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captainschlonger 4th Oct 2001 03:45

Cap Laptop,

I imagine the only reason that the administrator is not talking to Virgin is that he thinks there would be some considerable risk in not being paid for the leases, i.e., they have no money.

Interesting to see this thread has been hijacked also.

I agree on the pilot buyout, although 'buyout' is a misnomer. Most pilots couldn't run a chook raffle, let alone an airline, and that's been amply demonstrated in the past.

Capn Laptop 4th Oct 2001 04:02


I guess it is all relative - Virgin has significantly more money than Ansett!!

I guess that the real reason is that the administrator wants to keep the airline as intact as possible - Virgin would not - I imagine - want to pay the costs associated with operating AN aircraft with AN's overheads - ie wages, terminals etc.

I don't think that there is a serious risk that Virgin is uncreditworthy - the administrators would get paid. Boeing and the leasing companies would not be providing them with new aeroplanes if things were so tight.

eisle s 4th Oct 2001 05:43

captainschlonger, how do you figure that Virgin dont have any money :confused: Read a previous post regarding load factors and tell me again how they arent making money. Its time you succumbed to the terrible realisation that Virgin Blue will be around for the long term.

Flyspray 4th Oct 2001 06:00

Mr Schlonger.
I challenge you to now prove the statement in your last post that Virgin has no money.
For other PPruners take note of the hard evidence he provides.

Triple 7 4th Oct 2001 06:22

Mr Schlonger.

VB has money alot in fact they can just ask Virgin Atlantic for more cash and they've got it.

King George V 4th Oct 2001 06:48

I don't think Virgin Atlantic will be handing out the cash right now, not with the current US downturn.

Waiting to see what happens next with AN & VB, could be an interesting x-mas holiday period.

stillanfo's wife, I'm sure you and your husband will be welcome overseas.
Do what you think is best and learn from history, AUS aviation as we know it is gone.

captainschlonger 4th Oct 2001 07:19

Slow up fellas. It seems that in your haste to tip a bucket you don't read what is written. You've walked into it again.

I said "I IMAGINE that the administrator THINKS' he may not be paid. That's a long way from 'I know VB has no money.' The 'i.e.,' is merely a qualification of the way the administrator MAY be thinking.

Never mind - I don't enjoy pitching everything I say to simple minds. This is about grade 6 English comprehension standard.

Gotta read what is written!

I hope that VB is round for a long time, but I don't believe with the world aviation picture as it is, that Virgin Atlantic will be showering money around. I READ somewhere recently that they have 747s doing nothing. I only READ it fellas - I didn't say it is fact before you start shovelling s$&! into another bucket.

[ 04 October 2001: Message edited by: captainschlonger ]

[ 04 October 2001: Message edited by: captainschlonger ]

Flyspray 4th Oct 2001 07:28

Mr. Schlonger
Q.E.D. :D

MT Edelstone56 4th Oct 2001 09:18

Good to see Virgin has some money and will be around for a while.You guys must be doing a great job.
Is Branson appreciative of your efforts?Does Virgin offer profit sharing?Do you think your pay and conditions are improving.
Don`t misunderstand this,I am only hoping for good jobs in the industry all round.
I did have a raised eyebrow however,when perusing the application a question was as to whether you owned your own Jep plates.I suppose everthing adds up!

eisle s 5th Oct 2001 04:28

bulldog, they ask everyone that so they know if they have to get you a copy when you start. I had DAPS so they gave me a new set of JEPPS FREE. ;)

stillanfo 5th Oct 2001 14:18


Thankyou to those who replied to my post. It made me feel a lot better about maybe having to make the big move overseas and what reception my family might receive.

But do NOT count Ansett out just yet. Can't say anything, but 'still waters run deep'. You may all just be very surprised in the next few weeks!

Bulldog 69
I am intrigued to know how you could possibly have a suspicion as to who my husband is. I thought I did a good job at not saying too much. He would be 'mortified' to know I had submitted a post!

Thank you gentlemen once again for your concern and comments.

Concerned Wife

KYBO 5th Oct 2001 15:40

Mrs Concerned

Just to add to other comments

My family moved OS as well in 1990. It was the best thing we did. Made so many friends, experienced a very different lifestyle & did things that we would never have dreamed of if we had of stayed here

Although we are back in OZ now I still in many ways pine for the OS life style we had

I would not have missed it for the world & there were no bad aspects except for the distance from family which is not so bad anyway because they all visited numerous times.

A word of advice if u do go OS. Yes embrace yr fellow countymen where ever u go. Natrually that will occur anyway. They provide a tremendous support structure as well as helping answer all yr questions u may have. There are lots of little things such as driving licences etc etc etc that they can help u with.

However ensure u do also make yrself welcome to aviation & non-aviation locals. We did & to be honest it is the non aviation locals which we count to this day as closer friends.

I just wish i could do it all over again & that is quite amazing when I consider ourselves as totally suited & in love with the OZ way of life

My best wishes for u & yr family.............GOOD LUCK

Rabbit 5th Oct 2001 20:24

To all the unlisted pilots and families, you are welcome to come off shore and get whatever job you can. A short time ago I would have said there were plenty but the events of the 11th September have change that and that is unfortunate. However there are a few Companies employing - mainly Captains though.

I with my family was forced off shore after 89 and it was a tough decision and there are some pitfalls to watchout for but the experience has been good. I will give only one piece of advice - read your contract very very carefully ensuring everything offered verbally is included because if its not it probably will not happen.

To all the listed personal....well "life was'nt meant to be easy".

Have a nice day

captainschlonger 11th Oct 2001 04:23


I didn't realize I had to seek your 'welcome' before applying for a job OS.

Too bad. I have one, with or without your welcome, and I'm sure I'll be OK.

Incidentally, it pays about 20% more than I was getting here, paid offshore, and I'll be domiciled at a place other than Oz, so no tax.

Life wasn't meant to be tough!!

SOPS 11th Oct 2001 22:04

Dont know how much money Virgin Atlantic has to throw around at the moment, as they currently have to 747-200s parked at Schipol (Amsterdam). Not a rumour, its a fact, unless they have left in the last 24 hours.

nasa 12th Oct 2001 10:00

Mrs Concerned.....Please don't think I'm taking the micky, but,

Bulldog 69
I am intrigued to know how you could possibly have a suspicion as to who my husband is. I thought I did a good job at not saying too much. He would be 'mortified' to know I had submitted a post!

So your husband is sin binned from PPRuNE then :eek:

joe minn 13th Oct 2001 05:30

Getting back to original "Virgin are cry babies" post - Query? If Virgin continually cry fowl and complain they do not get the same deals how is that they have a received a dispensation to the ANSETT ticket tax imposed on all other airlines? The ticket tax has been imposed as a $10 "per ticket" charge on all tickets purchased by the travller in Australia, except if from Virgin who have had it written into the act that they only have collect $5 per sector - I am reliably informed because they complained it was unfair on them because they were a smaller player and, wait for it, only sold one way tickets. ergo if you buy a one way ticket on QFLink on a regional flight 19 seater, or any other airline within Australia or OS you must pay $10 but buy a one way ticket on Virgin BNESYD pay only $5. I thought it was the pax who paid the tax not the Airline so who gets the marketting advantage. Whether you approve of the tax, levy, whatever, if its in, it should be the same deal for all.

It begs the question - way back in pre VB days - if AN or QF got the tax breaks and incentives to expand/restructure that VB got to start where would we(ie AN and the system)
be today.

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