
For anyone to work abroad is the simple reason to make money, have the ability to save and work in stable environment with a good company.
Midex airlines is not one that provides any of these securities short or long term.
Buying a car or signing any type of housing lease agreement is too risky due to the unstable workplace the company has established.
Contracts are constantly changed before they expire, leave and benefits taken away.
The old take it or leave it attitude exists.
No end of service bonus will be paid upon contract completion because Midex claims they work in the Free Zone and does not have to comply with UAE Labor Laws,even though you will hold a valid GCAA license and UAE Labor Employment card.
Your roster will show 7 days off per month, all other days you are considered available at a moments call out notice.
If you do not fly on your available days your off days will be moved without your knowledge to reflect this as time off time given within the local regulations.
Not a good choice unless you are desperate,with the market improving constantly I would not see anyone going or staying with this type of operation.

Ranoosh 17th Sep 2011 15:43

Any Job offers As An A300 B4 captain
Any one knows about A300 B4 flight deck crew job offers?

SassyPilotsWife 18th Sep 2011 12:43

Any one knows about A300 B4 flight deck crew job offers?

MrZero ? Chickenhunter? 2bad ? 3point? Anyone ????? :ok:

stay tuned... the best is yet to come :)

DoctorNo 18th Sep 2011 12:56


Any one knows about A300 B4 flight deck crew job offers?
thx MrZero ? Chickenhunter? 2bad ? 3point? Anyone ????? http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/sr...ies/thumbs.gif

I assume you are a supporter of Midex management, If this is the case then it's a small world in aviation. Word gets around quick, most of us will never recomend anyone who supported Midex Management for a job anywhere. We know who you all are, what comes around goes around. Enjoy unemployment.

SassyPilotsWife 18th Sep 2011 13:36

Dr No,

Seriously ? So what i'm reading is that you know me, and you can prevent me from working in aviation again?

I have been sitting here for 5 minutes trying to decide which way to respond to this. Ohhh the choices !!! :E

Enjoy unemployment ? Hell yeah I would :p

You may want to read my post again Sherlock :) And if you think you know me, then I'd LOVE to hear what job you could prevent me from having in aviation. {this should be good} :D

DoctorNo 18th Sep 2011 13:59


I never said I knew who you were, just that those of us that escaped Midex and now have other job's, obviously know who management were and who supported them. If your name is on that list then there dont expect any support from any of us. Good luck with your job hunting.

SassyPilotsWife 19th Sep 2011 04:51

I won't even reply to such a stupid response. :ugh:

But I do have a question. If Midex did you and your buddies "we" so wrong, what did you do about it ? Did you make any attempts at bringing them to justice so that it won't continue? Or did you just take off and run and save your energy and time to whine on Pprune about it ? If you care so much about your fellow brothers and detest management so much, MAN UP!

chickenhunter 19th Sep 2011 05:45

Your loving one got slammed worst of all.
Be careful what you say.
Man Up, maybe you can handle this for us all that were cheated not paid accordingly and slammed to the wall.
As you know going against the grain there will get you terminated quick.
Having another Job in the area is a big plus to bring them down to reality.
Wish you lots of luck.

SassyPilotsWife 19th Sep 2011 11:00

In proc.... How about those 49'ers?

classicpilot 28th Sep 2011 13:22

Midex, the final chapter
How do you feel now sassypilotswife after they screwed your husband? Still a big muddex fan?:ok:

classicpilot 28th Sep 2011 13:36

Muddex, the final chapter

It is absolutely NOT necessary for me to do what you suggest below.
My three year contract with Midex ended on 30th June.
I am no longer employed by Midex and as such do not have to give any resignation to anybody.
I am certainly not coming back to the UAE.
I am not sending my passport anywhere and my UAE residence permit expires in two months anyway on 11th October
I have already removed it from my passport.
For your information the way you have personally handled the many crew who have left Midex has been a VERY LARGE contributory factor to a lot of other crew members leaving or about to leave.
The atmosphere at Midex is dreadful and the morale amongst staff is the lowest I have experienced in my 40 years in aviation. I have never before witnessed a company treating it's staff, from office staff to Captains and Post Holders so badly and with such contempt and arrogance.
Midex is now world famous for it's nastiness.
I really don't know how I stuck it for three years and how I put up with that obnoxious arsehole McLane.
What a relief it is to get away.
I have to say it as it is.


