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Lost_Cause 30th Dec 2007 04:39

CX B-Scale Check and Trainers
There's a lot of talk on this Forum about the pros and cons of being an AOA member. Those in the "pro camp" are quick to point out that "if you don't like it, join the GC and do something about it". Is it really that simple? I would like to bring up a point that seems to have received very little attention on this Forum... regarding AOA members taking up Check and Training positions.

I have been an AOA member for as long as I have worked for this company, and have generally been in support of the AOA leadership (until now), and those who have stepped forward to help out on the GC for the greater benefit of the membership.

I can think of various reasons in favor of joining the AOA, but I can also think of various reasons why some might not want to. I can say one think with certainty though... considering what's going on in the AOA right now, I am about as close as I have ever been to resigning. My efforts are fruitless as long as we have GC members helping out with the company expansion, while we are apparently trying to negotiate a better package for all.

Recently, while negotiations were ongoing (and thereafter), many AOA members, and more disappointingly, GC members have stepped forward to help Cx out with their expansion plans by volunteering to help out with the training task. This is a complete contradiction in terms. Can one be working for both sides while this battle rages on? We are about as close as we've ever been to forcing our hand on the Company, and yet there's guys that still step forward to help them out. I don't understand the benefit to the membership... especially at this time.

Don't get me wrong, I have no problems with people becoming Trainers, and helping out for the greater benefit of the crew community. However, in my opinion, now would have been a perfect time to hold off, and thereby force the Company to pay A-scale salaries for ALL captains at least (a goal for many years)... and possibly a better offer for all crew. How could we let this opportunity pass us by? They are currently prepared to extend all A-scale Captains on A-scale conditions. I believe it would not have taken much to force them to pay A-scale salaries for at least the B-scale captains. It was not that long ago that the company was "apparently" prepared to pay exactly that. How much would it have taken now??

I think we seriously need to consider a training ban... at least until they come back with a worth-while offer. If this had been the case while negotiations were going on, I doubt whether we would even be in a position now where we have to talk about Contract Compliance, or Industrial Action.

Like I said, I have been a staunch supporter of the AOA for many years, but I have now come to a crossroads as to whether I can continue to support them. Especially while many AOA members, and some of those serving on the GC, are just out to look after their own interests... at the mercy of everyone else.

Thanks to them, many of us get an insulting 3% kick in the groin... and the imposition of COS08. In other words, we are now in a position where, amongst other things, all of us will have to accept flying freighters on much reduced terms to what we have now... accept extension beyond 55 on B-scale terms, when others are getting it on A-scale... and accept the fact that our junior crew will have their promotions delayed by years.

Please AOA, don't send me anything more on the impending pilot shortage... when we have the power to create that pilot shortage right now "from within"!

jtr 30th Dec 2007 05:31

but I just want to give something back...

ACMS 30th Dec 2007 08:31

They are "sitting on the fence" or "having a bet both ways"


I hope they enjoy their 8% after tax, sitting in the Right Seat as PM 90% of the time and all that Paper work.
Must be a drag doing that AND giving the AOA GC 100%. ( not )

All for one and one for me.

Fenwicksgirl 31st Dec 2007 01:56

Oh and just love the roster complaints that they come up with!!!!
"But they said it would all get better.." hee heee
After spending so long in the right seat, why would someone volunteer to help out the company, just to be sent back to the right seat 90% of the time again, playing the F.O role?????? Paperwork, ERAS, briefiings, all for 8% in the pocket!!!!!!! Aaaagggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

DexyDogg 31st Dec 2007 12:00

Solid Points
Nice posting, Lost Cause.

Unfortunately, while the few responding are in agreement (for good reason), your forum name is sadly accurate.

It is hard to understand why we, as as a pilot group (and our 'union'), seem to have become just as much part of the problem rather than part of the solution...

One would think that with all of the current issues, such as CoS 08 being imposed, a pathetic pay rise, the seniority list being ambiguous at best, DEFOs pushing more senior S/Os back for upgrade, and RA 65 (not to mention 3 Man to Europe) that we would be more willing to pull together to look out for our respective careers.

