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Phileas Fogg 25th Aug 2004 07:53


allow the engineers to buy some spares before they are needed, pay the company's bills on time. (nothing to do with not having the money). etc.etc.etc.etc.etc......(ad infinitum)

And just a final thought from me,
Say Again, if I were your chief pilot and you walked into my office itemising such complaints I would send you packing.
Once again you're not coming across as a team player, I presume you're a good pilot, you'll need to be because if you're going to involve yourself in the politics of other departments then there's going to be those waiting to piss on your party.
Where does this mentality come from, 'I'm a pilot, I'm the most important person in the airline, it's my duty to involve myself in everybodys business'?
You're probably not this type of person whatsoever but that's the impression you're putting across. Again I say that I presume Emerald is your first airline, I say this because you seem to be under the impression that all other airlines have stocks of rotable spares on the shelf for when next needed, you're living in a dream, and very rich, world Slowly.
To get on in any company, not just Emerald, might one suggest you concentrate on flying the aeroplane, leave engineering to sort out their politics, accounts department likewise and you do what you're paid to do.
Nothing personal, I don't even know you, it's just the way you come across.

Civil Servant 27th Aug 2004 08:44


You must be MOB coming up with a post like that. People need jobs which is the only reason lots of them put up with Emerald and the complaints are a symptom of this.

Does being a team player involve knowingly doing something illegal and by such action being part of it? (eg complicit with being rostered into discretion).

If I were Chief Pilot and someone came to me complaining about constantly being rostered into discretion I wouldn't send them packing seeing as it is forbidden by CAP371. I would hope that I already knew of it and had done something to stamp it out. If I could not influence things in that area I would have to consider my position as well as get straight on to the CAA. Mind you, if the mobster has made up his mind and issued an edict that FTLs are wrong and should be used as a guide only, then that's the way it WILL be so perhaps I'm being a little hard on my hypothetical Chief Pilot.

Just an observation

Phileas Fogg 27th Aug 2004 10:36

Civil Servant,
Next time, try reading my post before responding to it. It may be fair comment about being rostered into discretion, it is illegal for a pilot to be rostered into discretion before reporting for such a duty.
My post referred to complaints regarding engineering spares, paying bills etc. If one has a particular complaint that affects the way they perform a particular duty, such as discretion, then fair enough but there's such a thing as going too far, and that's when people stop listening to such an apparent 'busybody'.
Discretion is exactly what it says, it is at the discretion of the individual whether they exercise it or not. It is apparent that individual(s) are agreeing to exercise such discretion and then coming here to bitch about it afterwards. Some might regard that as being 'two-faced'!
Of course, if they declined, as is their right, to exercise discretion in the first instance they'd only have engineering and accounts to bitch about. Why not leave the engineers and accountants to do their own bitching and one concentrate on flying his aeroplane.
I'm not even going to answer your allegation that I 'must be' MOB, that just shows a mentality that anyone who doesn't agree with your personal opinion(s) leaves themself open to such an allegation.

jindabyne 27th Aug 2004 12:30


I have no connection with Emerald other than browsing through this thread. I've no wish to be personal old chap, but you do seem to come across with highly self-righteous views in this 'debate'.

If I felt that engineers and accountants and ops people were not making a full contribution to the team(through either personal weakness or management/organisational failing), then I'd feel quite justified in airing my view. To imply that pilots should simply do what they're paid to do and keep it zipped on other issues is, in my laymanistic view, unrealistic and unhelpful. Equally, I'd expect the engineers, accountants and ops people to voice THEIR opinions over perceived unsatisfactory elements of the Company that are not within their bailiwick. It's life, it's healthy, and it makes for a better team in the long run - when properly managed.

The culture which you espouse doesn't seem to be helping within BA right now?

CR2 27th Aug 2004 12:40

Ladies & Gents, don't let this degenerate into a slanging match. I'd also like to warn about using real names.


Phileas Fogg 27th Aug 2004 13:33

So how is it constructive to air 'dirty washing' in public?

I don't know the first thing about flying a plane, should I start to criticize how pilots perform their duties? Is this 'healthy' and will it lead to a better team?

I don't think so!

jindabyne 27th Aug 2004 16:16


Missing the point. I'm not talking about how the engineer tightens a nut, or how the pilot flies his aircraft - it's more about how they contibute in general terms to overall Company performance. Individual skills are not the issue in this discussion, are they?

Germstone 27th Aug 2004 21:04

the only way emerald operates is on the goodwill of the staff at the sharp end.

by and large crews will carry defects not in the log to get the a/c round the houses on a particular night schedule.

engineers wont snag a/c if at all possible till the end of the flying programme.

ops will make sure there are crews available even if it means waking people up at 0300hrs

and all the other unsung heroes of emerald will do there very best in demanding conditions to get the job done

but would MOB be impressed with all this?......i doubt it.

his view would be "well you have a job dont you"

his idea of aircrew and engineering is that they are a neccesary evil within the aviation industry.

trouble is he wont tackle his staffs problems he wouldnt dare come on here or address his staff directly and explain things he would rather hide behind his puppets and let them do the dirty work.

all IMO of course and what do i know in mobs words im just another f***** d****** member of staff

the big problem is it could be a fantastic place to work but its managed into mediocrity by so called "industry experts"

Phileas Fogg 27th Aug 2004 21:34

You speak a lot of truth there but would you really expect any Chief Executive to come here to discuss matters with his staff?

