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100_above 25th Feb 2002 17:03

Hi Folks,

. .the big rumour around the traps is that SACL will NOT assign the lease to Tesna until they actually OWN an airline.

. .Not Good! Not Good!

Thursday will definitely be a defining day.

Regards from an unhappy

. .100_above

gaunty 25th Feb 2002 17:52

Neither should they and that's the Catch 22 that FLEW and the ACTU had not planned on.

Pity the election didn't go off as planned eh.

Keg 26th Feb 2002 00:14

Hard to believe that two days out from Armageddon that (if the papers are to be believed) Tesna and Mark times 2 still haven't sorted out the fine print.

Even if they do get up, does Ansett deserve management like this? Does anyone?

I'd probably accept it in order to still have a job but geez I'd be looking around at what else is available.

Good luck boys and girls. May the force be with you but it looks like it isn't.

Boeing Belly 26th Feb 2002 02:21

Hey Junior, I wouldn't worry about other peoples management if I was you, you've only seen yours during the good times, wait till the temperature rises and see what you think!

Keg 26th Feb 2002 03:02

LOL. You mean the last five years or so of Asian Economic crisis, rabid competition in the domestic market, wage freezes etc have been good times old timer?

Oh well, I won't bother with feelings of empathy anymore, its wasted on idiots. Have a nice year BB.

[ 25 February 2002: Message edited by: Keg ]</p>

Boeing Belly 26th Feb 2002 03:29

Not to mention over a billion dollars of tax-payer funded debt write-off, being "given" a complete domestic operation, Ansett being forced to compete Internationally with one hand tied behind it's back, Government running interference during the SQ/AirNZ negtiations etc, etc.. .If you spent less time with your "Learn Latin in Two Days" handbook, and more time avoiding condescending comments, I wouldn't have to listen to Qantas Captains at barbecues complain about a certain imature F/O.. .Lets see what you think of Dixon when he announces AWAS will crew Australin Airlines. Oh, I'm sorry, he told you you'd be doing it, I forgot!

Keg 26th Feb 2002 03:43

Relax BB, it's just the internet.

Whats the matter, you like to dish it out but don't like it coming back? And you have the hide to insinuate that I'm immature. I don't mind dishing it out occaisionally but at least I accept that I have to take it as well.

Most blokes who claim to 'know' me would base that on comments on Qrewroom and nothing else. Hardly a fountain of undisputed truth.

Besides, since you've been known to criticise QF techies for thinking too much of themselves, I'm surprised to hear that you would believe them on this point. Isn't that called confirmation bias? (Learnt that reading my CRM book whilst on a break from my 'Learn Latin in two days' book)

What is it exactly? I don't keep my trap shut because I'm 'just a First Officer'? Or is my opinion not as valued as someones who has been around the industry for decades. At least I'm prepared to have an opinion (and back it up) or would you prefer that I bow to over bearing and aggressive dills?

Send me an email BB, we'll get together for a beer. Geez, I may even learn something from you.

PS: I'm touched that you ask QF drivers who 'Keg' is!

[ 25 February 2002: Message edited by: Keg ]</p>

ftrplt 26th Feb 2002 03:43

BB, Dixon wont be making any announcement on the crewing of Australian Airlines; he isnt the boss!

Boeing Belly 26th Feb 2002 03:50

Not in name anyway.. .Keg, you're quite wrong that I can give it but don't like getting it back. I keep coming back for more don't I!!

MIss Behaviour 26th Feb 2002 06:24

Boeing Belly if you hate Skippy so much what on earth are you doing throwing a snag on the barbie with QF Captains? <img src="confused.gif" border="0">

knackered 26th Feb 2002 06:30

Deadline doubts for Ansett bid

By Darren Goodsir, Transport Writer

Sydney Morning Herald - Tuesday, February 26, 2002

Ansett's bid to fly with new owners by Thursday's deadline appeared to be in disarray last night - with air safety authorities unable to get an assurance on when the crucial operator's certificate could be transferred.

In order to effect a seamless shift of ownership, the Civil Aviation Safety Authority needs to be told this morning that the Tesna syndicate has sealed the deal.

But it is believed that while Tesna has told CASA it is still "unambiguously committed" to buying the airline's core operations, it could not indicate when the four-day countdown could be started - meaning the deadline set by the administrators can not be met.

A spokesman for CASA refused to comment on the negotiations, but confirmed there had been no official approach.

"We are ready to start the paperwork processing as soon as we get that approach," the spokesman said.

The administrators, Mark Mentha and Mark Korda, only have the approval of creditors to absorb losses of more than $1 million a day until Friday.

The sale was originally due to be completed on January 31.

