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-   -   KD Hazo sale goes through - but.......... (https://www.pprune.org/dunnunda-godzone-pacific/61734-kd-hazo-sale-goes-through-but.html)

Eastwest Loco 1st Aug 2002 09:13

KD Hazo sale goes through - but..........
Learned today that the KD/Hazo sale is finalised, but one has to wonder at the intelect of the AWA management.

Cop this! Shortly after the sale went through, the LST Res Centre was advised that they were now finishing tomorrow 2 August at 1400 instead of the same time Sunday.

This takes a totalof 25 good hard workers out of the reservations, internet enquiry, customer service loop as they were advised that they were no longer allowed to make, ticket or change a booking but had to refer everything to Hazo's OAG operation. (OAG for Orange - not Aircraft on Ground - not a cheap pun - but hey!!! Not bad).

The joint res operation has been running upto 31 total in res and support staff over 2 locations, and with intended growth as their purpose this has now been reduced to 6 good hardworking ZL ressies who have little or no knowledge of the KD fare structures (Apart from the fare structure sheets the allegedly striking LST staff faxed through to try to help them). They will be swamped, and the public will just call the Rat (or their Travel Agent who is most likely Rat aligned by now and growth will be extremely difficult.

Just to top this off, one of the regional airport operators rang the new Management to find out why he could not make a booking through LST and was told flat out that the LST Res staff had been on strike since they were told of the early finish. Total bullfeathers. These people are professionals who have bent over backwards to do what they could and they knew their tenure was upon Sunday anyway.

Needless to say the KD LST staff are furious as they wanted to help their little airline until the absolute last second, and wanted to see it grow and rise above the Ansett debacle. Offers for temporary backup and training of the OAG staff - in a partially finished res room were ignored out of hand. All they got was a slap in the face.

The main purpose of putting this post into a pilot forum is to make you aware what you are dealing with good people, and to tell you to watch your backs. Also please ask some questions, as AWA decisions like this one will severely affect our ability to put the punters behind your bulkhead to keep you and future pilots and F/As employed.

Also look forward to the new paint scheme - flying haemorrage would be a good call from all counts.

Hidden agendas again - groan - can't cope.

Be careful out there

Best all



If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck, then why does it look like a turkey?

Fox Fire 1st Aug 2002 09:37

Thanks EWL :)

Tomorrow we are having a wake including cheese donated from KD King Island from the dairy (onya Bazza), left over booze from god knows when found in a cupboard and various nibbles and pizzas funded from the 'nibble bin', then go home and have a well deserved rest; slightly bruised but in a way happy it is all over for us.

Best of luck to the OAG mob who only had half an hour's notice of the wave of tidal proportions that hit their phones this afternoon.

Hibernating until Spring sounds very tempting about now :D
<wanders off to fluff up doona>

Eastwest Loco 1st Aug 2002 09:43

Sorry the cards fell that way Foxy.

I have a distinct feeling that AWA will need many more staff in the short term, and hopefully they will look to the quality core at LST.

Sooner rather than later would be good.

The marketing w@nkers need to take a their plans and their application in regional Australia.

The big route plans have never and will never worked on bugsmashers.

Hope the recall for all of you is very very soon.

The new airline's future is totally dependant onit.



TheNightOwl 1st Aug 2002 10:00

Sad news, Foxy, I know how you feel. Keep the chin up, we'll be thinking of you, hope your fortunes improve soon.

Kind regards,

TheNightOwl. :mad:

Eastwest Loco 1st Aug 2002 10:05

The good stuff floats to the top Night Owl.

Foxy and the LST crew will be snapped up very quickly.

Such has always been the way in airline redundancy.


king bee cee 2nd Aug 2002 11:04

Thank You FF !!!!!!!
LST ressies were a godsend in our hour of need.
We're heading down the same track too.
Times up.................but when ???????????
Luv you all

Eastwest Loco 2nd Aug 2002 11:38

king bee cee

For heavens sake lean on these losers and get the pros at LST back in your loop - even if they operate out of a shoebox in the middle of the road. The current numbers are not going to help the rebirth of the airlines at all.

If people cant get you, they will call the rat. Simple as that.

Overstaffing for the startup is wiser by far than understaffing, and it is unfair on the poor ressies staff to be under such pressure. Performance must suffer despite best efforts.


Fox Fire 2nd Aug 2002 12:13

Bee - your first post!!!!! Yayyyyyy
Pity it is on such a sad subject but glad to see you in print :)

<see I warned you Pprune is addictive :D )

EWL the KNS mob support us 100% but unfortunately they are just waiting for their marching orders too :( Speaking of which good luck with the 'royal visit' of Austwide next week.

Feeton Terrafirma 2nd Aug 2002 12:35


saddens me to read this post, but as EWL says, good stuff floats to the top quickly.