PanZa-Lead 31st Dec 2007 13:40

Check and training have always helped out the company and they are the ones that could enforce any change in the company.if they could be relied apon to help out. They trained ASL pilots to take our cockpit positions. They trained B Scale pilots to take over cheap cockpit positions. They will now train C Scale pilots and so on. They fly freighters. Everything we have fought against they have willingly gone against the pilot body. If no B Scaler had gone in to Check and Training until A Scale salaries were paid to all it would be a different company now. But now we have B Scalers whining about A Scale pilots whilst they flock into training to train C Scalers. Go figure:ugh:

Lost_Cause 31st Dec 2007 22:05


If no B Scaler had gone in to Check and Training until A Scale salaries were paid to all it would be a different company now.
Well said! If these guys stopped for a moment and thought about what damage they are doing to our conditions of service, they would stop volunteering. We have the power to stop this company in it's tracks. All we have to do is not help out with the training/expansion task... but if we do, make sure it's on nothing less then A-scale terms! Period!

ACMS 1st Jan 2008 01:20

What gets me is that almost every one of these new Trainers said "I will never go into training...ever........I hate the damn Company"

But later on change their minds after justifying it to themselves as "nothings ever going to improve here so I might as well go into training and look after myself first"


So I hope you enjoy the extra cash :ugh::ugh::ugh:

Five Green 1st Jan 2008 15:38

Easy does it...
Like most things this issue is not so cut and dried.

Yes, if nobody came forward to train it might put some pressure on the company. However if I was in management I would then hire direct entry trainers on the grounds that I cannot fill the position from within. While we battle it out in the courts the problem then goes away.

Another HUGE issue with the training er sorry, checking system, is that it is used as both a discipline and political weapon against the pilot body. Having more reasonable minded AOA members on the training team can only ease that threat, or at the very least bring it into the light of day. Take the current situation with the SOs. Lets get some of the AOA trainers looking into this, however clandestine they need to do it. Here is the perfect issue to highlight why it is important to have AOA members on the training board.

Ask any FO what his biggest concern (other than the lack of a pay rise) in BBS is, and they will tell you ERAS reports, command assessment or if lucky enough to get a course; the command course itself.

So we actually need the training roster full of AOA members so that we can bring some reality in to the training system. It is possible to maintain your morals and be a trainer some have managed it !!!

Peace out

Westcoastcapt 1st Jan 2008 18:44

Happy New Year everyone,

What is it that many of you don't get. Pilots flocked to CX in droves in 93 and readily accepted B scale wages. In turn, ASL pilots accepted reduced freighter scales, further driving down the pay and benefits. The Headland hotel is full of recruits accepting DEFO positions at further reduced pay. Now, I'll bet that there are pilots willing to accept the forther reduced COS 08 scales.

CX will only respond to people leaving, not joining!!!! Do you finally get it.

Liam Gallagher 1st Jan 2008 22:02

So when are you leaving??
Oh.... you are happy here....its all ASL, B scalers.check trainers who are fault?... anybody but me....
Clearly, by default you must be an A-scaler... why should you care... the chosen generation... watched the other other A-scalers leave at 55; then A scales extended to 65, protected by your buddies in C&T and the 3rd floor... nose in the trough....
Ps Happy new year to you as well....

Westcoastcapt 1st Jan 2008 22:36

Liam, I'll go at 55. I have a life.

Liam Gallagher 2nd Jan 2008 03:04

Good luck to you..

However, bare in mind everyone says they will retire at 55, normally claiming "to have a life", the reality is that most stay..... so I take yours and anyone's comment about retirement with a pinch of salt.

Further, why retire on your 55th birthday exactly? It's not like our respective pension funds require us to work through to 55; once passed a certain number of years there is no penalty to leave early. Why not leave early to enjoy more of this "life"?

Westcoastcapt 2nd Jan 2008 04:19


Nice to see you amended your final salutation. It certainly doesn't offend me but clearly illustrates the level of dialogue I'm dealing with. Difficult to take you seriously. Nuff said.


ACMS 2nd Jan 2008 04:41

You must admit Westcoast Capt than your view of the CX Life is a bit different from the rest of us struggling here in HK.

And to suggest we all give up hope until people start walking is exactly the attitude management love.

CC WILL hurt the company, they struggle to get the task done now, so what do you think life will be like under CC for them.

It's not going to hurt to give it a try.

Westcoastcapt 2nd Jan 2008 05:42

The sad reality is that in order to take any action, everyone must act. Unfortunately, approximately 50% of the pilots belong to the AOA and so the others are free to do as they wish. Yet, if anything is achieved, they still reap the same benefits. I think it is unfair to chastise a member who doesn't comply, for whatever reason, and these others go scot free. We've been there, it failed dramatically, so we aren't going there again. Anonymity is a powerful force, but it is amazing how people change when they have to identify themselves.