I would add however that the 4 complaints you have listed are somewhat commonplace within the industry. I'm not suggesting that every airline operates this way, just that such practices are not unusual.

The difference in your situation however is that rather than get a pat on the back, you get a slap on the head and driven into the ground more than you were previously.

Look on the bright side though, you're probably using Emerald as a stepping-stone in your career, things should get better!

I've read a lot about being rostered into discretion. Such a practice is illegal but so is the practice of those Captains who have other jobs and don't declare their duty hours in accumulation with their flying duties.

It's a long time since I've read CAP371 but I recall it clearly stating to the effect that ALL duty hours shall be recorded and rest periods / days off shall be free of ALL duties. Whilst this is no excuse for rostering into discretion it does show that some, I repeat some. individuals only choose to quote the regulations when it suits them.

These particular individuals would be operating illegally, probably, on a daily basis if they're not utilising their rest periods etc. as per CAP371.

Not taking anything away from yourself though Germstone, yours was a pretty accurate post.

Germstone 27th Aug 2004 21:52


appreciate that response Phileas

mainly a dig and kick up the ass for the upper management at emerald. ARE YOU LISTENING????

with very little effort and good feedback from the troops they could make the whole place a much better and slicker operation.

but are they prepared to listen???...... the answer is sadly no.

they would rather bury there heads in the sand and let the whole operation muddle through as always!

Phileas Fogg 27th Aug 2004 22:27

I read this recently:

'if the mobster has made up his mind and issued an edict that FTLs are wrong and should be used as a guide only'

The FTL's are as per the Operations Manual, not necessarily CAP371. The Operations Manual is approved by the 'Campaign Against Aviation', if it is said these FTL's are wrong then the Operations Manual needs amending, of course such an amendment will need to be approved by the CAA.

Until such time as the OM is amended then you should operate to what it dictates, it is not advisory, it is mandatory!

I'm not sure what an 'edict' is but if it's something that is intended to override the OM then surely it should be a 'Flight Crew Notice', which I believe should also be copied to the CAA.

I believe that such a Flight Crew Notice, or even an edict, cannot be issued by the Chief Executive, it needs to come from the Head of Flight Operations, if you have one!, or his deputy.

Not suggesting stupidity here but are you sure people are being rostered into discretion, I only say this because I have known commonplace confusion regarding such things as split-duties and FDP off-duty times. An FDP ends at final on-blocks, it's the DP that ends 15 or 30 minutes later, that's not discretion!

Say again s l o w l y 28th Aug 2004 00:12

Unfortunately Phileas, the fact that I am a "team player" comes across by the fact that I DO give a monkey's about what happens to the other departments. After all, aren't we all trying to achieve the same goals?

If I went to the CP and mentioned about spares, then he would be correct in not acting directly, the state of the spares inventory is down to the engineering manager, NOT the Chief Pilot.

Phileas is not the MOB, though he is known to peruse and often post on PPRUNE, I find it sad that our 'dirty laundry' has to be aired in public on an anonymous forum, just to try and get some action.

Having a decent amount of spares may not be that usual, but most airlines usually have more than a couple of spare tyres, which we don't even have very often!

Why should any company be happy about being a stepping stone? Having a stable workforce can only ever be a good thing, currently the vast majority of flight crew (non LPL based) are looking to move on. Not because of the job or pay, but because of the contemptous way we are treated on a regular basis. For example, down in the Coventry base the toilet block lights failed, despite repeated requests nothing has been done and that was over 3 weeks ago!! How happy would you be at 1 in the morning trying to pee in the dark! :oh: If the HSE ever made it into that hangar............

With referance to FTL's, as a professional pilot, you should know the rules and if you are rostered illegally, then you should do something about it BEFORE the duty starts. This has happened to me on occasion and with a phone call to Ops, it is usually sorted out. If you know the rules, then no matter what pressure they try to put you under, you can always refuse, safe in the knowledge that you are in the right. It may cause much wailing and gnashing of teeth, but that's their problem. My licence is worth far more to me Emerald is.

Should we be put in this position, no of course not, but the onus is on us to make sure what we do is correct.

Phileas, I can assure you that people are regularily rostered into discretion on Flight Duty, NOT total Duty time. I've lost count of the times I've seen people fiddle their FD, not a practise I condone at all.

Phileas Fogg 28th Aug 2004 06:56

Why should any company be happy about being a stepping stone?

