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'round midnight 6th Dec 2013 09:04

Extraordinary definition of 'adequate'.
Well done G.C.
You've extracted a promise of nothing from Cathay, backdated to tomorrow.
Quite an achievement!
Yours adequately,

Private Pile 6th Dec 2013 10:57

I'd like to take this opportunity to congratulate the CX negotiating team... A job well done! They deserve every dollar of the bonuses they will likely receive after this... :D

broadband circuit 6th Dec 2013 23:20

Even though it's not "official", I can't see how anyone could not be doing CC effective immediately.

Everyone's been saying for months (even years??) that if we went into CC, the wheels would stop turning within a few days. Well, I think we're about to see it happen, even without AOA endorsement.

Meetings scheduled 6 - 10 January, so at the very earliest an announcement by 14 or 15 January.

I can see problems crewing aircraft from now until at least the middle of January. Glad I'm not on leave across the Xmas-NY-CNY period.

Trafalgar 7th Dec 2013 00:11

Oh, this is priceless. I'm taking approximately a $1000 usd PAY CUT on 1st January...and apparently it's being used to fund the PAY RISE of all the other HK staff....! You couldn't make this up.

I don't mind a fair and reasoned debate about pay and conditions. What I DO mind however is being taken completely for a fool. CX management, you have crossed a line this time. You have breached ANY trust that existed between us. You have mocked us, and taken us for granted. There will be repercussions for this. Guaranteed.

Oval3Holer 7th Dec 2013 05:36


Just one thing:

First Officers will have a very hard time keeping their jobs if the captain decides that discretion will be used and the FO has no choice but to report unfit so that he does not have to operate into discretion.

As for the rest, RIGHT ON!

goathead 7th Dec 2013 05:42

Do not fear, there are too many G day heroes out there ready to answer the call , our ranks are RIFE with them, RIFE :ugh::ugh:

badairsucker 7th Dec 2013 06:39

So true
jnb the other night was crewed by a G day hero, in fact he worked 2 Gs to help out.


boxjockey 7th Dec 2013 07:44

Time for a name-and-shame campaign. Nothing will stop it faster.


iceman50 7th Dec 2013 08:44


The only problem with your witch hunt approach is that some of the G day "hero's" could actually be making roster adjustments to make their life better. They might want the day off for their wife's / children's birthdays etc, requested it but did not get it.
No doubt the way some of the "loud" shouters on here adjust their roster when they do not want to operate a specific flight but are quite happy to shaft their mates.
Naming and shaming is not the way to go and could be classed as intimidation! If you do name some on here then attach your REAL name as well so that we know who the accuser is as well as the accused.

twotigers 7th Dec 2013 09:04

Iceman, you must be management, as you seem to want to distract others and confuse the situation. The only way things work is unity. Cabin Crew manage to back up their threats with action and media attention. AOA doesn't do anything but talk in circles.

1) Day 1. Edict from AOA saying no more G day workers.
2) Day 2. Name any and all G day workers on AOA site, with a warning.
3) Day 3. Any subsequent G day working is removal from AOA, jumpseats, ect.

Thats it.

Problem solved. The vast majority are spineless and will cave to peer pressure.

'round midnight 7th Dec 2013 09:08

Tonight, two flights available for G day brothers. I know, Crew Control left a message.
One of them has already been crewed by a G hero. Depressing.
Whatever the reason, G day working is not something we should be doing at this juncture, if ever....
Imagine if we'd been in C.C today and those two flights were cancelled?
That's how much impact C.C could have, theoretically, yet the G.C threw that away yesterday.
The company needs us in a very practical way, so why did the G.C surrender our leverage?

twotigers 7th Dec 2013 11:10

I disagree. Naming and shaming is the ONLY way.. followed by union action.

Anything else is a waste of time, other than perhaps a "GO SLOW" environment that causes a lot of misconnects. Perfect for the holiday season. If enacted within the nest two weeks.

Once in place, we work with ALL media outlets to shame CX and to let the public know that many will be missing their connections.

It's not rocket science.

positionalpor 7th Dec 2013 11:36

As posted on a different thread, when AA pilots were taxiing at 10 Kts in O' Hare,
Besides pissing everyone else off, they jammed the whole bloody airport. No one could tell them anything since it is legal. Right?

boxjockey 7th Dec 2013 12:01


Spoken like a true G day hero!! If you didn't get the time off for something very important, then the stress would obviously cause you to be unfit for duty. Just ask the fleet office what they suggest in these circumstances. Un-f@cking believable!!!!


