Flight/Ground Ops, Crewing and Dispatch A forum for the people who are engaged in operational control/flight dispatch/crewing and their colleagues airside in ramp dispatch, load control and ground handling, to discuss issues directly related to keeping their aircrew and aircraft operational.


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Old 17th Jan 2001, 01:52
  #1 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Being in the Flt Ops // Crewing Trade for a while now and for a number of airlines - it never ceases to amaze me that no matter what, there is always something for pilots to complain about - just wish they would GET OVER IT! they have the best job in the world and should be grateful - try spending 12 hours behind an ops desk- then you might possibly have something to complain about! Just whish they'd accept that there is only so much us boys in ops can do and that nothing is ever perfect! ( if it is, I'm in the wrong Airline) - and also a little bit of a thank you never goes amiss when we do help you out - you flyboys would be quite suprised by how far a thank you goes when you next ask a favour etc....
I do appreciate that some of you crews are no problem and very nice but the majority just complain & grumble that ive met.

Sorry to go on but its just something I feel strongly about
Old 17th Jan 2001, 04:09
  #2 (permalink)  
Hot and Dry
Posts: n/a

But you love it all the same...
Old 17th Jan 2001, 23:11
  #3 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Should never haven given them shoes........
Old 19th Jan 2001, 02:26
  #4 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


I have just read your shift pattern on another thread.Show me an airline pilot nowadays with so much time off!

I accept pilots generally make good money but our quality of life has changed a hell of a lot,even in the past ten years.

It is a great job but at some point the shiny jet goes slightly dull when you grow up and realise it is really not a permanent orgasmatron! Most of the ops people I have worked with have been young-ish, which obviously affects their outlook and attitude to work. When I was eighteen I too walked five miles just to look at a Lear.

I agree we are a bunch of whingers but feel strongly about finding out why that is so!


Old 19th Jan 2001, 19:36
  #5 (permalink)  
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I'm with you snoop!
They focus all their problems on their single flight, while we have to focus the whole damn fleet...
But we love it, I would never change my job
Old 19th Jan 2001, 20:16
  #6 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

As far as I am concerned the problem is this. Thirty plus years ago it really took considerable skill to pilot a DC-6 across the Atlantic during the winter. Dodgy wx tempremental pistons, very very long duty period etc (don't get me on about the pre-war Imperial guys on HP 42's). Consiquently and understandably these guys became "bronze gods of the sky" and really did earn their corn.
Pilots appreciated this image and have allways wanted to keep it, dispite the fact that they now "systems operate" an aircraft that is by and large designed not to be hand flown but operated through an FMC/autopilot. The skills that these guys need cannot compare to their collegues from years ago. Meanwhile in the ops room, more and more decsion making over the years has been seeded in this area.

So bottom line, pilots don't want to see any power move from the ground to the air.

Okay, the pilots have obtained their licences and should have respect for reaching the appropriate standard but the fact is most accidents that occur today are CFIT (controlled flight into terrain) which in itself says alot about modern training techniques. Oh and don't forget the technology now exists to build and operate an aircraft without pilots.

Ummmm, now then, who runs most airlines on a day to day basis (once they have got the beencounters money), yes pilots.

Thats why they will never conceed any power, why they keep all the money, screw our pensions and never, ever let you forget they are "bronze gods" and we are the poor people on the ground. Nor will they give us a licence (ok outside the US and yes I do have an FAA licence)because they do not want ground staff confused with aircrew.

Bitter, honestly no. I love my job and would'nt work in any other industry. However, just ask yourself why so many UK carriers have gone bust and will continue to.In my opinion its because they are run by pilots.

If this industry is going to go forward we must stop doing things "just because we have allways done it that way" and stop the seniority list controlling everything. It should be the best people at the top and not how long you've been around.

In the old days the aeroplanes were made of wood and the pilots made of steel, now its the otherway round.

Any thoughts ??????
Old 19th Jan 2001, 21:44
  #7 (permalink)  
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Have you made management yet ?
You bloody should be...!!!

Hear All...See All...Say Now't.
Old 20th Jan 2001, 01:51
  #8 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Anybody in ops for a long period of time does the Job because it's in the blood, we love it, we love the sh*t and stress,and having a pop at pilots is all part and parcel of this rich tapestry we call Ops, wouldn't have it any other way. Remember everybody is equal,but some are more equal than others.(George Orwell) If your face fits you'll go all the way my boy. How many idiots have you seen in positions of authority? it aint gonna change!

Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity.
Old 20th Jan 2001, 16:26
  #9 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

JB - More chance of me becomming the next PM.

Paperpusher - Well put Sir !
Old 21st Jan 2001, 01:16
  #10 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

We all love 'em really, but what is the difference between flightdeck crew and jet engines?
The engines stop whining when they get on stand.
Just an observation.

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