Although in-principle agreements have been reached with key third parties, including aircraft leasing firms and Sydney Airport, contracts have yet to be signed.

If Thursday night's deadline cannot be met, as looks almost certain, the Tesna syndicate, headed by Solomon Lew and Lindsay Fox, will be called on by the administrators to meet these running costs themselves - or risk the airline again being grounded.

The doubts over the airline's relaunch escalated yesterday in the Federal Court, with a hearing aimed at approving the sale being adjourned for the third time.

Another hearing is not likely to be held before Thursday.

Counsel representing the administrators, Simon Whelan, QC, told the court matters had not really advanced in the past week.

While the administrators had reached an agreement with Tesna, there were problems confirming the deal in writing, he said. These same difficulties applied to third parties.

After the hearing, Mr Korda - who confirmed the administrators would not keep running the airline alone beyond Thursday night - said he remained confident the sale would still proceed.

The Tesna syndicate's difficulties have grown worse since the breakdown in merger talks with Virgin Blue on Friday night.

It cleared the way for a three-way dual for market share. Qantas's chief executive, Geoff Dixon, predicted only two carriers would be able to carry on for more than a year.

Virgin Blue's chief executive, Brett Godfrey - who rejected a takeover offer of about $500 million from Tesna - said at the weekend that the syndicate wanted to fold 1500 staff into the budget airline's operations.

It also wanted to retain a full-service component, something Virgin Blue rejected for commercial reasons. Tesna plans to fly 29 aircraft on 11 routes between eight cities.

Arctaurus 26th Feb 2002 06:49

When will the press and some contributors finally get the message that the Federal Court appearance has nothing, repeat nothing to do with the contract of sale between TESNA and the Administrators.

The "fat lady" is somewhat bemused by the antics of others, but says she has no intention of making an appearance this week.

Apparently she has a "to be confirmed" booking with Virgin Airlines sometime in the next six months. This particular appearance will require a deft tickling of the tonsils as the audience will include many who have seen some of her previous performances in 1989 and the early 1990's.

Her main hits include "I did what I did for the AFAP", "The Compass Song", and "Feeling Blue" :)

Boeing Belly 26th Feb 2002 07:05

I don't hate Qantas, that's a ridiculous statement. I don't "hate" Virgin either. I was merely pointing out to the very condescending Keg a few historical facts. I have one family member and many friends in QF. Also many friends at Virgin.

Keg 26th Feb 2002 08:13

Geez, that has to be the pot calling the kettle black! :)

Whiskery 26th Feb 2002 08:16

[quote]Her main hits include "I did what I did for the AFAP", "The Compass Song", and "Feeling Blue"


and the concert wouldn't be complete without the grande finale, sung by the two Marks (backed up by the FLEW Big Band),of that Judy Garland classic -

"Somewhere Over The Rainbow".

Home Brew 26th Feb 2002 08:24

Her Grand Finale will be the popular hit song "ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING"!! <img src="tongue.gif" border="0">

I Fly 26th Feb 2002 09:04

Something I have been wondering for some time. SACL, BAL, CAL, HOXAL etc. 'standard' lease terms are: If your lease expires, terminates or is taken off you - you can remove your improvements. If you can't remove them, they will keep them free of charge. My question is "who owns he Sydney buldings now". Second question " will the rest of us get similar treatment when we are in the poo. Third question. The airports Act is supposed to have something along the lines that "no airline can own more than 5% of an Airport" Who owns Essendon 100%? Will we get the same deal?

Kanga767 26th Feb 2002 09:24

A few hits from Madonna's album "True blue"

. .Think about it.......

rescue 1 26th Feb 2002 11:04

[quote] Third question. The airports Act is supposed to have something along the lines that "no airline can own more than 5% of an Airport" Who owns Essendon 100%? Will we get the same deal? <hr></blockquote>

And not to mention Avalon.. .However, Legislation passed allowing this relationship for Tesna.

Wayne Birch 26th Feb 2002 16:42

I am amazed at some of the contributors to this forum.. .Am I the only one who sees what is happening with Ansett, absolutely nothing. FLEW have not been on TV reassuring everyone that they will complete the purchase. Nothing is happening other than the administraors losing millions of former employees money.. .FLEW are clever are'nt they. They are using employee's entitlements to buy their own airline.. .They stalled the sale to save millions. That's not clever business practise, that's being mongrels using other people's money.. .Watch out you guy's, imagine what it will be like to work for them when the times are tough.. .Note: Virgin has a huge war chest and half the cost structure of Ansett, but they are not the one's you should be worried about. They are in a different market to Ansett. It is Qantas that will destroy you. Can you see that or are you blinded by what is happening, absolutely nothing.

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