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flame_bringer 14th Jun 2010 09:27

Language has always been the problem of anyone who's not a native speaker its not particular to french or whatever, its a bit uncivilized to turn people down just because of thier language from my perspective , as long as they're communicable and they comprehend the AMMs and ADs SBs .. etc it shouldnt be a big deal .
Thats just my standpoint .

simonchowder 14th Jun 2010 11:30

You could have every type posible on your licence however that wil not change the fact your basic licence is viewed as rather undesirable by most employers due to the fact it was issued by the the DGAC, as said i dont hold a licence so ive no axe to grind im merely trying to explain why you are struggling to be find work, i can sympathise with you on this ,its not your fault the whole system is a dogs dinner with a far from level playing field, however you can see where people who have had to jump through hoops to obtain a licence are comong from when they see certain agencys virtually giving away licences to people who would have not have had a hope in hell of obtaining one in certain other countries

Whinging Tinny 14th Jun 2010 12:18


What is the problem with what Simon Chowder says?
He sees it from a different perspective to you and being on the recruitment side of the fence is probably more aware of what agencies are looking for than you.

You like telling everyone how many type ratings you hold on your licence which no one disputes, so why not tell us when you actually sat your basic licence(s) With the DGAC/GSAC?

BAe146s make me cry 14th Jun 2010 20:56

The scenario MATMAX and many others continue to face is well known by EASA. See the link below, scroll down to FAQ #17::: (Replacing an AML with one from another country)

Rulemaking | Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

Quite contradictory to see that EASA appears to permit an individual to hold multiple Part 66 AMLs from different EASA NAAs?? Despite signing
respective Form 19s claiming to have not done so or even attempted it!!


Fargoo 15th Jun 2010 18:33

It's a sad state of affairs that it has come to this.

The EASA licence was supposed to level the playing field across all the participating countries. It meant some pain for us in the Uk due to the nature of our CAA and their insistance on sticking to the letter of the regualtion (whatever they decide it is at that moment).

As a consequence many old school LWTR holders in the Uk had to jump through various loops to retain their priveledges and to add types they had company approvals for. This earned the UK CAA a vast amount of money in fees and in return we have a licence that is regarded world wide.

Other countries it seems gave away rights and priveledges during transition that were dubious to say the least and as such have severely damaged the reputation of those agencies licences.

This brings me to Matmax, just because he holds a French issued licence does not make him a shifty thick "froggie", it merely means many prospective employers will just bin his CV because he doesn't have a uk issued licence. A truely sad state of affairs :(

I'm as sad as anyone that the Engineers' licence has been devalued so badly and that many students are leaving college with their modules done and licence in pocket without the absolutely vital years of experience to go with it.

As much as I hated the oral exams and the negative marking you can be damned sure I knew my subjects inside out and hadn't learnt parrot fashion from a bank of multi guess questions. This is one real protection lost from our industry.

Give Matmax a break, he may have a sharp keyboard and self defacing wit but he is still one of us.


spannersatcx 16th Jun 2010 13:46

ahh negative marking and orals those were the days.

That was then this is now, and now the system is do the modules 1st then gain the experience that's just the way it is today whether we like it or not. :sad:

MATMAX 18th Jun 2010 08:27

"ahh negative marking and orals those were the days" , i knew this time , it was a part of apprenticeship (theory and practical mixed) in France 20 years ago ...
I have learnt the job on T6 , T33 , B707 and SE210 ...
Anyway , if somebody hears something for a B1B2 with :
B767 GE JT9 PW4000
B747 JT9 GE
B744 GE
B777 GE PW
send me a PM
PS: not interested by negatives comments from uninterested people.
Thank you.

smudgethecat 18th Jun 2010 10:42

Friend of mine holds a DGAC issued licence and he suffers exactly this sort of attidude, no one wants french licence holders , its a ridiculous situation when a EASA members licences are worthless outside the country there issued in

simonchowder 18th Jun 2010 15:19

Wouldnt hold your breath my froggie friend , you lot still owe us big time for the last time we saved your bacon.:ok:

no-hoper 18th Jun 2010 15:30

There might be an opportunity with Airbus in Hamburg A380 Flightline.
PM to me pls

