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routetuner 16th May 2009 17:16

What exactly are you saying? Are you under the influence of something?

EXEZY 17th May 2009 05:39

I thought it was fairly obvious what I was saying and most seem to agree apart from you. I suppose you are one of the lambs to the slaughter, believing all you read and watch. Look up the New world order and all will be revealed.

canonball1 17th May 2009 07:18

EXEZY! I hope you don't fly planes. You are a F$%#ING Nutter!!! I suppose 'God' will save you?

canonball1 17th May 2009 07:21

Oh yeah EXEZY... I am a member of the secretive group of globalists conspiring to eventually rule the world through an autonomous world government!

EXEZY 17th May 2009 15:43

I take it then that you believe the hype surrounding H1N1 influenza. I think that makes you more of a NUTTER than me! Think about it, 36000 people a year DIE from the flu in the U.S every year and now all of a sudden we have a near pandemic because a very small group of people have mysteriously passed away from a common virus. This common virus, up until recently accepted by the world as a minor ailment that most people expeirenced once a year, and now suddenly a deadly killer that threatens all of humanity. Do you honestly not smell a rat? Do you not think that if such a pandemic killer virus was possible that we would have expeirenced this phenomenen before? As I have stated do some research on the 1976 swine flu virus that wasn't and enlighten yourself.
How on earth can a pig flu virus, mix with a bird virus and end up in humans, it is the stuff of comic books. That, however, is exactly what the press and the WHO want, a simple, readily digestible bit of crap that the majority of people can absorb and then switch on to panic mode. It may be news to you but it takes months to manufacture a screening test that can detect a particular virus and at present that doesn't exist. Take a look on that bit of paper you hand in to immigration every time you fly, you know the one with the list of symptoms, well that is how people with "H1N1" are diagnosed, not on an actual test that detects live virus but on symptoms. Do you not think that now, with this method, people with an every day cold, flu etc are going to fall foul of this latest pandemic scam, from being in the wrong place at the wrong time? If such a test existed that did detect a virus, then surely the vaccine would be around the corner, where is the vaccine?
I surely hope that you are not flying aircraft my freind because I fear for your lack of critical thinking abilities. I'll know who you are at work no doubt, you'll be the tw@t wearing the mask with the cabin crew. :ok:

alvega 17th May 2009 15:48

Yes ROUTETUNER, we’ve all been under the influence of a lot of stuff for too long. The truth hurts sometimes. Did you know that the US Navy warned its pilots not to drink anything containing Aspartame prior to flight?

Conditioned brains affected from generation to generation by the misinformation produced by the education system and the controlled mainstream media have created a population of robots unable to think for themselves, having to rely in the precooked, easy to swallow garbage thrown in every hour of the day on a massive scale with the help of Aspartame, Sodium Fluoride, Chlorine, vaccines, GMO’s and all the chemical rubbish in the food supply. It is time to restart our brains and open our eyes to what is going on around us.

"If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels" - Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh.

Kissinger, Eugenics And Depopulation

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” – Joseph Goebells

“Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.” – Joseph Goebells

Do your own research, the clock is ticking.

canonball1 17th May 2009 23:46

EXEXYEXEZXYEXEZY!! Blah Blah Blah... so boring. Get a life and keep the post smaller. I know I am a hypocrite for responding... hook, line and sinker!

fire wall 11th Jun 2009 09:29

frtdog, google search has the flu contributing to the deaths of 20000 + people in the N. America every year.
It was round 2 of the spanish flu that took everyone out.
It is round 2 of swine flu that has them scared, should it mutate.

jonathon68 12th Jun 2009 04:48

Normal flu mortality rates are about 0.1% and are generally of young (under 2) or elderly (aged over 70) people, and occur mainly during the winter.

The last major H1N1 pandemic (1918-1919) had a mortality rate of 10-20%, mainly among healthy young adults, and occurred throughout the year. 30-40% of the worlds population may have been infected.

Records show that there were 3 waves, approximately 4-6 months apart. There were relatively few casualties among the first wave in March. However, the virus mutated to a much more deadly form for the second wave in August, with 5x more casualties. The virus mutated again to a more mild form for the final wave in the following February, although it still had 2x the casualties than the first wave.

Populations with a high level of mobility were among the first and hardest hit, so the measures being taken by Governments and the WHO would seem to be sensible.

