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Floppy Link 19th Oct 2006 17:53

Instructor Seminar Soon?
Hi folks
anybody know of any seminars coming up in the near future? A quick search found some but they are all in 2007...

EGBKFLYER 20th Oct 2006 07:38

I believe only AOPA and On-track Aviation do the seminars and they do appear to be in 2007 at the earliest.

FatFlyer 21st Oct 2006 17:56

I would like to renew instructor rating but need to do a test and a seminar, it is a pity there are none scheduled in near future, it is also a pity they do not accept perhaps a more detailed flight test, with maybe a few more theory questions instead of the seminar.
If any one knows of any seminars this year, I would also be interested.

Talkdownman 22nd Oct 2006 16:42

Originally Posted by FatFlyer (Post 2921266)
I would like to renew instructor rating but need to do a test and a seminar.....If any one knows of any seminars this year, I would also be interested.

I would also be interested.

Whirlybird 30th Oct 2006 08:14

So why doesn't one of you contact AOPA and On-Track, tell them you've got at least four people, and see if they can arrange one for you. It's got to be worth a phone call.

Talkdownman 30th Oct 2006 12:17

I had already been tempted to post links to those but thought I'd be 'moderated' for advertising ! I plan to do one of those seminars on their websites.

False Capture 31st Oct 2006 19:19

I'm doing the flying test in a few week's time. I'll then have to wait until the end of February (at the earliest) until I can attend a seminar.:ugh:

Shame we can't conduct our own seminar somewhere ... like in a pub over the space of 2 days.

Whopity 9th Nov 2006 11:43

You can always do one in another JAA State!

JackOffallTrades 13th Dec 2006 23:41

Quote "I'm doing the flying test in a few week's time. I'll then have to wait until the end of February (at the earliest) until I can attend a seminar.

Shame we can't conduct our own seminar somewhere ... like in a pub over the space of 2 days."

You'd get more sense out of a seminar in a pub...... From the drunk heckler in the corner!!! :E

Whopity 14th Dec 2006 08:47

You do have a whole year in which to get this done and 3 years for the seminar! So why wait till the end?

Whirlybird 14th Dec 2006 08:54


Is that right? You can do the seminar any time in the three years? I thought it was in the last year?

Whopity 14th Dec 2006 09:52

Provided its a revalidation Yes. If its a renewal then it has to be within 1 year of the flight test. Been there since AL2.

JAR-FCL 1.355 /2.355 (a)(2) "within the period of the rating"

FormationFlyer 14th Dec 2006 10:54

Indeed. My rating expires again in November this year and Im going to the On-Track seminar in Feb 2007 at Sywell.

The thing about these seminars are they also have group work - you need a reasonable number of instructors to make it meaningful - and given the number of people involved in the seminar (The On-Track one has at least 10 people included in the presentations) it would be difficult to run these things on a smaller basis.

The good thing about the On-Track seminars though is these guys are FIEs and therefore you can get your ticket signed up there and then at the seminar. :)

If anyone else is going to the On-Track one in Feb let me know - we can meet up for a bevvy in the bar!! :)

FormationFlyer 14th Dec 2006 22:24

Look at that ....I said this year...I meant in the next 12months! LOL

Cabin doors 2 manual 4th Jan 2007 08:46

When and where is the On-Track one in Feb? I couldn't find any mention of seminars on the website.

BlueRobin 9th Jan 2007 17:54

it's on their home page, but anyway...

Life's a Beech 9th Aug 2007 12:37

Does anyone know of any seminars before October this year? Looks like I will be needing one, but I can't find any. Why is it JAA makes a requirement for something that is so hard to actually get done? :ugh:

athonite 9th Aug 2007 16:42

My understanding is there are three organisations approved to conduct seminars, these are:

(a) On Track
(b) AOPA
(c) Cabair (under Captain Kembers authorisation)

Unfortunately, Kember is not for some reason is not running courses, I'm not sure if AOPA and On Track are paying Kember to spend more time pruning his roses. However phone Captain Bell, CFI at Cabair Cranfield (he is very helpfull) for an update.