In order to accomplish anything, the pilot body first has to agree on what it wants in the first place. Watching many of you slag each other makes it obvious that it will probably never happen. The issues of those on basings differ from those still in Hong Kong. New joiners want different things compared to those nearing retirement. It is easy to berate A scale pilots, but let's remember many said you would do our jobs for lesser pay. Now, there are those doing the same thing to you. We all think our issues are the most important and someone should be trying to resolve them. For example, Hong Kong pilots just received 13th month, yet those on bases didn't. Certainly a big issue, but I don't see those in Hong Kong demanding change.

Now, if the GC of the AOA is much like what I have just described, no wonder they are getting nowhere.

The best solution is to just do your job. CX is being choked by the contracts they have imposed. They haven't a clue what to do, but we are helping their position by fighting among ourselves. It will take time to facilitate change, but change is indeed coming.

ACMS 2nd Jan 2008 08:54

Correct me if I'm wrong please..................

They increased the basic based salary by 1/12 thus ALWAYS paying you a 13th month?

Isn't that so?

Jn14:6 2nd Jan 2008 09:32


Yes,you are wrong. Only 'B' scale F/O salaries were increased for basees, the rest took a large salary cut!

jonathon68 2nd Jan 2008 13:51

A ban on people taking up check and training positions is an excellent idea. However, we require clear leadership and direction in this action.

Our President and Committee have remained completely silent on any issue of contract compliance, despite a growing rise of discontent from the AOA ranks for action.

Personally the breaking point for me with regard to training/checking etc was when two senior AOA Committee members went into training earlier in 2007. Having held off for "industrial reasons" for a while, I thought "f*ck it", if the Committee are doing it then why should not I?

I am now in T&C for lack of guidance from my Union Leadership.

I believe that we should have been in contract compliance for a long while already.

The 744F operation survived last year thanks to a small number of people (guys who had the right to refuse) agreeing to fly the freighter. However, there was no direction from our Committee to not "fly the freighter", so I can hardly blame the guys I know who went ahead and kept the CXF operation afloat. This is a bitter pill for me to swallow, since I spent over 9 years on the -400 and continually refused to fly the Freighter. Ultimately this ended up with me having to do some b*ll****ting to my CP to permit my eventual categorisation "A" to get a command. My individual stand in this situation got me and the Association nowhere!

I have emailed the current AOA President (cc his Committees) on and off for years regarding my desire for action. However, they have preferred to go with a softly-softly/go-with-the-flow approach. Personally I believe this approach is completely wrong. However, I accept that I am only one of approx 1270 members so I can merely state my view to the Committee (via email and personal approach etc) and then vote accordingly. I will then stand with everyone for what we have agreed to do. That is the way the system works and I will live with it.

Five Green. I like your point about having the AOA trojan horse march into the "training camp". I assure you that there is not an official AOA "black-op" to do so. However, the realities of CX generation geo-politics means that the latest generation of Training Captains are very well attuned to the career frustrations of our S/O's, F/O's, plus themselves and can be expected to perform with the frustrations typical of their generation.

ACMS. You remind me of how I was in 1999 and 2001. Good for you, I share your frustrations etc. However, the way to have any effect upon this situation is too....
  • Email your committee. I have been doing this for years, but please join me and try to get their attention. With the exception of maybe NC they generally don't read this forum. (BTW... NC, good work mate, like your input)
  • Offer your help. CX has a staff of full time professionals with an almost unlimited budget. We have a small bunch of semi-educated pilot volunteers who have lives, wives, kids, rosters etc. Please find a Committee mentor and offer to help him, do some of his research or help write up some research for him etc. Failing that, take a flight off his roster so that he has the time to work for you (for no pay).
  • Recruit more members. This is a hard one when we have a "silent" committee while faced with so many problems. Current membership is approximately 59% out of 2200 pilots. The 2008 recruitment target is 250+ pilots (150 F/O's, 100 S/O's of whom approx 35-40 are Cadets). So we can expect approximately 20 new joiners per month next year. (Assuming any of them actually tun up to start their new job!) However, this means that in order to increase our membership above 59% we have to outpace the level of recruitment, say 25-30 new members per month to make any headway against 20 new joiners. One factor in our favour at the moment is the very high resignation rate. In 2007 I believe we lost 86 pilots against 230 recruits.
  • Be ready for action. While we encourage/wait-hope-pray etc for our Committee to get ready to start leading us, we should be ready for conflict. I hope that this year is the year where something happens. Personally, I have a contingency fund in place for my family. My household is also well trained with regard to answeing telephones etc. Also crew control etc are lulled into a false sense of security re answering crew direct/responding to reserve call-outs etc.
An Army without leadership is a rabble waiting to be massacred.

