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-   -   Martin Baker seat record (https://www.pprune.org/flight-testing/456690-martin-baker-seat-record.html)

Mactor 15th Jul 2011 17:13

They held one in the early 90's to celebrate the 6000th (I think) successful ejection. It was at Claridges and it was a mighty fine p**s up!

sandiego89 5th Aug 2011 21:13

Most uses by an individual? (not testing)
Who holds the record of most ejections, not in testing, but real emergency use? I think Lockheed test pilot Bill Park pulled the handle 4 times (F-104, A-12 mother ship, SR-71, HAVE BLUE, not Martin Baker seats), and I recall others making 3? Others?

Pontius 6th Aug 2011 01:52

They held one in the early 90's to celebrate the 6000th (I think) successful ejection. It was at Claridges and it was a mighty fine p**s up!
Damn that was a horrible night :yuk:. My wife has filled me in on most of the details, as I don't remember a thing (must be something to do with the truth drugs they put in the copious amounts of champagne I drank). Apparently my wife in not capable of convincing me when I'm on completely the wrong tube line to Richmond but absolute strangers in Wandsworth are :confused:

I THINK it was 5000 lives saved (after the Prowler crashed in Italy??? with 4 Yankees jumping out) but, whatever the figure, I'm bloody pleased MB did and continue to do such a great job. A mild cut on my cheek where the helmet visor dug in a little bit isn't too big a price to pay I reckon :ok:

BOAC 6th Aug 2011 11:01

sandiego - I don't know, but it was always folklore in my day that 'ordinary' pilots would not survive the third, for whatever reason, maybe it leaving it 'a bit later'? (I quit after one:))

Lightning Mate 7th Aug 2011 13:12

There's a guy who ejected from the same type fighter 3 times

I know one who escaped three times from a Jaguar.

BOAC 8th Aug 2011 13:02

How careless:)

Neptunus Rex 9th Aug 2011 10:49

I know one who escaped three times from a Jaguar.
And who could blame him?

Lightning Mate 10th Aug 2011 10:53

Ok ok you lot!

Know much about flying the Jaguar do you? :p

ARXW 10th Aug 2011 12:05

another interesting story...Eitan Karmi (Israeli AF)...3 combat ejections from the Mirage (either 3 or 5/Nesher) between October'73 and May'74.

First was on 8Oct73 to an Egyptian Mig-21 then two days later to Syrian AAA or...a Syrian Mig-21, then finally 8 months later again a Syrian SAM got his learning curve to top out ;)

even more astounding is the fact that the incredible fighter force that was the Israeli Mirage/Nesher fleet of 400 kills: 25 air combat losses (16:1) as far as the Mirage 3 was concerned suffered a total attrition of 50+ airframes out of a total 75 available 66%+ attrition rate - probably a more profound record than their air combat prowess!

pieceofcake 10th Aug 2011 14:45

Seems the Jaguar polarizes views. http://www.pprune.org/military-aircr...at-jaguar.html

Its a pretty funny thread, especially the response to the "I've never heard anyone who actually flew one say it was crap..."

glad rag 10th Aug 2011 23:11

I remember, sitting watching cabs quietly rusting away, both up north and down south, borrowing the aircrews flight safety video collection in return for our collection [:ooh:] as we had got quite bored with the usual stuff.
Anyway I can honestly say that both myself and the guys learned quite a lot about the price that was paid for even the slightest of errors and sometimes just plain bloody bad luck.

That MB have produced devices which have saved quite so many lives is a tremendous achievement.

PFR 4th Sep 2011 16:38

Can only hold MB in ore (awe) and all those who've leaped out courtesy...
How about a thread for those ejection tales:ok:....or have we had one and I've missed it:O

Arfur Dent 5th Sep 2011 07:49

Would that be iron ore or the Full Metal Jacket? Just kidding and - yes I do have the MB tie. Try wandering into their chalet at Farnborough if you want a nice day out!!
Always grateful -40 odd extra years now. Thank you MB.

Machinbird 14th Sep 2011 04:10

Before the implementation of the 'Reduced Charge" MB seats, MB had earned the reputation as the MB back breaker. I did closely observe my wingman's ejection from his inverted and spinning TF-9J Cougar which had that particular result. But alas, my landings equaled my takeoffs, so no tie for me.

I have a few thousand hours of sitting in MB seats and several hundred in Escapacs and they were both great seats for their time.

Around a ship, there are multiple ways to have bad experiences. After observing the results of someone else having an extremely bad day, I made sure that the guard over the alternate handle was down because split seconds really count and that was the quickest way out. I would have had no hesitation in using the seat if warranted.

AirWasp 14th Sep 2011 11:33

I Live adjacent to MB in Chalgrove and it seems the jets are being used less and less ..... when I do hear one I am always to late to see which one it is ... are they still operating the Hunter and the Canberra ?

Does anyone know if it's possible to predict when they'll be about ?

Many thanks !

pendrifter 24th Sep 2011 16:56

The Test Man
Hi All,
Sorry if it's a bit late, but have only just picked up on this thread.
I'll start by admitting I am not military or an fj pilot - just a very avid aviation enthusiast [anorak some would say:\]. So I hope I don't instigate any aggravation which seems to befall many none flying contributors.
The thread reminded me of a book on my shelf "3 Great Air Stories". "The Man in the Hot Seat". Tells the story of Doddy Hay who sat in many MB seats for the development programme. A good account (I think) of the development of a life-saver.
Not sure if it's still available but worth a try.
Published 1970 by Collins [ISBN 0 000 192330 7].
Hope someone is interested.

jimgriff 24th Sep 2011 18:12

MBA is still using two Meteors Mk 7 (and a half) for the air testbed at Chalgrove. One is gloss black and one is silver with orange panels.
You can read all about them on my ejector seat website:

The hunter and Canberra are no longer used. The Canberra was last used to test the Mk9 seats for the jaguar and harrier back in the 70's and the nose of that aircraft is now in the Farnborough museum.

I would also love to add more recollections of ejections to my site. Please get in touch if you're like to contribute.

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