There clearly are not enough organisations running seminars, it basically a cartel.

What we need is is the likes of some more high profile FIC instructors/examiners to put together a seminar, and gain an CAA approval!

G-KEST 9th Aug 2007 19:35

athonite said -
"There clearly are not enough organisations running seminars, it basically a cartel.
What we need is is the likes of some high profile FIC instructors/examiners like Tempest, Smerdon, Voce to put together a seminar, and gain an CAA approval!"

That is quite an idea since just two approved organisations to run FI seminars seems a little thin.

I will have a try to make contact with Neil and Piers to see what their opinion is. Some market research might well be a good idea to guage the likely demand.

In my own case I was an AFI then FI and CFI on SEP with a PPL from 1960 to 1968. Then FI, CFI and FE on SEP and MEP initially with a CPL then an ATPL from 1968 to 1999. Some 39 years in total. I ran numerous FIC from 1970 through to 1999 with an excellent pass rate for my student instructors. I became an FIE from 1973 to 1999, some 26 years. My instructing/examining hours run at about 9,000. All of this was in civil aviation.

Following a medical problem in 1999 all my licences and ratings dematerialised and I gained a UK NPPL(SSEA) with a group 1 medical self certification in 2002 which is current. I am in current flying practice on my own aircraft, which is shared with my son, and I still hold a DA valid for all SE piston landplanes along with gliders.

Whether I would be acceptable as one of the staff tutors in an approved organisation to run FI ground seminars I would need to ascertain. I would imagine it would not be a problem bearing in mind my long experience in the field of PPL instruction. Since 1999 I have maintained a keen interest in instructional matters.

We shall see what transpires after I study the relevant standards document.

Thanks for the idea.


Trapper 69

athonite 9th Aug 2007 23:40

What we need is one day instructor seminar with pre course and post corse material run by experienced instructors who have both trained civilian instructors and examined civilian instructors.

Whopity 10th Aug 2007 08:10

There clearly are not enough organisations running seminars, it basically a cartel.
Anyone is at liberty to apply to run a Seminar however it has to meet certain JAA requirements regarding content. That means that you have to have a number of presenters with the relevant experience; if you include helicopters that increases the number of presenters. They need to be paid and so does the venue where these are held. There are currently around 7 Seminars a year and a unexpired FI may attend at any time in the 3 years of rating validity. If each Seminar offers typically 40 places (some have catered for more) there are 840 places available; now as you can only revalidate by Seminar every 6 years, that means 1680 instructors are catered for. Supply exceeds demand.
Initially there were 4 potential providers, thats before the JAA effectively halved the number of likely attendees. One failed to meet the grade, another ceased trading and the 5th has never offered a Seminar. In order to recover the costs you need to guarantee at least 25 candidates, some Seminars have run on less than that. I would suggest that its a free market and that the supply currently exceeds demand which from an economic point of view is likely to deter any new provider. Instructors need to get there act together so that they take advantage of the available Seminars rather than waiting till the last minute and them blaming everyone else.

Life's a Beech 10th Aug 2007 10:03

Doesn't help those who didn't plan on instructing again beyond line training for a while, but suddenly find the need for the rating! I realise it is a free market, and don't blame anyone except whoever made the rules that I apparently can't just go and do a shortened course, but have to wait for a specific event.

Oh, and my own impatience!

athonite 10th Aug 2007 13:51

In response to Whopity, I dont understand your business model, seminars could be more frequent, and run for much smaller numbers. A minimun of 25 people attending is roughly £6500, so taking into account hotac, conference facility, trainers fee, admin that's still quite a good profit margin. Seminars could run on a profit on 15 people. But more importantly, from an educational point of veiw there is an optimun number when facilitating such courses, which is between 12 and 19.

Whopity, please do not take offence, but I just wondered if you have a commercial interest here.

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