Say Again,
It is the nature of the beast. From the day a commercial pilot steps into the industry his goal is to be flying a big shiny jet, preferably during daylight.
Any turbo-prop operator, particularly a geriatric turbo-prop operator flying night freight, has to accept that such pilots aren't going to stick around any longer than is necessary.
The exception to the rule will be those nearing retirement age or the ones with other occupations. This is no excuse for treating staff with contempt but it is the nature of the beast.
From the sound of it, you are not 'originally rostered' into discretion but are 'roster changed' into discretion. I can speak with some authority when I say that there is a lack of understanding of the regulations within Operations, not saying all, but some.
Emerald cannot attract Operations staff of experience, partly thru reasons that have been flogged to death already, partly thru being off the beaten 'aviation' track, a lot to do with salaries and lets face it, and much the same as a pilot who wants to fly a shiny jet, can an Operations guy consider his ultimate goal to be working in a portakabin with bars on the windows!
Accordingly, Emerald struggles to find experienced senior Operations personnel and the assistants, well some are better than others but they're just young guys, plonked in the chair and told to get on with it.
Unless things have changed, staff training, well what staff training and by whom? Much the same as your situation, it's results that count and how those results are achieved, well who cares!

Say again s l o w l y 28th Aug 2004 08:08

That's exactly the situation in relation to rostering! Though it does seem as if a shake up is happening currently, and every time I speak to them there is a new person around, we'll see what happens.

Your point about Emerald always being a stepping stone is valid up to a point. For many, it will always be just that, but some have no intention of moving on, particularily in Liverpool.

I object to the way all the staff are treated, just because they aren't expected to stay for very long, but, if people were trated in a non-bullying manner and with some basic respect, then the issue of staff turnover would be greatly reduced, especially amongst the Op's bods, who quite frankly have an almost impossible task on occasion.

Germstone 28th Aug 2004 10:28

i think the above post sums emerald up to a tee

all departments make the impossible happen but do we get any thanks? do we get regular pay reviews? (at least 4 years since any rise).............no the beatings wil continue until morale improves.

i have no axe to grind emerald pays my mortgage bills etc etc but leaves me very little to have any sort of standard of living and as mentioned basically ive taken a pay cut 4 years running....that is unless inflation has been zero!

some basic improvements in working conditions and practises a resonable pay rise across the board and some appreciation of the staff that make emerald profitable.

would pay dividends in the long run


I've shed my load! 28th Aug 2004 11:39

I'm a first timer at prune so please be gentle!
As far as I'm concerned all I'm looking for is a bit of stability. At present I feel the morale is rock bottom.
Stability was achieved with Streamline so why can't it be done with Emerald?
At Streamline we were sufficiently crewed so that we could have a rolling roster which enabled you to plan for the weeks ahead, which in turn provided you with a social life! (I've definately forgotten how that used to feel). A call from ops outside of standby hours or on days off would be to ASK not TELL you to do a shift, which usually resulted from either crew sickness, a/c tech or possible charter (not cock ups from HQ).
I could go on and on and on but I don't want to give the perception of being a streamline lover/emerald hater. Believe me I truly believe Emerald has the potential to be a decent airline. Oh well here goes........

Possible solutions to boost morale:
1) Rolling roster for cvt and ltn (not difficult)
2) Expenses and duty pay paid on time
3) SOME NOT ALL ops staff to possibly attend our CRM sessions and have a grasp of the FTL'S. Remember manners don't cost anything.
4) Standardise contracts-come on it's been long enough now. (2 pilots do the same job but 1 gets paid 4.5k less per year.
5) A light bulb for the cvt toilet.

Other than that it's happy days my fellow buddies!

Germstone 28th Aug 2004 14:56

A light bulb for the cvt toilet.

that ones easy go out buy one and fit it yourself(in true emerald fashion)...put receipt in

wait for it to be authorised

wait for it to go to accouts

wait for it to be processed

payment arrives maybe 1-2 months after

ahhhhhh maybe thats why nobodys been and bought one

Say again s l o w l y 28th Aug 2004 17:16

1-2 months, that's quick! I've stuff that's still 3-4 months outstanding and that's pretty normal.

Phileas Fogg 28th Aug 2004 17:29

FTL/Common Sense Lesson 1:

1. At what point may a crew member opt to exercise discretion:

A. Once that duty has commenced?
B. During the commercial planning stage?
C. Before that duty has commenced when Ops are in the sh1t?

2. When does a crew member legally need 11/12 hours
uninterupted rest?

A. Immediately after a duty period?
B. Immediately before a duty period?
c. Whenever the damn phone stops ringing?

3. If a crew member is on regular nights at what time might it be sensible to call him for a roster change so as not to interupt his sleep(s), let us say off duty at 0400, next report 2200?

A. Before 1200?
B. Between 1200 and 1600?
C. After 1600?

4. Define 'suitable accommodation'?

A. A 2 star hotel in Runcorn adjacent to the dual carriageway
and railway line to London?
B. A cheap guest house on IOM?
c. A quiet room where the levels of light and temperature may
be controlled?

dada 28th Aug 2004 19:17

i can't understand youz lot who write so much about emerald. save your efforts and repeat after me

a right shower of ????

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