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Guest 112233 3rd Nov 2016 10:57

Beagle ?
Its beginning to look like a hardware fault. Is there any possibility of a motherboard replacement if woth the cost. How old is the kit ? If it came with Win 8.1 it cannot be that old.


BEagle 3rd Nov 2016 12:59

I bought it in July 2014 - it's never been particularly good though.

The chaps in the shop agreed that it isn't working properly, in fact one of them said it was "possessed"! So it's gone back for another repair attempt...

Due back in a week's time; if it's still slow I'll be asking to replace it with something else as it's under extended warranty until July 2019. I had a play with a couple of similarly-spec'd laptops in the store today and they were lightning fast in comparison!

Loose rivets 4th Nov 2016 00:06

Rushing for hospital, but BE, if I can be of help later, I'd be pleased to do so. I can't recall, has it gon an SSD? If standard type, it might be possible to put a loaner in and see if it runs. Drivers won't matter for the most part.

I put my stray W10 into a laptop and it ran well apart from no fuction numbers set up. It would do a test.

BEagle 5th Nov 2016 20:24

That's kind of you, but there's no data on the laptop which isn't backed-up elsewhere - so if Knowhow can't fix it, I'll be after a replacement...including the Office and McAfee programs which were included in the original deal, plus my remaining Knowhow cloud and care plan subscription time.

BEagle 10th Nov 2016 14:55

The saga continues! Went to collect it today, only to find that they'd reloaded Win8.1 yet again after an 'operating system corrupt' fault. Of course the greasy finger marks were added again and it looked like someone had wiped the screen with a wet cloth :mad:

So now they're going to have yet another attempt at reinstalling Win10 plus all associated updates. I'm due to collect it on Saturday afternoon...

Prophead 11th Nov 2016 13:45

Ever since installing Windows 10 my Laptop has been running really hot. The fan was going constantly and things were slowing down. It seemed as if there was something always running in the background. Sometimes it wouldn't even go into sleep mode when I closed the lid, just keep running and getting hotter. When I lookend at task manager my hard drive would be running 100% and be in red.

I eventually found out the fix and it has transformed my laptop. It now runs much faster and cooler plus it goes into sleep mode properly and starts quicker. My hard drive went straight from 100% to 5%.

It was all down to the window notification setting. If you go to settings/system/notifications and turn them off then it makes a big difference.

BEagle 13th Nov 2016 11:47

That's a useful tip, prophead!

Well, I went to CurrysPCWorldDigitalDixonsComet yesterday to collect the ailing laptop...

It took ages to boot up, then the very helpful and knowledgeable Knowhow assistant ran some form of performance test using a program on a USB stick which he had with him. But when he opened a browser, the whole thing froze and the cursor disappeared - "That's what you've been getting, I guess?", he asked. When I told him it was, he wrote out another ticket, recommending that it should now be written-off and that I should receive a credit voucher towards a new system - I'll know the result in a few days time.

I was also told that only 2Gb of RAM and a 2 core processor won't really cope with Win10 'Anniversary' upgrade - plus all the kiddies' toys that it includes. Thank you so VERY much, Micro$oft...:(

Loose rivets 13th Nov 2016 14:40

Hopefully it will have more to do with the low memory than the dual core . . . he said, questioningly.

le Pingouin 14th Nov 2016 03:26

Who recommended you buy a system with 2GB of RAM in the first place? That was never going to be much chop as a general use system. Fine for very basic and limited use but not if you're wanting to do more than light browsing and e-mail.

I doubt it was either of those Rivets - sounds more like a hardware issue.

Booglebox 14th Nov 2016 04:54

I remember when I got a computer with 2gb RAM. I opened every application on it at once just because I could.
An SSD-equipped multi-core PC with 2gb RAM is fine for lots of things, as long as you aren't using a memory-hungry browser.

BEagle 20th Nov 2016 15:27

Well, it seems that CurrysPCWorldDigitalDixonsComet weren't prepared to write it off, so back I went yesterday to collect it - with its new hard drive.

"It still has Win8.1, please re-install Win10!"

"Certainly sir - should only take 30-40 min"

So I went for a wander around the store. Lots of very nice toys!

40 min later it was still updating...

1:40 later it was still updating...

2:40 later it had done its initial Win10 update, but was downloading yet more Win10 updates...and had been at 33% for about 30 min.

"Do you want to take it and let it keep updating, sir?"

"No - I'd like you to check the update and make sure everything is OK, then ring me to let me know when it's ready"

"Certainly, sir"

So we'll see how it goes this week...:\

FlightDetent 20th Nov 2016 15:55

Sounds like all they did was pass it around the departments, eventually overwriting the drive with the original factory disk image, hoping for the problem to go away... Not what I'd call expert work, but that's semantics. Well, wait - that's how you actually fight with possesed objects :)

Needless to say, as long as everything is backed up and you stand a fair chance of getting a decent new unit as a replacement, you went to the best place. Based on your description of their approach to the upgrade towards W10, that ending is surely coming soon.

