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ironside71 24th Mar 2008 22:32

Can a (UK)CAA FI to teach in France, Italy, Spain...?
Hello Everybody,
I'm converting my FAA CPL and CFI to (UK)CAA CPL and FI. I'd like to know if after all the convertions I'll be restricted to teach in UK only or I'll be allowed to do so in other European countries as well. Anyone can help with some infos?

Thanks a lot in advance to all!!!

portsharbourflyer 25th Mar 2008 09:24

Sorry to be pedantic, but surely you mean a UK issued JAA CPL with FI. The term CAA CPL does refer to the old national licence, (pre 2002) of which there are still a significant amount of holders still around.

The idea of a JAA license was in theory that you should be able to work in any JAA member state, how often this works in practice I am not sure.

mongeyspangle 25th Mar 2008 15:29

There are to the best of my knowledge quite a number of Instructors teaching in Ireland at the moment who are Spanish Nationals with Spanish issued JAA/CPL/FI which would suggest you can move freely from country to country within JAA?

Whopity 25th Mar 2008 20:51

In theory yes but in practice each State still applies its own rules. In France if you are French you can do anything, any other nationality NON!

susan burgess 26th Mar 2008 06:39

Can a (UK)CAA FI to teach in France, Italy, Spain...?
I teach in France, in principle all instructors should be able to teach anywhere in the JAR countries but it does not always work out that simply.

It took me over two years of hard slog to gain permission to teach in France, each case is unique to the French authorities. Pam Campbell of A.O.P.A gave me a lot of help and advice, without her I doubt that I would have gained the required permission.


homeguard 26th Mar 2008 07:59

Instructing in France

What were the particular issues that you were required to meet to get the permission to instruct in France.

Do the french require that you speak french?

susan burgess 26th Mar 2008 08:23

Instructor in France
No, I did not have to speak French it was much more complicated than that.
All the PPL training in France was in French and the system was not in place to change immediately to English examinations. They have various laws which covered this situation and they had to find a legal answer to my request.

The other point is that most of the instructors in France are attached to non profit making associations and are unpaid.

markkal 27th Mar 2008 12:09

Hi Susan,

Slightly off topic but still relevant ; maybe you have had to deal with French CAA and can give me your thoughts:

I hold a French PPL since 1986
Since 2002 spend quite some time in Italy, and got my JAR-FI(A) after having completed the theoretical JAR-CPL.

Did so in compliance with JAR regulations for PPL holders, so as to be able to assist at the aeroclub on a voluntary unpaid basis.

Now when I went to have my FI endorsement, I got into trouble, for the Italian CAA cannot write or stamp anything on a foreign licence.

And apparently the French despite JAR, and Easa agreements ( Jar's are not binding but Easa's should be) will not endorse my licence with a rating I have obtained in another JAr State.

Have had many phone calls with the French administration, apparently this is not an isolated case. So I went as far as sending a request to the highest levels: DGAC, Pôle d'Expertise du Personnel Navigant in Paris..

This was done 2 weeks ago by registered mail, let's see what they have to say. They anticipated they will discuss the matter in a meeting convened for that purpose (!!!!!!)

Also have been in touch with JAA offices in Holland, they are kept informed as well.

Of course I would have an alternative to sort tis out:
Relinquish my French JAR PPL and get the Italian JAR PPL Instead.

The reason I want to avoid doing this is because of the mess with italian administrations, always a nightmare to deal with them.

Also I hold an aerobatics rating and am working towards my mountain rating ....And these are under national legislation, not JAR's.
So there will be a problem there...Don't want to risk having to do them all over....

Don't know if you hold a UK FI(A) or French one, or if you have been through this yourself, but I would be interested to have your thoughts!!

Bye Aldo

Touchngo 27th Mar 2008 14:44

Instructing in Italy

I am just in the process of obtaining the relevant permissions to instruct in Italy. You need to register with ENAC and pay some taxes to ENGA but above all you need to have a letter offering you employment to start the process. It will take about 6 months to complete the process.

markkal 27th Mar 2008 15:15

Thanks Touchngo!

The problem is that I cannot have my rating transcribed on my licence.

I am already fully registered with ENAC, having sustained the test with their inspector and can pay ENGA's fee but this will not solve my problem !!!

Would be easier if I could get a ENAC letterheaded paper certicate for the FI(A) like the CPL Theoretical. But it is not possible for it's not the procedure. Spent 3 days trying to sort this out in Rome at ENAC's office.

Rating needs to be endorsed on my licence. In the meantime I could get hold of the minutes of the practical FI(A) test from ENAC's files, of which I have a copy. This is the only proof in my posession but worth nothing...

richatom 27th Mar 2008 15:27

I am very surprised, even astonished that Susan has received permission to teach in France with (presumably?) a UK JAA FI.

I hold a French CPL/IR and was considering doing a UK FI. However, the French DGAC told me that it would not be recognised here in France and that if I wished to work as an instructor here I would have to do a French instructor rating.

I have a French friend here who has everything the other way round to me - he has UK CPL/IR and a French instructors rating, and he has no problem to work as an instructor in France.

The French are exceptionally obstructive about accepting qualifications from other JAA countries - they won't even accept my CAA FRTOL as evidence that I can speak English, and I have to go to Paris to have my English tested by a French examiner!

richatom 27th Mar 2008 15:39

Hello Markkal,

As you clearly have some experience of dealing with the French and Italian authorities, I wonder if you could help with another enquiry on the same subject.