What we desperately need is a Leader and a Committee who will take us foward in some sort of action, however limited. Rather than just "slagging off" individual members who have perhaps gone into training etc, we should be calling for Leadership into Industrial action

Numero Crunchero 2nd Jan 2008 14:35

Well said.

A bit on union politics....the general direction of the GC is driven by the executive. I believe that the majority of the GC want to go in the direction espoused on PPRUNE. The question was, is and always will be, what do the majority of the membership want? It is very easy to ignore PPRUNE, emails etc as being the 'squeaky wheels'.

Words or action?
I can understand and empathise with westcoast's view that CX will only react to people leaving. Call me an optimist but I still believe action will work. If nothing else it gives our discontent a focus.

Membership % too low
The recent success the FAU had in delaying the unilateral changes to their medical CoS shows that action will work, IMO. And I think their membership % is not dissimilar to ours. So maximum membership is not necessary.

Fear factor
Do pilots really believe that CX would fire 50 people again? No one is that stupid ( I think!) Do you really want to live your life in fear of what CX might do if you don't continue to bend over?

A suggested way forward.
We have two problems to deal with: the AOA and CX.

There will be another vote for GC members and for the position of President in a little over 6 months. Now is the time to search your conscience and decide whether it is time you gave some of your time. It is no longer a HKG based job. In fact in the 06-07 GC it was over 50% based and commuters. So don't use your commuting or basing as an excuse to pass the baton to another....if not you, then who?
If we have a good turnout of GC nominations we can vote for those members most likely to represent our own point of views. Similarly if we can get 2 or more nominations for president then at least we can be sure to have someone that represents the majority's view.

Contract compliance will work if all pilots do it. What won't work is it being done piece meal by some and not others. I know this is not a popular idea but I truly believe that we should all be as helpful as suits you until directed otherwise(late 2008). The difference between a compliant workforce and a contract compliant workforce will be more stark than a gradual transition from individual to collective contract compliance.

A new GC/President will have a more powerful industrial weapon to present to the membership - contract compliance. It is hardly going to get anyone fired and there really is no excuse for NOT carrying out contract compliance.

We need to work together on this...no basings vs HKG vs LEP vs KA vs Freighter etc. There is no sub group of pilots that hasn't been screwed by past actions/inactions of management. So, lets start planning ahead...

Westcoastcapt 2nd Jan 2008 14:57

Good morning everyone,

No ACMS, you are wrong. Our salary did not change to accommodate the lack of the 13th month. So now that you are joining the ranks of the informed, perhaps you will make this a priority issue? You seem so adamant in rectifying the wrongs.

Do I think that CX would fire some more pilots, yes they will. They are so frustrated with the current situation, but haven't a clue what to do. Everytime their hands are tied, it is like poking the dog with a sharp stick. It bites back.

I think the real turning point will be the move to onshoring. Based labour laws are very specific and the courts have no qualms about enforcing them. Wrongful dismisal comes with a real price.

So, no gentlemen, I have no interest in contract compliance nor do many of my colleagues. As I have said on many occasions, many talk a great line when they are anonymous, yet turn and run when the chips are down.

Instead, why don't you focus your efforts on returning the 13th month to the based pilots.


BusyB 2nd Jan 2008 15:52


I don't usually have any problems with anything you say but this

" I truly believe that we should all be as helpful as suits you until directed otherwise(late 2008). "

is totally wrong. The more people that practice unofficial contract compliance, the more the pressure will build up quickly. Give CX time to train more crews and get their act together the less effect it will have. Unofficial CC means that talks are still an option.

Your statement seems to intend to make the present GC as ineffective as possible.

