PPRuNe Forums

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-   -   Why Chinese in Aviation ??(Merged) (https://www.pprune.org/fragrant-harbour/99727-why-chinese-aviation-merged.html)

Flying Bagel 4th Nov 2003 16:47

"Must be able to hold 5 shots of hard liquor."

Tsk. That's not discrimination, that's an aptitude test. Chinese businessmen buy XO not in millilitres, but in Litres. :}

Slapshot 4th Nov 2003 23:41

You are incorrect.
Hong Xing -

Am I correct in thinking you speak English on the west side of Canada and French on the east side ?

On the East Coast of Canada is the Province of Newfoundland, which speaks a delightful local dialect of English. I believe you are referring to the Province of Quebec which is not Officially Bi-lingual. French is the official language. The only officially bi-lingual province in Canada is New Brunswick.

shortly 5th Nov 2003 13:00

I assume that was meant as a self descriptive metaphor Mr Xing. Hong Kong is a wonderfully cosmopolitan society where only the few red necks like yourself mar the scene. Sure there are some interesting legislative snippets which could be construed as racist, but for me I love it here and Hong Kong is slowly catching up on equality status everywhere. Need to be able to hold 5 shots of liquor - if it comes with the job where do I apply.

[Sorry Shortly, I have broken the sequence, the post to which you refer is now the one below! regards, BE]

BlueEagle 5th Nov 2003 13:59

Hong Xing
I have split your post off and placed it in the Administration forum as it was addressed to them.

Hong Xing wrote:

posted 5th November 2003 13:54

PPRuNe Towers Adminstrators

If there is one thing I have learned from my request to allow Chinese to be used on Fragrant Harbour it is a better understanding of why the French so vigourously protect their language.
As I am not privy to the collective thinking of your decision making may I offer you one final morsel to dwell on. It is a Chinese metaphor that has been around for a thousand years and it goes like this: GUO ZU BU QIAN . This translates as " binding your feet to prevent your own progress " or " non-advancement due to self imposed restraint. "

Hong Xing

squire 5th Nov 2003 16:10

So the main reason for not having a Chinese forum is that you are too busy, wow.:ok:

BlueEagle 5th Nov 2003 17:36

No Squire, that is not what has been said,

"Our policy remains as previously stated. It is not under review and the present load on the site is such that we are seeking to reduce the number of forums rather than increase them or their scope."

Amongst other things the problem is server load and bandwith utilisation.

The other reasons have already been given.

squire 6th Nov 2003 09:24

OK well without trying to be a smart a*se would not including all the Chinese speaking aviators be of more value than say the "Agony Aunt " forum etc. There are huge numbers of flights in China every day therefore professionals who are not included.
Personally I enjoy PPrune very much as is but it seems reasonable to consider it anyway. Surely the site can grow thats the goal of any business and perhaps its not generating enough revenue but hopefully it does OK. Anyway good luck and maybe it can be at least considered?

Hong Xing 8th Nov 2003 18:24

The excuses offered up by the administrators lack credibility to the extent they border on being pathetic. What is one to make of a spokesman who assumes a position of authority and at the same time refers to himself as responsible for toilets and latrines?No doubt you noticed that Blue Eagle who toes the party line has been uncharacteristically reticent since you asked the question about "Agony Aunt" and the relative merit of admitting the Chinese speaking aviators versus the wasting of band width on a foolishness that has nothing to do with real aviation. Perhaps that question is just too hard to answer but I am a little surprised that Blue Eagle has opted to avoid the issue.
The administrators have an opportunity to foster good international fellowship between fraternal aviators yet for some reason they elect to blow it.

Hong Xing

BlueEagle 8th Nov 2003 19:14

Hong Xing
As I said once before, you flatter yourself. If the demand for a Chinese language forum was there then it would be provided but, apart from you making a lot of noise and being aided and abetted by agent provocateurs such as Squire, the demand simply isn't there.

I note that you choose to ignore the other reasons given for not starting a Chinese language forum so let me remind you that one of them was that it would be necessary to ensure that the forum didn't become a battlefield for Chinese from the mainland and those from Taiwan, a significant effort on the part of PPRuNe to "foster good international fellowship between fraternal aviators" don't you think?

Oh yes, Hong Xing, as one who has come to support Communist China and it's works so much, (see your own previous posts), what can you find so wrong in anyone choosing to "toe the Party line"?

Once again Hong Xing, you flatter yourself, the fact that I have not chosen to post earlier is, quite simply, because this issue is a non-issue and does not merit unreasonable amounts of my time.

Dan Winterland 8th Nov 2003 19:33

One thing you have to remember is that PPRuNe is not a business, it is a service provided by enthusiasts for no or lttle gain. It started in the mid nineties with Danny Fyne (a retired IT expert become pilot) starting a small bulletin board for British pilots to chat to each other. Nearly 8 years on it has turned into the global monster that we know and love.

