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OneForTheRoad100 7th Apr 2009 11:14

ACMS... LOL, good opinion on based T/O CC! I agree :ok:

Here's my anonymous post (because I really don't like ratting out my mates, but there ARE some good pilot-crew relationships out there in CX world). Quite the opposite to posts saying CX CC don't know how to have a good time.

Rumour has it one of the T/O hosties who most always has way too much to drink, had a night in the room of one of the pilots... both married, all with kids & apparently nothing happened. Yeah!


It's happening, just discretely.

4 driver 7th Apr 2009 16:03

One reason the cabin crew don't socialize with us is because of all the gossip.
Grow up lads....what happens on the road, stays on the road.
As soon as the YTO based crew hear of this thread, there will be no more parties.

414 8th Apr 2009 15:43

Crickey. Everyone's heard about that, it's not news.

And for all of you who say the CC are just out for money or a passport - you're wrong! This girlee, in particular, loves having a great time with the pilots.... socially & a bit more sometimes. She has a Cdn. passport, lives in a wealthy neighbourhood, successful Asian husband & children. Just loves chasing the white pilot.

So, there. "It's morning Captain" does happen at Cathay, but the culturally sensitive pilots just stay tight-lipped about it. Also supported by a quick survey around where most pilots marry F/A's their second time around. There's some great girls working for Cathay. And some great crew relations, too bad the nasty ISM's ruin it for the majority.

"Rumours" & this thread ruining CC partying with pilots - rubbish! It may even encourage some. As the expression goes "if you can't take the heat, stop riding the pilot".

sisyphos 8th Apr 2009 16:03

4 driver is right, delete it pls 414.

414 11th Apr 2009 00:11

I'm cranky old CX guy, who's been around, Sisyphos. And no I don't want to delete that post. It's sayin' it like it is mate, a bit crude, yes.

I've seen the hard-core ISM's who shun the CC for talking to pilots, times are changing. That girliee in question is an ISM - "JC". Knew her when she was moving up the ranks in her red coat. She's a sickening head case.

Really, it's a sport for her to "reel" in and chase the white guys at the top of the CX food chain.

Point is, CX is promoting the "fun" girls now, they still have to snitch on all of their colleagues along the way too. IMHO, JC is a legal disaster waiting to happen. She passes out smashed in bars, hotel lobbies, cabs, pilot's beds. It's only a matter of time until she implicates CX when something happens to her.

I don't cheat on my wife and family.

I think ISM's need to be positive leaders on the plane, and ideally have the ability to socialize across all the ranks.

Should ISM's get smashed & pass out, then find themselves in a private place with one guy? Should ISMs get smashed & pass out in public places while on a layover alone? IMHO, NO Bloody WAY.

Should JC be demoted? Should the cranky ISM be demoted from the first posting in this thread? YES! They're both unprofessional and do nothing for the airline profession or crew relations.

I may put pen to paper and write her up. Enough.


Cranky Old Guy (who'll be retired flying bush planes with no politics for a hobby, very soon)

MACH.88 11th Apr 2009 03:32

WOW! Some people here are wound real tight!


wongsuzie 11th Apr 2009 11:38

Ok the touch paper has been lit.

Keep in mind the majority of us just wanna to do our jobs to the best of our abilities and not just go along for the ride [pun intended].

But I notice there are some who just won't take 'no' for an answer.

Btw way ofcourse in a informal, off duty situation the 2 Bcs are going to respond that way.

Suggestion: ask them yourself next time en-route in the bus -problem solved.

''When you visit the flight deck you get to see when we make Cabin calls etc'' Sori still does not compute!

OneForTheRoad100 11th Apr 2009 15:38

Dear 414. You are cranky.

No need to state the obvious mate! She's building her own reputation, in good time. So, slow down.

Is she screwing single pilots? Who cares.

Does she go after the married pilots that have been away from their wifey too long, are smashed, maybe having a low point with their dame, and are fun guys? Well, that's their business. It takes 2 and she just knows who's door to knock on to increase her scoring odds.

Pilots have a hard lifestyle on the road, and what happens there, really should stay there.

Sounds like she's bringing CC & pilots together to socialize - that's gotta be helping crew relations?!

the reo 12th Apr 2009 01:35

Another way of thinking about this
well this thread is really dissappearing down the spiral of those spoiling for a fight.
You all really need to step back a little.
Both sides could really learn something from watching the others workplace. but just like many other workplaces most can't see that.

But you're missing the point again.
You are flaming a fight between the workers again. turn your anger and thinking to what the management are up to. we need each other and need to stop bitching to mummy (the company), otherwise when we finishing our silly little fight you'll discover that mummy took our pocket money and chocolate away while we were fighting with each other.

Don with the Wind 13th Apr 2009 10:07

Grassing the poor girl up isn't going to help anyone. You all realise she is probably alcohol dependant. She probably beats herself up every morning when she wakes up in some guys bed - with a stonking hangover. And she sounds like fun. Why not take her under your wings, so to speak, look out for her, guide her away from one last martini for the road.