Busdude 2nd Jan 2008 19:30

B Scale C&T
Without giving away too much anonymity, I was one of the original B Scalers of '93. I have years of military check and training and as a professional pilot feel the need to advance my career. However, as one of the original B Scalers, I will never advance my career professionally within Cathay. Why any B Scaler would ever join the C&T department is beyond me. Not only are B Scalers offering their services at a reduced price, they are now offering their C&T services at an even lower price. Why would you take time from your family to write ERAS, have a G day limited roster and put up with extra C&T meetings to earn less than an A Scale line Captain? Please don't come up with the "I'm a professional", "Want to give something back" routine. Want to give something back? Donate your time to the Air Cadets, they would love to hear from you. Want to be a professional? Let the S/O program the box if it's your sector. Teach him/her something you've learned over the years.
In my view CC is the way to go, especially when it involves voluntary duties. I was a commuter for a few years, and in the name of contract compliance lost time with my family only to watch some other guy take the pieces of silver. I would do it again because it was the right thing to do. I just wish others would look beyond themselves.
Gotta go.

ACMS 3rd Jan 2008 02:29

Westcoast: That's why I said correct me if I'm wrong bud.

I wasn't sure of the position of US based A scale salaries BUT I do know for a FACT that Oz based B scale salaries were adjusted up by 1/12 th to allow for the 13th month loss. This happened about 5 to 6 years ago if I remember correctly. Maybe NC could confirm this?

Anyway there is a lot more at stake than giving Based crew their 13th month, that's only 1 of a lot of issues.

Sqwak7700 3rd Jan 2008 02:40

Without giving away too much anonymity, I was one of the original B Scalers of '93. I have years of military check and training and as a professional pilot feel the need to advance my career. However, as one of the original B

Scalers, I will never advance my career professionally within Cathay. Why any B Scaler would ever join the C&T department is beyond me. Not only are B Scalers offering their services at a reduced price, they are now offering their C&T services at an even lower price. Why would you take time from your family to write ERAS, have a G day limited roster and put up with extra C&T meetings to earn less than an A Scale line Captain? Please don't come up with the "I'm a professional", "Want to give something back" routine. Want to give something back? Donate your time to the Air Cadets, they would love to hear from you. Want to be a professional? Let the S/O program the box if it's your sector. Teach him/her something you've learned over the years.
In my view CC is the way to go, especially when it involves voluntary duties. I was a commuter for a few years, and in the name of contract compliance lost time with my family only to watch some other guy take the pieces of silver. I would do it again because it was the right thing to do. I just wish others would look beyond themselves.
Gotta go.
Well said guy.

And about CC, it begins when you get hired at a company. I don't care where you work, I don't care where you live. It is simple math people. :ugh:
If you don't defend your contract from day one, how do you expect to hold on to it? Any work you do above and beyond the call of duty hurts you and your fellow collegues. It is that simple.

If you need the Union to tell you that you have to start contract compliance you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer. You think UPS guys are now answering their phone on their days off in case the company needs "their help". You think they are coming in on their days off to test out the new RT/PC in the sim FOR FREE! :ugh: :ugh: :ugh: ...blood and brains but still ... :ugh::ugh::ugh:

Do you sometimes feel like you are in a twilight-zone episode? If you do, you will see me standing next to you with a bewildered look on my face... :hmm:

Know your contract - Period :D

Numero Crunchero 3rd Jan 2008 04:18

I didn't make the present GC ineffective - it just is! What have the GC achieved in the last 18months? A revote on RP07 when it didn't go the way the GC wanted it, and CoS08. Like 1993, 1994, 1999 and 2001, CX management is just imposing(CoS08) what they want after appearing to give their position an air of 'legitimacy' after 'appearing' to negotiate.

BusyB its not a personal attack - I was no more effective on the GC than I am now off it. The AOA executive thinks it is smarter and wiser than the membership and will continue to ignore the majority wishes; the majority of the membership and the majority of the GC. The AOA executive think they are doing what is best for their membership....but that is not their decision to make. The AOA is supposed to be a democracy. It is time it started acting like one.

BusyB 3rd Jan 2008 06:49

You're still missing the oint of what I said. By telling guys to save CC until sometime in the future just gives CX the out they need to cover up their shortages NOW.


ACMS 3rd Jan 2008 08:31


cc Now

willnotcomply 3rd Jan 2008 12:19

Have you been drinking?
NC, you usually make alot of sense. I cannot see any valid reason whatsoever to delay CC. Personally, I have been maintaining CC from day one through good times and bad. Why would one do anything different? I have never needed the AOA for personal direction re CC. Are people so stupid as to wait for the AOA to ring a bell?