Last time I spoke to Danny, it hadn't made him any money and I doubt it has since. It does however cause him a lot of grief and worry. There is perpetually some sort of legal action being threatened by someone (from individuals to airlines themselves). He runs PPRuNe as a hobby and I gather he has been on the point of shutting it down more than once.

As the chief moderator of a bulletin board, Danny can be held liable for any libellous or defamatory statements within - this has been precedented in UK law. So therefore he has to be very careful and trusting about who he delegates the moderation of the individual forums to. Although there are some European foreign language forums in PPRuNe, he obviously feels secure enough with the moderators of these forums to allow them to continue. As for an very different language used in a forum for communist country a long way from the UK, I can't blame him if he won't allow the use of Chinese.

If you feel strongly about a Chinese language pilot's bulletin board, why not start one yourself? There are several foreign language PPRuNe copies around, including one in Turkey which is an identical copy. You will of course have to take responsibility for it.

These views are mine and not the moderators.

Must get round to ordering a personal title! :O

squire 9th Nov 2003 10:46

Hmmm well you may have a point about the Taiwan/China issue but I guess that would be the responsibility of the moderator to control. As to libel last time anyone mentioned taking someone to court they were lampooned by Danny and others, is it really possible to initiate court proceedings for comments issued in an anon internet forum?
Far from stirring the sh*t I think its worth at least discussing the subject Blue Eagle.:ok:

[I agree Squire, but if you go back to page one of this thread you will see that it has been discussed at length already! Cheers, BE]

ronnie123 9th Nov 2003 15:29

Say if you guys do get your Chinese forum, how many different views will you get.
And how will you get ideas and information from the rest of the aviation world. The reason for this web site is to put aviation professionals in reach of each other. Your Chinese forum will just cut you OFF from the real world even more.

squire 9th Nov 2003 15:48

Any more than the Nordic forum cuts them off?:confused:

HotDog 9th Nov 2003 17:47

I think a Chinese forum is a great idea. Not too many people in China, except Hong Xing, still wave the the little red book of Mao Tse Tung!

Danny 9th Nov 2003 22:12

PPRuNe is not a democracy. Personally, I consder it to be a benevolent dictatorship.

I have been asked to look at this thread and take into consideration the issues being discussed. My understanding is that Hong Xing wants the right to be able to use Chinese in the Fragrant harbour forum or else a seperate forum for Chinese speakers only, a la French or Spanish forums.

Well, after reading the thread and due consideration I have decided that it is not appropriate for PPRuNe to have a separate Chnese language forum at this time and also, it is not appropriate for Chinese to be used in the FH fourm.

My decision if final. The Peoples Comittee for Forum Allocation have not been successful in persuading me, the Great Despot of Aviation Forums, that their case is worthwhile. Therefore, it is decreed that Chinese will not be allowed on PPRuNe. Any dissention will not be tolerated as the harmony and goodwill of the greater PPRuNe community is paramount.

If you are not happy with my decision, do not post your thoughts on here as being 'miserabled' is not much fun. Do not underestimate the powers that make these decisions. A reminder that PPRuNe is not democratic and that there is no such thing as 'free' speech on here may offend you.

Appeals to other mods after my decree will be considered to be subversion and will be dealt with harshly. There is no judicial review process here and any attempts at destabilisation will be crushed.

In the words of the old PPRuNe proverb: Too many forums is worth three on the internet and will spoil your enjoyment of the heat in the kitchen. :bored:

Of course, a financial contribution of sufficient magnitude, and I don't use the word 'magnitude' lightly, may be taken into consideration. I hear that the PRC can be quite generous. Of course it may be cheaper to set up your own website to cater for your needs. I would of course be more than willing to sell you some advertising space to promote your website.

Marge 9th Nov 2003 22:49

Hello my dears !

well we finally got the roof nailed back on here in bermuda after the storm last month. The phone line has also been re-attached, so the "bat phone" is back in operation.
having rattled the cage and woken the sleeping dragon, I was concerned that some of you feel that the agony aunt forum should make way for another language forum. I am quite frankly shocked that you have so little concern for the long suffering readers of my forum. You may well feel that peoples problems may be little and insignificant, but with the help of my readers we are able to inflate them to a much greater significance.

If your chinese language forum launches in the near future I trust you will also make room for an agony aunt forum. In the meantime my door is always open. Actually it has to be we ran out of nails fixing the roof.



Hong Xing 10th Nov 2003 12:11

Captain Pprune:

I have always known that prune is a dictationship and I have no truck with that as I subscribe to the theory that someone must be in command whether he be the Chairman of the Congress or the humble airline Captain. However that does not stop a party member from offering up something that he thinks is worthwhile and then arguing his case. You say the decision is final and I must accept that but I don't accept your " Old Prune Proverb " . In fact I can't understand it. To balance the scales here's something from me to you. Let's say it's just a few words of truth from one airline pilot to another. " Many of us travel a lot, see a lot but perceive nothing. "

Hong Xing

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