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Krone 2nd Nov 2020 08:36

Like any Chinese airline are going to take a hk licensed pilot. The Cx group is not looked upon favourably in the mainland. All those demonstrations tarred everyone with the same brush.
Any new airline in the bay will be absorbed into Shenzen Airlines if successful.

controlledrest 6th Nov 2020 00:41

Originally Posted by veritas777 (Post 10916522)
Better not tell any of the "experienced expat captains" here, they'll tell you they never make mistakes, meanwhile no cadet can muster the almighty challenge of landing in Anchorage...

Experienced Expat Captains will admit to making mistakes, everyone does. Problem is the "licence holders" the company has been recruiting under POS18 aren't up to the task of balancing this out.

MENELAUS 6th Nov 2020 11:29

More than one case.

fly1981 7th Nov 2020 10:01

Originally Posted by controlledrest (Post 10919867)
Experienced Expat Captains will admit to making mistakes, everyone does. Problem is the "licence holders" the company has been recruiting under POS18 aren't up to the task of balancing this out.

that is the biggest load of rubbish I have heard. Many of the pos18 defo’s had substantial experience and are just as capable as any other pilot. I know and have worked with a few...

carolknows 7th Nov 2020 12:02

Curious, if things are going to pick up in a year or two, why would there be a 2 yr transitional contract hoping to retain those previously on more expensive contracts. If the company wanted to get rid of more people now, shouldn't they reduce the term to 1 yr transition or a more lucrative retirement package? Isn't a given some of them who are near to retirement would exit after 2 years of decent housing and schooling?

LLLQNH 7th Nov 2020 12:32

The real question is why did the company offer the ERS (Early retirement scheme) if they were gonna introduce COS18 for everyone and then remove LIFO? Makes you wonder if anyone at the top has any clue about what's going on!

mngmt mole 7th Nov 2020 14:15

The ERS was to allow a few select (and informed...) individuals to cash out the best they could prior to Armageddon. What surprises me is how few took advantage of it, with all likelihood of the axe falling (as it did) shortly thereafter...?

Stallone 9th Nov 2020 06:43


no more cuts

AllWobbly 9th Nov 2020 08:45

oh sure:
1. The cheques in the post
2. I love you
3. No more cuts

controlledrest 9th Nov 2020 21:25

'We value you'

'One team'

'We have a profit share scheme'

'We care about employee engagement'

'Caring Company'

bacou 9th Nov 2020 23:41

Originally Posted by LLLQNH (Post 10921040)
The real question is why did the company offer the ERS (Early retirement scheme) if they were gonna introduce COS18 for everyone and then remove LIFO? Makes you wonder if anyone at the top has any clue about what's going on!

that was well planned for KA. I believe all those who took ERS got less money than they would have had with the redundancy package.
ERS was not a saving job exercise but a saving money trick.

AllWobbly 10th Nov 2020 06:40


Or go for the sympathy vote taking a 15% pay cut

Tang and Healey getting a beating in legco looking like scared school kids

LLLQNH 10th Nov 2020 07:25

Originally Posted by AllWobbly (Post 10923050)
Tang and Healey getting a beating in legco looking like scared school kids

interesting how people conceive things very differently, I took them to display a completely indifferent attitude and appeared to be offended that the Lego should even dare to question them.

AllWobbly 10th Nov 2020 09:05

I watched it on the Cantonese channel and maybe the commentary changed the flavour.
Interesting that Tang said they’ll be recruiting pilots-rather leads one to assume the whole thing was a fit up. Personally found him odd and rather soulless individual on the rare occasion I ran into him.

Dan Winterland 16th Nov 2020 22:29

that was well planned for KA. I believe all those who took ERS got less money than they would have had with the redundancy package
You belief is incorrect. Those who took ERS were paid significantly more. And they paid less tax too.

bacou 16th Nov 2020 22:52

I don't think your significantly more would be right: I ended up with slightly above 12 months basic on redundancy which was the maximum amount of the ERS package if you were at the right age.
And I got paid in October when if I remember well last salary was September for ERS. Not sure about the tax, Around half of my package is taxable.

That's just a detail in the big picture, what we got wasn't much after the time spent working for the airline but as they said it's the best they can do.

Curry Lamb 17th Nov 2020 06:25


Well my spidey sense tells me there are more jobs cuts on the horizon, despite what the conniving muppets said last week.

With the axing of so many long haul flights, many SOs and DEFOs will find themselves in check mate.

Trust me, I’m a pilot :}

LLLQNH 17th Nov 2020 07:11

Not sure where you have been but LIFO has gone, if I were you I would perhaps stop gloating and start hoping! We are all now equally in danger of losing the shirts off our backs, perhaps more those who have been known to stir the pot upon occasion or find themselves unfortunate enough to be on the wrong fleet! If any good comes out of this new contract perhaps it will finally be that we can all stand together in support of one another instead of all this B Scale, C Scale, Expat and Local crap. At the end of the day we are all just people trying to earn a living and support ourselves and families.

All of us could find ourselves in checkmate.

AllWobbly 17th Nov 2020 09:35

I was thinking the same thing re unity. Of course they foresaw that and now have cos21 to play off against cos18 within the group.
Its like watching a very devious version of house of cards. I am now officially “retired” being old enough not to be held hostage by a bunch of cold blooded reptiles.
I won’t be sticking my oar in anymore. I wish you all good luck altho I have nothing good to say about the entity that CX has become.

Rie 17th Nov 2020 10:22

With 99% begrudgingly moving to COS18 there is nothing stopping the higher ups awarding us the grand opportunity of COS21. Come the mid year flying forecast it'll be our only future.

I don't believe there was any legitimate reason to present such a contract other than greed. Especially when you are almost halving the base wage in a company with minimal medical coverage, no education allowance and bonding of position.

Curry Lamb 17th Nov 2020 15:41


Been around long enough to know that HELL will freeze over (twice!) before anyone in CXit stands in support of each other.
It’s every man, woman and child (pun intended), for him/her/itself

mngmt mole 17th Nov 2020 16:14

In a rather perverse way, CX management are doing everyone a big favour. By stripping away any last illusion as to the value of a job in HK, they are at least allowing everyone to clear the scales from their eyes, thereby hopefully encouraging most to make a decision to leave and not waste any more good years of their lives and careers.

Krone 22nd Nov 2020 17:23

Originally Posted by Oli777 (Post 10928673)
Curry Lamb

is it really worth scraping by each month, if you have a family + kid(s) then it's tough

Hardly scraping by is it on full salary for sitting on your bum.
try putting yourself in an ( ex) ka guys shoes.
Big bank loan, big school fees, 10 years in hk , established and the rug swept from under your feet.
no income. No job and no chance in this environment.
Just try for a second and be humble. Who cares what the 777 is doing.You have employment be happy . ,

cannot 22nd Nov 2020 18:19

To all the people that have lost their livelihood in these troubled times you have my deepest sympathies , I know sympathies do not provide
for your families and there are not many opportunities out there until this pandemic is no longer a factor . But I would like you all to know
that you have my admiration and respect in having to deal with Such a traumatic event in your life.

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