Look after each other ladies and gentlemen. The in-fighting gets you nowhere.

HotDog 13th Apr 2009 11:45

Why not take her under your wings, so to speak, look out for her, guide her away from one last martini for the road.
Right on! Guide her back to your room and suggest a nightcap!:E

babydolphin 13th Apr 2009 15:48

those women think they run the company! they are all bitches!!

treboryelk 14th Apr 2009 04:27

what a shame......a simple question on how to handle an isolated ISM incident ends up in true FH style.

should have expected it i suppose!

SeldomFixit 14th Apr 2009 06:52

which branch of management is babydolphin from ? talk about baiting :ugh:

And Then 15th Apr 2009 13:00

Gee some hung up contributions.

I had a great night in Shanghai recently. Myself and the Senior Purser spent the evening together. A bottle of champagne in the bath, a super man pill for me and a few hours later in-room dining. Very discrete of course. It is such a buzz to wake up with one of the crew. Watch them get ready for work. The Hong Kong ladies take an hour to shower and do their make up and the company provides a room with glass petitions into the bathroom.

Living the dream !

boocs 15th Apr 2009 14:51

And Then, I thought this was just 'Standard' for a KA overnight......

finelady1966 19th Aug 2012 14:53

ISM issues
If i was the ISM, I would be more understanding than that. There are very few of them who are just NASTY to anyone.

CodyBlade 22nd Aug 2012 14:36

The other day over the PA during taxi the ISM yapping ''and please take all you belongings with you otherwise the crew will distribute among themselves''

Is this type of adhoc prose allowed?

The cabin reacted with derision.As whole flight she was yapping over the PA too much.

Yeager 22nd Aug 2012 15:07

To many Catahy pilots with no f@cking balls.. Its so easy to bi@tch and morn on the FD and give the AoA **** and everybody else **** but not standing up and do something about it is symptomnomious (f@cked up spelling) with way to many of you.. Sad, sad, sad.but there you go, thats what you get.. The CX cabin crew have got the the pants on boyz :ok:

Steve the Pirate 22nd Aug 2012 22:37


Your entire post is symptomnomious of you having had a few too many "Yeager" bombs last night. Continue like that and it will affect your legendary eyesight.... :)


Will fly for Cash 23rd Aug 2012 02:48

OMG, someone at CX is actually making an attempt at humor??? Someone alert ISD!! She needs to be sacked immediatly!!

Yeager 23rd Aug 2012 06:53


Snappy come back :ok:

But no, quite serious mate. := Prove me wrong, when was the last time the P group managed to stand up to anything?

Liam Gallagher 23rd Aug 2012 09:37


Fine thread resurrection.


I stand up to take a 'P'.... Does that count?

CodyBlade 23rd Aug 2012 13:39

There is humor and then there is Humor..
Cmd looking out from left seat and saying ''I can see the ramp jumping on his bag..' [ofloaded pax] now that's humor..and defused an agitated cabin.

ISM who likes the sound of her voice too much is not..

Maid Day 24th Aug 2012 19:11

Why is everyone so chicken ****. Let's just make a list and pass it around, then forward the major issues to mngt. These people get away with this because nobody takes action. I'll start with a name:
EMILY YU - MANIPULATOR, CAUCASIAN PILOT HATER, GAME STARTER, REPORT AFTER REPORT ON CABIN CREW AND SECOND OFFICERS, SPEAKS TO THE CHINESE PILOT ABOUT THE CAUCASIAN PILOT BEHAVIOR - INVENTS AND ISSUE AND MAKES DRAMA, DOES NOT SERVE THE FLIGHT DECK AT ALL COSTS, MAKES THE GIRLS CRY, ANGERS PASSENGERS, HAS A MENTAL DISORDER THAT EVEN A CHILD COULD RECOGNIZE. But she still goes on the roster, continuing the same BS over and over, because nobody does anything. FOR ONE, why is the ISM the only one filling out performance reports, why are the Cockpit Crew not filling out performance reports as well, as we, as TRUE professionals on duty with expertise on this job, see the strengths and weaknesses where these ISM's do not. And why can't a junior Cabin Crew member simply state that Emily YU is a manipulating and anxiety causing leader, leading to a poor and panic like service for the high paying passengers? A calm leader always has control, it's basic business.

betpump5 24th Aug 2012 23:21

20 years old and already so bitter :)

But I agree with you

crwjerk 25th Aug 2012 03:12

A bit out of your depth in the big jet hey?? You have no reason to demand anything from the cabin crew, maybe this is why she has this attitude towards you. Be nice and you might be surprised one day!!

AnAmusedReader 25th Aug 2012 11:11

Actually Maid Day, all CC can report on their ISM's and do so. The ISM can read all the comments on a monthly basis and unless the CC identifies him/herself, the ISM does not know who made the report. ISD can find out as two ISM's that I know have been called into the office to explain some of the reports made on them. Not Emily unfortunately.

wongsuzie 25th Aug 2012 11:19

Shouldn't name names on a open forum.

Com'on grow up, everywhere there are good guys and bad guys.

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