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-   -   AT. Why the pretense? (https://www.pprune.org/fragrant-harbour/566058-why-pretense.html)

BlunderBus 26th Aug 2015 14:56

Go Hard or Go Home!!! Simple

BalusKaptan 29th Aug 2015 21:10

Dear Goathead,

The election results for the incoming GC are now published. Please confirm by simply stating 'Yes' or 'No', did you put your name forward for election and if so were you elected.
If answering 'No' to the first question then please go away and keep your comments to yourself, nobody is interested in someone throwing brickbats and not being prepared to walk the walk.
The GC have a mountain of work on their plate and in my opinion do a sterling job. We need to remember that the current negotiations are just a small part of what they do. There is still the always present problems of a day to day basis that individual members take to them that still need to be resolved irrespective of how much time and energy is expended on dealing with an intransigent CX management.

Arfur Dent 30th Aug 2015 07:40

Just finished John Warham's second book about 14 years of battles with this lot. He ends victorious but is frustrated that todays so-called Management Team are doing exactly the same as they did in the early '90's. ie Unilateral changes to RP's and a " sign this or piss off" attitude to the pilots.
When will somebody stand up at the CX AGM and ask this:
"Can the Board please enumerate exactly how much money they have spent in Court against their own employees or ( conveniently) ex employees and who is responsible for hedging fuel prices so disastrously poorly".
AT? Same puppet - same strings as the idiots before her ( right back to Mike Hardy). She's grasped the poisoned chalice and will live to regret her 15 minutes of fame. PPE at Oxford wasn't it? About as much good as Zoology and we all know what happened to the Director People don't we. "Director People"??? What the f*** do they teach these people at Oxford? Doesn't he get how stupid that title makes him look??
And we're supposed to be the millionaire morons!!!
Please buy/ read the second part of "The 49ers" - keep your friends close but keep your enemies even closer.
It could all be so different.........
BTW Gear down at 2500' unless on an AL. Just to make sure it all works correctly and the approach is 'stable'. That should burn some of their precious fuel for them.

kenfoggo 30th Aug 2015 09:32

Who is responsible to the Board for providing sufficient aircrew to meet the Commercial task. Is this being achieved? Or is the Commercial task having to be adjusted to meet the dwindling number of aircrew available ? All above my pay grade but questions should be asked; like how on earth is this lack of crew sustainable? Crew not being able to obtain their contractual leave, crew working up to the legal limits, constant roster disruption. It seems that the cheap knicker elastic which is holding the whole crewing situation together is being stretched to a point where it will snap with a sudden "twang!" Increasing the legal limit to 1000 hours may be a short term solution if the CAD agrees to this proposal. Off loading 10 airframes to a sister company will free up some crew, but not enough to cover the inbound A350s? Interesting times.

Fly747 30th Aug 2015 09:47

Legal limit
If the legal limit for annual hours is increased to 1000hrs it would have to come with a 11.1111% pay increase!

Average Fool 30th Aug 2015 16:13

Crew shortage?

Wheels falling off?

I thought the pressing issue was the CMC card renewal.

Will IB Fayed 30th Aug 2015 16:49

Two "D" callsigns going north from Aus yesterday. Can't have been cheap?

TurningFinalRWY36 30th Aug 2015 23:13

Can you please explain the 'D' callsign. Havent heard that one before

LapSap 31st Aug 2015 00:27

156D one of them. CN sick. No replacement. Departed 10 hours later.
Surprised CX don't just stick a 'D' on the end of every flight number.
Sit in the lounge at CLK for an hour and listen to the continuous stream of "good evening members and guests, Cathay Pacific/Dragonair regrets to advise ........"

Gotta be 20 an hour at least!
OTP? Not at CX/KA it seems. :ugh:

ACMS 31st Aug 2015 01:05

178D tech delay out of hours.

Rascasse 1st Sep 2015 08:49

Dear Anna. A small point: Rostering that slowly kills your employees is not a viable business model. Just saying.

Yonosoy Marinero 1st Sep 2015 17:18

Well, an employee that dies faster has to be paid less, as he has to be amortized in a shorter period.

I believe that is the indisputable business logic behind C-scale.

Fly747 2nd Sep 2015 00:54

Too late to sell property
The lucky ones have sold their property already. I know a couple of Aussies who are desperately trying to sell in order to initiate their escape plans.
The property reports in the press over the last week or so would suggest that the current price peak is over and that they are a little too late.

Intrax 13th Sep 2015 02:59

In Maoist legacy there is no death sentence but labour camp.
There's no difference from what CX is doing to its every single employees !

Rascasse 13th Sep 2015 05:17

You've gone very quiet AT. Not much point in saying anything when you know your empty and vacuous words will be thrown right back at you. An epic failure, and only a few months into the job. Oh, hang on, your job is to do EXACTLY what you are actually doing, just keep on lying to us about your real intentions. I suppose to the Swire's you are a huge success. There is a word to describe people like you.

Liam Gallagher 16th Sep 2015 16:13

Anna who......?

positionalpor 16th Sep 2015 20:34

The scapegoat??

Arfur Dent 16th Sep 2015 21:36

Of course AT is not stupid. She has accepted the poisoned chalice and her job is on the line. Restrained by those people above her ( who are also the career judges), she is in an impossible situation. NO SYMPATHY.
If it doesn't seem to have a resolution that in any way apears fair - be the one and only God dammed 'leader' to have the guts to:-

iceman50 16th Sep 2015 22:48

Just like all the moaners on here who have "the guts" to resign.:ugh:

mngmt mole 16th Sep 2015 22:52

Iceman, AT came into the job claiming she would 'fix' things and improve moral. Instead she's managed to take things in completely the other direction. I think the suggestion for her to resign was spot on. None of the other 'moaners' have made any such claims as she has. Anyway, i'm sure our management appreciated your attempt to help their cause. Well done.

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