A few years ago I did my seaplane rating at the AeroClub di Como. I had the rating applied to my UK CAA PPL - the CAA had no problem accepting an Italian rating. I now have a French CPL, and I would like to renew the seaplane rating and get it transferred to my French CPL. What do you reckon the chances are of the French DGAC accepting this? Pretty small I would imagine - I expect they will only accept seaplane ratings done in France.

markkal 28th Mar 2008 07:44

Hi Richatom,

I would bet that they would refuse the transfer. But I would try.

And nothing much you can do about it, seaplane, aeros, mountain flying are kept national, so even under EASA there would be no obligation to do so.

Common sense would suggest the opposite, as the UK CAA agreed to transcribe your seaplane rating, so did the Italian CAA for a mountain flying rating done in France by a friend of mine.

But if you hold a UK PPL where you have the rating transcribed, and a French CPL, you are in business anyway.

Not so with me, I have the French PPL and the Italian JAR Cpl Theoretical only. If I hade the full CPL licence, my problem would be solved, just have to endorse it with the FI(A).

I can have a PPL from one country and a CPL from another. But not 2 PPL's or 2 CPL's, there you have to choose. So here I am !!! stuck.
Don't want, neither have the means to complete the practical side of the CPL, another 8000 euros, no need for me my interest is in aerobatics only.

So for the time being my FI(A) is useless, and I will fight for my rights as a matter of principle, even if I have to give up in the end.

I will be posting here adresses and phone numbers of the people I am in touch with at the DGAC in France, JAA's in NL so that anyone with a similar problem can adress their claims...Just have to go look in my papers...

Good luck to all!!!

richatom 28th Mar 2008 08:55

I've just had a reply from M. Courtois of the DGAC (and it was a very polite reply too :ok:) in which he writes:

"Vous pouvez effectuer une QC hydravion dans un centre de formation agréé au sein de tout pays FCL, cette qualification sera apposée par nos services sur présentation des documents suivants (qui sont généralement standards) :

- copie du certificat d'agrément FCL du centre de formation;

-copie du résumé de la formation ;

- test final;

-copie de l'agrément du testeur par une autorité FCL."

That's really fairly amazing from the DGAC as I fully expected them to insist that I redo my entire seaplane rating in France. They still obstinately refuse to accept my CAA FRTOL as evidence of ability to use English on the radio however.

markkal 28th Mar 2008 12:09

GOOD !!!!!

Congratulations RICHATOM , seems things are on the move!!!!!

I expect an answer about my issue, let's see what they have to say...still waiting.

More or less the request for documents is in line with what I had anticipated and sent them, except for one.

Could be so kind to let me know, as you have the details, what they precisely mean by "Resume de la formation" it may help me so i can start gathering the documentation.

Do they want copies of each flight mission report carried out towards the rating signed by the instructor and kept in club's file ???

Thanks for letting me know, will keep you informed about my case too!!!

Good luck !!!!

duveldrinker 30th Mar 2008 11:17

I've had no problems to start working in a german FTO with my belgian issued JAA FI(A) license.

cl0ud9 4th Aug 2010 20:55

I have been trawling through the various threads to try to find an answer to this original question. This thread is 2 years old so I'm looking to see if anything has moved with respect to France - especially as EASA regulations will be coming into force in 2012. I have a UK issued JAR CPL/MEP/IR/FI. I'm very much a francophile and would love to live over there instructing. I know it's been done before and I'm will ing go through the 'pain' to get it done. I just need to know how to go about it. Any help greatly appreciated.

mad_jock 4th Aug 2010 23:37

Nope they still have a self protecting market.

Whopity 5th Aug 2010 07:21

I'm very much a francophile and would love to live over there instructing.
So long as you don't want to earn anything it can be done, as with anything in France the answer sequence is Non; Maybee then Pas Problem but don't upset the applecart. The method of instruction in France is quite different, you will need to be able to do it in French, unless you import your own English speaking students. Will EASA make any difference? Why should it? France try to avoid following all rules other than their own; thats the beauty of the place! Why do the English ask so many stupid questions?

Trim Stab 5th Aug 2010 07:31

There are a couple of FTOs in France where instruction is done in English - eg ESMA in Montpellier.

However, if you don't have French r/t skills then you can't fly safely in uncontrolled airspace, so that might limit your versatility to some employers.

cl0ud9 8th Aug 2010 19:44

Why do the English ask so many stupid questions?
Sorry, I didn't realise I was asking a stupid question - it was an honest request for help, that's all. My French language is more than passable as I used to sell in France. The problem has been getting any information at all about teaching in France.

cl0ud9 8th Aug 2010 19:46

There are a couple of FTOs in France where instruction is done in English - eg ESMA in Montpellier.
Hi Trim Stab

Thanks for your reply. Where is the other FTO?

LEVC 10th Aug 2010 12:04

Unless things have changed a lot, instructing in France with a JAR licence not issued by the french authorities is not an easy thing to achieve, they try to protect their job market, unfair but it is the way it is .

In short, there are very few paid FI jobs in France, most of the instructing at PPL level is done at aeroclubs , which are non profit organizations, and most of their instructors are not paid (the background varies from the military pilots instructing for fun on their free time,to hour building young CPL´s, or experienced PPL´s).
There are over 500 aeroclubs around the country, quite a lot of PPL´s around.

Of course your French has to be up to scratch.

Unless you have an special interest in working there, it is not worth the effort, since getting a paid FI job is quite hard.

As far as I know you could instruct in Spain without having to do any request or paperwork to the spanish authorities, AFAIK the same applies to Portugal.

The problem in Spain is finding a job, even more now, because of the economic situation.
Unlike in UK or France, the GA industry is very small, very few PPL´s train every year, so not many jobs around.


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