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Sand_fly 27th May 2002 14:02

Heard on the grapevine that the bridge too far and his offsider CP lickspittle are off to BNE to plead their case to the regulators.
Apparently the leech is in Spain ,not sure if he is in Majorca or not.
Employees have been told nothing ,and are picking up all their Info from refuellers and airport car parking attendents, hey what a great way to run a Company.
Heard that Jabba the Hutt is still in Darwin but he has either been told nothing or is'nt saying. Also hear he has changed his minimum fuel policy after a Wx enforced detour to one of the Islands to the North. HMMMM
Hey bigE you seem pretty well informed What do you think these
clowns are up to.


SniperPilot 27th May 2002 14:43

Don't tell me they are going to suffer the same fate as their associated charter company and get busted down to a 402 operation!! Now that would make DN a different place. They could rent the hanger out for indoor cricket and use some office space to serve alcohol to their frequent flyers. It would be a riot -

heey puk you mudapuka! :D

bigenchilada 27th May 2002 23:56


Always well informed, or more to the point able to remove the B/S from all the gossip.

So JTH is still in the camp. Despite appearing to be left out, I am sure that he has been running around offering his advice on how to save the world; by giving him the top job no doubt. That would be something to look forward to. We could all wear green suits and salute!!!!

SF have you noticed how this post has had a lot of hits and very few posts. Interesting given their are so many dedicated ppruners in the office who usually have an opinion about everything. Lotsa looking, no talking. Perhaps this is all too close to the mark for their liking.


Balinda 28th May 2002 22:12

when are the boys off to Brissy ????

Balinda 1st Jun 2002 05:25

Any news regarding Air North's show cause. will they be operating next week??

bigenchilada 2nd Jun 2002 00:07


Airnorth show cause???? Not according to them. Despite the fact that the whole of DRW airport has been talking about, the denial and misinformation continues. CP has stated that the matter is closed and CASA are satisfied with the reposnses given. That's that little hurdle over, just one of those annoying things one has to deal with. In fact according to the internal Pravda things are on the up and up, more E120 to come, more work etc etc. As far as the show cause goes.... tell someone/annyone who cares.


PS if anyone has found an hydraulic service bay door somewhere in the north west topend. Please return C/- Airnorth, Darwin Airport.

Balinda 2nd Jun 2002 00:13

I don't believe it is over.
We will know next week won't we!

Dog One 2nd Jun 2002 00:20

Bad luck Balinda and Bigenchilada - the regulator has f***** up again. Really, they should listen more carefully to experts like yourselves.

By the way, does the lost door move Topend up into the same ranks as QF and the RAAF, as contributors to falling bits and pieces around the NT?

Byjingo 7th Jun 2002 06:13

Don't you just love these owner/manager types who drive around in exoticars and pay thier staff minimum wages.
I'm sure were it not for the fact that the crews don't want to lose there jobs, especially in the current climate, that more experiences would be shared with the deaf dumb and blind at bullsh#@ castle.
Change of a/c ownership to avoid bad publicity in case a 210 with a recurrent engine problem crashed, ring any bells ?.
It's a shame these sorts of people are still around, CASA hasn't learnt from Seaview and the others.

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