BEagle 25th Nov 2016 14:17

The saga continues....

Even CurrysPCWorldDigitalDixonsComet's resident computer guru couldn't get the laptop to work acceptably with Win10 'anniversary' and all its updates, so he contacted the head office and they've agreed to exchange it.

So I'll be getting a 11.6" laptop with RAM extension from 2GB to 8GB and a 64GB SD card to eliminate the need to store anything much on the C-drive. Plus Antivirus, Windows 365 and an extended warranty. With all the current promotions, plus a pro rata refund for the unused part of the extended care plan for the old laptop, in the end I'll probably be up about £5 on the whole deal...:ok:

(Apart from the cost of the petrol used for 7 visits to the store, that is!)

I was due to collect it today once they'd done the RAM extension, but they rang to apologise and told me that the wrong type had been sent - the laptop has a single layer RAM slot and the extension module was 2 x 4GB. So I could either have it today with 1 x 4GB, or wait until the middle of next week for a single layer 8GB module. I've chosen the latter option.

Hope it'll be worth the wait though!

parabellum 26th Nov 2016 03:17

Are you happy with Office 365 BEagle? I believe it is a 'cloud' based system and requires a hefty renewal fee each year. I've stuck with Office 7 and 10.

BEagle 26th Nov 2016 13:27

parabellum, I think it works out at about £8 per month for Office365.

You can store documents in a 'cloud' if you wish, or just keep them on the computer. Neither do you need to be on-line to use it, although it makes sense to do so every so often, in order to receive the free upgrades.

I'm quite happy with Office 2007 on this laptop, but the equivalent 2016 version costs nearly £200.

BEagle 5th Dec 2016 15:13

All's good that ends well, but....
I finally collected the Acer Aspire ES1-131 with 8GB RAM extension on Saturday evening - and it's a nice little device, being so light and compact.

Then came yesterday and a bit of a faff installing McAfee. I'd actually been sold an extra year's extension to my existing protection, whereas I thought it was a new and different product - so it wouldn't install. But after contacting McAfee's excellent Indian-based customer support, they sorted it all out and all seems fine now.

Another Win10 update then followed - together with an alert that the machine was running low on memory...:(

Today I tried to install Office365, but couldn't do so as I didn't have enough free disk space. Huh? There's nothing saved on it yet... But I was able to get through to Currys PC World and they explained why. It seems that Dear Uncle Bill's Win10 updates save previous Windows versions to the C-drive, so as it was only 32 GB in the first place, it was almost full. They explained how to sort this - you click on the Start button, type 'clear' and that takes you to the disk clear up application, which calculates how much space you can gain. When it has opened, click again on 'clean up system files' and it'll do another scan. When the music stops, scroll down to 'old windows versions' or something like that - tick the box and delete. That gained me nearly 10 GB of disk space, so I was then able to download and install Office365...and yet more Win10 updates.

Currys PC World have been very polite and helpful throughout - and it's great to have a lightweight back-up computer again!

Graywallis 6th Dec 2016 18:19

I read BEagle's rant and have a solution. I had exactly the same problem with my HP 10-e011sa with exactly the same symptons. The solution turned out to be some nitwit at MicroSoft who has designated the display driver for this machine with W10 as being from AMD/Radeon version of September 16 this year. If you delete the driver it briefly (15 minutes or so) works exactly as it should with a Generic uSoft display driver. However after ~15 minutes correct operation, W10 decides it needs the 'Correct' driver and re-installs the dodgy version from AMD. The actual solution is to then 'Roll-Back' the driver to the previous version from uSoft and it should continue to work correctly. (I have had 2 weeks good operation since my remedial action.) The run-around from Currys/PCW/etc just goes to show their general incompetence. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3073930 goes some way towards explaining why the Roll-Back works over the driver deletion.

BEagle 7th Dec 2016 09:57

That's interesting! I did actually mention that the AMD update seemed to be causing issues, but they told me that the AMD website would identify whether I had the correct driver. So I tried that and it told me that I had the correct driver - obviously that was the problem as clearly I hadn't as you state.

Still, I far prefer the Acer Aspire ES1-131 to the HP 10-e011sa - especially since it has cost me nothing apart from several trips to Oxford!

Surely the real issue is Microsoft not checking to ensure that their updates are fully compatible with consumers' devices?