Teal 12th Jun 2009 05:46

Note that a vaccine to this flu is expected to be available in about 6 weeks time - CSL Limited (link) has been tasked with developing a vaccine for the Australasian region and I believe that the vaccine culture is undergoing testing at present. My employer has already made arrangements to make it available at no cost to our 30,000+ workforce. Although the virus will likely mutate next time round, the vaccine will provide a degree of protection until the next round of vaccinations.

kluge 13th Jun 2009 04:44

A secret Govt plot perhaps?
"Aiyeaa - What's that you say – ‘Won Hung Low’ - shut down all the schools so that they all hang out at the filthy capitalist clubs - Chee-sing ! Ah I see now - a concentration policy then.

..And provide subsidies to encourage the creation of petting zoos - introduce piglets as well you say and encourage bird feeding ?

.And make uncovered sneezing, hacking up and spitting an accepted part of our ancient culture......excellent.....

Yes, yes, yes, - a sure way to get rid of the gweilo."


Subject: Special measures in your club

Dear Members,

Following the Hong Kong Government mandate to close all primary schools, it is clear that we will have many more members and their families in our Club. Therefore, for your ongoing safety and comfort we will introduce further draconian hygiene measures such that they are at the level at and beyond those experienced during SARS.

All playground equipment will be disinfected every one hour with new equipment which sprays a fine mist of concentrated bleach. The Govt advises that the half life of this chemical is entirely safe and acceptable given the risks of H1N1 and the desire to remain Asia's WC. Please help us during this disinfection process by keeping your children in the playground for 5 minutes when you see our staff starting to clean it. Don't be alarmed that they will be wearing breathing apparatus and NBC suits. This is entirely normal and reflects our recent decision to upgrade the uniforms of our staff. We hope that you like the new style.

All door knobs and railings will be disinfected every hour and special attention will be paid to the toilet areas. For your comfort there is no need to change how you currently use these facilities in any way.

All our staff members have been reminded to observe personal hygiene behaviour as in the SARS period for the coming weeks. Please ignore any symptoms of running noses, red eyes, sneezing into your meal and finger nail dirt. In some dishes that slight nutty flavour is our signature speciality caused by the chef not washing his hands after using the toilet.

May I request all our members to be vigilant to ensure a safe and happy early start of the holiday period.

Thank you for your patronage.

General Manager
Filthy Capitalist Private Members Club

Lowkoon 13th Jun 2009 11:38

Maybe they are just trying to avoid a repeat of the Hong Kong flu of 69 that killed over a million people? Influenza A virus subtype H3N2 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I might be missing something, but isn't it a good thing that governments have been seen to over react, and it hasnt turned out to be so severe as first thought? :ugh: If anything, it shows a more mature approach than SARS, where the head in the sand technique was unillaterally adopted?

Now all we need to see is the Chinese and HKG governments not pick and choose WHO reccomendations that suit them politically and financially, and also implement other WHO recommendations like Air quality. I'm not holding my breath, but wish I could.

superfrozo 15th Jun 2009 09:28

And I quoth from the above story link:

"...The patient had underlying health conditions..."

Ergo, a sick person caught the flu and this contributed to their passing. That over 30,000 people A YEAR die of flu-related illness in the U.S. alone (CDC figures) should illustrate how common this occurence is.

I hate to break it to all the Henny Pennys, but life on this planet has been mutating/changing/evolving for, well, forever (okay, approx 2 billion years give or take a few). The difference now is we can can genetically map virus strains with increasing accuracy. So, whereas 40 years ago someone in hospital "got an infection and died", now we can say they suffered from complications of contracting "Staphylococcus aureus Strain UT0002-19 as defined by the chromosonal linkage groups thy-1-lys-5-trp-3-thr-4-ala-8".

In the end, this identification process doesn't mean (unless you're a journalist with a "PANDEMIC MEGA-DEATH PLAGUE" headline you're dying to print) that we are on the verge of an "I Am Legend" scenario. If you want to be truely scared check out the mortality rate for a rabies infection versus H1N1 swine flu infection.

Meanwhile, sit back, relax and maybe pick up a real estate bargain or two in Melbourne where apparently the "GLOBAL-MEGA-PANDEMIC-DESTRUCTO-HYPER-DEATH" plague is destroying all life as we know it!!:ok:

alvega 17th Jun 2009 08:01

The WHO has declared swine flu (N1H1) pandemic. This will probably imply governmental demands for universal mass vaccinations under penalty for not complying. Flu vaccine contains squalene oil as an adjuvant.