Good Luck girl.


king bee cee 3rd Aug 2002 01:58


The name of the game today is service by remote (control).
Maximum profit through minimal input.
If it works in the mainstream, surely it will work in the outports.........they hope.
Time will tell !!!!!!!!!
KNS community is very disappointed with AWA's intention to remove any tangible contact on the island apart from contract personnel to turnaround aircraft.
A meeting is planned sometime next week with Council and staff, I don't hold out much hope.
It's very upsetting to all. After the initial demise and resurrection of KD, the whole Island population rallied with monetary support for advertising, free milk and well as utilizing the Airline when alternate cheaper travel was available.
The predominently senior travellers who have faithfully supported this service are going to have great difficulty communicating their often confusing demands via internet or even by phone.
But to quote Mr Zimmerman "The times, they are a'changing"

I too will miss the highs and lows, frustrations, mirth, anger, comeradeship and all that is unique to the Airline Industry.

Eastwest Loco 3rd Aug 2002 06:29

king bee cee

I know how you feel mate - had 2 airlines fall out from under me and it isnt easy.

The SLF needs a face to hang their hat on and hasnt got that anymore on KNS.

Very much the same here in DPO as a representative office that makes more commission with overide on the Rat than they do on KD is not quite the same.

There is no Rat office here either, or at least one that can perform international reissues so we wind up doing some of the no revenue work to try and help the punters with a problem out.

I have a nasty feeling that the marketing w@nkers have been listening far too intently to the alleged gurus who spout alternative closes, sympathy closes and all sorts of other total rot.

Face to face friendly care and service is what regional Australian air transport is all about.

Hang in there mate, and if you cant get Orange for reasons of understaffing and need some info, we are on Sabre too and may be able to help. Just give me a yell on 1800 067 207.

Best regards



king bee cee 3rd Aug 2002 07:20


Gratzie matie......... This No2 fer me 2.
AOT fer 10 years in the goode olde days til 3 or so years back. Some fantastic and incredibly resilient guys and gals there. That was was my first.
Swore I'd never return to this business back then.......gets in the blood somehow. :rolleyes:
Thank you for sabre help. May take you up on that. Very frustrating now we no longer have merlin on the desk in front of us.

Fox Fire 6th Aug 2002 11:05

Austwide today are madly trying to find Lst Res staff to fly to Orange immediately to help out for a couple of weeks - seems they can't handle all the calls (duh) and are still training operators. Apparently they've been trying to contact the manager for a few days but had sent the fax to the call centre which has been locked since Friday 1700 - and they wondered why no-one replied :rolleyes:
Eventually tracked down the centre manager by phone yesterday who is ringing around to see who can go at such short notice - when asked when they wanted someone to leave the reply was 'yesterday' :D

Eastwest Loco 6th Aug 2002 11:27

We told them Foxy - they didnt know any better.

I rang Wokka at WGA yesterday and offered us as a temporary buffer if they would open Sabre transparency to us.If he could find an alleged manager who wasnt brown nosing a polly he would have done something - at least we have a 1800 number and we are "getable".

Not one person wants Rex to fail - least of all those who fought their butts off in LST to try and keep the girl afloat.

Now maybe they will see what they need - people to talk to people. The King in King, Foxy and her girls and guys in LST - the crew in OAG - everyone!!! Us leeches on the butt of the industry too.

NOW they know your worth Foxy - and that of your colleagues - and not before time!!

You go gurl!!!


Fox Fire 6th Aug 2002 11:36

Pity they didn't think of it before they passed us over in favour of doing it themselves; but I will put my hand up to go and help for 2 weeks - we've got to get those bums on seats and keep the old girl flying even if she has been rechristened.

Fox Fire 6th Aug 2002 13:47

Speaking of Orange any ppruners there that can lend me their puter so I don't go into withdrawal :D

Wirraway 6th Aug 2002 16:48

Wed "The Australian" 7/8/02

Rex takes flight at last

August 07, 2002
THE turbulent ride back into the air for the staff and passengers of Hazelton and Kendell airlines culminated yesterday with the first flight of the newly merged airline.

The Regional Express flight left Sydney Airport at noon bound for Canberra, signalling the end of eight months of negotiations and delays.

Captain of the first flight Belinda Fleming, 32, said it has been a nervous wait for staff.

"A lot of Kendell staff stayed on, and it's been really hard," she said.

"Everyone's just pulled together and done the best we can. It's not the kind of job you want to throw in."

The Sydney based pilot has had to work a second job behind the check-out at the local Coles supermarket.

Behind the new paint and RM Williams uniforms, there is still a long way to go for the company, dubbed Rex.

Following the collapse of Ansett, many staff members found their hours cut back to as few as 10 a week and had to take on second jobs, while others baked cakes to ensure some form of food service remained after catering was cut.