Graywallis 7th Dec 2016 10:54

I am trying to alert Microsoft just now as I quite like having all my updates 'up-to-date'. Your description, including 'Thread stuck in device driver', matched my PC symptoms exactly and I have tried an awful lot of variations to solve it. This included completely dismembering the thing and disconnecting mousepad and keyboard, replaced by USB equivalent and even a close examination of the motherboard using a jewelers loupe. I even purchased some mini fans (5V) in the hope that it might just be a lack of cooling. It is now running with an SSD instead of HDD and although the operation is definitely not up to current speeds is more than enough for what I want as a portable travelling PC.
Currently the OEM no longer controls which drivers are used for their products on W10, the responsibility having been devolved to (taken by) Microsoft. When the OEM had control then at least they had a commercial interest for a while in maintaining their product.

Savanna Dry 11th Dec 2016 09:59

Sorry if this has already been asked but I can't read through due to very weak 3G.

Just doing first backup on new laptop (4 weeks old). Went to control panel in Win 10 and it shows: 'Back up and Restore (Windows 7). Why please? It seems to be running OK.

Bushfiva 11th Dec 2016 12:30

That backup and restore option is compatible with Windows 7 backups. So you can continue to backup to Windows 7-style sets and, more importantly, you can restore data from Windows 7 sets.

The normal backup method for Windows 10 is Filehistory, and there are a bazillion third-party solutions of course.

Mac the Knife 11th Dec 2016 20:45

Well, I've now lived with my Win10 upgrade and subsequent reinstall for 2 months and I'm still finding niggling problems and fixing them. I HAVE considered buying a new boot drive (I always keep my profile & data on a separate drive) and doing a total reinstall from scratch, but I seem to have finally managed to get things sorted out.

For all it's touted robustness, you have to be VERY careful doing non-standard things to the OS and the upgrade process really doesn't work too well, leaving an enormous amount of dross in the system, which Windows10 doesn't clean up.

As some of you may have discovered, Win10 no longer has the Media Centre, yet leaves all sorts of references to it in the Registry and boot process. To have a clean system all this has to be removed by hand, with lots of system images made at every turn of the way, in case of some weird regression.

DISM just plain doesn't work. The syntax varies, depending on which genius on the MS Technet wrote in his/her little bit, which is worrying.

The Recovery Environment didn't have winre.wim in it, so until I had extracted it from the iso and replaced it I couldn't even make a System Recovery disk.

All in all an irritating and frustrating experience, though I have learned quite a bit about the system internals of Win10.

It all just reinforces my belief that in Windows at least, upgrades just don't work cleanly.

Bit different from Linux, where you can swap kernels on the fly...

kexec -l /boot/new-kernel --initrd=/boot/new-initrd --reuse-cmdline kexec -e

But my old mobo, though it does have AHCI, can only handle HDDs/SDDs
at 300Gbs rather than the 600Gbs that they're capable of,
so I'm still I/O bound and the dual core CPU is starting to show it's age.

Time to dig into the savings and build myself another vehicle.


Guest 112233 11th Dec 2016 23:21

Reply to:Mack The Knife.
I'm a Linux (64 Bit Ubuntu 16.04) user with an old Quad Core Intel® Core™2 Quad CPU Q8200 @ 2.33GHz × 4 + GeForce GT 610/PCIe/SSE2 Graphics Processor. + 8 Gig of DDR2 800Mhz RAM. Old DG451 M Board. (As posted on Jet Blast) - The limiting factor for this ancient bit of Kit is both the Memory and I/O controller Temperatures.

AHCL is set in the bios: The little (500 MB) Raptor SATA 1 HDD & Toshiba Red 3TB (Sata 1) disks are I/O limited. (Running temps 29 & 30 Deg C even under load)

In the right (modern motherboard SATA III) environment even disks like these can give great results, the 3TB can even now; give burst reads in excess of 200 MB a second on the kit described & great for internal imaging.

In your circumstances I would keep the SSD/HDD combination and re build the MB and CPU from new with careful attention to RAM Specs.

To complicate things I think Win 10 will have to be re validated.

Please post your progress as I'm finding Windows 7 & 8.1 updates on a variety of my kit to be increasingly problematic.


wrenchalot 11th Dec 2016 23:48

Went out to my computer store today for different things, and took the opportunity to ask about all the issues with W10.
He told me that all the issues are related to upgrading or downloading of W10 while on W7 or whatever you've got running.
Their free upgrade caused all these problems.
The solution is to uninstall W7, THEN install W10 from scratch; doing that he said, is the key; W10 works great then.
Hope this helps someone.
Good luck.

oldpax 11th Dec 2016 23:52

You would think that by Win10 the microsoft whiz kids would have perfected their software by now.Do the forumites think MS is working on Win 11 at this moment?

gemma10 12th Dec 2016 08:56

Yep they`re working on W11, and for W10 users there will be a box at the bottom right hand corner that states "If you do not want to install W11 click here.":E

BEagle 12th Dec 2016 13:39

gemma10, I sincerely hope you're joking...:uhoh:

andytug 12th Dec 2016 13:47

Looks like another W10 update issue here Busted Windows 8, 10 update blamed for breaking Brits' DHCP ? The Register

Graywallis 12th Dec 2016 17:32

Wrenchalot is correct. I now have a completely fresh install of W10 replacing the W8 upgrade to W10. Much better operation, especially since AMD have got round to producing a display driver dated 4th Dec 2016 which actually works.
I thought the whole idea of W10 was that we wouldn't get another version....