Micropaleontologist Dr. Viera Scheibner conducted research into the adverse effects of adjuvants in vaccines and wrote: Squalene “contributed to the cascade of reactions called “ Gulf War syndrome. GIs developed arthritis, fibromyalgia, lymphadenopathy, rashes, photosensitive rashes, malar rashes, chronic fatigue, chronic headaches, abnormal body hair loss, non-healing skin lesions, aphthous ulcers, dizziness, weakness, memory loss, seizures, mood changes, neuropsychiatric problems, anti-thyroid effects, anaemia, elevated ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, deadly Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Raynaud’s phenomenon with paroxysms of lack of blood in fingers and toes in fingers and toes, Sjorgren’s syndrome with blurred vision, chronic diarrhea, night sweats and low-grade fever.”
A study linking squalene, as experimental vaccine adjuvant, to individuals with the clinical signs of Gulf War syndrome was published in 2002. A U.S. Federal Judge ruled that there was good cause to believe aqualene to be harmful, and he ordered the Pentagon to stop administering it in October 2004.

For all those who still think a vaccine will solve all the H1N1 problems, there is news for you. You can read it all here:
Swine Flu Vaccination Poses Serious Threat to Your Health Euro-med

Choose to stay dormant at your own peril. Sweet dreams with flying pigs.

404 Titan 17th Jun 2009 09:29

I’ve had the flu vaccine every year for the last twenty years. It’s never hurt me. Mind you it hasn’t always prevented me from getting the flu either. I still remember the first shot to this day. I came down with a really bad dose of the flu that lasted over a month.:yuk:

alvega 17th Jun 2009 09:52

I’ve had the flu vaccine every year for the last twenty years. It’s never hurt me.

Mind you it hasn’t always prevented me from getting the flu either

I still remember the first shot to this day. I came down with a really bad dose of the flu that lasted over a month.
Exactly my point. You couldn't have made it clearer.

Thanks, 404 Titan

404 Titan 17th Jun 2009 10:44


I think you may have missed my point. I was trying to say that I haven’t suffered from any of the supposed side effects mentioned by Dr Viera Scheibner. I do agree though that a flu vaccine isn’t a cure for all strains of the flu. The average flu shot will only protect you from about five strains. They are usually the most prevalent that season. Some people may be lucky and never get the flu, but it is a rarity. A large proportion that think they have never had the flu probably have but thought it was a cold, even though there are some obvious differences in the symptoms.

FlexibleResponse 17th Jun 2009 13:26

My more worldly dad, on the other hand, understands that it is often the littler and far less dramatic things that one should worry more about. "I am much more worried about the Chinese mosquitoes than I am about their politicians and police," he once, wrote me before I ventured off for a backpacking trip through south and southwest China.

"You are too smart to run afoul of the law, but dumb enough not to take that medication. Malaria and hepatitis are no fun - so be careful and swallow the pills."
I rather enjoyed 404 Titan's quoted quote from Tom Mitchell, South China Morning Post, Tuesday, April 22, 2003!

You can tell people, but they won't listen to what they don't want to hear.

kluge 21st Jun 2009 01:55

superfrozo #35 post - Most sensible advice to date IMO.

Hope some journos are reading. Publish this you berks.:ugh:

Toe Knee Tiler 22nd Jun 2009 12:12

Swire Flu
Swyre Flu. A new strain on a plane.


Feeling lethargic after flying duty periods of 13 1/4 to 18 hours.
Not able to have adequate sleep when your time zone changes by 6 hours or more.
Tossing and turning in crew rest area during flight.
Feeling as though you want breakfast when dinner is being served.
Finding crew meals unappetizing.
Not feeling ready for work after minimum rest period.
Not capable of high performance after "split duty".
Not understanding new contracts and their implications in full.
Tossing and turning in your home bed at the completion of a duty period.
Reluctance to extend a duty period.
Self doubt as to whether you are paid enough.
Not making your pay go as far as it used to.
Not spending enough quality time with loved ones.

If you are suffering a combination of any ten of the above please consult your manager who will guide you accordingly as may be amended from time to time at his sole discretion.

This list is not exhaustive so be alert of subtle changes in your life.

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