Yeager 7th Dec 2013 12:03

what has happened in CX just now? why's everybody so wound up? Just came across a remark about. I never understood why people don't just go sick, sick and more sick = hourly pay increase = be home with friends, family - whatever.. It's not that hard - you just gotta not give a rat's ass about at company that doesn't give a rat's ass about you.

monster330 7th Dec 2013 15:51

I understand your frustration. We all do

This company does not care. At all. Ever.

One line from your post stood out. Your reference to "you have just made my mind up"

Why would you let anyone make up your mind for you? Make it up for yourself.

Time is now to make plans to exit this company. There is no future with Cathay pacific. At all. Ever.

Wisen up boys n girls. This job is done.

monster330 7th Dec 2013 15:51

I understand your frustration. We all do

This company does not care. At all. Ever.

One line from your post stood out. Your reference to "you have just made my mind up"

Why would you let anyone make up your mind for you? Make it up for yourself.

Time is now to make plans to exit this company. There is no future with Cathay pacific. At all. Ever.

Wisen up boys n girls. This job is done.

Sam Ting Wong 7th Dec 2013 22:26

Before everyone has a go at the Union, classic scapegoat imho, please let's not forget who the enemy is..

Wait what they have to tell us on the 10th. Don't forget these guys act in good faith ( I have no doubt), and are doing this time-consuming job voluntarily and without compensation.

I haven't been in the room when they talked with the company.

It is easy to blame them.

Now is not the time to leave the Union, it is time to join it.

goathead 7th Dec 2013 23:12

My take is a MASS RESIGNATION from the HKAOA is exactly what is required right now to send a very clear message to the GC ..... the more that do the more they will get it .I mean lets face it , if you agree that they have crossed the line with this insult , there IS NO other choice . Why ignore 94% ???
They have baked there own cake , its the end of the road as far as Im concerned.

eggraid 7th Dec 2013 23:30

Then what Goathead? Are you going to go in and negotiate a 40% raise for us all? Seriously get a grip people! You guys remind of recess at kindergarten.

goathead 7th Dec 2013 23:43

The AOA Canada reminded me of the same thing a while ago.
No ones going to go and negotiate us a 40 % increase what planet are you from , oh I see , your Canadian.

broadband circuit 8th Dec 2013 01:18

Open-slather naming & shaming is a very dangerous path. (No, I'm not management). As much as I hate the G day worker brigade, the risk of an incorrect accusation being levelled at an innocent individual is too high IMHO. Once a name is in the public domain, it takes a hell of a lot of retractions or evidence of innocence to clear that person's record. As an example, there were a few people wrongly accused of working in Australia in '89. Have all of them had their names cleared, both on the official record and in the minds of heir colleagues?

The "mutual exchange" system is grossly biased in the company's favour, but still pilots do swaps everyday. Just because someone had a G on their published roster today, doesn't mean they hadn't swapped it to help a friend. Maybe that friend could actually be making roster adjustments to make their life better. They might want the day off for their wife's / children's birthdays etc, requested it but did not get it.

I guess that everyone here who's called for a name and shame campaign won't work G days. Fair enough, I don't either. But I genuinely ask all of you how you would feel, as a staunch non-worker, if you were wrongly named and shamed. I know I'd be devastated.

Bad idea......

nitpicker330 8th Dec 2013 01:42

You boys can jerk off all you want, yes it's disappointing in the extreme but what else did you expect from them????

Come on, you really expected CX to give you a big pay rise now????

Let's face it fellas, CX is still the best gig in town and you know it.

So shut up and let the GC to the job they are not paid to do.

If you think you can do better then STEP UP.

I for one WILL NOT BE WALKING FROM CX, now or ever until I can afford to retire. If you wish to join China Southern then go.

Oh and by the way, I haven't worked a G day in over 10 years and don't plan to, we don't need to be told to work to our contracts do we?

eggraid 8th Dec 2013 02:33

Sorry Goathead I guess you didn't understand that I was being facetious. This is what facetious means.

fa•ce•tious (fəˈsi ʃəs)
1. not meant to be taken seriously or literally: a facetious remark.
2. amusing; humorous.
3. lacking serious intent: a facetious person.

The serious part of the question is "Then what?"

This is a serious question to you and anyone else that thinks leaving the AOA is the solution.

You say mass resignation from the HKAOA so that the GC will get it?