Guest 112233 12th Dec 2016 20:50

Re the Reg.
I've read the article: and the associated comments - There's a problem with DHCP re the language.

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is to my knowledge; used to allocate internal node IP addresses locally by your router within the domain of your local LAN.

The article seems to relate to problems with ISP allocation of router external internet facing WAN (wide area network addresses) to their population of issued user paying customers.

The article is ambiguous: and requires better explanation.


MG23 13th Dec 2016 02:59

No. The article says that Windows machines can't get DHCP addresses from the routers any more. Presumably Microsoft pushed out an update without testing it properly which has broken DHCP requests to those routers for some reason.

It's almost as though laying off thousands of QA staff a year or two back was a bad idea.

ExXB 13th Dec 2016 12:32

From the Beeb:
Microsoft has also offered guidance to those experiencing difficulties.

"Some customers using Windows 10 have reported difficulties connecting to the internet," said a spokeswoman for Microsoft.

"As a first step, we recommend customers restart their PCs.

"If this does not resolve the problem, visit our website for further support."
If this is the best they can suggest, visiting their web sight when unable to connect to the internet, I would recommend upgrading to a Mac.

Guest 112233 13th Dec 2016 12:45

to MG & ExXB
MG: Thanks I will re read the article.

ExXB. In suggesting the Users contact their Software support. I think Microsoft have realised that, given the spectacular performance of Win 10; Users have already bought alternative hardware, are secretly Apple/Linux users or do not live alone.



Win 10 is beginning to look like Vista with Bells on. In trying to develop an Operating System and its associated interface, that works across a variety of platforms (ARM Versions coming soon), in combination with the sacking a large proportion of their QA/QC in house staff, Microsoft have, in some respects; over reached their technical ability to provide a functioning O/S.

There are too many unknowns with Win 10 and using their customer base as a set of beta Testers has been a terrible mistake.

Mac the Knife 13th Dec 2016 19:31

Thanks CAT III!

My Linux and BSD rigs never give me so much bother - problems are much easier to fix without that G'damned registry. And as for the Mac - 'nuff sed.

Now to find a decent midrange mobo (with plenty of slots) and a corresponding quad-core CPU.

Any ideas?


Mac :cool:

Guest 112233 13th Dec 2016 23:03

Mac the Knife
I have this evening updated the 8.1( Borrowed PC) a Dell 5500 not my antique Win 7.Vostro - It consumed 320 + Megabytes with the download commencing at about 19.20 Z - updated quickly 40 mins total including the requisite "Star Thrower" logo restart. Twice

Anti Vir Scan (commenced 20.20 Z after (C-Cleaner Scan) finished 23.52 Z (On batteries - Mains P/S on loan to Neighbour W10 Person) - Norton of course. 830K plus files processed.

This beast (I7 early model is well behaved) - In all honesty there's more to life.

Watch the W10 forums tomorrow/ sorry today. CAT III

Edit: BEagle I'm afraid the stories about a W11 may be true !

Sue Ridgepipe 15th Dec 2016 00:26

Has anyone been able to run the Airbus PDP using Windows 10? It's not working for me now, and I'm not sure if it's Windows or something else with my computer that's stopping it.

BEagle 15th Dec 2016 05:32

With all the problems Microsoft has inflicted on consumers with the execrable Windows 8, marginally less rubbish Win 8.1 and now the bloated made-for-childrens'-toys Windows 10, is it any surprise that the European market share for Win 10 fell in September, whereas the share for Win 7 increased...??

Out of interest, does anyone over the age of about 14 use that 'Cortana' nonsense?

Guest 112233 15th Dec 2016 10:05

Thanks BEagle
Market Share by Operating System by a sampling of Internet usage.

This is a statistical sampling of O.S usage by internet traffic share and has therefore to be treated as a guide. It must be treated as a sampling metric not an absolute count of users.


I have no connection with the organisation. I only use the free data provided.

CAT III [edit: The data is for desktops in my posted link, so you may need edit the options - It is a subscription service unfortunately]

FullOppositeRudder 16th Dec 2016 02:30

Interesting to observe that one of Australia's most popular low cost computer supply chains is still offering Windows 7 Professional as an OEM option, and at a marginally higher price than the W 10 equivalent .....

Bushfiva 16th Dec 2016 02:36

Windows 10 Pro comes with downgrade rights to Windows 7 Pro, though it can be a bit of a hassle depending on the manufacturer.

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