Even as late as three months ago, overseas investors were brought on board to ensure capital would keep the airline afloat and only agreed to a deal four weeks ago.

As the Federal Government threatened to withdraw financial assistance, behind the scenes Singapore-based businessmen Lim Kim Hai and Lee Thian Soo, after advice from friends, decided to invest in an airline.

They have no previous airline experience, but both expressed confidence in the staff and Australian economy.

"We came to Australia because we like the place," Mr Soo said yesterday."At the least we thought we would have a good holiday. Now we realise how important this airline is to regional Australia."

Yesterday Aircraft Owners and Pilots' Association spokesman Bill Hamilton said fuel and service costs will ruin the airline. He gave it six months.

Rex CEO Michael Jones agreed the economic climate was difficult, but was confident Rex will return a profit.

"[Hamilton] doesn't know the deals we've done and as far as I know he doesn't run an airline," he said. "We will be here for quite a while."

Mr Wright 6th Aug 2002 21:38

Good on ya Bill Hamilton. That's all we need: another self confessed expert. Happen to work for Q????

criticalmass 7th Aug 2002 12:48


Sincerest, hugest best wishes for your forthcoming sojourn in Orange...now the mainland will see what a fabulous lady you are! :D

Fox Fire 8th Aug 2002 12:19

CM - can the mainland cope? :D

I've got 2 hours to kill at Syd DJ 'terminal'
tomorrow so any offers of coffee gratefully received :p

Eastwest Loco 8th Aug 2002 12:46

The chickens have come home to roost. Congrats on finally being recognised as a lady who provides the highest quality service Foxy - but........

The AWA alleged group of Australian Airline experts spat in your face and the faces of your colleagues when they shut the LST operation down 72 hours early and told all and sundry that you were on strike to cover their stupidity.

Now they cry help, and like a true professional you leap to the cause despite the management.

You go gurl!!! That proves your quality and that of your crew.

This however leaves a big question mark over the alleged Australian Aviation Experts group that heads REx. Hello??? Where are you getting your info on required staffing levels??

An Ex is a has-been and a spurt is a drip under pressure.

Rex needs to listen very very carefully to the KD Hazo and AN staff in their care - and those who have recently left as a regional airline will never succeed with a mainline mentality. The people they serve will never accept that approach - and without the people you have a static display.


king bee cee 9th Aug 2002 08:43

EWL :p

You took the words right out of my mouth in your last sentence


Enjoy your sojourn Foxy :)

Soc it to em babe


Eastwest Loco 9th Aug 2002 10:01

Following information was put forward through a good mate at KD WGA - to be delivered to REx management as soon as possible to help alleviate the current undermanning.

My operation is Sabre enabled - REx uses Sabre.

We have a 1800 toll free number - Contacting REx is very difficult for the time being.

I can call in backup staff - Cost to REx = nil.

We can fill a huge customer service void - The void needs filling.

Commission will just barely cover 1800 costs, but who the hell cares. We all need the white winged wonders flying and the last of our mates secure and employed, with hopeful growth to get more of them back in the front seats with the view or getting a wet butt on the tarmac.

There is no other Sabre equipped agency in North West Tasmania with a toll free and 4 extra badly needed lines, and I have been advised that temporary transparent access to ticket and change bookings is no problem with the right authority being granted.

If you have any say with REx good people, please pass this on.

I cannot stand by and not try to do something here, and would not feel right if I didn't try.

I can be contacted on 0419 323989 anytime, and the toll free is 1800 067207. Mums and dads who need to pay cash are winding upon the Rat, and this isnt right, and those that have booked direct are having huge waits while we get the booking details.

Hell, we are also happy to generate manifests and/or load and trim sheets to airports.

REx dudes, for God's sake call me so some battle hardened professionals can throw their weight in behind the rebirth of an airline. Everything is in place and all it needs is the go and we are away!

Ron Knight


Eastwest Loco 9th Aug 2002 10:12


I will be totally honest with you all.

Since Eeenie Weenie left our skies in 1991, and I left Ansett ADL because I didn't want to uproot the family, I have been without MY airline to hang my hat on.

I bleeding well miss that, and in no small way miss that.

There is a gap that needs to be filled, and it may just help me stay sane.

Goanna called it perfectly in the East West days. Our theme song went--------

She's been living on the razors edge
Tryin' to touch the sun

And you know what?

We bloody near did!!

Let's not lose this time people.


Balanced Moment 9th Aug 2002 11:25


You're an absolute gem. I lay in bed on Tuesday night and for the umteenth time found I couldn't sleep. I still worry about the future. It was only when I rolled over and saw my face in the wardrobe mirror that I realised I had to change. My frown could have killed a small child.

You're a credit to the industry. I'm taking a leaf out of your book.