Bidalot 18th Jun 2010 15:32

sorry Mr smudge but you are wrong.
FYI , i have worked for ek at dxb ... where i was one of the highest basic salary
So why did you leave DXB if so highly paid ?
By the way re your PM to me

ma poule ...
he bouffon,
je ne suis pas ta poule , contrairement a toi qui est la poule d'un chameau.
maintenant , vas te faire enculer , c'est clair ?
au fait , tu devrais faire attention car je suis reste en tres bon terme avec des captains d'ek qui sont la-bas depuis plus d'une vingtaine d'annees donc peut-etre ton chef .
je serais toi , je ferais gaffe car tu sais mieux que moi comment on peut se faire entuber et dans ton cas , toi qui ne peut bosser ailleurs que la , tu serais obliger de sourire et de dire merci chef !
Suggest to see a doc and to work on your attitude to communicate to others.And next time you PM me, Mr ELLO, pls write in english. ! Petit jouer

MATMAX 18th Jun 2010 15:33

Mr simon ,
thank you for your friendship and help but didnt you save your bacon too the last time ?
Anyway , you are not W.Churchill and i am not C.De Gaule ...

MATMAX 27th Sep 2010 11:53

Hi Guys,
I am available now ...
Anybody heard about something for an experienced Engineer who is looking for a job ?

PaluAviation 26th Oct 2010 22:55

Work in Samoa
Hi there, we've got work for an A320-200(V2500) & B767-300(CF6) rated engineer in Samoa, South West Pacific. Reply if you are interested.

Plore 28th Oct 2010 00:27

Talk about a pompous ass!!

MATMAX, if it wasn't for your display of absolute lack of human relations and an attitude thats comparable to the hygene of a city in deepest darkest Africa, I might have given you a hint on a job opportunity.

I heard somebody say "French hate everybody, even themselves (and with good reason so)." Thanks for proving that to be true!!

What a chop.

Bidalot, might see you in DXB soon.

Keep discovering!

MATMAX 29th Oct 2010 20:03

Dear Mr Plore,
Do you have a problem with " a city in deepest darkest Africa " ?
"I heard somebody say " , so you do not know what you are talking about ?
Do you want me to put you in touch with some South Africans Buddies who will tell you about me ?
About a hint on a job opportunity , you can PM me if you want ...
Anyway , good luck for your course , "my brother".

Plore 30th Oct 2010 00:12


Do I have a problem with a city in deepest darkest Africa? - Yes

I heard somebody say - I quoted something somebody said, do you understand now?

Do I want to get in touch with your buddies? - Why on earth would I want to do that, what if they have the same (lack of) personality you have! Or was that an attempt to threaten me?

Regarding the job, I guess you see yourself as too good for EK. Or is it because they wouldn't take you back?

You're still a chop though

Regards (rgds is so over used by management)

MATMAX 30th Oct 2010 08:01

I am not really interested by this discussion and it is not the subject of this thread (thank you to keep "alive") but lets go on ...
So you get a problem with a city in deepest darkest Africa and you are the one who is talking about an absolute lack of human relations , strange indeed ...
About "i heard somebody say" thank you and i understood what you said but i will suggest you to make your own judgement with a full knowledge of what you are talking about ...
In the same way , it was the reason why i was proposing you to put you in contact with some Africans Buddies who could tell you about Frenchies and myself , i thought i was clear enough...
It was not an attempt to threaten you , are you already paranoid ?
For the rest , sorry "my brother" but you do not know what you are talking about and so for the next step , ask to Bid a lot ... no news from him since a long time.
Good luck in DXB and for your course and if you have any kind of problems with the English language from Toulouse , do not hesitate to ask me , it will be a pleasure for me to help and to translate it to you in the case that you do not understand.
Rgds , your brother.

lovegroove 2nd Nov 2010 21:40

Hi, I know this is nothing to do with your thread, but I thought that maybe you can help me out. I as in the RAF and since leaving I have only done military contracts. I've just finished all of my B2 modules and am trying to find somewhere that might offer work experience so that I can get the necessary civil experience. I'm currently living in France, near Chamonix, but am willing to move anywhere and was hoping that you might know of French companies that take unlicensed guys.



MATMAX 3rd Nov 2010 04:52

Hi Lovegroove,
As far as i know , only DERICHEBOURG , SABENA TECHNICS and maybe LATECOERE ... but without types on your AML ... good luck.
Have a look on : aerocontact.com ...
Hope you can read and speak French ...
Chamonix ... nice place to live.

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