SAD 3rd Jan 2008 22:23

Shooting yourself in the foot comes to mind. We will just have to wait until 2016 for B scales to become A scale. Sorry not the P-fund though.

Numero Crunchero 3rd Jan 2008 23:20

BusyB, WNC
seems my idea is 'controversial';-) It was seriously considered in 2000 but majority rules (mostly).
WNC, sorry, not drinking. Some of my ideas are obviously 'out there'!

jed_thrust 4th Jan 2008 01:37

NC, rarely do I disagree with your (even out there) ideas, but I'm with the others on CC now.

Helping them now is like accepting a roster change that helps you get home earlier and helps them out of a hole today, helping them defer a particular mess to tomorrow's crew.

Hey, what do I know?!

Lost_Cause 7th Jan 2008 18:18

Five Green

However if I was in management I would then hire direct entry trainers on the grounds that I cannot fill the position from within.

Maybe you're right... maybe that's what management would have done. But they would have had to weigh the costs of doing so first. From a financial perspective, they might have considered it cheaper to just offer a better deal to the boys from within (A-scale?). From an industrial perspective, I highly doubt that the company would be silly enough to re-visit the mistakes of the past, and start another ASL. So on second thought, I don't agree with you.

So we actually need the training roster full of AOA members so that we can bring some reality in to the training system. It is possible to maintain your morals and be a trainer some have managed it !!!
On this point, I somewhat agree with you (initially)... we do need AOA members on the Training Team. But what we didn't need was for guys to continually volunteer their services to the company while we were trying to negotiate a better deal. By doing so, you were only undermining the efforts of the negotiators. Instead of empowering the AOA, you reduced their ability to negotiate. Why could you not have waited until an acceptable deal was negotiated, and then have gone in to fix the training system? Win-win? Look at what we have now... thanks to you guys taking the pressure off the company! I wonder if all the FO's and SO's will see the benifit you guys have provided to the training system... while they wait years longer for their promotions?
From a moral perspective... I wonder how one sleeps at night, knowing full well that they are responsible to a large extent for the imposition of COS08? It's a war... you can't fight for both sides!

Liam Gallagher 7th Jan 2008 21:18

Contract Compliance
NC raises an interesting point......

I know this is not a popular idea but I truly believe that we should all be as helpful as suits you until directed otherwise(late 2008).

I think NC is proposing taking CC to another level. CC would be a bargaining chip up for sale. The GC would turn compliance on and off and hope to see a marked resultant change in OTP/crewing. NR would then have to decide what price he will pay for such compliance.

The advantages would be, CC would be short lived, a week perhaps. I noticed in 2001 MSS was most effective in the first few days and then guys lost interest as the "policing" of compliance started to be divisive amongst the Pilot Body and the Company's Countermeasures started to bite (interviews in the Headland post-landing anyone?). Further it would be interesting to publish the dates when CC is on or off and see if the travelling public adjusted it's travel plans.

The disadvantages are that CC may make no difference to the operation and NR decides he can live with it.... bluff is called... Guys like WNC, who have been in CC "from day one" will find it difficult to turn on the co-operation. Equally, should an agreement be reached with NR he will have paid for your co-operation and will expect it... again WNC would struggle here...

WNC; if you have been in CC since day one... why did you join CX.. and how many aircraft have delayed or grounded...??

SAD 8th Jan 2008 02:12


If no B scalers would have taken training to start with then all of you would be on A scale as simple as that period.

EXEZY 8th Jan 2008 03:23

There is much fuss surrounding CC but I think you will find in most airlines pilots will only go as far as what the contract dictates, ie CC is a case of operations normal. I get the impression that CX has survived on good will for many many years.

MAX 8th Jan 2008 04:42

There is much fuss surrounding CC but I think you will find in most airlines pilots will only go as far as what the contract dictates, ie CC is a case of operations normal.
You must have read my mind.:eek:

It should NOT be, bend over backwards, then if negotiation fails, work within the contract!!!!

Has the CX pilot body really been taking it up the arse that long? :(


ACMS 8th Jan 2008 05:34

Yep...........And a few decide to "help themselves" by working G days and taking training postions.

Liam Gallagher 8th Jan 2008 10:21

Do you work for CX?

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