Rural 9th Aug 2002 14:06

Everyone at Kendell that I speak to is positive about Regional Express. There are a few knockers in every bunch, but unfortunately you get that. I cannot stand knockers and I cannot stand the gutter press that are more interested in selling trash than giving something a fair go. These gum pumpin knockers and gutter press should get a life.

I hear that the call centre issues are improving on a daily basis.

It will take a little time to iron the creases out of two companies that have been in administration for the past 10months. It should be easier to iron out the creases than to make a new pair of strides, particulary when you already have a good pair....

Hang in there REX staff. There are plenty out there right behind you.

criticalmass 9th Aug 2002 14:11


Due to work on the "holey ship" that came into Newcastle today I couldn't get to the Sydney DJ "terminal" to buy you coffee and get hugs in return. :(


apacau 9th Aug 2002 22:13

I would also love to see a positive attitude regarding Rex. Their new timetable eff Sep 1 is now out on their site (all ZL code) and there are increases almost across the board. Sad that all the press can report are the two routes they have had to decrease...

That said, the 11 daily SYD-CBR is a huge increase from the current 3.

I see a 'Star'ry future, but otherwise they may struggle.

Eastwest Loco 10th Aug 2002 05:03

Balanced Moment

Thanks, but isn't that just the way anyone who is Airline to the core would react?

The culture is fading, and REx is the last bastion of the true airlineswith hands on staff and a real culture. The last of the real culture elsewhere came several years ago when the wholesale outsourcing of labor began in AN and QF.

The adrenelin rush beatin AN for the week when I was with TAA was what we looked for and loved.

Waiting for the East West profit and loss summary for the preceeding month to see how you were faring.

The razors edge ladies and gents - and how we worked our butts off for just one extra passenger.

That is what REx have to do now - and I personally wish I was much more directly involved. The excitement and the challenges are so great you can almost taste them.

And finally, after over 500 posts - I have a signature. enjoy!!

Best all



You can take the boy out of the airline, but you can never take the airline out of the boy.

Fox Fire 12th Aug 2002 04:00

From your roving reporter in Orange...
CM - nurries. My flight from Lst was held up due to fog so I got the later connector to Syd so didn't have any spare time anyway.

KBC - sic 'em Rex perhaps :D

After the 0500 start to get the flight on Friday, then working from when we arrived to 1800; 9 hour day on Saturday followed by 10 hour day Sunday (doing the conversions of the KD PNR's on the weekend and bookings on weekdays) I'm amazingly awake :p

ZL have very nicely said I can use the puter before and after work so I don't go into withdrawal :)

Eastwest Loco 12th Aug 2002 08:52


Please call me - 1800 067207.

We are having problems with generation of TK's back to us and the lady Kylie spoke to seemed alittle lost to say the least.

Want to play a little "what if" to see what we can do with Sabre to aleviate the problems. You can then pass it on to any other Sabre agents and your colleagues.



king bee cee 12th Aug 2002 10:54



Patience I feel maybe required for a short time.
Conversion from KD to ZL is giving Sabre a few headaches, especially if pax is travelling through the time period late Aug, Early Sep. Tkting may in fact need to be completed using separate PNR's for each leg.................temporarily.
Not having a sabre puter here, its purely supposition.

Foxy............... you've weaved a little magic I see.
Since your arrival on terra australis over the weekend, wait time has almost disappeared.
Give my regards to the rest of the Lonnie crew up there



Eastwest Loco 12th Aug 2002 12:37


That is well and truly understood. However, what I was hoping to do to help the rock-apes out there that have a hard time even signing on to Sabre find a few short cuts by "playing"with the system to make it easy for them and easier for the good peoples in OAG in this transition period.

They operate on a system called 'quickres" which is computers for your family pet. Quick to train, but unaware of system capability.

One can cause major havoc operating mainline, if one knows how.

You operated in what is know by the new folks as "the black hole" or the host system. These good people need walking through the pitfalls and to become black hole friendly, and they will go from the best - to the best of the best.

With Foxy and the Launnie crew helping, they cant fail.



Uuuuuuuuuuh - by rock apes I was referring to Travel Agents who should not be able to call themselves that - no reflection on the OAG or any of the KD/ZL/AN crew trying to educate the terminally thick.


Fox Fire 14th Aug 2002 01:14

EWL dear, patience is indeed needed - Sabre people have been here for 2 days sorting out the bugs.

Eastwest Loco 14th Aug 2002 11:43

Indeed Foxy

The ox is slow, but the earth is patient.

If you understand what that means, let me know - far to clever for me!

:D :D


SID KNEE 16th Aug 2002 01:43

GO REX! ;)

Eastwest Loco 16th Aug 2002 10:03

Go indeed REx.

Thanks for a good a call SID.

Their one way discount fares are winning many fans ex this place.

Best to your brother Dicky as well.


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