Ex-Director of Training"

Muddex really know how to treat their hard working management. Are these little people out of their little minds? How stupid could you be? Nobody left to train or do sim checks. A new chief pilot who was an first officer in his last job at Saudi Airlines. How did they pull the wool over the GCAA's eyes on this one? What will the ex-hotel receptionist assaad do after the moron airline closes down? Double ass in his name, well suited for him, just like the dictator ruler of Syria who is slaughtering all his people. I think the DFO is a mark man in the aviation world. Nobody will be hiring him in a hurry. I believe the GCAA are receiving floods of complaints from crew. Bye bye muddex :D Well done ass aad ass aad & the rest of the stooges with their cigars. They even promoted the liar john scaff who never worked for an airline before, can't fly an aircraft or even do the radios. Birds of a feather, stick together:ugh:

classicpilot 28th Sep 2011 13:40

Hot of the press, "Another crew member gets screwed by muddex"
Hello Fellow crew members & Friends,

I just want to say goodbye & let you know how Midex have treated me.
I flew for Midex for almost one year, on the 30th of September will be a full year. I gave management one month's resignation notice on the 1st, what a big mistake. They held onto my salary until the 15th of September, then little man assaad illegally withheld 19,000 AED for no reason. He told me if I was stuck for money he could give me some from the petty cash. I asked this little man assaad to explain why he illegally took this money but he has ignored my emails. He also refused to accept my resignation, who does he think he is???
Now they have filed a lawsuit against me for alleging that I have broken the contract, when in fact they have broken it. I am also filing a lawsuit against them.
In my 11 months I have seen many good & very experienced people walk away from Midex with very bad feelings against Midex & the UAE. Why else would adults leave without notice during the night time . I have seen the way the little man assaad badly treated a very experienced captain & good friend of mine named, Mike Burkholder. This ex-hotel receptionist assaad called our CEO a "office boy for crew" but management seem very frightened of him. I wonder what he will do after Midex?

Ever since I've joined this company the atmosphere & morale has been very bad & low. Midex management have their heads stuck in the sand, they really do not know how their crew & staff feel. Even crew scheduling don't know how to evenly distribute flights for crew.
Nobody can tell me of any other airline in the world that has an attrition of crew like Midex. How can this be if they are doing such a great job, assaad's words. I could go on & on but I know many of you already know the bulk of what I have to say.
Over the next month at least 17 crew members from both aircraft will be leaving, including some from management.
Why must an airline be so nasty to staff leaving, instead of wishing them luck with their new job. Something is very wrong in Midex.
Good luck to you all in the future, you have my contact info if you ever want to keep in touch. Take care

SassyPilotsWife 28th Sep 2011 15:16

Read it right classic

You find where I ever mentioned being a fan, and I'll be glad to answer the question. :ugh:

Your lawsuit will be a waste of time. The lawyers will take what is left of your last salary. If you know my husband, then you're better off contacting him instead. If you have left Midex, you have nothing to lose right?

Earl 29th Sep 2011 03:34

I am not really sure why Midex does not pay the end of contract money that is due under the UAE labor Laws.
This is 21 days per year base pay X 3 for a 3 year contract, 63 days total.
So you can see this is quite a chunk of change due.
If you hold a UAE labor card and complete the contract this money should be paid.
Was told they operate in the free zone by a phone call and do not have to pay this.
But they would never answer emails or put this in writing after asking for clarification many times before leaving.
You either sign your end of contract/final pay agreement or you do not get paid, which does not include this end of contract salary.
I really understand why many have left on their own.
Doing things the correct way gets you no where at Midex.
As the old saying goes,,no good deed goes unpunished.

Earl 29th Sep 2011 04:16

I felt during my whole out so called processing briefing that something was not correct.
Sat there listening and thinking this man is HR he works for us,,we don't work for him.. exactly who does he think he is?
Some how Midex has this all upside down and not like any airline you would ever work for.
Wish the crews left there the best of luck,,but don't see this one lasting long.
Start screwing around with salary and one gets known quick!

3pointlanding 29th Sep 2011 14:36

I seriously doubt Assad posted on this site. For one, the claims are overreasching to say the least. Any 777's built are already claimed by someone else not to mention the cost and the classics are jurassic with the cost of maintaining them going through the roof. And secondly, I do not know of any owner ever rising to take the bait of what are clearly from disgusted crew members.
Having lived in the kitty litter box for 8 years, I am quite aware of the Arab companies reluctance to honor contracts and I certainly am sympathetic to those who suffer under those conditions which brings me back to one of the other posts I made. With the shortage of pilots and the hiring going on world-wide, why would anyone put up with the shananigans of an obviously disreputable outfit like Midex.

Earl 30th Sep 2011 01:02

I don't think Assad posted this either.
Maybe it was meant to be a joke.
I did receive my final pay a few days after leaving Dubai, so he kept his word on this one.
But I don't agree with the end of service not being paid due to Midex operating in the so called free zone.
Why have UAE Resident Visa,,UAE Labor Card along with GCAA License and Medical,,then state we don't pay this end of service as we are not under the UAE labor Laws?
Yet if you depart without giving notice they will use the UAE labor laws to come after you.
Contract was changed 3 times in 3 years all before the expiration or completion date, either sign it or go home,,this is not correct either.
Sorry was born at night,,but not last night!
As someone previously posted this is being looked at on a higher level.
Don't waste money on a useless UAE lawyer.

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