If you have mass resignations there is no more HKAOA and therefore no more GC or NC. If that happens I believe we will find the true bottom threshold of our package until people start to leave.

It's easy to spot the problems, but try coming up with a better solution than resignation.

As broken as it may seem it really is all we have so we need to leave the errors in the past a move forward with what we have now.

PanZa-Lead 8th Dec 2013 03:07

Like everyone I was furious at the AOA. I have decided, after much thought and 24yrs in the AOA, that I will wait until the January talks outcome and then decide to resign or not. As usual I will continue my CC that I have been doing for 15 yrs now.
The CAD informed the top C&T guys 2 months ago that the new FTL's will be part of a package deal in to come out in January. This information was forwarded to the GC of the AOA.

Killaroo 8th Dec 2013 03:41

I never understood why people don't just go sick, sick and more sick = hourly pay increase = be home with friends, family - whatever.. It's not that hard - you just gotta not give a rat's ass about at company that doesn't give a rat's ass about you.
Excuse my ignorance, but doesn't CX require Sick Certs to back up sick leave?
In my experience HK doctors won't give Certs out so easy. I've been through this - had fevers so bad I couldn't get out of bed, but when I finally got to a doctor I was refused Certs for the days I was too ill to visit. They won't give a cert if they haven't seen you.
On another occasion I went to a doc when I started getting the onset symptoms of one of those HK fevers I've become all too familiar with. She would give me 2 sick days and no more. When I asked why she told me she'd be reported to the HK Medical Board by my employer if she gave me any more.
I bet CX have company drs too, who can make house calls, just to catch the malingerers?
Your proposal is unworkable in a mass sick out. You'll get no cooperation from the medics.

nitpicker330 8th Dec 2013 07:45

I gave a reference to OPSA for him but deleted it after I realized he was not in CX.

Killaroo 8th Dec 2013 10:26

I can easily get a copy. I have friends everywhere.
So post away.
Are you referring to self certification, or some more obscure barrack room lawyer angle?
By the way - if you don't want others noticing your posts - why post on a public website? Don't you have private forums? Some people might find this all too tedious.

ETOPS240 8th Dec 2013 10:49

Why don't you utilise your friends, and look it up then?

In short, the scenarios you describe/have experienced would not be applicable. The fact that they are in your outfit (assuming you're a pilot) is utterly atrocious.

goathead 8th Dec 2013 11:30

Fair enough , apologise for overzealousness.This turnabout from the GC is just another one of there about turns in the face of the majorities wishes .....need I have to repeat them here.
Thats it for me , she's cheated on me before , a second time , no f**k her , thats it . Sorry confidence lost. End of story. Sayonara AOA .
How many times are you/ we going to be treated like this , no more for me . My message to the GC is , No more.Ill take my 12k pay rise .

crwkunt roll 8th Dec 2013 12:16

Whatever happens in the January "talks".... They have to get rid of the backdating to JAN 14 bullsh1t.

twotigers 8th Dec 2013 14:24


The AOA is a tool the company uses to control the pilots. By a mass resignation, it shows people ready to action. The first step. It will indeed get their attention.

Sam Ting Wong 8th Dec 2013 14:58

Destroying the union to hurt management, now this really sounds like a very reasonable strategy.

twotigers 8th Dec 2013 15:07

you .. like most others in the AOA, have ZERO idea on how to negotiate.

Killaroo 8th Dec 2013 16:29

- the scenarios you describe/have experienced would not be applicable. The fact that they are in your outfit (assuming you're a pilot) is utterly atrocious.
You mean - having to produce a Sick Cert?
I've worked in a couple of airlines, including majors, and a Sick Cert is required in all of them, bar a few days self certified (where you may receive a company doctor visit). If you think that's atrocious you must live in a bubble, and I'm really keen to check your OMA now to read all about it.
By the way - the system I work under is approved by the CAD. The same one that approves your own OMA.

ETOPS240 8th Dec 2013 16:59

No bubble here, sir.

Read away, and let me know if I'm mistaken.

Doctor visit? Jesus Christ. Are you required to answer the phone to arrange it, or answer the door?

Sounds entirely cynical if you ask me - policing rather than well being.

Killaroo 8th Dec 2013 17:04

Well, in my euro major i never got that visit - but then I was not a malingerer.
In Hong Kong, given that local drs never do house calls, a company doctor might be the only assistance you'll get, and I'd welcome it (cos I'm still not a malingerer). The only alternative (I'm told) is to call an ambulance, and I draw the line at that personally.

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